Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 276 Inspector! (Thank you so much everyone!)

“Here is the deputy inspector of the outer perimeter of Long’an Commercial Route, Chen Ping’an. Since he was enrolled, he has performed his duties conscientiously, worked diligently, been loyal, and made many contributions. Especially in the battle to encircle and suppress the Tianluo Sect’s stronghold, he was wise and brave, led the elite troops, went deep into the tiger’s den, destroyed the Tianluo Sect’s stronghold in one fell swoop, killed the remnants of Tianluo, and stabilized the area. His contribution was great, and he is indeed a pillar of the Zhenfu Division.

Rewards and punishments are the outline of the country and the place where trust and loyalty are preserved. Reported to the Canglongzhou Zhenfu Division for approval, and after deliberation by the Weishui Zhenfu Division, Chen Ping’an was promoted to the inspector of the outer perimeter of Long’an Commercial Route, and was at the level of commander, to show his loyalty and to encourage the future. I hope Commander Chen will abide by Keep the original intention, keep working hard, and live up to everyone's expectations! "

"During the siege at the entrance of Tianluo Church, all the officers stationed in Wufeng Mountain worked together, shared the same hatred, defeated Tianluo, wiped out the bandits, and stabilized the four directions. In this action, everyone worked together, like an arm using a finger, fighting together, defending together, their courage is commendable, and their feelings are admirable. What is particularly commendable is that after the siege, the officers did not dare to slack off...

In order to show their merits, after the review of the Weishui Zhenfu Division, the dispatched office was dispatched and promoted the meritorious officers, and the general flag You Yongming..."


The parade ground of Wufeng Mountain Station was full of officers. On the high platform in the front, there was a middle-aged man in fish scale clothes, holding an imperial decree, announcing loudly.

The officers present were excited. Every time they heard a familiar name, they were excited. Announcing the commendation of the Weishui Zhenfu Division in public was undoubtedly an exciting moment!

Chen Pingan stood at the front, listening quietly to the appointment from above.

After waiting for so long, it was not in vain. The Weishui Zhenfu Division finally gave him the answer he wanted.

Promoted to the outer patrol of Long'an Commercial Road, the commander-in-chief level! This appointment is not bad, in line with his expectations.

In addition to him, many people in Wufeng Mountain Station also benefited from it. There are general flags who have been commended and awarded merits, and small flags and runners have been promoted.

As the commendations and appointments were announced one after another, the state of the people present became more and more high.

The person who stood on the high platform to announce was the special envoy sent by the Weishui Zhenfu Division. He was also an old acquaintance of Chen Pingan, the chief officer of the Weishui Zhenfu Division's dispatch office, Zhao Lianzhi.

When he went to the Wufeng Mountain Station, it was Zhao Lianzhi who came forward to receive him. I never thought that after more than two months of twists and turns, they met again in such a scene.

At the beginning, Chen Pingan was still a head shorter than the other party in terms of rank, but now they are on equal footing.

"This appointment and commendation will take effect immediately, and the whole county and local pacification offices will be notified!" Amidst the cheers, Zhao Lianzhi quickly completed the announcement.

He came down from the high platform with a smile on his face and walked in front of Chen Pingan.

"Commander Chen, congratulations!"

"Thanks to Lord Zhao." Chen Pingan smiled slightly and bowed.

"Commander Chen, you are really young and promising. The last promotion was just around the corner, but I never thought that you would be promoted again this time. I am really envious of Zhao!" Zhao Lianzhi smiled brightly. His attitude was strangely good, far better than the communication attitude that colleagues should have.

To be honest, Chen Pingan's promotion speed really scared him a little!

Commander candidate, deputy commander, commander... How long has it been! He has come to this step.

The most important thing is that after this contribution, he has entered the sight of the Canglongzhou Zhenfu Office. The future prospects are simply limitless!

