Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 40 Double Perfection (Please read on~)

Early in the morning, after Chen Ping'an finished practicing the iron shirt, he had breakfast and went to Nanquanli Lane to go to Fusi.

Today's regular meeting before the mission, all five major mission heads are present, because deputy missionary Tian Fuliang is participating in this regular meeting.

Tian Fuliang, who was speaking on the high platform, seemed to be in a good mood.

Not long after the reward list for Fusi in Nancheng Town was announced, Zamaoyu, a remnant of the Qingyu Gang, was shot dead in Nanquanli Lane. Reporting this matter to Nancheng City Fusi would be a big shame.

Tian Fuliang still remembered that when reporting yesterday, the police officer and deputy police officer in Qingliu Lane turned green.

"Zheng Shiyong and Tan Huacong teamed up to kill the remnants of the Qingyu Gang, Zamaoyu. Zheng Shiyong gave the final blow and was recorded as medium merit and was rewarded with ten taels of silver. Tan Huacong was credited with assisting and was credited with two small merits and was rewarded with five taels of silver. Chen Ping'an was credited with providing clues. , record a small meritorious service and be rewarded with five taels of silver."

Tian Fuliang announced the results of the reward.

"Zheng Shiyong, Tan Huacong, Chen Ping'an, you are all the elites of our Nanquan Lane! I'm very happy." Tian Fuliang praised the three of them lavishly. "Especially Zheng Shiyong, he has made such great contributions not long after he joined our Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi! Regarding the registration, it has been reported to Nancheng Town Fusi. I like you very much! Your future potential is unlimited!"

Tian Fuliang's words made Zheng Shiyong below look ecstatic.

It is truly an honor to be praised by Tian Fuliang in front of so many officers. With Tian Fuliang taking the lead, the surrounding officers also praised him. There were compliments one after another, which made Zheng Shiyong feel a little carried away.

"It's all thanks to Master Chaosi, Master Tian, ​​and all the chaotou who have taught me so well that Shiyong is what he is today."

Zheng Shiyong's face was red and his voice was high.

"Okay, not bad." Zheng Shiyong's reply made Tian Fuliang very satisfied. This young man is a capable person and can be cultivated!

Zheng Zhenwu stood behind Tian Fuliang and was in a good mood. Zheng Shiyong has merit, and his face is glorious.

Tan Huacong stood among the many officers with a smile on his face.

With Zheng Shiyong in front, he just made up a lie and got two small achievements in vain. At present, it seems that there is no risk in doing this.

It's obvious that Chen Ping'an has finally figured it out!

With this in mind, Tan Huacong looked at the corner where Chen Ping'an was. I saw the young man's face was calm, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The reward and commendation offered by Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi was introduced smoothly. When it was time to leave, Tian Fuliang called Zheng Shiyong over alone.

"Peace, five taels of silver reward is here! Come on, treat me!"

Monkeyhead said excitedly. It was as if he had received the five taels of silver reward himself.

"Okay, treat." Chen Pingan said with a smile.

"Fifty taels of silver, this is a monthly salary for several months. I have to give you a good beating. Well, let me think about it..." The monkey head lowered his head in thought.

"Da Shan, what about you? What do you want to eat?" Chen Pingan asked.

"I can do it." Dashan smiled naively.

The atmosphere was relaxed, and several people left Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi.

All morning long, the monkey head clamored to give Chen Pingping a good meal. But at noon, I had a bowl of noodles.

Chen Pingan thought about treating them to something delicious, but Heitou passed by a noodle stall and insisted on eating from this noodle stall because he was destined to do so. Dashan also supported him, but in the end he had no choice but to follow them Ate a bowl of noodles.

While eating noodles, Hericium was still shouting that he was going to bankrupt Chen Ping'an. When he ordered noodles, he very proudly asked the boss to add a big steak.


Just a few days after the regular meeting there, Nancheng Fusi also fully approved Zheng Shiyong's registration.

