Chapter 17 Practicing the Divine Illumination Sutra

Mei Niansheng was a little speechless. He admitted that Murong Fu was a martial arts prodigy. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for him to become famous in the world at such a young age.

However, is the Shen Zhao Jing so easy to practice?

Back then, he was taught by his master himself, and it only took him three years to barely get started.

Now it is difficult for me to live for three hours, let alone three years.

Murong Fu didn't know that Mei Niansheng didn't think highly of him, so he casually took out a Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill and handed it to the old man to take.

Looking at his gray hair, I felt a sense of sympathy and began to practice Shenzhao Sutra.

"Shrinking like a cold bead, the snow falls without turning into snow. God shines on the earth, immortal and alive, coming and going everywhere..."

According to the records of the exercises, Murong Fu circulated his internal energy throughout his body, pouring from the Tianchi point into the soles of his feet. His meridians felt a slight expansion, and then went straight to Baihui.

Wander around the body for a week.

The Shenzhao Sutra seems to be a Taoist technique. Murong Fu had the foundation of Xiao Wuxiang Kung Fu, and he made great progress without any obstacles.

As the blood in the body rotates rapidly with the true energy, many impurities are expelled from the body unconsciously, and the meridians throughout the body undergo qualitative changes and become stronger. ..

The power of eyesight, ears, and Dantian are three times stronger.

Mei Niansheng finished eating the elixir and was about to take a rest when she suddenly felt the energy released by Murong Fu, and her pupils unconsciously dilated several times.

"Learned it?"

He couldn't believe it but couldn't help but believe that the Qi released by Murong Fu at this moment was exactly the same as the Qi of Shenzhao Sutra in his body.

Although it was a bit thin and inconsistent, it only took the other party less than half an hour to understand what he had learned in three years.

Does this still allow people to live?

Don’t I want to lose face?

Murong Fu regained his power and slowly opened his eyes. It was already the morning of the second day.

I found that Mei Niansheng and Ding Dian, two slackers, hadn't woken up yet and stretched themselves. They found that strange black sticky things appeared on their bodies again, which made them feel nauseous.

"Sir, are you awake?" The boatman greeted Murong Fu politely when he saw him coming out.

Murong Fu glanced at the clear river water, which was just in time to wash away the filth on his body: "I woke up and took a bath to refresh myself."

When the boatman saw that Murong Fu was about to jump into the river, he quickly stopped him and said, "Young Master, please don't do it. The river is very dangerous and it's October. If you're not careful, your legs and feet will be paralyzed and you will die."

Murong Fu laughed loudly, took off all his clothes, plunged into the river with a sudden force, causing a splash of water, and swam down the river.

With his water nature, as long as he is awake, undercurrents are a small problem for him.

Not to mention, after practicing Shenzhao Sutra, my vision in water has become extremely good.

At a glance, everything ten meters away can be seen clearly.

A three-foot-long golden fish swam slowly there, wagging its tail.


Isn't this the legendary golden carp?

Murong Fu was overjoyed and swam toward the fish.

The fish seemed to feel the flow of water and moved left and right in an attempt to get rid of Murong Fu behind him.

Murong Fu felt a sense of comparison and followed closely behind the golden carp, reaching out to catch it as soon as it got close.

The golden carp seemed to feel danger. It swung its tail hard and hit Murong Fu's wrist with a huge force.


Murong Fu's arm was bounced half an inch away. Not only was he not angry, but his eyes lit up and he felt that the golden carp was extraordinary.

With a thought in his mind, he sucked back violently through his internal energy.

The golden carp was about to run away, but was caught by Murong Fu in his hands.

"Haha, it's a pity that Huang Rong left such a treasure, otherwise, it would have been a delicious fish soup." Murong Fu was overjoyed and swam towards the boat.

The boatman, who had been waiting for half an hour, was so impatient that he picked up Ding Dian, who was still dreaming.

"Why did the elder brother fall into the river? Why didn't you stop him?" Ding Dian sat on the edge of the boat, thinking that Murong Fu was dead, and couldn't help but start wiping away tears.

The boatman was helpless and explained: "I told him, but he didn't listen."

"You, you. You killed my eldest brother." Ding Dian was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards him from the water. He screamed in fright and fell onto the boat.

When he opened his eyes again, a big golden fish jumped into his arms, wagging its tail back and forth several times.

Murong Fu kicked his toes and jumped onto the boat on the river.

"Sir, are you alive?" The boatman looked at Murong Fu who looked calm in front of him and felt that he couldn't think back.

"Death? Why die well?" Murong Fu chuckled.

Ding Dian put down the golden carp and shouted: "Brother, he said you were going down for half an hour, is it true?"

"Almost." Murong Fu smiled. Now that his body had been transformed by Long Yuan, half an hour was far from the limit for him.

When Mei Niansheng heard Murong Fu's voice, she reluctantly opened the curtain, shook her head and said, "I told you that nothing would happen to you, but it's a pity that they didn't listen and thought I lied to him."

"Haha, my brother is simple-minded, please don't blame Mr. Mei." Murong Fu said with a smile.

"Mr. Mei? Brother, who is he and why is he on our ship?" Ding Dian asked curiously.

Mei Niansheng said calmly: "I have a nickname called Iron Bone Mocalyx."

"What? Are you the Iron-Skeleton Hero Mei Nian Sheng?" Ding Dian's star-chasing trait was activated again, making Mei Nian Sheng feel cold all over.

When Murong Fu saw this, he smiled and said, "Mr. Mei is seriously injured now. You go and stew the golden carp first to replenish his health."

Ding Dian reacted immediately and quickly asked the boatman to dock. He personally went to find some dry firewood, set up a large pot and cooked the golden carp in it.

"Haha, it seems that my life should not be cut off." Mei Niansheng said happily. It is rare to see a golden carp in ten years. Its delicious meat can be used as medicine and can increase the body's qi and blood.

After ordinary people eat it, they will still be as strong as an old cow even if they don't eat for three days.

"Given another ten days, I will be able to practice the Shenzhao Sutra to a small degree. When the time comes, you and I will work together and we will be able to cure your heart." Murong Fu said confidently.

Mei Niansheng shook his head and sighed: "Even if I am cured, I will not be able to easily use martial arts in the future. I will be no different from a useless person. After all, I will not be able to clean up the family."

"Old sir, there is no need to be pessimistic. If you want revenge, wouldn't it be better to train a disciple?" Murong Fu said with a smile.

Mei Niansheng's eyes couldn't help but dim. The only disciple he was optimistic about was the one who hurt him the most. He shook his head and said: "It's not so easy to find a disciple. If you meet a bad person, it will be a disaster for the martial arts world."

Murong Fu looked at Ding Dian and said, "What do you think of my second brother?"

"Him?" Mei Niansheng shook his head. He and Ding Dian had just met each other. How could he be sure of the other person's character? He asked curiously: "You have already learned the Shen Zhao Jing, why don't you teach him personally?"

Murong Fu smiled mysteriously and said, "If I want to forcefully intervene, won't I ruin your relationship as master and disciple?"

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