On the merged drawings, lines are carved, and the lines are outlined to draw a mountain. There are winding routes inside the mountain, eventually leading to a cave.

You wouldn't know it just by looking at one picture, but when the two are put together, Chen Pingan can also see the clue.

This seems to be on the Canglong Mountains?

Chen Pingan struggled to identify the reference objects above.

It seems to be near Weishui County!

After understanding this, Chen Ping'an felt even more excited.

If the treasure depicted on the treasure map is really near Weishui County, then the time cost of his treasure hunt will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Don't know what's inside?

Chen Pingan guessed.

Who would have thought that in two such coincidences, a treasure map could be put together in such a confused way?

It sounds like it's a bit of a joke.

But it really happened.

Of course, this treasure map shouldn't be taken too seriously. After all, it might just be a fake picture.

"Put it away first and wait for the right opportunity later. If it is true or false, you will know once you find out!"

Chen Pingan calmed down and carefully put away the two pieces of paper.


In the next few days, Chen Pingan was extremely busy at work. The most important thing is to deal with the follow-up work of settling Nancheng Prison.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect suffered a lot from Nancheng Prison. For example, Chen Ping'an is needed to implement the pension work for the jailers and servants who died.

In addition, some traces of battles in Nancheng Prison also need to be repaired in time.

While dealing with work, Chen Ping'an also did not fall behind in his practice.

On this day, a practice experience flashed before his eyes.


The Golden Bell Cover he had practiced, his practice experience had finally reached its limit.


Chen Pingan thought silently in his heart.


The extremely familiar feeling came over again, and when Chen Ping'an opened his eyes, he had already perfectly mastered many of the magical killing moves of the golden bell cover in actual combat.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Inner Qi-purity and turbidity return to the original state

Martial Arts: Perfect Iron Cloth Shirt, Perfect Locust Stone, Perfect Thirteen Swordsman of Gongmen, Perfect Practice of Thirteen Taibao, Perfect Golden Bell Shield, Great Success in Gale Sword Technique (136/400), Great Perfection in Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada (87/ 400)


With the perfection of the golden bell, it means that the martial arts that Chen Ping'an has reached the level of perfection have also become five.


The inner Qi surged, and the skin on Chen Ping'an's body seemed to turn a light golden color, and an invisible Qi shield was faintly produced.

The perfection-level golden bell greatly increased Chen Ping'an's defense power. He had a vague feeling that even if he faced a martial arts master at the third level of inner energy, he would be confident enough to block it.

The changes he brought about were not only in this aspect, but also in the inner Qi within the Dantian Qi Sea.

At this moment, his martial arts realm has reached the second level of Inner Qi and is only half a step away from the third level of Inner Qi!

If he can successfully take this half-step, then looking at the entire Weishui County, among the younger generation, except Liu Ziming of the Liu family, he will definitely be number one!

It can be said that he is a real genius!

And this half step is extremely difficult for others. For Chen Pingan, he only needs to push the blast sword technique to the perfect state, and he can easily step into it.

"Rookie list..."

There was a faint light flickering in Chen Ping'an's eyes.


After Chen Ping'an's golden bell entered the state of perfection, another seven or eight days passed.

Under the organization of Fusi from the outer town, a large-scale memorial service was held in the outer city of Weishui River. Mainly to commemorate the civilians who died in the Ten Thousand Demons Rebellion.

Almost all the influential forces in the entire Wei River Outer City sent representatives to express their condolences. There were many representatives of the forces who came to express their condolences, not only from the outer city, but also from the inner city.

Chen Ping'an naturally also went there.

At the condolence meeting, Chen Pingan met Mu Wanjun. Mu Wanjun was seriously injured and had yet to recover, and it was the first time she came out of recuperation.

She saw Chen Pingan's eyes lit up.


"Muda people."

Chen Pingan greeted.

He saw an old man wearing silk clothes standing next to Mu Wanjun. There were many people around, who showed great respect to the old man and were trying to please him.

Mu Wanjun stepped forward with a grateful look on her face.

"Peace, this time, I can survive, thanks to you! If it weren't for you, I would be one more person you want to express condolences to."

"Mr. Mu is serious!"

Chen Pingan smiled and did not take credit.

In the past few days, although Mu Wanjun's injury has not healed, people have sent him many gifts to express his gratitude.

"What do you call me, Mr. Mu? You can save my life, just call me Wanjun!"

There was intimacy in Mu Wanjun's tone.

Chen Ping'an hesitated and said: "Sir, you and I both belong to Nancheng City Fusi. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to call us that."

"Public to public, private to private, you can call it that in private."

In response to Mu Wanjun's insistence, Chen Ping'an responded calmly and called her "Wanjun."

Wonderful things in the world!

Who would have thought that the person who was so high above him and could control his destiny would now stand in front of him and ask him to call him Wan Jun.

The exchange between Chen Pingan and Mu Wanjun did not last long.

In addition to being the chief commissioner of Fusi in Nancheng City, Mu Wanjun also has the identity of the legitimate daughter of the Mu family.

As a representative of the inner city family, she naturally had a lot of social activities with the elders of the family during this condolence.

"Wanjun, is that the man you mentioned before, Chen Pingan?"

The old man in silk and gorgeous clothes looked at Chen Pingan curiously.

"Thirteenth uncle, that's him. Pingan is extremely talented. He has already entered the sixth level of Qi and blood perfection even though we haven't seen him for a few days. Moreover, he has also practiced a superior light body technique to the great success level. He is definitely a rare genius. Given time, he will definitely be on the rookie list."

Mu Wanjun spared no effort to praise Chen Pingan.

The old man looked at Chen Pingan for a few times and nodded slightly.

The sixth level of Qi and blood perfection! The superior light body technique of the great success level!

Not bad!



After returning from the place of condolence, Chen Pingan felt a wave of discrepancy.

Whatever powerful bosses are seen by others, they are just small minions in the eyes of the high-level officials of the outer town Fusi. The so-called high-level officials of the Outer Town Pacification Office also need to please the real representatives of the inner city's aristocratic families.

However, these things just passed through Chen Ping'an's mind for a while and then went away. At the moment, he was concentrating on finding ways to promote the progress of the practice of the Gale Sword Technique.

In this way, more than ten days passed peacefully.

Just when Chen Ping'an was guarding his own piece of land in the South City Prison, an unexpected appointment was delivered to his public house.

"Chen Ping'an, the head of the South City Prison, is brave and loyal. During the chaos of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he killed more than ten thieves with his strength and made meritorious service in guarding the city. After evaluation by the Outer Town Pacification Office, he was specially promoted to the candidate for the chief officer of the South City Pacification Office!"

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