Originally, the matter of the donation silver was settled today, and he had no street patrol arrangements, so Chen Pingan could go home early. However, to be on the safe side, in order to prevent Zheng Chatou from making a fuss about this matter, Chen Pingan stayed in the Zhenfu Division until the end of the day.

In the afternoon, Chen Pingan and Zeng Jiji chatted casually. In the middle of the process, he saw Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu, and their faces were not good. Obviously, they also knew that Chen Pingan received the donation silver.

However, when it was almost time to go off duty, he saw them again. I don’t know where they went, and the expressions of the two people seemed to be much more relaxed.

"Chen, are you okay!" After a series of encounters, Xiao Zeng became very sensitive. After discovering that the two were different, he reported to Chen Pingan as soon as possible.

"It’s okay." Chen Pingan said with a calm face and a smile. "It’s just a jumping clown."

"Yeah." Zeng Jiji nodded heavily. If he had not seen Chen Ping'an's performance in the Tiger Run Casino, he would only think that Chen Ping'an was bragging, but now, he could only be convinced and convinced.

When it was time to go off duty, Houtou Dashan Qintou also returned to the Zhenfu Division. At noon, Qintou had something to do at home, so he was not in the Zhenfu Division.

Chen Ping'an smiled and agreed with several people that after this matter was over, he would get together and invite everyone to have a meal together.

Several people smiled and agreed.

When he went home from work, Chen Erya had already prepared delicious meals. There was a lot of meat and plenty of oil.

Since Chen Ping'an was promoted to a formal officer, their family's food has been getting better and better.

After a full meal, Chen Ping'an was about to digest it and start practicing the Flying Locust Stone and the Thirteen Swords of the Public Gate, when an uninvited guest came outside the courtyard gate.

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Ping'an stepped forward to open the courtyard gate.

"Hello, is this Chen Pingan's family?"

A policeman wearing the official uniform of the Zhenfu Division, with a sword slung across his body and a smile on his face, stood in front of his courtyard gate.

"Who are you?" Chen Pingan looked at the visitor with a little doubt.

There are more than 30 official policemen in the Zhenfu Division of Nanquan Lane, and he should know them all. Judging from the style of the official uniform, the man in front of him is an official policeman of the Zhenfu Division, but he doesn't know this person.

"Chen Pingan, right? My name is Chang Zheng, and I am a policeman of the Nancheng Town Fusi." The policeman looked at Chen Pingan with a gentle look and a smile. His smile was so kind that he didn't look like an official policeman from the Nancheng Town Fusi.

"I came here this time, and I was ordered to take you to the Nancheng Town Fusi. There is a big man who wants to see you!"

Chen Pingan was stunned, and his heart was instantly ecstatic.

It is true!

"Hello, Lord Chang." Chen Pingan bowed his hands and said with a clear mind: "Which Lord is it?"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Just call me Chang Zheng. I am older than you. If you don't mind, you can call me Brother Chang. As for which Lord summoned you, you will know when I go." Chang Zheng replied with a smile.

He didn't know how the young man in front of him was valued by that Lord. But he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the young man in front of him would probably be very successful.

"Brother Chang, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea before leaving?" Chen Pingan climbed up the pole. Although the other party was just an ordinary official, he naturally had the bonus of the Nancheng Town Fusi. If he came to the Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi, his status would probably not be much lower than that of the head of the sergeant.

"Brother Chen, the Lord is still waiting. There will be plenty of opportunities for tea next time." Chang Zheng smiled and declined.

"That makes sense. Brother Chang, please wait a moment."

After saying that, Chen Pingan returned to the yard and said goodbye to Chen Erya.

"Nannan, brother is going out for a while. I should be back at 12:00!"

"Let's go, Brother Chang."

After Chen Erya responded, Chen Pingan smiled and walked out of the yard.

"Well, let's go." Chang Zheng smiled and responded.

The Nancheng Town Fusi is a little far away from Nanquan Lane, with two lanes in between. It still takes a lot of time to walk there. However, along the way, the two talked quite enthusiastically, and time passed quickly.

During the contact, Chen Pingan carefully discovered that although Chang Zheng was only a formal errand boy, he also had a martial arts realm of Qi and blood, which surprised him.

The Nancheng Town Fusi is really worthy of being the city's pacification department!

If the formal errand boys are like this, then the leaders of the Nancheng Town Fusi are at least at the level of Zheng Chatou.

Compared with the Nanquan Lane Fusi, the Nancheng Town Fusi has a much wider frontage. Although it was already time to go to work, there were still runners coming and going between day and night.

These runners looked solemn and dignified, unlike those in the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, who were whispering and looking around. In comparison, the runners of the Nancheng Chengfu Division were undoubtedly much more elite.

Chen Pingan took a quick look and was surprised to find that these runners were basically martial artists. Although there were not many runners at the level of Chang Zheng, there were still a few.

With Chang Zheng leading the way, Chen Pingan naturally did not encounter any obstruction and entered the Nancheng Chengfu Division very smoothly.

The two went all the way inside and entered a rather magnificent building.

Chang Zheng led Chen Pingan to the second floor, then clasped his fists and said to him: "Brother Chen, the master is upstairs, I can only take you here. Below, you can go up by yourself."

"Thank you, Brother Chang." Chen Pingan smiled and bowed.

He looked around and walked towards the third floor.

As soon as I walked upstairs, I saw a woman wearing special clothes. Chen Pingan was about to say hello and salute. The woman's voice rang out: "It's Chen Ping'an, come with me!"

Chen Pingan nodded and followed the woman inside. There was a waist tag hanging on the woman's waist. Chen Pingan followed and could clearly see the lines on the waist tag.

"Chatou token! This woman is at the level of Chatou!"

Chen Pingan's heart trembled.

Being able to become the leader of Fusi in Nancheng Town, and also being a confidant of the adults above, such a person is not ordinary!

Chen Ping'an looked carefully and found that with his current martial arts realm of the fourth level of qi and blood, he could not see through the woman's realm for a while.

Above the fourth level of qi and blood!

Could it be...the fifth level of qi and blood! ?

Chen Pingan was secretly suspicious.

Suspicious, he was led into a room by the woman. Directly above the room sat a wonderful lady wearing a fish scale suit. It was Mu Wanjun who met Chen Pingan that night.

"Master Chief Secretary." The woman greeted Mu Wanjun respectfully.

Mu Wanjun raised her head slightly, looked at Chen Ping'an, and looked up and down: "Here you go! I didn't expect that we would see each other again."

"Master Chief Chaosi." Chen Pingan saluted with clasped fists, a hint of awe and surprise appearing on his face at the right time.

The woman in front of her holds the highest power in Nancheng City Fusi, and determines the fate of thousands of police officers in more than ten miles of Nancheng District. Not only that, she is also a true master of qi and blood!

Meeting again today was Chen Pingan's plan and also due to the other party's interest.

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