"Chu Mingwei invites me to discuss important matters?"

He Xuan, the head of the He family, frowned slightly. Just now, someone from the Chu family came to visit with a letter from Chu Mingwei.

The words on the letter were very simple, basically inviting him to discuss important matters and hoping that he would arrive as soon as possible, which involved the situation in Baishi City in the next few years.

"It's so mysterious! What does Chu Mingwei, this old fox, have in mind!" He Xuan was a little confused. However, the words in the letter finally aroused his curiosity.

"I want to see what it is!"


Song Huajie, the head of the Song family, looks chubby and very kind. But everyone who knows him knows that he is the most ruthless among the three major families.

"Discuss important matters?" Song Huajie flipped through the letter.

The letter was sent by someone from the Chu family, and the person has verified that it is indeed someone from the Chu family. As the head of the Song family, he naturally has his own source of information.

He just received news that people from the Zhenfu Division had broken into the Chu family. He received such a letter from the Chu family right after that.

"Could it be that Chu Mingwei arrested the people from the Zhenfu Division? It's about the attitude towards the Zhenfu Division, so he invited us to discuss it? See how to deal with it?" Song Huajie guessed secretly.

"Let's go and have a look! We'll know after we see it! If it's really as I guessed, it'll be interesting!" Song Huajie showed an inexplicable smile on his face.


The leader of the Blood Alliance, Luan Xiong, also received a letter from the Chu family.

"Leader, what's going on with the Chu family?" Seeing Luan Xiong close his eyes after reading the letter, Lu Hongxian, who was standing aside, couldn't sit still and asked curiously.

Luan Xiong didn't say anything and handed the letter to Lu Hongxian.

Lu Hongxian took the letter and couldn't wait to read it.

"Did the spies just sent back any news?" Luan Xiong looked aside and asked to his left and right.

He didn't know what was going on, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Alliance leader, there is no news yet. But it seems that it should have failed." An elder of the Blood Alliance replied.

Before that, they made a strategy and sent people to prepare to abduct Chen Ping'an's sister as capital in the subsequent game. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter, it can intensify the conflict with the Pacification Bureau, so as to achieve the goal of eroding as soon as possible.

The people under his command have been sent out until now. If everything goes well, they should have brought people back. Now there is no news back, it is obviously a failure.

Lu Hong first finished reading the letter, and seeing Luan Xiong was silent, he said carelessly: "Alliance leader, it's good that we failed. Just in time to get this over with! However, it seems that the Zhenfu Division has found the wrong person. The news that came before said that Chen Pingan led the team and went directly to the Chu family!

The Chu family invited us at this critical moment. Could it be that they have already captured Chen Pingan! Let's all come out and see how to solve this problem?"

"Hehe, this Chen Pingan is so useless. I haven't even made a move yet, and he's been captured!" Lu Hong first showed disdain. "Alliance leader, can I go with you? I want to see how cowardly Chen Pingan is!"

"Then let's go together!" Luan Xiong nodded.


In addition to the two major families and the Blood Alliance, the Chu family's invitation letter was also sent to the Iron Fist Gang and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Regarding the Chu family's invitation, combined with the previous actions of the Zhenfu Division, everyone had a lot of speculations.

A common guess is that Chen Pingan of the Zhenfu Division was captured by Chu Mingwei, the head of the Chu family.

In their perception, although Chen Pingan's methods are good, he is unlikely to be Chu Mingwei's opponent. In addition, the Zhenfu Division did not send many people this time, so it is impossible for the Chu family to lose, only the Zhenfu Division.

"After all, he is young and so reckless!"

"He thinks everyone is from the Quicksand Gang or the Crocodile Gang! This time he hit a wall!"

"Let's go and take a look! This time, the Chu family has tasted the freshness."


The He family, the Song family, the Blood Alliance and other forces each led a team of people and headed towards the Chu family.

"People from the He family! And... that's the Song family! What day is today? Why are there so many people?"

"Look! There are also the Blood Alliance and the Iron Fist Gang! Go, go farther! If you go slowly, you'll cause trouble for nothing!"

"Just now I saw people from the Pacification Bureau, and now there are so many gangs and families. Are they going to fight?"

"Looking in this direction, it seems to be heading towards the Chu family."

In some houses in Baishi City, there are brave people secretly observing the situation outside. The continuous passage of people obviously made them uneasy.

"Can it be a little more peaceful! This world..."

"What are you sighing about? It's good to be alive. What else do you want?"



Representatives of various forces soon gathered at the Chu family. Luan Xiong and Lu Hongxian of the Blood Alliance were the farthest away, and naturally they were the last to arrive.

They got off the carriage and saw many people standing solemnly at the door of the Chu family.

In addition to the people from the Chu family, there were also servants from the Pacification Bureau.

"Why are the people from the Pacification Department still here?" Lu Hongxian was a little unhappy.

"It should be that they haven't completely torn their faces apart yet, and the people of the Chu family are still restraining themselves." Luan Xiong said.

"What about Chen Pingan? Hasn't he been suppressed yet?" Lu Hongxian's eyes lit up.

Luan Xiong glanced at him and said, "You'll know when you go in."

In Lu Hongxian's impatience, the two entered the gate of the Chu family. There was a special steward leading them inside the gate, and they were quickly brought to a hall.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the hall. People from the Song family, the He family, the Iron Fist Gang, and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance had already arrived.

"Leader Lu!"

"Deputy Leader Lu."

Seeing the two come in, representatives of several major forces greeted them one by one.

Luan Xiong and Lu Hongxian clasped their fists and returned the greetings one by one.

"Where is Chu Mingwei?" Luan Xiong looked around and didn't see Chu Mingwei, so he asked curiously.

"Don't know? He's so mysterious that I haven't seen him yet." He Xuan, the head of the He family, said.

"He called us all here, but he didn't know where he ran off to? This old guy is really something." The speaker was the head of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, named Hong Wenfei, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Hey, don't worry. He will come when he calls us over." Song Huajie was not in a hurry, eating the fruit cakes in front of him.

Luan Xiong and Lu Hongxian sat down first, and representatives of several major forces also started chatting. It was mostly about the purpose of this visit. As they chatted, they talked about Chen Pingan.

Talking about this, Lu Hongxian's face was full of displeasure, and he slapped the table and stood up: "This is fucking, I ran here excitedly. Where is Chen Pingan, this coward without balls! Could he have been killed by Chu Mingwei? It's really a fucking bummer!"

"Deputy Alliance Leader Lu, are you itching to do it?"

"Coward without balls, this adjective really has something to it!"

"It's just a coward without balls! If I see him, I will beat him to the ground and beg for mercy!" Lu Hongxian's words were full of contempt.


In the hall, there was laughter.

Just as everyone was laughing, a calm voice without any emotion came from outside the hall.


The laughter in the hall was startled, and Chen Pingan's figure appeared in front of everyone. The young man was tall and straight, wearing a black fish-scale suit, which made him look extraordinary and heroic.

Chu Mingwei, the head of the Chu family, followed Chen Pingan like a servant.

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