"Aunt Zhang."

Looking at the old woman, Chen Pingan said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Pingan smiled slightly and immediately expressed his intention. He said he needed some sand and gravel, thinking that Uncle Zhang might have a way to get it.

"I asked what it was, and it turned out to be this! Brother Chen, don't worry, I will inform him when your Uncle Zhang comes back."

Aunt Zhang readily agreed.

Hearing this, Chen Pingan took out some small money from his pocket and wanted to give it to Aunt Zhang. However, the other party would not accept it even if he died or died.

"It's no use talking about money for this neighbor. It's just some worthless gravel, so you can rest assured."

Aunt Zhang refused repeatedly.

Chen Pingan couldn't defeat the other party, so he gave up for the time being. I was thinking about buying some meat and vegetables another day.

"Brother Chen, would you like to sit in the house?"

"I won't sit down anymore. I have something to do at home." Chen Pingan waved his hand and refused.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Chen Pingan left Uncle Zhang's house.

"Brother Chen is really promising!"

Aunt Zhang watched Chen Pingan leave and sighed sincerely.

In the verbal response just now, the other party behaved in an extremely decent and humane manner. He did not look like a young man dissatisfied with his age at all.


With the sand and gravel matter settled, Chen Pingan felt relieved.

Next, all we have to do is wait for Mr. Tiger to come to pay off the money he owes.

The morning passed quickly. Chen Pingan and Chen Erya rarely went out and bought some vegetables. They also bought half a pig leg.

Looking at the money spent, Chen Erya felt quite distressed. However, considering that my brother is currently practicing martial arts, it consumes a lot of money. Without a large amount of meat to eat, the body may not be able to bear the burden.

Chen Erya didn't mention anything about how to save more money for his brother to find a wife.

Considering that Mr. Tiger would come to the door at any time, the brother and sister did not cook the half of the big pig leg at noon. Instead, he hid it and left it for dinner in the evening or tomorrow.

Today’s lunch: a plate of scrambled eggs, a plate of steamed pumpkin, a bowl of vegetarian shredded pork soup and two bowls of white rice, one large and one small.

"Brother, how did you collect fourteen taels of silver~"

Chen Erya asked curiously while eating. The eyes flashed with admiration.

"Of course my brother has a way."

Chen Pingan pretended to be proud. He didn't tell the details. There were some things that he could just know by himself. There was no need to put more burden on Chen Erya.

"Brother is so awesome."

Chen Erya praised the rainbow fart.

In the midst of enjoying themselves, the brother and sister finished their lunch. Under Chen Pingan's final sweep, this meal was eaten cleanly.

After the meal, the two of them matched each other and quickly washed the dishes.

The two chatted and bumped into each other. Just when Chen Ping'an was hesitating whether to practice the iron cloth shirt first.

There was a knock on the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Boy from the Chen family, the ten days are up and it's time to pay back the money. Open the door!"

The voice was a familiar one. It was Liu'er, Mr. Xiao Hu's confidant.

"Here we come!" Chen Ping'an looked stern.

As long as he pays off the fourteen taels of silver owed to the Tiger Head Gang today with interest, he and his daughter can live a peaceful and comfortable life.


The door to the small courtyard was quickly opened by Chen Ping'an.

"Little Tiger is here! Come on, please come inside."

Chen Pingan welcomed the people in front of the door into the courtyard with a smile on his face.

Today, a total of three people came to the door, all familiar faces of Chen Pingan.

A little Hu Ye, a Liu'er, and a rogue named Feizi.

Before, Chen Ping'an failed to enter martial arts, and he still couldn't sense it clearly. Now that his energy and blood were at full strength, he took a quick look and found that several people present were actually martial arts practitioners.

If you are a beginner in martial arts, you can be considered a good expert!

Not really, the Tiger Head Gang is very powerful, even the gangsters under their command are at this level. But as Mr. Xiao Hu, as a high-ranking member of the Tiger Head Gang and one of the three major protectors, the confidants who follow him naturally have this card.

Just like Liu'er, Feizi is also a little boss-like existence in the Hutou Gang.

"Little Tiger, come on, drink some water."

