Bang! Bang! Bang!

The violent knocking on the door and the vibration of the courtyard door made the already somewhat worn wooden door difficult to support.

"elder brother!"

Chen Erya's originally relaxed expression suddenly became tense due to the delicious food.

Chen Ping'an gave her a look, stood up and was about to open the courtyard door.

Their small courtyard is not big, and you can walk a few steps to the wooden courtyard gate. However, just as Chen Pingan stood up and took a step, the courtyard door was kicked open with a bang.

The crossbar holding the door latch in place was broken in two!

When the crossbar fell to the ground, Chen Ping'an's eyes flashed with a stern look, but it quickly dissipated.

Without the owner's permission, breaking into the door and killing the owner directly is not an exaggeration according to the laws of the Qian Dynasty. It is completely reasonable and legal.

Several figures appeared in front of the courtyard gate. The leader was a majestic man with dark skin but extremely rosy complexion.

The big man was extremely tall, a full head taller than Chen Ping'an.

"Boy from the Chen family, I've been calling the door for so long, but you haven't answered the door yet. I'm a bit reckless. Don't you think I'm surprised!"

The big man looked at Chen Pingan with a dead smile and watched his reaction carefully.

Chen Ping'an's face showed no signs of abnormality and was full of smiles.

"What did Mr. Hu say? It's because I opened the door late."

"Call me Mr. Tiger! Mr. Tiger is my adoptive father, so I can't call you by random names."

The big man said as he walked into the courtyard, his eyes noticed the dishes on the wooden table.

"Boy from the Chen family, your food is pretty good! The food that my brothers are having today is not as good as yours! You will enjoy it!"

Little Tiger Master swiftly took a seat on the wooden bench. Chen Erya was so frightened that she stood up and leaned against her brother.

"Pork belly, big bone soup...boy from the Chen family, you are living a happy life!"

"As expected of the old Chen family, this living standard is really different."

The gang members who followed Mr. Xiao Hu said in a weird manner.

Chen Ping'an's expression remained unchanged, he walked aside and grabbed Chen Erya's hand, pressing it hard.

"Yesterday, I happened to be on a business trip with Si Li and captured the Liusha Gang. I luckily got some credit, and I haven't eaten meat for a few days. I thought it would be rare to try meat today. I didn't expect that a distinguished guest like Mr. Xiao Hu would just come."

Chen Erya on the side was a little nervous, and his whole body was tense. Chen Pingan grabbed her hand and pressed it several times, trying his best to calm her down.

Chen Erya couldn't help but feel nervous. The big man in front of him was no ordinary person. He is also a well-known person in the streets and alleys around Lihua Lane.

Tiger Head Gang, Little Tiger Lord!

Hutou helped Mr. Hu. His legitimate son died early and he adopted several adopted sons. The little Mr. Hu in front of him is the adopted son that Mr. Hu of the Tiger Head Gang most values ​​​​and is cultivating as the successor of the gang.

Logically speaking, such a person would not come to the door casually. However, in addition to being the most valued adopted son of Master Hu of the Hutou Gang, Little Tiger also has another identity.

That is, he is Chen Pingan's creditor!

In the early years, Chen's father borrowed the money from Mr. Xiao Hu in order to get him a job as a servant.

Little Tiger didn't say anything. He sat at the wooden table and looked at Chen Ping'an playfully.

Little Tiger didn't say anything, and Chen Pingan didn't say anything either. They just watched quietly with a smile on their faces.

Sometimes, not panic is a kind of strength, silence is also a kind of strength!

Chen Ping'an knew that Mr. Xiao Hu understood the meaning of his words.

Those who are not registered as officers are still officers!

"As expected of a boy from the Chen family! He's quite courageous! He looks a bit like Old Chen. I don't have anything else to do when I come here, Master Xiaohu. I just want to ask if the money I borrowed before is due for repayment! "


Chen Ping'an thought secretly in his heart. The worst case scenario will eventually happen.

"Little Tiger Master, when my father was here, I made a good deal with you. He said he would borrow ten taels of silver and agreed to pay back thirteen taels after one year. At this time, there is still half a year. Is it right to pay back the money now... ...a little early!”

Chen Ping'an had a flattering smile on his face, and showed some embarrassment at the end.

Mr. Xiao Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Chen Pingan, and then said after a while.

