"elder brother!"

In the carriage, Chen Erya's voice sounded slightly panicked.

Obviously, she could clearly see the exchange just now from inside the carriage.


Chen Ping'an stepped forward and comforted the little girl.

"It's just a little naughty thief, it doesn't matter!"


Chen Erya nodded.

She knew what to do at this time so as not to worry her brother.

Shaoyao on the side covered her mouth. Although there was fear on her face, she still held Chen Erya's hand calmly.

"Miss, the young master is here, everything will be fine."

After confirming that the two girls were not much frightened and were generally fine, Chen Ping'an began to dispose of Ding Tong's body.

He groped up and down and found a lot of banknotes and broken silver on Ding Tong's body. However, I didn't find any martial arts secrets.

Sure enough, not everyone would carry martial arts secrets with them everywhere.

Situations like this are actually normal!

Chen Pingan found a dagger on the inside of Ding Tong's calf. There is a ruby ​​inlaid on the handle of the dagger. Pulling out the dagger, the cold light shone brightly, and it was obvious that it was not an ordinary thing.

"This dagger is good!"

Chen Pingan praised it and put it away with satisfaction.

This time, in addition to gaining some silver, I also gained a weapon! What a comfort!

According to Chen Pingan's judgment, this dagger is most likely a high-quality sharp blade.

Compared with broadswords and long swords of the same quality, the value of daggers is generally lower. But no matter how low it is, it is still a high-quality sharp blade.

It's more than enough to replace it with one or two sharp blades!

After all, we were on an official road, and although it was already late at night, there was no guarantee that there wouldn't be any passers-by. Therefore, after Chen Pingan touched the body, he moved the body far away. The horse Ding Tong was riding on just now was still there, so he moved it to the nearby bushes and tied it up.

After doing this, he took out the flint and began to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces in a familiar way.

Although he was not afraid of the revelation, he still had to cover up the reason for Ding Tong's death.

Speaking of which, his Great Vajra Palm has only been cultivated to a small level, and he was able to kill Ding Tong, which is why he is so destructive. After all, it’s because of the absolute advantage of realm!

If he were to compete in the same situation, even if he had amazing actual combat experience, it would be difficult for him to achieve such an effect with just the small-level Vajra Palm.

After confirming that the body had turned into a wreckage, Chen Ping'an extinguished the remaining fire, returned to the official road, got on the carriage and walked straight along the official road.

"Weren't you afraid just now?"

Pulling the reins, Chen Pingan asked the two of them.

"A little bit."

Chen Erya said softly.

Chen Ping'an felt a little distressed. To be honest, he wanted to protect Chen Erya properly and not let her be exposed to the hardships of this world at all.

But in fact, he can't do it!

Although he is now strong enough to protect himself, there are always people coming one after another to provoke him.

Regarding Chen Erya, it was difficult for him to be 100% considerate.

Chen Pingan was still thinking when Chen Erya's voice sounded again.

"Rather than being afraid, I'm more worried about my brother."

When Chen Pingan heard this, his heart softened.

"Nanny, it's my brother who makes you worry."

"Brother, didn't you agree not to call me nanny outside? I've grown up~"

"Yes, yes, I have grown up. However, there are no outsiders now!"

"elder brother!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The carriage drove quickly, and from the senses of the few people, they felt that it didn't take long before they arrived at an inn.

A lantern hung at the door of the inn, and a servant stood inside. Seeing a carriage approaching, the boy quickly came up to meet it.

"Sir, please come in! We have nice guest rooms and hot water for washing your feet..."

The waiter introduced enthusiastically.

Chen Pingan jumped off the carriage.

"Two good guest rooms, and I want good fodder and help take care of the horses!"


The boy smiled enthusiastically.

This place is still within the radiation range of Weishui County, and the inn is located next to the official road, so there is no doubt that it will be a shady shop.

After settling down Chen Erya and Shaoyao, Chen Pingan also entered another guest room together.

After waiting for a while, Chen Pingan turned over through the window and quickly left the inn. The entire process was silent and no one noticed.

Soon, Chen Ping'an arrived at the official road where he had been attacked before. In the woods in the distance, the horse was still tied to the tree and snoring.

With Chen Ping'an's current martial arts level, if he ran with all his strength, he would not be slower than a fast horse. But considering the journey back to Weishui County, Chen Pingan chose to ride a horse.

Get on your horse and gallop all the way!


In the ruined temple, Fang Rui became more and more anxious as he waited.

"It's been so long, why isn't Ding Tong back yet?"

Listening to Fang Rui's question, Fang Shicheng lowered his head slightly and said, "Master, Ding Tong may have something delayed."

"What can happen? Can someone else escape?"

Fang Rui looked a little worried.

Originally, his idea was to follow Ding Tong directly so that he could see Chen Ping'an's miserable situation face to face. But in the end, Fang Shicheng persuaded him to stop.

After all, according to the latest news, Chen Pingan has entered the inner Qi realm. Although the realm may not be stable not long after entering, he is also a genuine inner Qi realm master!

If Fang Rui goes there, if he doesn't do it right, it will become a breach!

After all, as written in those storybooks, there are many examples of kidnapping young masters, threatening guards, and finally escaping!

Although Ding Tong is here, this is unlikely. But don’t take such a risk if you can’t help it!

Although Fang Rui knew that what Fang Shicheng said before was reasonable and stayed in the ruined temple to wait for the news, he was finally getting impatient after waiting for the result.

"Ding Tong, the tota hand, has been famous for many years and has special skills in grappling. Even the second level of ordinary inner energy may not be able to escape from his hands. Chen Ping'an, a junior who has just entered the inner energy, wants to let Ding It's absolutely impossible to miss!

I think Chen Pingan is cunning. Perhaps Ding Tong failed to find Chen Pingan immediately, which wasted a lot of time! "

Fang Shicheng speculated appropriately.

After hearing Fang Shicheng's explanation, Fang Rui's expression softened slightly.

Just as the two were communicating, the guard who was observing the situation outside the ruined temple suddenly walked in.

"Master, there is the sound of horse hooves in the distance!"

"Horse hooves?"

Fang Rui was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Ding Tong should be back!"

After hearing the guard's report, Fang Shicheng on the side also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chen Ping'an, let's see how I torture you later! Let you know how hard I am in prison!"

Fang Rui stood up and waited for Ding Tong to return with Chen Pingan, with a sneer on his face.

He had already thought of how to torture Chen Ping'an later. The reason why he let Ding Tong capture him was so that this moment could make him angry!

Ta-ta! Ta-ta! Ta-ta!

The sound of horse hooves gradually approached, and soon they arrived outside the ruined temple, just when Fang Rui thought the horses were about to stop. But the sound of horse hooves outside was heard, undiminished at all, heading into the distance along the avenue.


"Not Ding Tong?"

Fang Rui frowned. Through the window of the ruined temple, he saw a fast horse galloping on the avenue. A figure riding on a horse can be faintly seen.

"What's going on?"

Fang Rui snorted suddenly.

Fang Shicheng on the side trembled in his heart.

What's going on!

He was equally confused.

Where did Tin Tong go?

Just when Fang Shicheng didn't know how to reply, the sound of horse hooves outside came again.

Ta-ta! Ta-ta! Ta-ta!

"Master, you're back! Maybe Ding Tong rode too hard!"

Fang Shicheng said with joy on his face.

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