"Oh? Even so, I won't ask any more questions. I think you won't lie to us. But..." Niu Lianggong's eyes were a little cold, and he said in a bad tone: "I don't know if you have Guan Yuping's warrant for this mission?"

"Guan Yuping has been in seclusion in Wufeng Mountain City and has not been able to return to the garrison for a long time. In an emergency, we must make the decision! This matter will be decided by me!" Chen Pingan said indifferently.

No warrant!

Niu Lianggong was delighted. In this case, he could take the opportunity to make trouble!

To be honest, when he just came out, he was afraid that Chen Pingan really had Guan Yuping's warrant in his hand, so no matter how unhappy he was, he could only pinch his nose and accept it.

But now... since Chen Pingan doesn't have a warrant, hum...

Then don't blame me for not giving face!

"Since you don't have Guan Yuping's warrant, please forgive me for not obeying your order!" Niu Lianggong puffed out his chest, but there was no apology on his face.

"As the deputy inspector, I assist the official and have the power to control all matters in the garrison! Now that the official has not returned, the affairs of the garrison will naturally be controlled by me. General Niu, do you have any questions?"

Niu Lianggong sneered: "Your Excellency is right. However, the official's duties have not been handed over yet, and the responsibilities have not been clarified by the official. There is no so-called power of control as you said!"

Chen Pingan stood up from the main seat and slowly walked towards Niu Lianggong: "So, General Niu disagrees?"

Niu Lianggong glanced at the general flags present and found that except for a few general flags such as You Yongming, everyone else looked like they were watching a good show. At the moment, he couldn't help but increase his confidence.

See, most of the people present don't support you! You have a name but no power or prestige, what can you do to me?

Seeing Chen Pingan coming, Niu Lianggong was shocked and clasped his hands together: "I'm sorry that I can't obey your order!"

"Okay." Chen Pingan nodded slightly.


The goose feather knife came out and the blade light was bright.


The knife was like a gust of wind, with a whistling meaning, and chopped towards Niu Lianggong's head.


Niu Lianggong was shocked.

He never thought that Chen Pingan would suddenly attack in this situation.

Good! Good! Good!

Chen Pingan, you are so bold. After today's matter is over, I will report you to the official for the crime of murder!

Niu Lianggong's thoughts were flying in his mind, but his hands did not slow down at all, and he wiped the sword on his waist. The internal energy in his body surged, and in an instant he burst out with full strength.

After he blocked the knife, he tried his best to avoid it. Outside was the camp, where a large number of officers were stationed. At that time, he didn't believe that Chen Pingan would dare to attack him in public!

In addition, there were so many colleagues in the field, and they would never let Chen Pingan act recklessly again.

The most important thing was that Niu Lianggong had absolute confidence in himself. His martial arts realm was not achieved through closed-door hard training, but through the tempering of life and death.

Even though Chen Pingan was known as a rough knife, it was impossible for him to be taken down in just three or two moves.

At this time, Niu Lianggong's saber on his waist had been unsheathed, and he was going to parry Chen Pingan's knife.

But he had no chance!

Chen Pingan's knife was clearly still far away from his senses, but in fact it had already landed on his neck.


The head flew up and rolled to the ground, with a look of astonishment on it.

Until his death, Niu Lianggong didn't think that Chen Pingan could kill him with one move!

The general flag of the garrison, Niu Lianggong, die!

The saber fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The scene fell into absolute silence for a moment.

Many general flags present, including You Yongming, seemed to have nails on their feet, standing still, with an indescribable chill rising from their coccyx.

"Just one move! Niu Lianggong... is dead?"

Some general flags looked at Niu Lianggong, who was dead as hell, with disbelief.

Chen Pingan slowly sheathed his sword, bent down and picked up the saber that Niu Lianggong had dropped on the ground, flicked his fingers lightly, and the blade swayed, making a crisp sound.

