The forbidden move of Qiushui Sword Technique, Qiushui Liuxia!

Once Qiushui Liuxia is used, her killing power can directly approach the internal energy master who has broken through the first pass. With this, she can get rid of Wu Haihua's entanglement and get a glimpse of life.

Qiushui Liuxia is so powerful that it is naturally impossible to have no cost.

If she uses it, she will need at least two or three months to recover.

For a martial arts genius like her who is making rapid progress in martial arts, the most lacking thing is time. These two or three months are not just talk.

This means that in these two or three months, she needs to concentrate on recovering from injuries and losses. In this process, her martial arts realm will not progress. She has not made progress, but others are making progress. It means that the gap between them is widening.

Such a loss is unacceptable to her!

However, at this point, there is no other way.

Just when Mu Wanjun was about to use the forbidden move Autumn Water Flowing Clouds to break through, a series of loud and clear gong sounds rang out not far away. As dense as raindrops, without stopping.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! ......

"Not good!"

Hearing the gong sound, Wu Haihua's face changed.

"It's someone from the Pacification Department! Damn it!"

At the most critical moment, how could someone from the Pacification Department just happen to find out. However, he would never be willing to give up like this.

"Quick battle and quick decision!"

Wu Haihua shouted in a low voice, and his internal energy surged in his body as if it was free, and the rhythm of the attack was pulled to the extreme. The two first-class deacons of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, one fat and one thin, also launched their own attacks and bombarded continuously.

Qi and blood are perfect in the sixth level, and the marrow is washed and blood is exchanged. The power is infinite, and each attack has a huge force of ten thousand pounds.


Under the bombardment, an entire wall collapsed.

Knowing that the pacification department had come to help, Mu Wanjun was in a different mood. She used the Qiushui sword technique perfectly. Even if Wu Haihua broke through by force, he couldn't take it down for a while.

Hearing the sound of the gongs that kept ringing around him, he was anxious and upset.

"A Shou, go and deal with that kid first!"

Wu Haihua commanded.

The thin first-class deacon who was besieging Mu Wanjun wanted to leave the battle and deal with the person who rang the gong first.

How could Mu Wanjun let them do what they wanted.


The sword flashed, blocking the way of the thin deacon.

"Looking for death!"

Wu Haihua grinned, seized the opportunity, and stabbed Mu Wanjun's chest with a short thorn.

Mu Wanjun frowned, reacted quickly, and moved slightly to avoid Wu Haihua's thorns. However, he only avoided most of the sharp edge, and the front part finally pierced her body.


Wu Haihua wanted to go further and go straight to his heart and lungs. However, Mu Wanjun did not give him this opportunity. The sword light surged and stabbed towards his throat.

In a hurry, Wu Haihua stabbed down with a short stab, trying to leave the largest wound.


A large piece of fish scale clothing was torn and fell off.

"Soft armor!"

Wu Haihua retreated and avoided the sword light. Looking at the scene in front of him, his face was ugly.

I saw that behind the fish scale clothing, Mu Wanjun was wearing a soft armor. However, the soft armor was extremely delicate and only protected the core area.

But it was this point that made Wu Haihua's calculation plan completely fail.

He originally wanted to kill Mu Wanjun by force before the support of the Zhenfu Division arrived. But the other party had soft armor to protect her, and her martial arts skills were not bad. They really couldn't take her down for a while.

But if he stayed here for a long time, when the masters of the Zhenfu Division gathered, they might not be able to leave even if they wanted to. From the time the gong sounded to now, they have been dragging on for long enough.

It's time to go!

Wu Haihua didn't expect that Mu Wanjun was just a little girl. It's okay that she has a certain level of martial arts, but she has such rich practical experience.

With such talent, she might be ranked in the top ten among the young generation of Weishui County City!

"Let's go!"

Wu Haihua said this unwillingly.

However, before leaving, kill the person who ruined his good deeds first!

Hmm! ?

Wu Haihua was suddenly stunned.

Just now, the originally dense gong sound suddenly disappeared. Wu Haihua looked at the place where the gong sound disappeared last, and moved his body to chase it.


Mu Wanjun stabbed out with a sword, like autumn water waves, blocking Wu Haihua's way.

"Want to kill someone! Get past me first."


Wu Haihua couldn't help but burst out.

But after a moment of hesitation, he made a decision. The gong sound disappeared, and it would take him some time to find the other party. In addition to Mu Wanjun's entanglement, if he forcibly killed the gong gong, it would probably take more time. It's not worth taking risks for such a small disappearance.

Forget it! We'll talk about it another day!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three figures jumped between the houses at a very fast speed.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! ...

Not long after they left, the extremely dense gong sound rang again.

Wu Haihua, who was halfway through the jump, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You TM..."

"You're so mean! You're so pissed off!"


"Finally left."

Chen Pingan, who was beating the gong, was a little nervous, and his palms were full of sweat. Seeing that the situation had stabilized, he lowered his head slightly, panting to calm down.

He had been walking here following the sound. The closer he got, the more obvious the fighting sound became. He had heard the fighting sound from a distance. From the sound of the fighting, he judged that these people would not fall behind.

His first thought was: Are these people at the fourth level of Qi and Blood! ? Or the fifth level of Qi and Blood! ?

He quietly came over, but it was fine if he didn't get close, but he was shocked when he got close.

There were gorgeous sword shadows flying, and there were flashes of sword light in the flying, and the short thorns on the other side were spewing sharp edges. These methods...

Above Qi and Blood!

Chen Pingan, who saw the scene clearly, was shocked.

In the middle of the night, in this corner of Jiming Lane, how could such a few masters appear! ? What kind of luck is he!

When he was still far away, Chen Pingan immediately extinguished the candle in the lantern. Then he looked at the gong in his hand, and his first reaction was, don't knock it!

If you knock it, you don't know how you will die!

Beings above the blood and qi, it's not easy to kill him!

He only has a few monthly salaries, what's the point of playing with his life!

Just when Chen Pingan was about to sneak away and run as far as possible, he suddenly saw the black-striped fish scale clothes among the figures.

Black-striped fish scale clothes! It's someone from the Pacification Department!

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger, fight!"

After a fierce struggle in his brain and weighing the pros and cons, Chen Pingan finally made a decision. He struck the gong in his hand.

But he was not stupid. While he was striking, he observed the situation in the field. If the situation was not right, he was ready to run away at any time.

Just behind, when Wu Haihua was about to come over to kill him, Chen Pingan keenly discovered this. He stopped the hand that struck the gong without hesitation and ran away quickly.

However, the other party was stopped by the man in the black-striped fish scale clothes.

Watching the other party run away, Chen Pingan became arrogant again and struck the gong again.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! .......

"Okay, the person has already run away, no need to knock anymore."

Chen Pingan raised his head and found an extremely beautiful figure appearing not far from him.

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