When facing a young and promising colleague of the same level with unlimited potential, what attitude should be taken? I think there is no need for others to teach him. As an old hand in the Zhenfu Division, he naturally knows what to do.

"It's just luck! There is no envy." Chen Pingan smiled and waved his hand, looking indifferent.

His attitude, combined with the actual situation, makes people feel an invisible sense of pretense.

"Hahahaha... Commander Chen is really humble and low-key. It is worth Zhao's taste and learning." Zhao Lianzhi praised: "It is really worthy of my Weishui's pride, the prodigy on the rookie list!"

Facing Zhao Lianzhi's almost flattering words, Chen Pingan smiled and did not respond.

This person, what attitude do you want others to have towards you, it still depends on you!

After a few simple exchanges, Chen Pingan said.

Lord Zhao is tired from the journey, why not have a meal together in the garrison.

Zhao Lianzhi has no objection to this.

Although it is a meal, at their level, the so-called meal is just talk. In fact, all kinds of delicious delicacies were served on the table.

During the meal, cups and plates were clinking, and the atmosphere was extremely warm. With Zhao Lianzhi's efforts, the two got along very well. In the process, he revealed a lot of information to Chen Pingan.

"Commander Chen, you have made great contributions this time and have entered the sight of the state pacification office. As far as I know, you have been included in the list of candidates for the commander-in-chief!"

"The incident at the Tianluo Sect's base this time exposed many problems. The commander of Wufeng Mountain City did nothing, and the pacification office is already considering demotion. According to the future plan, the burden of Wufeng Mountain City is likely to be borne by Commander Chen! However, the burden of the commander of Baishi City may need to be considered by another candidate!"

"Commander Chen's killing of the general flag in court has been discussed by the commander-in-chief and several deputy commanders. As the saying goes, military situation is urgent and cannot be delayed. Commander Chen did it without any problem! In this regard, the commander-in-chief has made a final conclusion in public and no one else can question it!"


Similar information, Zhao Lianzhi said a lot one after another.

"Hahaha, I'm really drunk, I accidentally said too much! Hahaha, come on, Commander Chen, let's continue drinking!" Zhao Lianzhi smiled and raised his glass.

His eyes were clear, there was no trace of drunkenness.

The so-called drunken words were just an excuse to leak this information.

After a meal, the relationship between the two became much closer.

This is how it is in the system. There will be no eternal enemies. As long as there is value in mutual assistance, you can always be friends for a while.

Before leaving, Chen Pingan stuffed a few silver notes into Zhao Lianzhi. Zhao Lianzhi smiled and refused a few words, but finally accepted it.

Zhao Lianzhi served as the special envoy of the Weishui Zhenfu Division. He came here to announce the appointment and commendation, and revealed a lot of information to Chen Pingan. Chen Pingan naturally wanted to reciprocate.

Neither he nor Zhao Lianzhi lacked these silver notes. But such a move represents his attitude.

It also represents that the two have reached a preliminary consensus.

In the future, as long as Zhao Lianzhi knows, he will pass on some news at the right time.

For Chen Pingan, this is a good thing!

It is better to have an eye in the Weishui Zhenfu Division after all!

On the other hand, for Zhao Lianzhi, it is also a preliminary friendship with Chen Pingan, and it is a bet on him.

Wait until the future, there may be different gains!

On the one hand, he maintains basic consistency with Liu Yuanhua and does not have any conflict. On the other hand, he secretly makes friends with Chen Pingan.

Do not offend both sides!

In the system, for people who have no ability and no background, it is the best choice to not offend both sides.

Of course, for now, this is the extent that can be achieved. Later, if the relationship between Chen Pingan and Liu Yuanhua deteriorates again, he can only gradually increase the bet and choose a team to stand on.

Zhao Lianzhi is smart because he has found a way out for himself in advance. Wait for the wind direction to change later and adjust the strategy at any time.

Sure enough, no one who can get this position in the Weishui Pacification Office is a simple person!

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