Martial Arts Emperor

Chapter 2310 Only three people crossed this bridge


The ancient corpse did not dare to raise its head, unable to see the woman's expression.

However, he felt the woman's disdain.

This made his body tremble. .??.

You Emperor and Ming Emperor were great emperors millions of years ago. They were called Emperor Youtian and Emperor Mingtian by later generations. They were once extremely terrifying. They suppressed two eras and controlled the world for one or two hundred thousand years. They were extraordinary. , even if they sit in the world, their aura lingers for a long time and is still terrifying, making it difficult for other people in the world to become emperors.

In those one and two hundred thousand years, all the geniuses, all the strong men, and the existences of all races lived under their shroud.

Who is not afraid of them?

But this woman spoke like this.

However, the ancient corpse trembled. He knew...this woman had this qualification.

How many people in the eternal world can compare with Emperor Youtian and Emperor Mingtian?

It’s just a group of people.

It's a pity that none of these people lived in the same era at the same time.

This woman is one of them.

If it is the pinnacle, what is this Huangquan Bridge?

No laws, no avenues, no rules, I'm afraid they can't stop this woman from pointing her finger, right?

"Sir, calm down!"

The ancient corpse shivered.

"That's all, after all, it's not my era anymore." The woman in the Emperor's Sword sighed, "He has his own way, but I don't know what level his Taoist heart can reach?"

"The Yellow Spring Bridge cannot be stepped on by a living person."

"Once he steps in, he will die. Even if I can protect him from surviving, but... once this happens, it means that he has failed and cannot enter the wooden coffin in front..."

"But, throughout the ages, living people have stepped onto the Huangquan Bridge... there shouldn't be more than five people walking across it, right?"

"There are only...only three people!" The ancient corpse trembled.

"Three people?" The woman in the Emperor's Sword sighed.

The ancient corpse nodded: "Yes, only

Three people! "

"You are one!"

"Millions of years ago, that one!"

"And, and..."

But now that the words were spoken, the ancient corpse stopped speaking.

"Who else?"

The woman inside the Heavenly Emperor's sword concentrated.

"Sir, it concerns the secrets in the Death Land of the Flame Realm..."

The ancient corpse spoke.

"You should know that my sword has been stained with the blood of the Supreme Lord of the Death Land of the Flame Realm, and even... it has been stained with the blood of those in the depths. Although I am not the same as before, if I use my full strength to activate this sword, do you think How many of my swords can you block with the strength you have cultivated for so many thousands of years in the body of a corpse?" said the woman in the Emperor's Sword.

"Sir..." The body of the ancient corpse trembled again, stained with the blood of those deep in the Death Land of the Flame Realm?

Those people are...

With this thought, the ancient corpse spoke:

"Yes, a person of this world!"

"It's so blurry that I can't see my identity!"

"I don't know if she is a man or a woman, but... she is definitely the genius of this era."

"He did not step across the Huangquan Bridge here, but in another place. He... entered the Death Land of the Flame Realm, and then walked out..." the ancient corpse said.

This sound made the woman inside the Heavenly Emperor's Sword condense.

Entered the death place of the flame world?

In which rivers cross the Huangquan Bridge?

"No matter where the Huangquan Bridge is, it's the same test." The ancient corpse said.

"I know!" said the woman in the Emperor's Sword. She knew all of this. Whether it was in the Death Land of the Flame Realm or here, the test was the same, but... being able to step into the Death Land of the Flame Realm, He also stepped on the Huangquan Bridge. He is... the inheritor of the Death Land of the Flame Realm?

When Ye Yanzhu killed Yun Feimei, wasn't it... her?

Someone else has become the inheritor of the Death Land in the Flame Realm?

"Huangquan Bridge tests the Taoist heart!"

"As long as anyone who steps on this bridge has a firm heart, only the young emperor can do it..." The woman in the Emperor's Sword secretly thought in her heart. The ancient emperor had never been in contact with this bridge when he was a boy. If he encountered it, he should also It can be crossed. After all, this underground river is difficult to find without a chance.

The inheritor of the Death Land of the Flame Realm definitely has the ambition that a great emperor should have.

"How long did it take him to cross this bridge?" the woman in the Emperor's Sword asked again.

"I, I don't know, the Underworld Bridge involves too many secrets, and I only bathe myself in the River Styx and the Underworld, so I know some things. Perhaps, only the Supreme knows his time..." the ancient corpse said. .

"You are not far from the Supreme, right?" the woman in the Emperor's Sword said.

"Only one step away." The ancient corpse said, "But don't worry, sir, I am different from them. Even if I am the Supreme, I will not bring trouble to the world, and I will not provoke you. I... have seen you before... …”

"These years?" the woman in the Emperor's Sword asked again.

"Don't worry, sir. I have never mentioned anything about you in these years."

"I don't dare!" The ancient corpse trembled again.

Under this condition, the woman inside the Heavenly Emperor Sword no longer said anything.

Her memory is fuzzy.

She only remembered that she once crossed the Underworld Bridge and stood on the river where the Underworld and the Styx River met to temper her body. However, she forgot how long it took to cross the bridge.

At this point, she could only wait.

"How many days did it take me?"

"What did I do back then?"

Some memories are too vague.

But the woman in the Emperor's Sword didn't ask this question.

Ancient corpse.

She is no longer what she used to be, and she is unable to kill a nearly supreme being. Her sword is only a deterrent. If she asks too many questions, it may be detrimental to Ye Yan.

Now, she can only remain silent.


At this moment, Ye Yan was still on the Huangquan Bridge. Everything around him was pitch black. He couldn't see everything clearly with his clairvoyance. People on this bridge were left with only endless fear.

It was okay at first, but when Ye Yan walked on it, it seemed like there was no end. It seemed that the bridge was just a distance, but he felt that he had walked for half a day, but he still had not reached the end.

It seems that this bridge is endless.

This left him at a loss. The endless darkness shrouded the surroundings, the silence was terrifying, and there was no trace of life here.

However, Ye Yan concentrated again and moved forward.

There seems to be no time here. This departure makes Ye Yan feel like he has been gone for a long time, as if several years have passed.

"Can't you get out?"

"My beard is so long?"

"How long have I been gone?"

"How is the human race?"

"Can't I get out?"

Ye Yan's face tightened, and his eyes were filled with anxiety and endless despair.

Can't get out?

He originally wanted to get Cang Wanxuan's aura within a few days, but now, he is trapped here. What happened to the human race in the southern region? Without the ancient flag, are they all dead?

What about your own people?

What happened to Ye Long, Ye Hu, Ye Bao and others?

Where are the rest of the Ye family?

Where are Ming Yatou, Lion King, Niu Dada and the others?

Could it be that they all turned into withered bones?

However, no one answered him, everything was dead and silent, and there was eternal darkness. There was not even a sound, leaving people with only endless despair.

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