Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 8: Active attack

The eighth chapter takes the initiative to attack the ice paper, a piece of white.

The weather is still cold, but here there is a sudden burst of fog that is not very dense.

The fog on the ice sea is quite rare, even if these sacred kings who have lived in the ice sea for many years have not seen it several times. However, the power of the heavens and the earth is now changing abnormally, especially in the hundreds of miles away. It is a huge force that is unimaginable.

In such an environment, let alone a little more - thick fog, even if the ice of the entire ice sea is completely melted, it seems that it can be calmly accepted by these sacred kings.

Within the ice sea, there are countless powerful beasts, and their struggles often leave huge marks on the ice, but no matter how many ice surfaces they can break, they will re-solidify the next day.

However, perhaps because of the many cracks and coincidences, the ice lips here are not smooth, and the tall ice walls that have passed over three feet are everywhere on the ice.

No sacred king will go to shut down, c these things, for them, as long as one foot stepped on, these ice walls will become some ice slag, these things are not worthy of their glance at all.

However, it is precisely because of these sporadic and irregular ice walls that He Yiming and others have gradually become close to here.

Following He Yiming's back, everyone saw an admirable color in his eyes.

He Yizhen, he has already mobilized the power of the surrounding world by his own strength, and has begun to release a huge thick fog, gradually covering this area.

Although these thick fogs are far from reaching the top of the Ghost Ridge, "their role is still unimaginable."

The five top powerhouses surrounded the Kirin Lord and the Kirin Beast in the middle, and the five-line flow in their small range around the week completely covered the scorpion's suffocation.

Their movements are neat and uniform, as if they have been matched numerous times, and they are skillful and jaw-dropping.

He Yiming can imagine that more than a year ago, together they did not know how many times they had been negotiating and practicing, they would have achieved such an accomplishment today.

In this thick fog, Jimo Fanshu took the lead, and the route he chose was simple and straightforward but quite concealed. He Yiming, who is behind him, said that although he did not say it in his mouth, he still admired his heart and carefully recorded the route he had passed. He carefully observed the surrounding environment and wanted to understand why he was here. Find the most suitable road in the complex terrain.

In this way, after this sneak sneak for three full hours, they finally came to the thirties of the sacred kings.

When I arrived at this place, even if it was Gimfanfan, I would not dare to move again.

The spirit of the sacred beasts is so strong that they even need to be above human beings. If it is a person like Jimo Fanshu, he still has the confidence to continue to approach, but at this time there are a large number of human masters, he does not believe that those behind him are Has his hidden way of doing things. Especially in the middle of the ice laughter and other people, there is a big tired unicorn beast.

If you can continue to advance the words of these sacred beasts, then Jimo Fanshu feels that if they are not idiots, then these sacred kings are idiots.

Slowly turned back, even in the fog, everyone can still see the bright eyes between each other.

There are eleven sacred beastmasters, and no one has ever hoped that they will be able to wipe them out, but they all have a consensus, how much can be eliminated, and how much will be eliminated.

It is better to break the finger of the ten fingers, and only to kill it on the spot can only reduce the pressure in the future.

Ice laughs slowly raises his hand. His hand seems to be of great weight. Anyone knows that when this hand is swung, it will be their time.

In the distance, a sacred king of the sacred sorcerer writhed his body uneasy and seemed to be aware of something.

However, in its eyes, in addition to the **** fog, there is no other suspicious place. However, with its wisdom, it is impossible to guess that these fogs are not naturally formed, but are manipulated by others.

Because He Yiming's really powerful place is that he did not release the infuriating power, but only motivated the power of heaven and earth to complete this change.

At this time, when the power of the heavens and the earth is fluctuating violently, no one can detect the flaws.

However, this sacred beast, like a giant lizard, is more and more uneasy. It finally raises its head and wants a roar to remind its companions.

Its mouth is open and deeply sucked, and the cold gas that is unique to the North Sea floods into its chest and lungs, making its body full of vitality.

However, it did not know, just at the moment when it began to inhale, in the fog, someone’s palm had been heavily swung down...

The murderous, suffocating, suddenly appeared nearby, and the overwhelming rush came.

