"What do you want to eat?"

Chen Pingan sat down at the stall and asked the two of them with a smile.

Seeing that both of them agreed that it was okay, he raised his head and said to the busy stall owner: "Old man, please have three bowls of bean curd!"

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The stall owner is an old man, his face is full of wrinkles and his skin is loose, but he seems to be in good spirits.

There were four or five small tables in front of the stall. In addition to Chen Pingan, there were two other tables with people eating and drinking.

The old man was very efficient and soon served three bowls of bean curd.

"Sir, if the taste is not enough, there is sauce over there. You can add more as you like. It's free."

The old man said with a smile.

"Uncle, your business is good."

Chen Pingan looked at the steaming bean sprouts and felt happy.


The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked around, and said, "It's just that most of the money I earned doesn't fall into my hands. I just passed by!"


Chen Pingan was interested.

"Old man, how do you say this?"

At first, the old man was unwilling to say more. But after Chen Pingan bought some more food, and there were not many customers behind him, the old man gradually started talking.

The old man's surname is Hao, a native of Baishi City. I suffered a lot when I was young, working as an apprentice, clerk, and porter. When he was young, the situation in Baishi City was stable and the power was not as strong as it is now. Anyway, as long as you pay some money regularly, your life will be stable.

In the past few years, this place has become more and more chaotic, and life has not been so comfortable.

Up to now, there are all kinds of miscellaneous expenses. I have to pay this and that. After calculation, most of the day is paid for by others.

Chen Ping listened quietly and took a mouthful of bean curd: "Does the Zhenfu Division not care about this matter?"

"Control? Of the forces in this city, which one is not more arrogant than the Zhenfu Division? They want to control it, but they can do it!"

As he spoke, Old Man Hao was itching with hatred.

Chen Ping'an wanted to ask something else, but a guest came over.

"Old man Hao, here are six drawers of steamed buns, six big fried dough sticks, three bowls of wontons, and three bowls of green onion noodles! Hurry!"

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an could feel Old Hao's face twitching, but he quickly squeezed out a smile and ran over with a smile.

"Master Jiang, you guys are here! Sit down, sit down first! Things will be ready soon!"

Old Man Hao welcomed several people to their seats, and then immediately ran to the stall and started working.

Chen Pingan ate bean curd and looked up at the others.

At a table not far away, there were a few naughty-looking people sitting, looking carefree.

"Hey, I really have no time to live my life these days! Boss, when do you think this life will end?"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, you can't do this or that. It's really boring."

A few rogues sat at the table and started chatting.

Listening to what the two of them said, the tallest and strongest man among them stood with one foot on the bench and behaved rudely.

"You guys have time to spare, don't I? The superiors said, let us be quiet these days and don't make any noise."

"Boss, why do you think this is happening! I've never been in such control before. Why are you so strict now?"

"It's not the deputy commander of the Town and Fu Department who took office to cause trouble!"

Speaking of this, Master Jiang looked unhappy.

"Originally there was no need for this, but the last deputy commander died a few days ago! The Department of Finance has been very tight in their investigation. The higher-ups don't want to cause trouble, so they have tightened the rules on us!"

"When will this day end?"

Some rogues were crying and howling.

"By the way, boss, what do you think the deputy commander is? The higher ups seem to have specially prepared a gift for him!"

Master Jiang glanced at the questioner and took a sip.

"You ask me, how would I know to go! However, I heard that it seems that he is not very old and is still a baby!"

"Baby? Hahahaha... I guess it's the young master of some family who came here to be our mascot. After a year, it's time to transfer him!"

"A year! It can't be a few months! If you don't do it right, don't die at home again!"

"Shh! Idiot! The boss asked you to be quiet, why are you talking so randomly?"

"Oh, yes, yes!"


At the stall, several rogues were chatting casually. Chen Pingan listened for a while and finally understood the background of these people.

Several people are from the Crocodile Gang, one of the four major gangs in White Rock City!

What Tingyue meant was that the rogue Jiang was still a minor leader in the Crocodile Gang.

Chen Ping'an took a look and found that this rogue Jiang had already embarked on martial arts practice and was considered a figure among ordinary people.

With the arrival of several people, the two tables that were still eating at the stall finished their food as quickly as possible, paid their bills and left. At first glance, I didn’t want to have anything to do with the Crocodile Gang.

Ordinary people would not dare to mess with people from the Crocodile Gang. Even if we meet, we have to hide!

Old Man Hao was not slow in his movements and soon served food for several people one after another.

"Old man Hao, business has been good recently!"

Rascal Jiang looked at Old Man Hao with a half-smile.

Old Man Hao squeezed the sweat from his hands and forced a smile: "Thanks to Master Jiang and a few other masters, the business can barely survive!"

"Can you barely survive? I don't think so!"

Pi Pi Jiang sneered twice.

Cold sweat broke out on the back of old man Hao. Just when he was trembling and didn't know what to say, the ruffian Jiang waved his hand and asked him to go down first.

"You old man, you can't help being teased at all!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Old man Hao nodded and bowed, and a big stone fell from his heart.

"Brother, he is so pitiful." Chen Erya whispered to Chen Pingan.

The look of old man Hao just now was indeed easy to make people feel distressed. Especially compared with the cheerfulness and relaxation when chatting with Chen Pingan, and then looking at the current cautiousness and worry, it makes people feel more so.

Chen Pingan glanced over there and nodded.

It's not easy for this person to live!

Several people from the Crocodile Gang ate very quickly and devoured everything in one meal. In the process, they also looked in the direction of Chen Pingan and others. It was a bit strange, why didn't they leave.

Seeing that Chen Pingan and others were not dressed like ordinary people, several ruffians from the Crocodile Gang didn't say anything.

"Old man Hao, your cooking skills are really good! The taste is pretty good!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Old man Hao smiled flatteringly.

"Well, it's really good. I'll come to taste it tomorrow!"

Old man Hao's hand twitched slightly, but his expression remained unchanged: "As long as Mr. Jiang likes it. You're welcome anytime."

"Well, let's go!"

Ruffian Jiang stood up from the stool, patted his butt and left. The other two looked at Old Man Hao, laughed twice, and left one by one. "Why don't they pay?"

Watching several people pat their butts and leave without even paying the bill, Chen Erya was a little unhappy.

Hearing this, Old Man Hao's face changed. He wanted to step forward and ask the little girl not to speak loudly, but it was too late.

The few people from the Crocodile Gang had not taken a few steps when they heard the little girl's words and turned around one by one.

"You mean... pay?"

Ruffian Jiang showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth and his eyes fell on Chen Erya.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Old man Hao didn't say anything, but you're the one who's taking care of the little girl! How interesting!"

"Where did this little girl come from? Isn't there an adult to take care of her?"

The other two rascals also looked at Chen Erya.

"Master Jiang, she's just a little girl, don't take her words to heart! You came to my place to eat to give me face, so there's no reason for you to pay!"

Old man Hao quickly jumped in front of the rascal Jiang, blocking his view of Chen Erya.

"Get out of the way!"

The rascal Jiang shouted.

"Master Jiang! You're a generous person..."

Before Old Man Hao finished speaking, a rascal jumped out from the side.

"Master Jiang asked you to get out of the way, didn't you hear me!"

The rascal pushed Old Man Hao's shoulder, and the sudden force made Old Man Hao's footsteps soften, and he collapsed to the ground.

Without Old Man Hao's shielding, Chen Erya's petite figure appeared in front of several people again.

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