Chen Pingan poured the water he had prepared early into the bowl and asked Mr. Tiger to drink it.

His family's conditions were simple. He had no teacups and no tea leaves, so he could only use water instead.

But before the water entered Mr. Xiao Hu's mouth, Liu'er pushed him away.

"What the hell!? Who is Little Tiger? Why do you come here to drink water?"

Seeing the water splashing and flowing on the wooden table, Chen Ping'an still had a smile on his face.

"The house is humble and simple, and all we have is some water. It's a shame for Mr. Tiger."

"It's good to know!"

Liu'er snorted coldly.

"Liu'er." Mr. Xiao Hu waved his hand. "Boy from the Chen family, you must also know the purpose of coming here today."

"I know, I know." With a smile on his face, Chen Pingan unfolded his sleeves and used them as a rag to wipe away the water that had just flowed.

After the water was dried, Chen Pingan took out a cloth bag from his arms and poured the money in the bag onto the table.

Then, in front of Master Xiaohu and others, he began to count carefully.

"One tael, three taels, five taels and a half, six taels, seven taels and a half..."

The silver on the table was all scattered silver, and Chen Pingan counted it carefully.

"Thirteen taels, fourteen taels! Mr. Tiger, there are a total of fourteen taels of silver here, take a look."

Looking at the silver on the table, Mr. Tiger nodded slightly.

However, before he spoke, Liu'er beside him was dancing happily.

"Let me see! Is there any fake money?"

Liu'er grabbed the silver on the table and started checking them one by one.

Although the counterfeit silver circulating in the market today is very small, it does not mean that it does not exist.

However, he checked them one by one and found no fake money.

"Consider yourself lucky!"

Liu'er gave Chen Pingan a hard look. I don't know where he got the anger from, but he was angry at Chen Ping'an. I don’t know if it’s because of that day.

"Boy from the Chen family, you really managed to collect fourteen taels. That's really good!"

While speaking, Mr. Xiao Hu didn't have much expression on his face, and he didn't know what he meant.

"After I paid my monthly salary, I borrowed some money from some colleagues in the Zhenfu Department, and then I collected enough money to pay back Mr. Tiger."

Chen Pingan said with a smile.

"Colleague! Boy from the Chen family, it seems that you are very popular in the Zhenfu Department!"

Mr. Xiao Hu narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a soft smile.

"Haha, it's not bad. It's all thanks to the praise of my colleagues. Old Chen Tou left some connections for me."

Chen Pingan had a smile on his face and his words were meaningful.

"It's great to have someone taking care of you!"

Little Tiger Master put one hand on the wooden table and slowly stood up.

"In this way, your fourteen taels of silver will be paid back with interest. Come on, give him the receipt. Don't tell Mr. Tiger that I don't follow the rules."

Hearing this, the rogue named Feizi behind Master Xiaohu took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Chen Pingan.

"Master Xiaohu is kind, thank you Master Xiaohu."

Chen Ping'an took the note with a smile on his face.

"Let's go."

Mr. Xiao Hu said hello and walked towards the courtyard gate, Feizi following closely behind. Liu'er gave Chen Ping'an a hard look and followed suit.

"Oh, right."

Little Tiger walked to the courtyard gate, as if he had remembered something.

"You also know that our Hutou Gang collects monthly money from the surrounding streets and alleys. We also give money to the neighbors in the street. They have always been cooperative. Before, you owed me this money, but you never I haven't mentioned the monthly payment, which is considered taking care of you.

Now, since the silver debt has been paid off. That doesn't require any special care. This month’s monthly payment will be waived for you. Let's start paying from next month. "

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an slightly arched his hands and kept the smile on his face.

"So, Ping An is here to thank Mr. Tiger for taking care of him for so long."

"Not bad! Children can be taught, hahaha... let's go."

In the midst of laughter, Mr. Xiao Hu led the people away, and his back quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.

Chen Pingan lowered his head slightly and looked at the wooden table. On the table, where Mr. Xiao Hu had just pressed his palm, a thick palm print suddenly appeared.


Pursuing reading is really important. Xiaopoujie also wants to become Dapujie. Please help me~

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