There were many peddlers and hawkers coming and going on Liuye Street. But Chen Pingan and his companions did not encounter any fights or assaults.

Weishui County City is not an ordinary small city, but a county city with good order. Although there are many gangs of all sizes, everyone abides by the tacit understanding. If there is no special need, no fight will happen.

Well, at least, it is true on the surface!

No matter how fierce the fight in private is, it can only be in private!

If there is a large-scale fight in the daytime, where will the face of the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division be put! If such a thing happens, it would be strange if you are not killed!

Nothing happened for the whole morning.

Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division provides lunch at noon. Chen Pingan, Houtou, and Dashan returned to the Zhenfu Division for lunch after patrolling for a morning.

Usually, several people go back to the Zhenfu Division to eat. After all, eating out costs money. What can't you do with this money?

Unless someone treats them, they won't eat outside.

The food in the Zhenfu Division is neither good nor bad. One small meat dish with oil, two relatively fresh vegetables, and enough rice.

After they got their meals, they found a place to sit down and started eating.

Chen Pingan was naturally very hungry after having only eaten porridge in the morning and patrolling the streets for the whole morning. I don't know if it's related to the practice of Iron Shirt, but his appetite today is much better than usual. He ate three bowls of rice in a row before stopping.

This posture and scene surprised the monkey head.

"Pingan, what's wrong with you today! Why are you like a starving ghost reincarnated!?"

"I didn't eat enough in the morning, so I'm really hungry today."

Chen Pingan laughed.

"I'm really tired of these dishes. There are only a few of them over and over again!"

Looking at the small meat dishes with oil, the monkey head complained.

Among the few people, he has the best family background, so he is more picky about the taste of the dishes.

Before Chen Pingan could reply, Dashan on the side burped very loudly.


"You idiot!"

The monkey head slapped Dashan.

Dashan laughed and scratched his head.

The life he was living now was like a fairyland for his family. He didn't have to do heavy work or face the earth. He just walked around with a knife and had food to eat!

This was simply...

Moreover, walking on the street was also very impressive!

"It's still the best for the charioteers! It's much better than what we eat!"

The monkey head put down the half-remaining meal, put his hands behind his head, and sighed.

For lunch at the Zhenfu Division, the treatment enjoyed by formal charioteers and temporary charioteers who were not registered was the same. But at the level of charioteers, the food was much better.

According to the observations of several people on weekdays, charioteers could enjoy at least two meat dishes, and vegetarian dishes were not limited. Moreover, these two meat dishes are not like their small meat dishes, but are completely rich meat dishes with plenty of oil and water!


Chen Pingan glanced at the monkey head.

"Envy, you should practice martial arts too! The chariot heads are all martial arts masters. If there is no sufficient supply of oil and water, how can there be enough energy and blood to practice martial arts!?"

When the monkey head heard about practicing martial arts, he was like a deflated.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not that material! Dashan can do it. Right, Dashan."

"Well, I've been practicing my strength now!"

Dashan said in a muffled voice.

"Hahaha, Dashan is still ambitious! Work hard, and when you succeed, Pingan and I will be awesome."

The monkey head patted Dashan's shoulder hard and said with a smile.


Chen Pingan looked at the two people's teasing and communication, feeling at ease and full of energy.

At the level of the chariot head, you can enjoy a completely different standard of food. What about the chariot driver! ?

The chais and deputy chais of the Zhenfu Division in Nanquan Lane will have special servants delivering meals to them every day. Whatever you want to eat, you can have it, with no restrictions on supply!

In this Nanquan Lane, the two adults are the heaven of everyone!

Food is just a small microcosm of different levels, and what it represents behind it is... power!


After Chen Pingan and the other two had their meal, they took a short rest in the Zhenfu Division, and then went to patrol Liuye Street again.

At noon, the sun was just overhead. Several people said they were patrolling the streets, but in fact they were not so loyal to their duties. They found a rather hidden place, and several people half-lying in the shade of the trees rested peacefully.

It's better to eat the food of the Zhenfu Division! If it were other servants, how could they have such a chance to take a break!

First, they rested openly, and then they slacked off secretly, and they still got a monthly salary after that.

This coming and going is simply, making a lot of money!

On weekdays, Chen Pingan only rested for half an hour, which was considered to be a sleep supplement. But today, perhaps he was tired from practicing Iron Shirt yesterday. He actually slept for nearly an hour.

When he woke up, Houtou Dashan and the other person had already started chatting. After waking up, Chen Pingan also joined the two people's chat. There were new topics every day, such as street anecdotes and family matters. Although they often get along, they can never talk enough.

After resting for more than an hour under the shade of the tree, they slowly got up and continued to patrol the streets.

At this time, Liuye Street is much busier. Even the scoundrels who rarely appear in the morning can be seen from time to time.

Some small hooligans who are not very influential will run away early when they see them patrolling the streets with swords. But some old-timers who have joined the gang are not afraid of them.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to deliberately provoke them.

When they see them, these hooligans either ignore them or nod slightly to show their greetings.

It is very rare for them to come forward to greet them! Except for some hooligans who are good at making money, the rest are not interested in this.

After all, although they have official titles, they are just temporary officials who are not registered.

Although they are impressive when walking on the street, they don’t have much real power in the end. After the mission, the waist badges and swords must be returned.

If the hooligans want to greet or even curry favor with him, I'm afraid Qin Toulai is not qualified enough!

At least it must be those senior officers who are expected to be the chief officers!

As the few people talked, time passed quickly. Nothing happened that day.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Pingan, Hou Tou Dashan and the other two returned to the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division to report.

Until this time, the three had not seen Qin Tou's face.

When it comes to slacking off, it has to be Qin Tou. For those like them, sleeping under the shade of a tree for an hour or two is not a big deal at all.

After returning the waist badges and swords, the few people said goodbye and went back to their homes.

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