The fast, dazzling figure slammed through the air and clung to the unguarded kings of the sacred beasts. The light and power that represents death are waving fast in this area. Wherever they have just passed, a huge **** rain suddenly splashes.

The King of the Beast, who was waiting to be sung, had just breathed a sigh of cold air, but when he couldn’t wait for this breath to spit out, he saw a strange color in front of the 7 eyes.

This is a bright light and a darkness.

This is the power of light and darkness, and it is a great force that is more than a single god.

The sacred king screamed with a huge neck, and the sound that his mouth was about to eject became a cold, cold air. It seemed to want to block this piece of fear that it feared with his own breath.

However, it was very quick to see, because in front of it, this magical power broke through its breath, and around this power, it seems that even the space began to faintly fluctuate.

It anticipates the danger ahead of time and makes the quickest response, but unfortunately its strength is not enough to withstand this dangerous invasion.

The huge lizard roared, and its huge body became so dexterous at this moment, doubting whether it was a huge sacred king or a small wild cat.

But when it tried every means to escape the impact of that strange power, its eyes burst open.

An arrogant force has penetrated deeply from its eyes, and quickly penetrated its head and flew out from the other side of the ear.

The lizard sacred king swayed his body in an effort, as if to prove that it had not died.

However, the power of light and darkness turned a shackle in the air, just like a huge rag, and suddenly wrapped its swaying head.

The power of light instantly shines through the entire area.

When the power of light and darkness disappeared from the body of the lizard, the head of the sacred beast had completely disappeared, leaving only one crystal clear inner glory shining.

He Yiming took a deep breath, and he was also doing his best at this moment. The power of light and darkness, the way of the gods, the sword of Aurora and the advantage of the raid, he was not pushed to the extreme.

This is the first time he has done a hit with the help of a white horse thunderbolt. Although he had already had a hunch before the shot, he still had the s1 that killed the sacred king. A feeling of relief.

With a strange look, He Yiming’s eyes lit up.

Perhaps it was because of his excitement, perhaps because of the prior commitment, these old-fashioned humanity peaks who kept their hands at all times, finally took out their efforts at the bottom of the box.

Just as he solved the short number of lizards and sacred beasts, the seven people and one beast have already killed the four sacred beasts very directly.

The original eleven sacred beasts fell in half in an instant, and at the same time, the powerful murderousness was surging, covering the entire area.

The power of the gods of each department swayed like this at the moment, and in order to accomplish the set goals, they all used the final pressure at the bottom of the box.

Only the powerful power of God can easily pierce the hard skin and scales of these sacred kings. Only the powerful power of God can shake their internal organs into flesh, only powerful gods. The power of the body can break their heads and break their bodies.

When the strongest of human beings release all the power of God without reservation, even if they are the mighty king of the beast, they will not be able to resist as long as they do not have the blood of the beast.

The remaining six sacred kings do not say that they immediately sneak away. They are as fast as lightning, running on ice, or sneaking in the water. In their eyes, there is no more pride and self-esteem of the sacred king. . Under the invading forces, they chose not to hesitate to escape.

He Yiming screamed and shouted, and he had turned into a ray of light to chase a certain sacred beast king on the ice.

The lord of the unicorn smiles coldly, and squats on the body of the unicorn This old can not be old, the old cockroach can rejuvenate at this moment, chasing away in a different direction.

Gimfanfan’s body shape has already sneaked into the sea like a fish, and he has not seen it for a moment.

Ice Futian five people look at each other and smile. Although they also have powerful strength, they have self-knowledge. If it is in terms of degree, it is not the enemy of these holy beasts.

They clicked each other and they were divided into two groups, chasing the unicorn lord and the jilufan.

As for He Yiming, no one has taken a look at his direction.

After a quarter of an hour, the people returned one after another, and there were eight more specific bodies of the Holy Beastmaster on the ground.

Among them, He Yiming's performance is the most eye-catching. He even succeeded in killing two holy beasts even after the five-ring ring has not been used.

However, at this time, everyone’s face is still not very good-looking, because they know that in the next time, they will attract a more powerful sacred beast, and these guys in the North Sea will never give them any initiative. Opportunity.

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