Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 184: Meeting Gifts (Please vote~)

In Fusi, Baishi Town.

The officers lined up on both sides to welcome Chen Pingan's arrival. A long and joyful red carpet has been laid out in the middle position. The red carpet had been prepared a long time ago and was temporarily set up today.

In addition to the officers, the officers and officers of the Zhenfu Division are also among them. There was a group of people standing at the front, all the deputy supervisors in charge of each errand room, serving as the main force of welcome.

In addition, the deputy chief police officers and deputy chief police officers of various urban districts are also on their way.

"I humbly welcome you to your command, my lord~!"

A crowded group of people knelt on one knee and greeted Chen Pingan respectfully in unison.

Although Chen Ping'an is the deputy commander, the commander is not here at the moment, so they call themselves the commander. No one would be foolish enough to add an adverb.

Looking at the crowd of people kneeling on one knee in front of him, Chen Pingan nodded slightly.

"No need to be polite, just get up!"

"Yes, Sir Commander."

The supervisors of the various errand rooms of the Zhenfu Division stood up and looked up at Chen Pingan.

Seeing how young Chen Ping'an was at close range, Yuchaji was slightly shocked. Although I had heard the news a long time ago and knew that the new deputy commander was young, I was mentally prepared, but seeing it with my own eyes now, it was a different scene.

Such a young... Inner Qi state?

Just kidding!

Judging from his appearance, some people believe him even if he says he is not yet weak!

Some police officers saw Chen Ping'an's appearance and couldn't help but cursed in their hearts: Damn it, I've been working so hard for half my life, but in the end I can't compare to a young kid, why don't I get a good child? !

Obviously, these people all believe that the reason why Chen Pingan can serve as the deputy commander of the Baishi Town Fusi at such a young age is because of his background. Even his cultivation is due to his privileged background.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach this height!

Who can believe that such a young person can sit as the second-in-command of a town's Fusi without any background?

Everyone looked at Chen Pingan with different thoughts.

But no matter what they think in their hearts, no one dares to reveal their true thoughts at will, and everyone behaves extremely respectfully. When adults speak out, they go through fire and water.

The chief officer has just taken up his post, how can he not leave a good impression?

Do you still want to mess around?

As the person in charge of the registration and transfer of the files of the Zhenfu Division, the supervisor of the Office of Civil Affairs briefly introduced himself and then took the initiative to introduce Chen Ping'an to other people present. But the main introduction is to the supervisors of each errand room.

"Master Commander, I am Cheng Renjing from the Fusi Li Office in Baishi Town. This is Wei Jingyu, the supervisor of the dispatch office..."

Every supervisor who was introduced greeted Chen Pingan respectfully.

Chen Pingan met them one by one.

When the last person was introduced, Chen Pingan asked: "Where is the commander?"

Seeing Chen Ping'an's question, Cheng Renjing smiled and held up his hand: "Returning to the commander, Commander Feng is currently inspecting the periphery of the trade route. He has been out for more than half a month and he should not be able to come back in a short time."

"Inspect the perimeter of the trade route."

Chen Pingan nodded slightly.

Baishi City has a special geographical location, close to the starting point of the Long'an Trade Road. As a city commander, it is also responsible for patrolling the periphery of the trade road. This is indeed normal. Otherwise, a small city like Baishi City would not be equipped with a master who can reach the third level of inner energy, Tianlin Descends to the Top.

After all, Fusi, a town outside Weishui County, is equipped with such a specification!

"How long will it take Commander Feng to come back?"

"According to usual practice, it should take about ten days and a half." Cheng Renjing replied.

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Ping'an's heart, but he smiled slightly: "Does Commander Feng have any explanation before he leaves?"

"There was no explanation." Cheng Renjing replied.

Chen Ping'an's doubts became more intense.

Counting the time, when Commander Feng left the city, the former deputy commander was already dead. In this case, it stands to reason that no matter what tasks are outside, the priority should be to stabilize the situation in the city.

Why did Commander Feng go out instead? ?

It’s just a matter of going out, but you’ve been there for so long?

What's going on?

Chen Pingan glanced at the people in front of him and said with a smile: "Let's go, don't stand here anymore, go in first and talk later."

Everyone hurriedly responded: "Yes! The commander invites you first!"

"Hahaha, okay." Chen Pingan laughed and stepped forward.

After Chen Pingan left, the errand room supervisors looked at each other.

I promised the young man not to pay too much attention to it before, but now I see that each and every one of them is so stupid!

Cheng Renjing glanced at several of his colleagues and thought to himself: "A bunch of scoundrels, they said they were so righteous and righteous at first, and they looked like they were iron-clad, and now they are like this!? Fortunately, I am not smart enough to be deceived by you! If it really happened, I did what I said before, and now I am the chicken that respects the monkey!"

Seeing the former majestic officers in each room acting cautiously in front of the new deputy commander, the officers on the field sighed.

"How majestic!"

The more clever police officer has already firmly remembered Chen Pingan's appearance.

This is the second giant of our next Zhenfu Division, so be sure to remember it clearly!


After all, it is the core of a town's pacification department. The Baishi Town pacification department occupies a large area and is extremely spacious. After Chen Pingan and the heads of the various errand rooms briefly understood the internal operation, he met the chief errand officers and deputy chief errand officers from various urban areas.

There was no imaginary scene of showing off one's power. These people were very cooperative. Although they could not be said to be loyal and unreserved. But they were also respectful on the surface. Including the five chief errand officers who had entered the inner energy realm.

It seems that having a record of evidence is not a bad thing!

In order to get the position of deputy commander of Baishi City, Mu Wanjun had publicized the story of killing the shadowless leg for him! And this news naturally spread to Baishi City.

Being able to kill the inner energy realm, no matter what the situation was at the time, there is no doubt that Chen Pingan at least has the combat power level of the first level of the old-fashioned inner energy!

Of course...

It is hard to say whether this record is water or not!

At least after meeting Chen Pingan, especially seeing his overly young face, several chief officers had a question mark in their hearts.

For example, killing the shadowless leg of the inner energy master is very likely a trick played by the superiors to arrange a position and fool the subordinates.

For example, Shan Qiwang, the chief officer of the Central City District Pacification Office, has begun to speculate about Chen Pingan's background.

Being able to sit in such a high position at such a young age, it is obvious that this new boss is not as simple as recorded in the intelligence.

"Commander, you have just arrived in Baishi City to take office, and I think you don't have a suitable residence. I have prepared a house for you. If you don't mind, why don't you..."

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