Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 278 Return in glory (stay healthy at the end of the month~)

"Farewell, Mr. Chen!"

"I wish you a safe journey!"


In front of the Wufeng Mountain garrison, a large group of elite officers gathered to bid farewell to Chen Pingan.

"Get on the horse!"

Chen Pingan waved his hand and jumped on the horse.


The officers behind him jumped on the horse and responded in unison, which was impressive.

Chen Pingan pulled the reins and looked around, and said to everyone: "Wait for me to come back! Let's go!"

After saying that, he pulled the reins and the horse under him jumped out. The riders behind him followed him.

"Farewell, Mr. Chen, I wish you a smooth journey!" A general flag shouted loudly.

"Farewell, Mr. Chen, I wish you a smooth journey!" The officers responded in unison, and the sound resounded in front of the garrison.

Chen Pingan, dressed in his daily clothes, led the riders, rolling up dust all over the ground, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.


"The person is not in the station? Did he leave?"

On a small hill not far from the Wufeng Mountain Station, stood a young man with narrow eyes. This person was Li Pingjiang, who came here on the orders of the Seven Jue Elder. He came all the way here, but he didn't expect to come back empty-handed.

When he arrived here, Chen Ping'an had already left the Wufeng Mountain Station.

"Wait until it gets dark to ask where the person ran to?" Li Pingjiang looked into the distance, his eyes flickering slightly.

The nail nailed here, the entrance of the Tianluo Church, has been surrounded and suppressed by the Zhenfu Division. The remaining strongholds also urgently contracted and evacuated, causing him to come here and become blind for a while.

Without intelligence support, his actions were constrained and not as smooth as before.

In this way, we can also see the impact of losing a hall on the Tianluo Sect. After suffering such a blow, it will not take one or two years to recover.

"This Chen Ping'an really deserves to be killed!" A fierce look flashed across Li Pingjiang's face.

Killing Chen Pingan is not only for Gu Wu's sake, but also for the loss suffered by Tianluo Sect!

Xuan Guang's fighting power? But a piece of clay chicken and a clay dog, it was defeated in one blow!


Compared to going to Weishui County, starting from Wufeng Mountain Station, it is actually closer to Baishi City.

Chen Pingan led the riders and hurried all the way, and finally arrived at Baishi City.

When approaching Baishi City, two riders galloped towards Baishi City first. They had to report the news in advance and inform Commander Chen that he was about to arrive in Baishi City!

With Chen Pingan's current status, he can completely let all forces in the city prepare for the welcome!

Zhenfu Division, the commander-in-chief level, this is not a joke!

Even in the Weishui County City where the powerful and nobles gather, it is a level that can be talked about!

Looking at the entire Weishui County, Chen Pingan's current level is only one step away from the decision-making level!

Not far from the gate of Baishi City, near the official road, there is a tea stall. The stall is not big, but it can also provide a place for travelers to rest.

In the tea stall, there are three or four tables of guests, chatting in groups of three or two.

"If you ask me, the public security in Baishi City is much better than before!"

"That's right! This time, the Zhenfu Division has made great efforts to rectify it. Several gangs in the city have been destroyed!"

"Yes, let alone gangs, even those families are basically destroyed!"

"The family is also destroyed?"

"Who made the decision to be so cruel? Aren't you afraid of backlash!?"

"Afraid? You really don't know the master! It caused quite a stir at that time. The new commander, oh, no, it was still the deputy commander at that time, that means and courage, it was really... Tsk tsk..."



The guests exchanged and shared the past events in Baishi City, and from time to time they would mention the commander of Baishi City and talk about what happened at that time. In addition to discussing this matter, there were also guests who shared their experiences and interesting things along the way.

Just as several people were talking and chatting, a sound of horse hooves was heard on the official road along the way.

Hoof tread! Hoof tread! ......

Two riders rode past quickly on horseback.

The two riders passing by attracted the attention of the people present. Some people looked at them curiously, while others looked puzzled.

"Looking at the two riders in a hurry, did something happen?"

"Not necessarily, maybe they are just in a hurry to get on the road."

"Not likely!"

"Just take a look and you will know!"

The tea stall is not far from the city gate. Guests with good eyesight can roughly see what is happening at the city gate when they stand up.

Although Baishi City is a small city, there are also many people queuing in front of the city gate.

I saw two riders galloping towards the city gate. Soon, the guards of the city reacted and came forward to stop the two riders.

But the rider in front took something out of his arms, and the guards saw it and immediately retreated.

Passing the crowd, the two riders went straight into the gate of Baishi City.

"Got in?"

"What happened?"

The guests at the tea stall were talking about it, and they were a little confused for a while.

The guards did not stop them. The two riders seemed to be officials. As for where they came from, there was too little information to guess.

After a heated discussion, the guests at the tea stall did not take it seriously. Although things like this are rare, they are not uncommon.

However, after about half an hour, a large number of Zhenfusi officials suddenly came out of Baishi City, and lined up on both sides in a strict and orderly manner. The people entering the city were transferred to the side gate, and the main gate was suddenly empty.

Not only that, after a while, it seemed that some other people came. Judging from their clothes, they were either rich or noble.

Then the city gate began to be decorated with lights and more and more people began to gather.

"What's going on?" The few people at the tea stall looked at each other, confused.

Hoof tramp! Hoof tramp! ......

Another round of horse hoof sounds came from the official road, and this time the horse hoof sounds were much more dense than the previous ones.

"Are there more people coming?"

They all looked up and found that a large number of knights were constantly approaching not far from the official road.

At first, they could only see the shadows of people, but later they could see more and more clearly.

A line of more than ten riders, each of them was majestic and powerful, with eyes as bright as lightning. At first glance, they were masters of qi and blood who had entered the martial arts.

What made them slightly concerned was that these mighty riders were gathered around a young man.

Well, it’s not quite true to say that they are young men. They should be in their early twenties. In two years, they should be young men.

“Whose son is he?”

Some guests speculated.

Some smart people looked at the movement at the gate of Baishi City in the distance and felt that a great man had come.

The horses were very fast and soon passed the tea stall and headed towards the gate of Baishi City.

Some curious people got up and followed.

“It seems that he is not an ordinary person. Let’s go and take a look!”

“Follow? You have nothing to eat! What’s there to see? Isn’t it better to sit here and drink tea!?”

Someone in the tea stall refused, but the people who proposed it had disappeared in a flash.

“I’m so bored!” Someone smiled and shook his head, drank a few sips of tea, but finally couldn’t suppress his curiosity and stood up.

"Hey, I'll go take a look too."

After saying that, he walked towards the gate of Baishi City.

"Tsk, what are you talking about! You're still bored! I've already gone! Really." Someone couldn't help but sneer, but before he could catch his breath, he changed his tone and walked away.

"I'll go take a look too!"

"Hahahaha... all the same!" The rest of the people laughed out loud.

It's really boring, they wouldn't not go take a look!

But, at this moment, several deep voices came from a distance. Although they were far away, the sound was rumbling, one louder than the other.

What's going on?

The few people looked at each other and put down their teacups at the same time.

Let's go take a look!

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