Chapter 52 Controlling the Wind

Seeing Murong Fu deep in thought, Jiang Zian asked, "Master, do you need to find it?"

"You must be looking for it, otherwise it will be a disaster sooner or later." Murong Fu said calmly.

"I understand, Master, who is in that room?" Jiang Zian asked hesitantly.

Murong Fu frowned, shook his head and said: "After some time, I will personally go to the Guishan Valley. I have a feeling that this warm poison will not end so easily."

"Master, are you worried that Murong Jingyue has an accomplice?" Jiang Zian asked.

Murong Fu nodded: "Murong Jingyue has been back for so long and no one has noticed that he is up to something. There must be someone trying to keep him in check, and it is very likely that he has considerable strength in Gusu City."

"Do you have considerable strength in Gusu City?" Jiang Zian couldn't help but look up at Murong Fu.

"Yes, it is very possible that that person is in this old house!" Murong Fuyi pointed out.

Jiang Zian broke out in a cold sweat and said quickly: "Master, please be extremely careful."

"Don't worry, there aren't many people in the world who can hurt me now.

"Just bring someone to protect my wife." Murong Fu said and walked towards the house.

Jiang Zian then disappeared like a shadow.

As soon as Murong Fu entered the room, he heard little Hu Fei crying.


"Mother, please don't die, okay?"

"Don't leave Xiao Fei alone, Xiao Fei will be scared."

Lang Xuici weakly touched little Hu Fei's head.

Her heart was extremely sad, and she didn't want to leave her son.

However, it was fate and she had no choice.

"Xiao Fei, be strong and listen to your adoptive father's words from now on, you know?"

"Well, I know, and I will listen to my adoptive father obediently from now on." Little Hu Fei nodded sensibly.

Seeing her son like this, Lang Xuici felt that her whole heart was about to break.

Murong Fu stood by the door and was very emotional. He would save her life if he could.

"Ding, here comes the problem."

"One, a promise of a thousand gold, rescue when necessary, cure, reward: Yufeng Xingying."

"Second, he had a heart of stone and refused to save him. He allowed Lang Xuici to die. The reward: a share of Xiao Wuxiang's meritorious service."

Murong Fu's eyes lit up, he had another experience, it was still the experience of Xiaowuxiang Gong.

This is far better than decades of skill.

If the Xiao Wuxiang Gong reaches another level, the power of the Nine Yang Manual and the Shen Zhao Sutra in his body will naturally increase accordingly.

However, he couldn't bear to see little Hu Fei lose his mother at such a young age.

It was a living life. He gritted his teeth and decided to choose one to save Lang Xuici.

He approached the mother and son and said with a smile: "Xiao Fei, don't be sad. Didn't your adoptive father just say that there will be a way to save your mother."

Little Hu Fei grabbed Murong Fu's hand and asked, "Really?"

"Really, go to bed obediently. Your adoptive father still has to treat your mother's injuries." Murong Fu patted little Hu Fei's head and said softly.

Little Hu Fei was overjoyed, showed a happy smile, saluted Murong Fu, and walked back to his room.

"Mr. Murong, Xiao Fei is too willful, which makes you want to lie with me." Lang Xuici said.

Murong Fu smiled and said: "Sister-in-law is wrong, I did not lie to Xiao Fei. When the injury on your back stabilizes a little, I will take you to the Guishan Valley."

"Didn't you say it was dangerous there?" Lang Xuici asked in surprise.

Murong Fu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a toothless door, it can't block my way."

"Can you really cure my poison?" Lang Xuici couldn't believe it.

She was afraid that her joy would be in vain and would make little Hu Fei even more disappointed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you." Murong Fu said seriously while looking into Lang Xuici's eyes.

"Then...I thank you first."

Lang Xuici couldn't look directly into Murong Fu's eyes and lowered his head unconsciously.

"Climb well, I'll give you medicine!" Murong Fu sat beside Lang Xuici's bed, took out a Nine-flower Jade Dew Pill and fed it to him.

After Lang Xuici took the elixir, he couldn't help being surprised: "Are you afraid that it's inappropriate to give me the medicine?"

"The servants in this old house are clumsy, I'm a little worried." Murong Fu said while helping Lang Xuici.

Then, treat the injury on the opponent's back.

Lang Xuici felt a burst of pain and couldn't help but scream.

Murong Fu asked gently: "Sister-in-law, did I hurt you by pushing too hard?"

"It's okay, you don't have to stop, just keep going." Lang Xuici endured the pain and said.

However, she felt even sadder at this moment.

Her husband, who had been dead for eight years, was still standing in front of her today.

The feeling is the same as being alive.

But she knew clearly that the real Hu Yidao would never hurt her.

"Be patient, I'm going to apply medicine."

Murong Fu took out Murong's special golden sore medicine and sprinkled it on Lang Xuici's wounds.


A heartbreaking pain made Lang Xuici feel like he wanted to go crazy.

The slender, jade-like little hands resisted from grabbing randomly.

Murong Fu is applying medicine.

Then I felt a huge pain in my inner thigh.

I looked down and saw that it was Lang Xuici who was pinching herself and yelling: "Sister-in-law, be gentle!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Murong Fu finally helped Lang Xuici take care of his injuries.

He also found a maid to bandage it, but he also had an extra eye to activate his soul sensing and pay attention to every move inside.

At this time, Deng Baichuan, Bao Bubu and others came together and said respectfully: "Master, we are back."

Murong Fu saw several people, all with gray faces and blood all over their bodies, and asked, "Are you injured?"

"No, no, this blood belongs to the living dead," Bao BuTong said with a smile.

"As long as it's okay, how are things being handled over there?" Murong Fu asked.

Deng Baichuan said: "We have burned all the corpses, but some squires were accidentally bitten by the living dead."

"In order to prevent them from getting sick and hurting other people, we took care of them as well."

Murong Fu didn't say anything, so his words were just meant to fool outsiders.

"Hey, all the squires in Gusu City are scared when they see us." Bao BuTong showed a hint of pride.

"If they are honest, don't bother them again in the future." Murong Fu said.

Deng Baichuan, Bao Bubu and others all understood the meaning of Murong Fu's words and nodded at the same time.

"Master, I heard that you are going to Guishan Valley?" Bao BuTong asked curiously.

"Although the culprit has been brought to justice, the warm poison in the city is still going on. If we can't find the antidote, there will definitely be trouble." Murong Fu said solemnly.

Bao BuTong said respectfully: "I heard that Guishan is not safe, so why don't you bring a few of us with you?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said no, "It has been decided in Gusu City that a few brothers need to stay and cooperate with Governor Song to clean up the public order. I will just take Lang Xuici with me."

The four of them looked at each other and showed a meaningful smile.

Then he said: "I wish you a smooth journey."

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