Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 96 Toast (How long will it take to welcome the first deacon of this book~)

In the small yard at home, Chen Erya was eagerly watching Chen Pingan come back. As soon as Chen Pingan entered the door, the little girl jumped up.

"Brother, you are back!"

"Yes." Chen Pingan nodded: "Nanny, go to bed early. You don't have to wait for me to arrive so late next time."

Chen Erya said with a smile: "I won't be able to sleep until my brother comes back."

The brother and sister laughed and chatted for a few words, and Chen Pingan began to work hard in the evening.

Since the completion of the Locust Stone, he has had more time to practice the Gongmen Thirteen Swordsman and the Thirteen Taibao Henglian. He is now at the fourth level of Qi and blood, and his physical strength and endurance have been greatly improved.

He can practice the Gongmen Thirteen Swords four times in the morning and six times in the evening. Normally, one day is 10 points of practice experience.

Compared with this, the efficiency of the Thirteen Taibao horizontal training is lower. During the day, he can practice two or three times during the day, depending on the situation. After completing the Locust Stone, you can also practice the Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Exercise at night.

Although he has been promoted to Chatou, Chen Pingan's practice has not stopped.

In this world, strength is the foundation!

If you want to protect your family, live a dignified life, and not look at other people's faces, then practice hard!

"According to the current progress of cultivation, in at most three days, the Thirteen Swordsmen of Gongmen will be completely perfected. By then..."


The sword flashed, and Chen Pingan stopped what he was doing.

"I will be able to break through to the fifth level of qi and blood refining the internal organs!"

The five layers of qi and blood refine the internal organs, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and strengthen the five internal organs. Once you are successful in refining your internal organs, you can greatly slow down the natural law of Qi and blood decay. By then, even if the warrior is seventy or eighty years old, he will still have 80% to 90% of the combat power of his heyday.


After being promoted to the position of Chatou, Chen Ping'an really discovered that, let alone being a Chatou is not satisfying enough, it is even more satisfying than you can imagine.

For example, Qin Tou needs to find a good place to hide in a busy place to avoid being discovered and to avoid being caught. But like Chaotou, there is no such concern at all. You can have fun and relax in Chatou public house openly and openly.

As long as there are no special events, the difference is still very comfortable. On weekdays, just by talking and assigning people, the work is done.

Throughout the day, Chen Pingan practiced the Thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises three times. I have successfully accumulated 3 points of practice experience, and am one step closer to becoming the Thirteen Taibao.

"I want to see what medicine Zheng Zhenwu is selling in his gourd!"

Tonight is the day when Zheng Zhenwu holds a banquet at Chunyu Tower to apologize.

It was said that he was apologizing, but no one knew what Zheng Zhen was thinking and whether there was any conspiracy.

But no matter what Zheng Zhenwu thinks in his heart, with Chen Ping'an's now perfect strength, he is no longer afraid of ordinary challenges.


"Chen Chatou, please."

In the private room on the second floor of Chunyu Building, Zheng Zhenwu invited Chen Pingan to take a seat with a smile on his face.

"Zheng Chatou." Chen Pingan responded calmly and took his seat calmly.

In the private room, Zheng Zhenwu was not the only one, Zheng Shiyong was also there.

"Chen Chatou, this is Zheng's useless nephew." Zheng Zhenwu introduced with a smile: "Shiyong, you still haven't apologized to Chen Chatou."

"Yes, yes, yes." At this time, Zheng Shiyong looked down and down, slightly bent over, holding the wine glass with both hands.

"Chen Chatou. All the mistakes he made were Shi Yong's fault. It was Shi Yong who was too blind to see the truth. Your Excellency, you don't care about the faults of villains, so please spare Shi Yong."

After saying that, Zheng Shiyong picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Chen Pingan's face was expressionless and showed no movement.

"Chen Chatou, Shi Yong is still young and immature. If I offended you in any way before, please don't take offense." Zheng Zhenwu picked up the wine pot and poured wine for Chen Pingan himself.

"Not only Shiyong, but also Zheng, who has been offended many times before, please let Chen Chatou Haihan."

Zheng Zhenwu drank a glass of wine down his throat with great generosity.

Chen Pingan said nothing and looked at Zheng Zhenwu quietly.

"Look at me, I was so anxious to apologize that I forgot about it." Zheng Zhenwu apologized, took out a wooden box from his arms, and pushed it in front of Chen Pingan. "A little kindness, please accept it, Chen Chatou."

Zheng Zhenwu opened the wooden box for Chen Pingan very thoughtfully.

After taking a look, Chen Ping'an couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

Inside the wooden box, ten golden ingots lay neatly.

It's gold!

Not silver!

Although this gold ingot is not big, one ingot is equivalent to three taels.

Ten ingots, that’s a full thirty taels!

Thirty taels of gold is equivalent to three hundred taels of silver.

This price is more than enough to buy a comfortable three-entry courtyard in Nanquanli Lane.

Even if it is a small difference, it will take ten to twenty years to accumulate just the monthly salary.

Zheng Zhenwu is indeed an extremely experienced leader, and this move was extremely arrogant.

Could it be that the other party really wants to reconcile?

Chen Pingan was slightly confused.

Logically speaking, Zheng Zhenwu is not someone who bows his head so easily. But judging from the price tag, it seems to be serious.

"What does Zheng Chatou mean?" Chen Pingan asked pretending to be confused.

Zheng Zhenwu smiled and said: "It's a little thought but not enough respect. Let's take it as an apology gift for my uncle and nephew."

Chen Ping'an glanced at Zheng Zhenwu, temporarily unable to figure out what he was thinking.


I don't care what you think.

Don’t give up on this free gold!

Chen Pingan groaned: "Since Zheng Chatou is so sincere, then Chen will not refuse it."

Seeing Chen Pingan accept the wooden box, Zheng Zhenwu's smile became even stronger.

"Come on, Chen Chatou, let me toast you another glass!"

Zheng Zhenwu filled Chen Pingan's glass again, picked up the glass, and drank it first as a sign of respect.

After receiving the gold, Chen Pingan did not hold it and drank a glass of wine as well.

He rarely drank alcohol, and even if he drank occasionally, it was the inferior wine he drank with Houtou Dashan and a few others from street vendors. This wine was obviously good wine, and it felt clear and pure as soon as it entered his mouth, and it was extremely comfortable.

In public, he was not worried at all that Zheng Zhenwu would do anything with the wine.

In fact, he had already reached the perfect state of martial arts, and some ordinary medicines did not have much effect on him.

"Chen Chatou is straightforward. Come, Shiyong, toast Chen Chatou again."

"Yes. Chen Chatou, Shiyong toasts you a glass."

For a while, the atmosphere was warm.

As the cups and glasses were clinking, Zheng Zhenwu even promised that he would transfer a group of his men to Chen Ping'an's men in the next two days to make up for the normal four groups of men.

After a banquet, both the host and the guests were very happy.

Zheng Zhenwu sent Chen Pingan to the door of Chunyu Tower before stopping.

"Zheng Chatou, please stay."

Chen Pingan said with a slightly drunken look, and then walked out.

"Take care on your way." Zheng Zhenwu smiled and waved.

When Chen Pingan walked away, Zheng Zhenwu's smile gradually faded.

"Let's go, hurry up."

Zheng Zhenwu said to Zheng Shiyong, and then walked into Chunyu Tower.

They had already ordered a girl in Chunyu Tower and were ready to stay overnight.

And the purpose of ordering a girl was to create an alibi.

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