Chen Pingan occasionally heard the discussions of the people in the garrison. It was not that he heard it with his own ears, these people were not so bold. It was mainly learned from the elite officers he brought with him.

While waiting for the reply from the Weishui Pacification Office, Chen Pingan practiced in the Wufeng Mountain garrison as usual, without being disturbed by the outside world.

In addition to practicing for a few days, he also went to Wufeng Mountain City on purpose. He still went to Guan Yuping's mansion.

Guan Yuping lay on the bench, enjoying the gentle massage of the maid. Wan Wanze stood in front of him, reporting the situation outside.

"Mr. Guan, Chen Pingan is outside the door and said he wanted to see you."

"Oh?" Guan Yuping's face showed a hint of mockery. "You are really impatient. Not only did you send letters frequently a few days ago, but you came to my house again just a few days ago?"

"Maybe the master has not returned to the base for a long time, and he has a three-month deadline. He is a little impatient and anxious." Wan Yuanze clasped his fists and whispered.

"Can't sit still? After all, he is still young! How can such an impatient person achieve great things!" Guan Yuping showed a playful look. "As for the three-month deadline, he didn't say that in his letters these days. He said that the investigation of Feng Shixian's matter has made progress, and he hopes that I will return to the base as soon as possible, and he needs to report to me in person."

"I'm afraid it's just an excuse to trick the master into going back first to clarify his responsibilities!"

"Haha, that's right!" Guan Yuping raised his hand and signaled the maid behind him to stop. "It seems that he can't stay in the station. He is eager for me to go back so that he can clarify his duties and carry out follow-up instructions. Then I will not let him have his wish! Go and tell him that I have not yet come out of the customs, and let him wait until I come out of the customs before everything is settled."

"Yes!" Wan Yuanze clasped his fists and bowed, then left.

"Hmph! What a fool!" Guan Yuping sneered. "If the responsibilities are not clear, I can control you anyway. If it is clear for you, how can I control you? Don't think about it carefully, just come up rashly!

The adult world is about the exchange of interests, not the children's house, which is impulsive and casual. If you want to break the situation, Chen Pingan, ask yourself, what can you bring to me?"

As the chief envoy of the inspection, Chen Pingan, as the deputy envoy, the gap between them is not that exaggerated. The reason why he takes the initiative everywhere is mainly because he takes advantage of Chen Pingan's new arrival, has not yet clarified his responsibilities, has no foundation here, and now has only the name but no real power.

At this moment, it is the best time for Guan Yuping to suppress him. If his duties were made clear so early, he would still have an advantage in dealing with Chen Pingan, but it would not be as easy as it is now.

Chen Pingan came to Guan Yuping's house for the second time, but Guan Yuping refused to see him. This news quickly spread among many forces in Wufeng Mountain City.

Wei Family.

The head of the Wei Family, Wei Zhenheng, sat behind the long table, analyzing the latest news he had just received.

"This Chen Pingan has been hit hard, and his prestige, which was not much to begin with, is probably going to be completely lost!"

"This Chen Pingan is really aggrieved to be the deputy inspector! But who can blame Guan Yuping for having already entered the realm of Xuan Guang! Not only in terms of power, but also in terms of martial arts realm, the gap between the two is too big. No matter how aggrieved Chen Pingan is, he can only accept it with a pinch of his nose!"

"However, this matter has little to do with my Wei family. My Wei family is on good terms with Guan Yuping, and his strength is also in our interests!"

"Even if Chen Pingan has the reputation of a genius, he may have no way to deal with such a system! In this way, he may not be able to stay in this position of deputy inspector for long! Perhaps, my Wei family does not need to bet on him to be on good terms."

"This matter should be discussed with my third uncle before making a decision."



After all, he is the deputy inspector of the outer periphery of the trade route, and many people are still paying attention to Chen Pingan's movements. After being rejected, Chen Pingan did not seem to be in a very good mood. After strolling around Wufeng Mountain City for a long time, he even went into many shops to buy some things.

Then he left Wufeng Mountain City at a leisurely pace.

"This deputy inspector was very angry with Guan Yuping, and he could only relieve his mood in this way!"

"However, this genius's brain circuit is indeed different from ours. He actually relieved his mood by buying things."

A spy secretly said.


After returning to the garrison from Wufeng Mountain City, Chen Pingan still practiced the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art normally.

However, the discussion about him in the garrison was louder.

The new deputy inspector came to the door for the second time, but was still rejected. I am afraid that Guan Yuping's disgust for the new deputy inspector is even greater than they guessed.

After returning to the garrison, Chen Pingan waited for several days in a row, but did not wait for a reply from the Weishui Town Pacification Office.

However, he did not care. At this point, whether the Weishui Town Pacification Office replied or not was actually not very relevant.

Unless the Weishui Town Pacification Office dispatches a special envoy at an extremely efficient speed to coordinate and resolve this matter.

But this is basically impossible. With Liu Yuanhua here, he hopes that Chen Pingan will fail to accomplish his task. When the three-month deadline is up, he will be directly held accountable.

The Weishui Town Pacification Office has not responded yet, and Chen Pingan is not anxious. He stays at home and practices martial arts every day. These days, he has begun to try to move 15 Zhoutian every day.

Compared with Chen Pingan's calmness, public opinion in the garrison is surging and there are many discussions.

Among them, Niu Lianggong's reaction is the most intense.

"Get ready, a new deputy inspector is coming soon! I'm afraid the one we have now won't stay long!"

"I told you! This martial arts is not everything. It's useless to have talent without understanding the rules of the system!"

"Hmph! Just wait and see. When he leaves in disgrace, I will ride a horse to give our lord a good send-off. I wonder if he will be in the mood to ask me why I didn't get off my horse when I saw him!"

"Bah! What a thing with hair that hasn't grown yet!"


It's human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

The strong swing their swords at the stronger, but the weak put their fists on the weaker.

Unfortunately, most people in this world are weak!

The superior Guan Yuping's undisguised disgust and suppression, coupled with Chen Ping'an's low-key cultivation, have caused many people to misjudge in form.

This is also the reason why so many new officials are always keen on making three big moves when they take office.

The so-called three fires are just the surface, and their essence is: one is to establish authority, the second is to test, and the third is to declare.

Five or six days passed, and the reply from the Weishui Town Pacification Office finally came back belatedly.

As expected by Chen Pingan, the Weishui Town Pacification Office did not respond to this matter directly, but only stated in the letter that it would ask Guan Yuping why he was not stationed in the station for a long time, and communicate and deal with it after figuring out the cause of the incident.

The perfunctory, prevarication, and muddy attitude of the Weishui Town Pacification Office could not be more obvious!

"Very good!"

After reading the letter sent by the Weishui Town Pacification Office, Chen Pingan did not destroy it in anger, but kept it carefully.

"In this way, all the links are completely connected!" Chen Pingan's face was cold.

"Next, it depends on Zhao Zhiting's reply!"

His actions in Wufeng Mountain City a few days ago, including the second visit to Guan Yuping, were not as the outside world speculated. All of this was just to cover up his contact with Qiankunsi.

The stronghold of Tianluo Cult cannot be taken over by him alone!

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