After leaving Lihua Lane, Chen Pingan wandered around Weishui County for a while.

Speaking of which, after staying in Weishui County for so long, he hasn't visited the county properly.

At first, he had time but didn't have the leisure. Later, he had no time and no leisure. When he almost had time and leisure, he encountered suppression from the Fang family.

Now, it's a rare trip back to Weishui, and things are basically done. Chen Pingan can also calm down and take a good walk here.

In Weishui County, the streets paved with bluestone slabs are crisscrossed and connected in all directions. There are shops on both sides, and people come in and out from time to time, which is very lively.

There are all kinds of shops on both sides, including treasure shops, craft workshops, weapon shops, and treasure pavilions.

Chen Pingan strolled on the bustling streets, admiring the prosperity of the world.

"Tanghulu, selling Tanghulu!"

A hawking voice came from a corner of the street, and Chen Pingan couldn't help but smile.

"If Nannan was here, she would definitely be clamoring for Tanghulu again."

This little girl, she was immature, but she could tell him seriously that she wanted to learn the art of kingship. But if she was mature, she couldn't walk when she saw eating.

After imagining Chen Erya's appearance, Chen Pingan smiled.

Just passing by a treasure pavilion, Chen Pingan walked in.

"Sir, welcome, please come in." A maid greeted him respectfully at the door.

Although Chen Pingan was not wearing the clothes of the Zhenfu Division, he was well dressed and looked rich and noble. The maid leading him was naturally cautious.

"What do you want to see, sir?"

This shop is not small in size, and there are a lot of treasures.

Chen Pingan did not answer the maid's words, but glanced around.

His eyes were attracted by a bracelet woven with colorful silk threads not far away.

The bracelet was decorated with a small piece of gold ornaments, and it was engraved with exquisite patterns.

"This bracelet is nice!"

Chen Pingan's eyes lit up.

According to custom, when a baby in the family turns one year old, a pair of silver rings need to be made on the feet, saying that it is to prevent the child from getting lost.

The silver rings of poor families are made of less material, while those of better conditions are more solid.

When Chen Erya turned one year old, Old Chen was still there, and the family was well off. A pair of solid silver rings were made for the little girl, and a delicate little bell was hung on it.

Wherever the little girl went, there would be a jingling sound.

But later, Old Chen was seriously injured and retired from the Zhenfu Division. In order to give Chen Pingan a temporary status as a errand boy, he pawned the silver rings!

I still remember that the little girl had red eyes and pursed her lips, trying not to cry. Chen Pingan still remembers that pitiful look.

Later, when he was promoted to the position of a charioteer, he tried to redeem the silver rings. However, it had been too long, and Nannan's pair of silver rings had long gone.


When Chen Pingan came out of the Treasure Pavilion, he had an exquisite gift box in his hand. It contained the bracelet.

Nannan is now older, and the silver rings are no longer useful, but giving this bracelet as a gift is just right.

Speaking of which, he is really derelict in his duty as a brother! When he was in Baishi City, he was also a giant, but he never gave Nannan a serious gift.

Make up for it! Make up for it! Make up for it all!

Chen Pingan smiled and shook his head.

Next, Chen Pingan went to buy some small things, and when he passed by the bookstore, he went in and bought several books, just as a gift for Nannan.

Speaking of which, it has been a while since I left Baishi City this time. I wonder how Nannan is doing at home?

The eldest brother is like a father!

Chen Pingan felt a little worried like an old father.

"After meeting Commander Liu, we will set off to Baishi City immediately!"


Chen Pingan stayed in the inn for another night. It's not that he didn't have other places to stay in Weishui County. In fact, many colleagues from the Weishui Town Pacification Office invited him to stay at home for a few days. Some colleagues even said that they had vacant houses somewhere and welcomed him to stay at any time.

Chen Pingan refused all these invitations. Everything in this world is easy to repay, but favors are the most difficult to repay.

Early in the morning, Chen Pingan went to the Weishui Town Pacification Office again. Amid the respectful greetings of many servants, he walked into the gate of the Town Pacification Office.

Today he was lucky. He drank some tea in Zhao Lianzhi's public house. Then he was told that Commander Liu was free.

In the bright and spacious luxurious public house, Chen Pingan met this big man from the Weishui Town Pacification Office again.

"I pay my respects to you, sir!" Chen Ping'an bowed his head and saluted, his gesture was just right.

"Ping'an is here!"

Seeing Chen Ping'an again, Liu Yuanhua behaved very gently, with the image of a kind and amiable elder. It seemed that he had forgotten that Chen Ping'an had rejected his solicitation last time.

Although he didn't know what Liu Yuanhua was up to, since the other party was kind, Chen Ping'an was naturally happy to do so.

The two had a very smooth exchange. Liu Yuanhua asked Chen Ping'an about his thoughts on the inspection of the outer perimeter of the trade route and his judgment on the form of the trade route.

Since he took on the position of deputy envoy for the inspection of the trade route, Chen Ping'an also thought about it in his spare time. Chen Ping'an answered Liu Yuanhua's questions fluently.

"I heard that you went to the Mu family two days ago?" Liu Yuanhua said casually.

Here you are!

Chen Ping'an's heart tightened slightly.

Knew it wouldn't be that easy!

"Replying to Lord Liu, I have been very close to Mu Wanjun, the daughter of the Mu family, since I was a humble official. I was invited by Wanjun to attend the banquet the night before." Chen Pingan replied.

"I see." Liu Yuanhua nodded. "I didn't expect that you had such a connection with the Mu family."

Old fox!

As if you didn't know!

Chen Pingan was thinking in his heart.

Liu Yuanhua can sit in this position, Chen Pingan doesn't believe that such simple information will not be understood?

Asking him this question, I'm afraid there is another deep meaning.

Sure enough, Liu Yuanhua said next: "There are countless young men in Weishui County, but only you and my Liu family's Tianjiao Liu Ziming have made it to the Canglongzhou Rookie List. Since you two are both Tianjiao, you should be familiar with each other.

I wonder if Pingan is interested in attending my Liu family's banquet and getting acquainted with my Liu family's Tianjiao?"

Although Liu Yuanhua didn't say it clearly, the meaning of his words couldn't be clearer.

You went to the Mu family banquet the day before yesterday. You said that you went to the Mu family banquet because you were good friends with Mu Wanjun, the daughter of the Mu family. I agree with this.

Then, when you come to my Liu family, shouldn’t you come to my Liu family because you are also a prodigy on the rookie list with Liu Ziming?

In addition, Liu Ziming is not comparable to Mu Wanjun. Naturally, my Liu family is not comparable to the Mu family. In the entire Weishui County, only my Liu family has the qualifications and strength to win you over!

Compared with the last recruitment, Liu Yuanhua’s recruitment this time is undoubtedly more obscure.

Chen Pingan naturally understood what Liu Yuanhua meant.

"If Lord Liu invites me, Pingan will definitely go. However, I just want to work step by step and serve the Zhenfu Division in a down-to-earth manner! I am ashamed to be called a prodigy. Please don’t embarrass me, Lord Liu."


As soon as Chen Pingan finished speaking, Liu Yuanhua looked up at him, with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

You can invite him to the banquet, but don't mention the matter of winning him over!

He is...refusing!

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