In the yard, Chen Ping'an's head was running at high speed.

"The fact that the miscellaneous fish died in my hands must not be exposed. I can't bear to delve into it now!"

"But if you want to get the middle merit of the Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi, you need to report the death of the miscellaneous fish!"

"If someone can be killed or captured on the spot, one level of merit will be recorded...Killed or captured! The miscellaneous fish is already dead, and it is impossible to capture it! Killed, killed... .”

"I can't reveal that I was the one who killed the miscellaneous fish! This is a dead end. There's no way to solve it! Hmm! Wait..."

"Would it be more reasonable if I said that I happened to find a struggling bastard fish, and then seized the opportunity to sneak attack and kill him directly?"

Chen Ping'an thought this, and then glanced at the hairy fish whose neck was crushed into disgrace, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If you say this, it will be directly exposed as soon as the scene is inspected. It is absolutely impossible that such a horrific injury could have been caused by him who was not a martial artist.

"Not only that, but the remaining miscellaneous hairy fish are all martial arts masters with the second level of Qi and Blood. There is no way that I, a temporary servant with no knowledge of martial arts, can deal with them."

"How to deal with matter what method, there seems to be a certain risk."

Looking at the carcass of the miscellaneous fish on the side, Chen Pingan was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"Damn it, if I want this middle-level job, there's no way I won't take risks at all! Fight!"

Chen Pingan hesitated for a long time, and finally chose a plan that was the most feasible, the most reasonable, and reasonable in all aspects.

He was following along just now and remembered that there happened to be a stone of the right size not far from the yard.

He first worked in the yard for a while, erasing some traces and tidying up the scene. Then he quietly opened the yard door and went to the roadside not far away to move the stone in.

Then, he picked up a stone and hit the fish hard on its neck, knees, and insteps.

After covering up the previous injuries with new wounds, he threw the stone aside, closed the courtyard door, and happily headed towards Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi.


Late at night, the lights in Nanquanli Lane Zhenfusi were still brightly lit.

According to the rules of the Zhenfu Department, even at night, there must be at least one guard in the Zhenfu Department to guard against sudden illegal things in the alleys. With Chatou in charge of Fusi and dispatching from the middle, the impact of all kinds of illegal things can often be minimized.

In addition to the chaotou, the Zhenfu Division also has some night shifts on duty at night. In addition, there are night patrol officers, two in a shift, patrolling various streets and alleys.

Of course, Chen Ping'an himself was on night patrol and knew the ropes inside. Unless there is any special task issued by the Town and Fu Department, or when the whole city is under martial law, the night patrol officers will patrol conscientiously all night long.

Otherwise, in the middle of the night, when no one is around, the night patrol officers will often find a secluded place to take a nap. I really don't want to patrol all night.

"Who is it?"

At night, there were two officers guarding the gate of Fusi in Nanquanli Lane. After all, it is an important place in the alley, and no one will come in and out casually.

The two of them saw someone in the distance running towards Zhenfusi, and there was no trace of them hiding at all. At that moment, he shouted loudly.

"It's me! It's me, temporary officer, Chen Ping'an."

Chen Ping'an loudly answered the questions of the two officers while running.

After hearing Chen Pingan's answer, the expressions on the two officers' faces relaxed slightly. When he saw the other person running up to him, it was really a face that he often saw in the past. Only then did he relax completely.

"It's safe. It's late at night. What's wrong?"

Seeing Chen Pingan's hair and clothes soaked with sweat, and breathing heavily, the two officers asked curiously.

"I have made an important discovery and I need to report it to my boss."

Chen Ping'an said as he ran towards Zhenfu Si Nei.

The two officers looked at each other and did not stop Chen Pingan.

"What's the matter, so urgent?"

"I don't know. Seeing him running in such a hurry, it must be something serious."

"Has your home been robbed?"


The two officers were talking to each other. The two of them did not think about the Qingyu Gang. After all, in their eyes, Chen Pingan was just an ordinary person who had not started martial arts.

If he really met the remnants of the Qingyu Gang, how could he still survive?

After entering the gate of Zhenfusi, there is a large open space. Further forward, there is a door on the left side of the high platform, and behind it is a row of errand rooms. For example, some night shift guards and posters will do their work in these errand rooms.

During the day, there should be several people in an errand room. But at night, there is only one person on duty.

Of course, what Chen Pingan is looking for is not pen posts and night duty. What he was looking for was the errand, so he had to go past the errand room and back.

That's where the bad guys work.

However, just as Chen Pingan walked to the errand room, he happened to see a person coming out of the errand room.

The two happened to run into each other.

"Who are you?"

The other party looked at Chen Pingan with confusion.

"Zheng Chaoyi." Chen Pingan greeted.

He didn't expect to meet Zheng Shiyong here by chance. However, I heard before that Zheng Shiyong's official job was to be on night duty, so it was normal for him to appear here now.

"Who are you looking for?"

Zheng Shiyong felt that the other party looked familiar. Seeing that Chen Pingan was about to walk past him, he stopped in front of him.

"Officer Zheng, I have something to ask the officer."

Chen Pingan was worried about something and had no time to greet Zheng Shiyong. He just wanted to find the officer on duty tonight and report the matter of the mixed hair fish as soon as possible.

"Looking for the officer, what's your name?"

Zheng Shiyong asked in an interrogative tone, with a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

It's no wonder that Zheng Shiyong is said to be the nephew of Zheng Officer. It's not long since he came to the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, but the official authority of this person is quite sufficient.

"Officer Zheng, my name is Chen Pingan, and I am also an officer of our Zhenfu Division."

Chen Pingan just wanted to get rid of Zheng Shiyong as soon as possible and get things done tonight.

When Chen Pingan said this, Zheng Shiyong remembered. He did have such a colleague. However, the other party was too inconspicuous in the Zhenfu Division. So, he just didn't think of it all of a sudden.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to the sergeant about? I can convey it."

Zheng Shiyong's tone was slightly arrogant. This was caused by a full sense of superiority.

As a night shift guard, he often came into contact with the sergeant. Facing an inconspicuous temporary sergeant like Chen Pingan, he did have the capital of superiority.

Damn, this guy, why are you so annoying!

Chen Pingan just wanted to get rid of him quickly, and immediately suppressed his impatience and said in a steady tone.

"Zheng, my matter is more important, and I need to report to the sergeant in person."

After that, Chen Pingan walked past Zheng Shiyong and walked to the back.

Seeing Chen Pingan like this, Zheng Shiyong felt that he had lost face and his face was not very good.

Looking at Chen Pingan's back, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes rolled around, and he blurted out.

"Chen Pingan, the sergeants are not here tonight. It's useless for you to go. If there is anything, you can tell me."

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