Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 284 Reactions from all parties

Weishui, Fang family.

In a garden in the backyard of the Fang family, an old man with white hair like a gardener was bending down to tend the flowers and plants in the yard.

"You mean, we, Weishui, have produced a genius who ranks among the top rookies! A true genius!?"

"Hui elder, that's right. Chen Ping'an, the reckless swordsman, ranked twenty-first among the rookies!" The middle-aged man stood in front of the old man, not daring to take a breath.

"Chen Pingan..." Upon hearing the name, the old man slowly straightened up and his eyes fell on the man: "What a familiar name. Speaking of which, the people in the family are really discerning. Yes! You don’t want to pick one thing or another, but you just picked the genius to go against you! You are really good at this!"

As the old man finished his last word, an indescribable aura suddenly vibrated around him.


The breath shook and the waves surged, so frightened that the middle-aged man fell to the ground.

"Today you are picking on the geniuses, are you going to provoke the top masters tomorrow?" The old man with white hair said Wufeng automatically: "The family is entrusted to you to manage, and this is how you manage it!?"

"Elder of the clan, calm down! We don't dare!" the middle-aged man begged for mercy.

The old man looked at the man with his face on the ground and didn't speak for a long time. He looked at the clump of flowers and grass in the corner of the yard, a trace of thought appearing on his face.

The buds are full and ready to bloom. I'm afraid the flower will bloom in a while.

The flowers are in full bloom and gorgeous! Just like that budding young man, full of infinite possibilities!

Chen Ping'an, from an ordinary family, settled in Quanli Lane, south of the city outside Weishui River. His father suffered severe injuries during the siege of the Ten Thousand Demons Cult stronghold, suffered a long illness, and passed away early. After Chen's father passed away, Chen Pingan lived with his younger sister and depended on each other.

Going up and down every day, wallowing in life. In the future, I will marry an ordinary woman, have children, and continue the family line. If the opportunity is good, you might be able to make it to the day of registration. At that time, by virtue of their status as registered servants, the family will also be honored. Hanging out at the bottom level is considered a very respectable status.

Originally, Chen Ping'an's future would follow a normal life trajectory.

But who could have imagined that by chance, he would report meritorious service and become a registered officer of the Zhenfu Division.

When you are registered as a military officer, you will be given sword skills and practice the thirteen swords of Gongmen. He showed his indescribable talent in martial arts, and since then, both his martial arts realm and his status and position have made rapid progress.

Registered officer, reserve poor officer, poor officer, Nancheng prison officer...

He is now the patrol envoy and the most talented person in Weishui River!

The Fang family had a chance to win over such a talented person. What happened to Zuo Wumei made him have a close relationship with the Fang family! The other party even came to Fang's house to collect the treasure!

But they... missed it after all!

Later, he even became enemies with him because of the younger member of the family! Under the strife of the aristocratic family, he was forced out of Weishui County!

Afterwards, he showed his charm and appeared on the rookie list. The Fang family also tried to ease the relationship. But after all, we haven’t tried our best!

But things are unpredictable. Who could have imagined that he would now be at the forefront of rookies? It’s extremely promising!

With such a proud man, how could the Fang family make the same mistake again and again!

"Repair the relationship with Chen Ping'an at all costs. If possible, try our best to win him over. All treatment specifications will be favorable, and if necessary, we will discuss each matter one by one!"

The white-haired old man's eyes turned back from the flowers and fell on the middle-aged man again.

Even if the Fang family cannot win over such a talented person, they will definitely not be able to offend him!

"Yes!" the middle-aged man responded in a low voice.


Not only the Liu family and the Fang family, the other two major families also reacted to Chen Pingan's rise to the top of the rookie list.

The Fu family and the Fang family have the same tone, they are also trying their best to win over each other. Even if they fail to win over, such a talented person must not be easily offended.

Their aristocratic families can be passed down for thousands of years, so naturally they will not act on impulse, but know how to assess the situation! With the talent Chen Ping'an has shown, his future is extremely promising!

There is no contradiction or entanglement in core interests between Chen Pingan and them. In this case, making friends is the most correct choice.

As for the Mu family, compared to other families, their mood is more complicated. Especially those who had strongly opposed Mu Wanjun's marriage proposal at the beginning were even more ashamed now.

Mu Wanjun's original words seemed to be just yesterday, still echoing in their minds, and there was a sense that they should not say anything unexpectedly.

"Dear ancestors, I have seen Chen Ping'an's talent with my own eyes. It only took a few months for him to reach the sixth level of Qi and Blood from a novice in martial arts. He is definitely a true genius in martial arts!

If it weren't for his late start in martial arts, I would have dared to say that he would definitely be on the list of rookies! Such a talented young man, I would like to ask all the ancestors to learn from him!

In time, when he succeeds in martial arts, my Mu family will not be the only ones who want to win over him! If you miss it at this time, you will regret it! "

What Mu Wanjun said was sincere, but they were perfunctory and postponed it one after another with the argument of long-term discussion.

"What Mr. Wan said makes sense! However, after all, he is only at the sixth level of Qi and Blood now, and he is far away from being a true genius. The matter of marriage is a big deal... and must not be done in a hurry. Make a decision!"

If you miss it, you will regret it!

More than regretting, they were so sorry about Chen Pingan.

Mu Feiyu, whom they had high hopes for, was on the rookie list, but ranked 100th. He had just made it and could fall at any time.

Compared to Chen Pingan, he was not just a little bit worse.

"I regret it!" An elder of the Mu family sighed to the sky.


Weishui branch of Qiankunsi in Canglongzhou.

Cao Yingxiong also received the news that Chen Pingan was at the top of the rookie list.

He was in charge of the Weishui branch of Qiankunsi. He didn't need to consider family inheritance or interests. In fact, he only needed to consider himself. Whether it was recruiting members or making contributions, the object of all services was himself.

Compared with himself, the interests of Qiankunsi should be put a little further back.

"In the top of the rookie list, is it expected to be at the top?"

Cao Yingxiong's bloated body was half lying on the special bench, with a sneer on his face.

"Is this your confidence in rejecting Qiankunsi's solicitation? But having the hope of reaching the top is just a hope, and it is not the top after all! How difficult is it to reach the top? How long do you have to go to reach the real top!? Any wrong step in the middle may lead to eternal damnation!"

He has seen too many Tianjiao! As long as you don't grow up, you are nothing!

Cao Yingxiong stretched out his hand and patted his belly, and the fat around his body trembled.

"Take a step back, even if you reach the top one day, what does it matter? In front of me, you are still nothing!"

Cao Yingxiong has been at the top for many years, and as early as more than 20 years ago, he had a record of killing top masters head-on. It is said that his combat power is close to or even touches the Dragon and Tiger List.

"I have killed some of the best before!? Chen Ping'an, the pride you rely on is just the qualification for me to take you seriously! If I am in a good mood, I can have a conversation with you someday. If we don't agree or I am in a bad mood, then... I can just kill you at any time!"

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