Chapter 64 Yao Yue is here

Su Ying saw Murong Fu and slowly explained:

"In ancient times, Emperor Xuanyuan drank the dragon's blood and obtained its essence, and his three thousand maidens became immortals."

"The descendants left since then have inherited the strange power of his bloodline."

"Born with great strength and superior combat power, every person who inspires Xuanyuan's bloodline must be the protagonist of an era."

"The most enviable thing for men is that those who inherit Xuanyuan's bloodline will emit a special fragrance from their bodies."

"Let a woman fall in love with you, unable to extricate herself, and want to have fun with him."

"That's it." Murong Fu didn't find it strange.

Except for the last bit, which he didn't know, the other introductions to Long Yuan were pretty much the same.

Perhaps, Emperor Xuanyuan back then also obtained Long Yuan, making him extremely brave no matter which battlefield he was on.

But, where did the gods come from in this world? Asked further:

"Then can my blood save my sister-in-law?"

Su Ying shook her head and said, "Although your blood is strange but impure, taking it can only slow down the onset of corpse poison."

"It seems that we have to look for the Pure Yang Golden Flower." Murong Fu said solemnly.

Su Ying seemed to be prepared, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the flower is in the back garden of my adoptive father Wei Wuya."

"Huh? I didn't expect Wei Wuya to be a person who cherishes flowers?" Murong Fu asked.

Su Ying shook her head gently: "You think highly of him. He worked so hard to cultivate Pure Yang Golden Flower so that one day he can spend a good night with Yao Yue."

"Master Wei really has ideas and courage." Murong Fu said in admiration.

"Huh, he's just a pervert. I'll tell you the location of his garden. You go and steal all the flowers. If that doesn't work, burn them on fire." Su Ying said angrily.

"Sister-in-law, Miss Lao Su will take care of her." Murong Fu nodded and did not dare to delay. He put away the map Su Ying had drawn and prepared to leave.

"Don't worry, you must be careful during this trip. My adoptive father has built the entire Tianwaitian into a huge machine city. Once it is activated, I am afraid no one will be able to come out." Su Ying suggested kindly.

"Thank you." Murong Fu bowed his hands and saluted, then walked towards the sky.

On the other side, the southern martial arts people who came in earlier had already run out of the corridor and stopped in front of a three-way intersection.

"Xiao Yu'er, which way should we go?" Zhang Jing panted.

Xiao Yu'er frowned and said, "There is no hint here, and I don't know how to go."

"Hoo, ho, this thing definitely depends on luck." Duan Hefei, the big fat man, said.

Xiao Yu'er glanced at the other party and said mockingly: "Rich Man Duan has died and so many martial arts masters have died, but you haven't died yet. I really admire you."

" cursed me!" Duan Hefei pointed at Xiao Yu'er and said angrily.

Xiao Yu'er shook his head and said with a bad smile: "Don't accuse me wrongly. I'm just stating the facts."

"You!" Duan Hefei wanted to argue again, but a "rumbling" sound came from the corridor behind him.

Then, someone shouted: "Oh no, a huge rock is coming, let's run!"

Xiao Yu'er frowned and said coldly: "The owner here is really shameless and doesn't give us a chance to breathe."

"What should we do?" Duan Hefei asked excitedly.

Xiao Yu'er said speechlessly: "What I have now is bad luck. No matter which path I choose, it will definitely be the most unlucky."

Zhang Jing and Murong Jiu also shook their heads: "Don't look at us, we are also very unlucky, otherwise how could we know Xiao Yu'er?"

Finally, everyone looked at Duan Hefei, who pointed at his nose and said, "You're not going to let me choose, are you?"

Xiao Yuer kicked Duan Hefei on the butt: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and choose!"

Duan Hefei had no choice but to pick one at random and run away.

The little fishman and others followed behind him.

However, Duan Hefei, who was fat and broad, was soon left behind by everyone.

At this moment, a bunch of dense pinholes suddenly appeared in front of him.

Tens of thousands of steel needles were shot out with a "swish" sound.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yu'er shouted and quickly used his body skills to avoid it.

Others are also desperately resisting, and they are all miserable.

Jiang Biehe, Jiang Yulang and others, who had been watching behind the scenes, laughed endlessly.

"Palace Master Wei is really powerful. This is the first time I have seen someone torture Xiao Yu'er so miserably." Jiang Yulang said with a proud laugh.

"I have a more cruel method, which is used to deal with those who deceive me. Do you want to see it?" Wei Wuya remained calm, glanced at Jiang Yulang and said with a "Gah" smile.

Jiang Biehe knew what the other party was referring to and said, "Wait a moment, the Japanese should be here soon."

Before he could finish his words, Wei Wuya's subordinates came to report:

"Ancestor, there are some Japanese people outside the door, claiming to be the Yagyu clan, and they want to see you."

Jiang Biehe said proudly: "It seems it's done."

Wei Wuya's old face immediately smiled as brightly as a flower, and he quickly waved his hands and said:

"Go quickly, go and call them over to me?"

After receiving the order, the subordinates did not hesitate for a moment and went out to pick up seven Japanese people.

"Hello, dear Wei Sang!"

"We are the Yagyu family."

"Nice to meet you."

"Where is Yaoyue?" Wei Wuya glanced at the seven Japanese and asked with a frown.

"We have captured Yao Yue's apprentice, and she will catch up soon." Japan's leader Yagyu Yisha said.

Wei Wuya glanced at a few people and found that they were holding a man in white. He turned from anger to joy and said: "Haha, the Japanese personnel are really reliable, very good, very good."

Jiang Biehe introduced: "This person's name is Hua Wuque, he is a close disciple of Yao Yue and Lian Xing."

"Gaga, let's wait for her to come."

Wei Wuya looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice was like a ghost,

It spread throughout the entire outer world, causing people to feel fear.

"What a disgusting sound!"

Murong Fu followed the route suggested by Su Ying and entered Tianwaitian.

He happened to hear the sound of Wei Wuya crying like a wolf and howling like a ghost, so he couldn't help but curse.

Then, a woman's voice came from outside the sky.

"Wei Wuya, don't think I don't know. You dirty rat is hiding here. Hand over Hua Wuque and I will save you from death."

"The outside world is really getting more and more exciting!" Murong Fu was greatly surprised. He never thought that Yao Yue would also come over.

However, he did not waste time and walked towards Wei Wuya's back garden without stopping for a moment.

According to the information provided by Su Ying, there are many mechanisms hidden in Wei Wuya's back garden.

Normally, even if she wanted to go in and take a look, she would ask Wei Wuya for permission first.

Murong Fu was careful not to be careless.

Fortunately, the disciples of the Toothless Clan all went to the martial arts hero's side, leaving the back garden unattended.

It was extremely easy to get him all the way down.

It only took a very short time to reach the destination.

Just as Su Ying said, it is full of golden-red flowers.

Through the sunlight, it looks like a golden ocean.

Scanned a few times.

Murong Fu didn't see any mechanism, so he became bolder and jumped into the garden.

Not waiting to stand firm.

There was a mechanical sound in the ears, and the ground suddenly shook.

Suddenly there was nothing under his feet, and his whole body instantly lost gravity and fell downwards at an extremely fast speed.

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