"Each general flag present will lead a team of people and gather at the gate of the station in a quarter of an hour. Those who delay will be subject to military law!"

Chen Pingan's face was calm, and his eyes swept across the crowd: "Who else has any opinions? If you have any opinions, you can stand up and say it directly now!"


A quarter of an hour later, under the leadership of various general flags, teams of people gathered at the gate of the station.

At Chen Ping'an's request, the entire team was extremely elite, and each general flag led five or six elites. There were a total of ten general flags, about sixty or seventy people.

Chen Ping'an did not say much, and at the command, the team left the Wufeng Mountain Station in a mighty manner.

At the same time when Chen Ping'an led the team to leave, there were spies stationed in the station, who also left the station to report to Guan Yuping in Wufeng Mountain City.

General flag Niu Lianggong died!

Chen Ping'an led the general flags to leave the station, and his destination was unknown!

After leaving, there was a tip-off in the station, and Chen Ping'an was naturally unaware. His mind is now on the next encirclement and suppression operation.

Calculating the time, Zhao Zhiting should have been waiting for him at the agreed location.

Chen Ping'an was a little worried about the next action. All his action plans were formulated according to the specifications of the base being the entrance of the Tianluo Church.

If the underground hall is not a hall, but a branch, then...

Things might be in trouble!

If they go, they might just be sending food!

Let alone the branch of Tianluo Sect, even the branch of Wanmo Sect is not something they can provoke, even if Qiankunsi is added, it is far from enough!

Fortunately, Chen Pingan has now mastered the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, and his cultivation realm has entered the high realm of Xuanguang. Even if he encounters the worst situation, he has enough power to protect himself.

This is why Chen Pingan deliberately decided to carry out the mission today!

This is also a part of his plan, to provide himself with a layer of protection.

If things are impossible, relying on the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art of the master level, he will force his way out and escape.

Of course, the underground hall under Baiyun Temple is a branch of Tianluo Sect, which is just Chen Pingan's conjecture.

From a comprehensive analysis of all aspects, it should be impossible!

His expectation for this encirclement and suppression operation: if the underground hall is a stronghold of Tianluo Sect, then it must be wiped out in one fell swoop. If it is the hall of Tianluo Sect, as long as most of them can be surrounded and wiped out, it will be a success!

Normally, if the matter involves the entrance of Tianluo Church, Weishui Zhenfu Division must come forward, and after all aspects are fully prepared, it will be strongly attacked with thunder.

However, this is the most ideal situation, but in reality, due to the entanglement of interests and factional disputes, the principle of giving priority to the interests of the dynasty is often not adopted. Instead, their own interests are taken into account first, which leads to deviations in the final result.

So, the struggle for power and internal consumption affect the final result. Such situations occur everywhere in the dynasty, constantly draining the flesh, bones, and spirit of the dynasty.

The Great Dynasty is in decline!

Riding all the way, Chen Pingan was thinking about the next action and did not say nothing. If he did not speak, the other general flags naturally did not dare to speak, and followed him tremblingly all the way.

However, they secretly observed from time to time along the way, looking at Chen Pingan in the front.

Looking at the white and clean, the young man is like jade. But the style of doing things is so...

Domineering! Reckless!

Until today, they really felt how Chen Pingan got the title of Mang Dao!

"His swordsmanship is unparalleled, and the name of Mang Dao is really well-deserved! What a pity..." A general flag shook his head secretly: "It is a pleasure to suppress all opposition voices, but how will it end later!?"

Slaying a general flag so openly, even if he is the deputy envoy of the inspection and has the responsibility to control his subordinates, the punishment he will face will never be small!

Even in the best case, he may lose the position of the deputy envoy of the outer inspection of the trade route!

If the punishment is more severe, he will inevitably be imprisoned.

Delaying for a few years will greatly affect the future.

The crowd walked all the way and soon arrived at a valley at the foot of Wufeng Mountain.

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