Chen Pingan gradually frowned as he listened to the time difference head's story.


"That's right, Master Chen. The thieves of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect have already carved a mark in the prison."

The time difference head looked stern, pointing to a corner not far away and said, "Master Chen, please look here."

Chen Pingan looked up and found a mark like a ghost face carved lightly at the bottom of the corner. Because it was carved in the corner and the mark was very light, normal people could not find it without careful observation.

Seeing that Chen Pingan had found the mark, the time difference head continued, "Master Chen, not only here, I also found such a mark at the entrance of the passage leading to the underground prison."

"There is also such a mark in the passage?"

Hearing this, Chen Pingan's face changed.

If there is a mark of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect at the entrance of the passage leading to the underground prison, doesn't it mean...

There are already thieves of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect sneaking in?

Otherwise, the mark would not appear in that place at all.

"That's right."

The time difference leader nodded slightly, his expression was a little solemn.

Chen Pingan glanced at the other party and said, "Have you checked other places?"


Chen Pingan pondered for a moment and said, "Min, you take a few squads and check everything up and down. See if there are any similar ghost face marks."


Min respectfully obeyed the order and immediately took the jailer to check in the South City Prison.

"Sir Chen, these marks should have special meanings. It is initially speculated that the thieves of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect have lurked in and are even ready to take action!"

The time difference leader said his speculation.

Looking at the time difference leader, Chen Pingan had some doubts in his heart, but he did not show it.

"Well, it should be so."

While the two were communicating, Min's investigation on the other side also had results.

"Sir Chen, the ghost face mark was found in five places in the entire Nancheng Prison. In addition to the passage leading to the underground first floor, there are also marks in the passage leading to the underground second floor, and near Wu Haihua's prison."

"Near Wu Haihua's prison? Who is qualified to go to that area?"

"Replying to the lord, due to the interrogation in recent days, in addition to our Nancheng Prison, colleagues from other institutions have also been there. If we want to check one by one, it will take at least a day."

"So, the Wanmo Cult thief who carved the mark may not be in the Nancheng Prison. It may also be someone from other institutions."

Chen Ping'an's words were recognized by several people.

However, since such a discovery has been made in the Nancheng Prison, it should be reported to the Nancheng Town Pacification Office. However, it is still unknown whether the Wanmo Cult thief is lurking in it. If he is lurking, almost everyone present may be there.

In this case, it is a bit difficult to choose the person who will report to the Nancheng Town Pacification Office.

But this matter cannot be left unreported.

Finally, after internal inspection and selection, it was decided to let Min Chatou go to report the matter.

Before reporting, several people also asked Min Chatou about some details in great detail to prevent others from impersonating him.

"Stay where you are! Wait for instructions from the Nancheng Town Fusi."

Chen Pingan ordered.


No jailer moved rashly and kept a distance from each other.

"Ghost face mark, mark near the prison... There is something strange!"

Chen Pingan fell into deep thought.

He didn't quite understand what the ghost face mark was used for.

If it was to convey information, what would it mean? And since someone could carve a mark here, there were other ways to send a message, so there was no need to do so.

If it wasn't used to convey information, what would it be for?


When Min Chatou came back from the Nancheng Town Fusi, it was getting dark. With him came Mu Wanjun, the chief of the Nancheng Town Fusi, a criminal investigation officer. In addition, there were seven or eight elite Nancheng Town Fusi officers.

Seeing Mu Wanjun coming, Chen Pingan was slightly stunned.

The chief officer came in person?

So important!

"Mr. Mu."

Chen Pingan greeted respectfully.

It was not only him who greeted him, but also everyone present.

"No need to be polite."

Mu Wanjun waved her hand slightly, and without delay, she learned about the situation here.

Chen Pingan and Mu Wanjun told about the latest discoveries here.

"It is indeed the ghost face mark of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect."

Mu Wanjun looked at the mark carved in the corner and confirmed that it was undoubtedly the exclusive mark of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

"However, what is the purpose of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect carving the mark here?"

Mu Wanjun and Chen Pingan had the same doubts.

As the chief officer of the Nancheng Town Pacification Office, she had far more comprehensive intelligence information than everyone present. According to the latest intelligence, the people of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect appeared outside the city from time to time, and made some noise from time to time. There was even a murder case of 23 people in a small town, which was quite bold.

However, according to the information she had, all of this was paving the way for the fight.

According to reliable intelligence, many thieves from the Ten Thousand Demons Cult had already lurked in the outer city of Weishui. However, due to time constraints, they could not be checked out one by one for the time being.

The Ten Thousand Demons Cult wanted to take action only in these few days, and they took advantage of the time difference to launch it in one fell swoop. If they missed this gap, when their people who lurked in were found out one by one by the intelligence network of the Outer Town Fusi, the Ten Thousand Demons Cult would be in a passive position.

This is also the reason why Mu Wanjun decided to come here in person after learning the news.

These few days are of great importance, and there must be no mistakes.

Accompanied by Chen Pingan, Mu Wanjun examined the marks of the Ten Thousand Demons Cult in the South City Prison. After checking around, several people just came out of the underground prison and heard a bang from the southeast side, and then the flames shot up to the sky and burned fiercely.

Almost at the same time, the northwest and southwest sides also heard a roar, and there was another fire.

"The fire broke out! The fire broke out!"

"Quick, come out!"


Several places were in chaos.

Chen Pingan and Mu Wanjun looked at each other, and they saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The roars and explosions one after another could not be coincidences.

This means that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is about to explode!

The flames rising into the sky in the distance were so dazzling in the dark night. The time difference head looked anxious and walked to Mu Wanjun respectfully.

"Master Mu, there is a fire outside. Do you think we should..."

The time difference head, who was talking with his head down, retracted one hand and slapped Mu Wanjun's chest with a palm.

His movement was so fast that it was far beyond the fifth level of Qi and Blood. The palm method was swift and fierce, and there was internal Qi surging inside.

This time difference head was actually an internal Qi realm!

Mu Wanjun was unprepared for the time difference head's palm. She was in a hurry and could not react in time. She just avoided the vital part of her chest. She was hit on the shoulder by the time difference head's palm.

This palm, with the internal Qi dense and powerful, made Mu Wanjun's delicate body shake slightly, and her face was like gold paper. At this moment, half of her shoulder blade was completely shattered.

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