Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 201 Shocking News (Please subscribe~)

As soon as he started his mission the next day, Chen Pingan wrote a letter and sent someone to deliver it to the Weishui Town Pacification Office.

As the deputy commander of Baishi City, he needed to report according to the procedures if he wanted to go out for a period of time.

Baishi City is not far from the treasure hiding place. It only takes one or two days to travel. But the mountain road is rugged, and it is still unknown what he will encounter. Therefore, this time, Chen Pingan reported and asked for instructions for half a month.

With his merits in destroying two major gangs in succession, he brought a lot of benefits to the Weishui Town Pacification Office. The Weishui Town Pacification Office should not have too many problems with his reporting procedures for this trip.

Sure enough, Chen Pingan waited for a few days and received the approval of the Weishui Town Pacification Office.

After it was clear that the approval of the Weishui Town Pacification Office was in agreement, Chen Pingan did not delay too much. After packing his bags, he rode a fast horse and left Baishi City. Throughout the process, he behaved very low-key.

Before leaving the city, he asked Shan Qiwang and others to take good care of his little sister.

With the previous incident, Shan Qiwang, Cheng Renjing and others can be initially relied on as confidants.

Chen Pingan had already compared the details on the treasure map and planned a very clear path. After leaving the city, he rode his horse all the way. In just one day, he arrived at the foot of the Canglong Mountains. After fostering his horse in a nearby village, Chen Pingan entered the Canglong Mountains alone.

In the Canglong Mountains, the mountain roads are rugged, the terrain is steep, and wild beasts emerge in endlessly. It is not an easy thing for ordinary people to enter the mountains.

In addition, there are occasional monsters in the Canglong Mountains. Even those who have achieved success in martial arts may die if they are not careful.

This is also the reason why the Longan Business Road is so difficult to open up. In addition to solving the problem of terrain and natural barriers, the problem of monsters must also be solved! Fortunately, after more than ten years, the opening of the Longan Business Road has entered the final stage and is about to be completed.

During the development process, there were countless difficulties. Many forces in Canglongzhou, including Weishui County, invested countless energy and consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

The natural chasm was not so bad. The most difficult thing to solve was actually the monster beast.

The so-called monster beast is a wild beast with special blood talent. According to the different blood talent, these monster beasts can also absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, strengthen their physique, and improve their cultivation.

For weaker monster beasts, ordinary martial arts masters with three or four levels of blood can solve them. But if you encounter a strong one, even a master of the inner qi realm may not be the opponent!

This is not the strongest monster beast. There are also powerful monster beasts that have nurtured inner elixir in the Canglong Mountains! Monster beasts of this level already have a certain level of intelligence.

The combat power of monster beasts like this is comparable to that of martial arts masters in the Xuanguang realm! For some existences with strong blood, even the top masters of the Xuanguang realm find it difficult to suppress them.

The monster that nurtured the inner elixir is not the strongest in the Canglong Mountains. It is rumored that in the depths of the Canglong Mountains, there are powerful monsters with round inner elixir and true seals.

Of course, this section of the Canglong Mountains in the Weishui County area is extremely far away from the so-called deep mountains!

In addition, according to the treasure map, in the outer area of ​​the Canglong Mountains, normally you will not encounter any monsters. Even if you are unlucky, you will only encounter monsters at the level of the inner energy realm!

For this trip, Chen Pingan is still full of confidence.


On the second day after Chen Pingan left, a piece of news was transmitted to the Baishicheng Town Fusi in an unexpected manner. Then it spread wildly in Baishicheng at an extremely exaggerated speed.

The commander of the Baishicheng Town Fusi, Feng Shixian, died!

Died on the way to patrol the outer periphery of the trade route!

In the Baishicheng Town Fusi.

Many runners came and went, and they all inquired about the reliability of the news.

Some officers were full of disbelief: "No, it won't happen! Lord Feng is so powerful, he can't possibly die! The news must have been sent wrongly." Some officers were crying, feeling like the sky was falling!

There were even more officers, looking at a loss, not knowing what to do.

One officer slumped in a chair, his face pale.

Another officer trembled with his hands and sighed to the sky.

In the Baishicheng Town Fusi, people were in panic everywhere.

The Chu family, the Song family, the He family, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, the Blood Alliance, the Iron Fist Gang and many other forces also received this news. These forces reacted differently to the news of Feng Shixian's death. Some were suspicious, some were extremely excited, and some were more cautious and sent people to continue to verify the news.

"Feng Shixian is dead? Is it true or not!?"

"Feng Shixian is at the top of Tianlin's martial arts realm. He is dead? This is impossible!"

"This is Tianlin's top! Who could have done this!?"

"Go check it out. Go check it out at all costs. Go find out what happened!"

"Hahahaha... He is dead! He died well!"

"Feng Shixian, the mountain that weighed on our heads, has finally fallen!"

"It's great! It's great! It's time for us to do something big!"


No matter how these forces react, they are all foreshadowing one thing.

The sky of Baishi City is about to change!

The news of Feng Shixian's death was not only spread in Baishi City, but also spread to Weishui Zhenfu Division.

Although Feng Shixian was only the commander of Baishi City, he also served as the outer patrol officer of Long'an Commercial Road. In Weishui Zhenfu Division, he was a deputy commander.

Such a rank is considered to be at the top of the middle level in the Weishui Zhenfu Division system, and one can even barely reach the top level of the Weishui Zhenfu Division.

The sudden death of such a person naturally attaches great importance to the Weishui Zhenfu Division. At this time, in a small building in the Weishui Zhenfu Division, more than a dozen people were discussing the matter fiercely.

"How did Feng Shixian die? Have you found out!?"

"Found out! Judging from the wounds on the body, it seems to be the style of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect! But..."

"But what?"

"If it was really done by the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the wound marks should not be so obvious. I feel that this matter is not that simple! There may be someone else behind it."

"Who could it be? What is the motive?"

"It is not clear yet, all this is just my personal guess."

"Well. Keep investigating. Investigate deeper! No matter what, this matter must have a conclusion. The Long'an Trade Route is about to end, and all these monsters and demons have jumped out! If we don't give them a head-on blow, they really think that my Weishui Zhenfu Division is a soft persimmon!"

"The forces involved in the interests of the trade route are too complicated, and the conflicts of interest between them are extremely complicated. Apart from judging from the style of the wounds that it is related to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, there is nothing else of value. It is not realistic to find out the clues worth investigating in a short time!"

"Do your best! If you need any resources to coordinate, just ask!"

"Yes, I understand. Feng Shixian is not only the outer patrol of the trade route, but also the commander of Baishi City. In addition to the conflicts of interest in the trade route, the power game in Baishi City is also a key point to investigate."

"Baishi City, a deputy commander died before, and now another commander has died! One after another, the people behind this are really a bit bold! Are they really not afraid of my Weishui Zhenfu Division!"

"The death of the commander and deputy commander in succession is simply horrifying!"

"Indeed! Investigate! Strictly investigate!"

"That's right! It should be so!"

"Okay, everyone, be quiet! Regarding Feng Shixian's death, let's put it aside for now. The most urgent task is the selection of the commander of Baishi City.

Let's discuss it!"

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