Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 222: Turbulent Business Road

When they were out, everyone ate quickly. After a while, they were led into the room by the inn servant.

As the commander, Chen Pingan naturally had a room for each person, and it was the best room in the inn.

"Humph! They are just show-offs, good-looking but useless."

Seeing Chen Pingan and others leave, the three men with fat faces sneered.

"That's right, they just look to bluff! I won't give up this seat!"

"It's probably the young master of a rich family who came out to travel! He looks so white and tender, and looks so fragile! It's understandable that he brings more guards when he goes out!"

The three men chatted with each other, and from time to time they glanced at the two men who had just given up the table.

"Two cowards! Just give up your seat like that."

The two men who had just given up their seats were sitting in a corner of the inn at this time. They heard the discussion of the three men and cursed inwardly.

"Three idiots!"

The three men looked fierce and looked very difficult to mess with. In fact, they were just strong and had a lot of strength, but they had not really entered the martial arts, so they had no fear of the few people just now.

It can be seen as ignorance is fearless!

As the two of them entered the martial arts practice, their blood and qi were full, and their senses were clear. They clearly sensed that the guards around the young man had at least entered the third level of blood and qi, and the state of Yijin!

The third level of blood and qi!

Not to mention so many people, even if they picked one of them randomly, they could easily trample these three men.

So many martial arts masters of the third level of blood and qi were willing to be guards, and they were still so respectful. The identity of this young man was definitely not the rich young master they guessed!

Such a person was definitely not something they could provoke.

"Wish them good luck!"

The two looked at the three people who were still complacent over there, and they had no intention of reminding them.

Everyone has their own destiny, and what happens next depends entirely on their own luck!


"At this speed, we will be able to reach Weishui County before the sun sets tomorrow."

In the guest room, Chen Pingan sat cross-legged on the bed.

This time he returned to Weishui County, mainly to report to the Weishui Town Pacification Office, complete the formalities, and officially take over the post of deputy envoy of the outer patrol of Long'an Business Road.

"Long'an Business Road!"

There was a slight light flickering in Chen Pingan's eyes.

Since he was transferred to Baishi City, he has heard about Long'an Business Road much more frequently than usual. In the process, he also gained a certain understanding of Long'an Business Road.

Now, the appointment of Weishui Town Pacification Office has been issued, and he is about to serve as the deputy envoy of the outer patrol of Long'an Business Road. Regarding the matter of Long'an Business Road, he naturally made further understanding.

South of the Canglong Mountains is the territory of Qinglingzhou. Canglongzhou and Qinglingzhou often have trade exchanges and exchange what they have. Due to the existence of the Canglong Mountains, trade between the two states needs to go a long way, which is extremely inconvenient and has extremely high trade costs.

In recent years, as trade between the two states has become more frequent, the friction of interests has been huge.

The concept of Long'an Trade Route was proposed under such a background.

The so-called Long'an Trade Route is a safe, stable and continuous trade route opened up on the Canglong Mountains.

Wild beasts are rampant on the Canglong Mountains, the mountain roads are rugged, and monsters appear from time to time.

These require a huge amount of manpower, material resources and energy to solve.

It has been more than ten years since the Long'an Trade Route was proposed. Up to now, the opening of the Long'an Trade Route has reached the final stage, and it is estimated that it will be put into trial operation within a few months.

The trade route involves trade between the two states and contains great interests. Today, although the trade route has not been completely opened and completed, it can already connect the trade between the two states on the premise of being willing to take certain risks.

The opening of Long'an Trade Route was to promote trade between the two states, and to collect trade and trade taxes steadily and continuously.

Some caravans, families, or other forces, driven by profit, took advantage of the current lax management of trade routes and took risks to engage in smuggling trade.

Such phenomena have been repeatedly banned, which has greatly damaged the interests of all parties involved in the opening of trade routes.

In order to prevent such phenomena, Weishui Zhenfusi specially set up Long'an Trade Route Inspection Envoy. The inspection is divided into two parts, one is the internal inspection of the trade route and the other is the external inspection of the trade route.

Between the two, the internal inspection of the trade route is more difficult and has certain risks. Therefore, the status of the internal inspection of the trade route is higher than the external inspection of the trade route.

"The chief and deputy inspectors of the internal inspection of the trade route are both masters of the Xuanguang realm! The Weishui Zhenfu Division originally paid little attention to the inspection of the outer trade route, and the inspector was concurrently held by Feng Shixian.

However, Feng Shixian's death and Fu Wanyu's death on the way to take office. The Weishui Zhenfu Division paid more attention to the inspection of the outer trade route, and the rank of the outer trade route inspector was upgraded to the alternate commander.

Not long ago, Guan Yuping, who was transferred to assist in the development of the trade route, was appointed as the outer trade route inspector.

This person is my next superior!"

Chen Ping'an lowered his head and thought secretly. Information about Guan Yuping emerged in his mind.

Guan Yuping, a true martial arts master who entered the Xuanguang realm. He has been famous for thirty years and is good at using two swords, one long and one short. He has also practiced the mandarin duck sword technique, which was originally a combined attack technique, to perfection.

Under the two swords, the power is infinite!

He once defeated a master of the Xuanguan realm head-on!

In the Xuanguang Initial Realm, they are among the most powerful ones!

Chen Pingan is about to serve as the deputy envoy of the outer inspection of the trade route, and he will naturally have to deal with Guan Yuping in the future. Therefore, Chen Pingan knows more about Guan Yuping.

In addition to being responsible for the outer checkpoints of the trade route and cracking down on smuggling, the outer inspection of the trade route is also responsible for the management of the surrounding trading markets. The interests involved are probably not small!

In addition, Feng Shixian and Fu Wanyu, the two former outer inspection envoys of the trade route, died one after another. There must be forces behind this, secretly plotting and fueling the flames.

In the game of such forces, the third level of internal energy is just a stronger ant, and he died in the power struggle without knowing it.

Even if it is a martial arts master in the Xuanguang Initial Realm, it is probably very difficult to protect himself and can only go with the flow.

Since he has taken a high position, he naturally has to bear the corresponding risks.

Fortunately, I have now entered the middle realm of Xuanguang. No matter what kind of turbulence there is in this trade route, I have a certain ability to protect myself.

Chen Pingan was somewhat relieved.

However, his relief did not last long.

"Well... Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the middle realm of Xuanguang is not particularly safe! We still need to go a step further!"

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