Zheng Shiyong, temporary officer of Fusi, Nanquanlixiang Town. His name was compiled and entered into the book, and he was officially promoted to Fusi officer of Nanquanlixiang Town.

You are given a sword, and you don’t need to hand it in after you leave. You have the right to wear the sword immediately. You will be given a waist badge to prove your official status as a sergeant. In addition, he was also given the thirteen swords of Gongmen.

Zheng Shiyong's original casual uniform was replaced by a blue cloth coat with a cross-collar, narrow-sleeved robe, and a formal uniform with a red ribbon around his waist. He stood among the other servants, quite majestic.

Many temporary servants were extremely envious and gathered around Zheng Shiyong. Even those senior official servants tend to be friendly with each other.

In terms of current status, Zheng Shiyong is already on par with them. What's more, the other party is not only related to Zheng Chatou. In the past few days, he has gained the attention of Deputy Chief Tian Fuliang. The future is bright!

As time goes by, he may not be a high-ranking official in Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi.

However, all this has nothing to do with Chen Pingan.

Formal service...

Chen Ping'an's mood was not affected in the slightest. He was still patrolling the streets with Houtou Dashan, practicing with his iron cloth shirt.

In the next few days, Chen Pingan lived an extremely fulfilling life. In the meantime, he also took a day's rest and accumulated a few more experiences in Iron Clothes training than normal.

That night, Chen Ping'an was practicing his iron cloth shirt in his small yard.

An extremely familiar symbol of experience appeared in front of Chen Pingan's eyes.

"It's done!"

Looking at the looming plus sign on the panel, Chen Pingan's face flashed with joy.

Without any hesitation, he concentrated his energy and clicked on the plus sign.


The experience value stirs, and bits of starlight rush to the center of the eyebrows.

The familiar feeling came over again, and extremely complicated information continued to pour into his mind.

These experiences and insights about the iron cloth shirt seem to have been gained by his continuous hard work day and night, insights from actual combat, review of experiences, and personal insights.

Everything is natural!

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Perfection of Qi and Blood

Martial Arts: Iron Clothes Perfection


The changes in Chen Ping'an's body were not only the experience and understanding of the iron cloth shirt, but also the changes in his blood and skin. At this time, Chen Ping'an's energy and blood were full, and his strength increased again. The membrane, which was originally comparable to cowhide, becomes more solid. It's like two layers of extremely thick cowhide superimposed on each other.

Iron cloth shirt is perfect! Qi and blood are perfect!

The little Tiger Master of the Hutou Gang is only in the martial arts realm of perfect Qi and Blood.

In less than a month, Chen Ping'an went from being an ordinary person with no knowledge of martial arts to being on par with Little Tiger Master.

Among the many servants in Nanquanli Lane, Chen Pingan's strength has reached its peak, representing the pinnacle of official servants. Further up, that is the poor level.

"After delaying for so many days, the Qi and blood levels are complete. It's time to go to the black market."

Chen Pingan wiped his body and put on the clothes he had prepared long ago.

Iron cloth shirt is perfect, without martial arts skills, his martial arts practice will stagnate. Based on this, Chen Pingan naturally made preparations early.

Five nights ago, he went to the black market and found a suitable channel after a lot of effort. With a limited budget, he ordered a handwritten version of inferior martial arts on the black market.

In fact, if he were not short of money, Chen Ping'an would definitely choose to buy martial arts skills from the treasure pavilion in the city.

In this way, he can practice martial arts openly and openly.

What a pity!

He doesn't have enough money!

Compared with the price of martial arts in Baoge, which often costs tens of taels or tens of taels, the black market is undoubtedly much more cost-effective!

The agreed time for the transaction is tonight.


PS: Don’t be anxious, the protagonist will definitely be happy later. Massacre in all directions and suppress all dissenters! I am the rule and the general trend of the world. Who dares to disobey! Kill without mercy!

It takes a little while. The outline and details have reached more than 300 chapters, and I am also looking forward to the subsequent plot.

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