"Boy from the Chen family, you also know that I was selling your face to Mr. Chen. I agreed to borrow it for one year and pay back thirteen taels. Go out and ask around. You can't find a lower interest rate anywhere! Now In this world, people are everywhere borrowing money. It is not unusual for my Hutou Gang to pay back thirteen taels in a year or sixteen taels in half a year.

These days, the gang has been doing a lot of checking, and no, they have found out about this previous account. Urging me to get it back sooner. "

The one I borrowed at that time was Nine Out and Thirteen Returns!

He said he wanted to borrow ten taels, but he only got nine taels!

The seriously injured Old Chen Tou had some dignity, but it could only be said that he was given preferential treatment, which was far from the exaggeration that Mr. Xiao Hu said.

As for the gang investigation, it is a lie at first glance!

What is the identity of Mr. Tiger in the gang? Who dares to trouble him and urge him to pay this small debt?

Chen Pingan complained in his heart.


Since Mr. Xiaohu made up lies to deceive him, it shows that he still doesn't want to show off his face.

This layer of temporary official skin on his body had some effect.

"Little Tiger Master, you also know. My monthly salary is only eight yuan, and I work as a errand for more than half a year. Counting my daily expenses, I don't save much. Before my father died, for me I don’t have any savings left, so I borrowed these ten taels of silver from you! Can you give me some more time?”

Chen Ping'an had a humble attitude and good words.

Mr. Xiao Hu didn't speak, and the minions on the side shouted sharply.

"Boy from the Chen family, you are eating pork belly and drinking big bone soup, and you say you have no money!? Who believes it! Hurry! Pay back the money today, otherwise don't blame these brothers for being cruel and unkind! "

This little guy was shouting and drinking, looking fierce.

Chen Ping'an didn't say anything, he just bent down slightly and looked at Mr. Tiger sincerely.

Some people scream fiercely, but in fact they pose no threat at all! The lifeblood of these people often lies with those who don't scream.


Seeing that Chen Pingan didn't reply, the little guy became even more angry. He slapped his palm on the wooden table, causing the bone soup to splash on the table and the pork belly to shake out of the bowl.

"I'm talking to you, boy from the Chen family!"

Chen Ping'an remained silent, with a sincere expression but firm eyes.

"Liu'er, it's ready."

Little Tiger Master pressed down with his empty palm, and the men beside him screamed fiercely and immediately shut up.

"In this case, Chen family boy, I won't embarrass you. I am here to remind you that I will give you five more days! After five days, I will pay you back with interest."

"Thank you Mr. Xiaohu for your kindness."

Chen Ping'an let go of Chen Erya's hand, first bowed his hand and then spoke softly.

"Little Tiger, in ten days it will be the time when I will pay my monthly salary. You have a lot of money, so why not give me five more days. After ten days, the monthly salary will be issued. Even if I am not prepared enough, I will ask my colleagues for a loan. It’s also convenient. At that time, it will be returned to Mr. Tiger together with the interest!”

Chen Ping'an's tone was solemn, showing no guilt at all.

"Ten days!"

Little Tiger snorted coldly and stood up from the wooden stool.

Chen Ping'an didn't show any signs of weakness, and remained motionless with his arms folded.

"What a Chen family boy! Okay, I'll give you ten days! However, after ten days, what you have to pay back is not thirteen taels, but fourteen taels!"

Hearing Master Xiaohu's words, Chen Ping'an's eyes flashed with panic. Mr. Xiao Hu has a lot of dealings with people from all walks of life. He is best at observing words and expressions, and this trace of panic happened to be caught by him.

Chen Pingan glanced at his sister, then at Mr. Tiger, hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Okay, just as Master Xiaohu said, after ten days, I will pay you back the principal and interest with fourteen taels of silver!"

"Okay, okay, not bad! You have courage! You are worthy of being a member of the Chen family."

Little Tiger smiled and clapped.

"Liu'er, Amao, Feizi, let's go!"

Mr. Xiao Hu greeted a few people and walked out of the courtyard. When he approached Chen Ping'an, he smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaohu, for your grace. Mr. Xiaohu, please go slowly."

Chen Pingan saw off several people with a smile.

Little Tiger didn't look back, but the minion known as Liu'er gave Chen Pingan a vicious look.

Watching Master Xiao Hu and others leave, until their backs disappear into the distance. The smile that stayed on Chen Pingan's face disappeared.

That trace of panic was intentional on his part. Young people can be tougher, but being too evil may not be a good thing!

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them! He had no one to rely on, so he naturally had to be more cautious.

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