Chapter 13 The Monkey King presents his treasure

Murong Fu walked up to the Monkey King, grabbed him, and said angrily: "Little monkey, don't think it will be fine if you make me kowtow twice. Believe it or not, I will eat your brains?"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The monkey king's hands kept gesticulating, as if he was saying something to himself.

Murong Fu was puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

"It seems to mean that it can compensate us." Huang Rong guessed.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak." The Monkey King kept nodding his head desperately, fearing that if he was a second too late, Murong Fu would open his head and eat it.

Murong Fu was greatly surprised: "It seems that this monkey has become a spirit and has learned all the tricks of humans."

"Haha, this is the first time I have seen such a spiritual monkey. Mr. Murong, why don't you just let them go?" Huang Rong suggested.

Murong Fu wanted to touch his chin, stared at the monkey and said, "I can let him go, but the compensation cannot be less. Do you understand?"

"Zhi Zhi, Zhi Zhi, Zhi Zhi Zhi." The Monkey King nodded.

Murong Fu's face suddenly turned cold. He nodded twice at the Monkey King's body and said, "Listen up, Monkey Smash, my move is called Shenhe Finger. If I hadn't personally solved the acupoint, you would definitely be dead at noon tomorrow."

"Zhizhi." The Monkey King nodded.

"Very good, let's go." Murong Fu didn't care whether the monkey could understand or not. Anyway, he was talking nonsense seriously.

However, the Monkey King had a solemn look on his face and shouted squeaking. One person and one monkey cooperated tacitly. Huang Rong, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but hide her face and chuckle.

"Go, go." Murong Fu waved his hand in a pushy manner.

The monkey king jumped up happily as if he had been pardoned, and called the monkeys to leave.

When he passed by the roast pork, he scratched his head and looked back at Murong Fu. He pointed at the roasted wild boar and then pointed at himself. Without waiting for a reply, he ordered his younger brother to pick up the wild boar and run away.

"Asshole, these monkeys are really here for the second senior brother." Murong Fu couldn't help but cursed when he saw this.

"Give them to them, since we can't eat them." Huang Rong chuckled.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, "What are you talking about? If I can't eat today, can't I still eat tomorrow?"

Such delicious roast pork, I'm afraid I'll never be able to eat it again in this life. He sighed and said, "I'm afraid I will never taste such delicious food in this life."

"How could Mr. Murong say such pitiful things? If you like to eat rice, you can come to Peach Blossom Island to find me. Then I will introduce Brother Jing to you." Huang Rong said with a smile.

Murong Fu was overjoyed and said, "In that case, I won't argue with these monkeys."

He has heard the name of Peach Blossom Island for a long time. It is said that there are countless Qimen Dunjia on it. As long as outsiders step into it, it is impossible to distinguish the north, south, east, and west. The key is to see Guo Jing.

This was one of the heroes he admired most in his previous life.

Huang Rong smiled, glanced at the time and said, "It's getting late. I have to go down the mountain tomorrow, so I'd better rest early."

"I have packed up the two wing rooms on the left. You and I will each have one. If the enemy comes, we can take care of them." Murong Fu said.

"Thank you, Mr. Murong." Huang Rong thanked her, and they each chose a room to stay.

Murong Fu returned to the room and did not sleep. Instead, he practiced the Small Phaseless Kung Fu. Although the skills given by the system could be used directly, things that came out of thin air always made him feel awkward.

The internal force comes out from the Dantian, travels throughout the body, and travels through the seven rounds of the Great Zhoutian.

The internal force in his body was completely naturalized into the only one, allowing him to use it with ease.

As the night passed, the sky was about to light up, and a rustling sound came from my ears.

Murong Fu could now use his mental power and became more sensitive to things. As soon as there was movement outside, he had already opened his eyes and looked outside.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."


When Murong Fu was confused, the voice of the Monkey King came to his ears.

When he opened the door, he saw that the monkeys were holding a bunch of brocade boxes, and the monkey king was holding a green gourd. He walked up to Murong Fu like a treasure and handed it to him personally.

Huang Rong was also awakened by the sound of the monkeys. She walked out and saw a group of monkeys surrounding Murong Fu offering treasures. She laughed and said, "It seems that these monkeys are planning to recognize Mr. Murong as the new monkey king."

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and opened the gourd, and the aroma of wine rushed into his mind.

"Monkey's Brew?"

Huang Rong smelled the aroma from a distance, and her eyes couldn't help but shine: "This wine has a mellow aroma that is hundreds of years old, and it also has a faint medicinal power. I am afraid that a person with weak internal energy can be drunk to death in one sip."

"Really?" Murong Fu took a sip casually, and a sweet smell immediately hit his taste buds. The wine was not spicy, but more like a drink.

But as soon as the drink entered his stomach, a burst of burning heat immediately broke out, and the smell of alcohol rushed straight to his forehead, which scared Murong Fu and quickly sat down to exercise.

Continuously operating the internal force to run the small phaseless skill at a very high speed, breaking up the wine and allowing it to flow in the blood. It was not until several days later that the alcohol in the body was completely digested.

Name: Murong Fu

Age: twenty-seven years old

Identity: Head of the Murong family

Realm: first-class master

Internal strength: twenty-three years

Internal Strength: Small Phaseless Kung Fu (first practice for beginners)

Martial arts: Dou Zhuan Xing Yi (proficient in one's career), Shenhezhi (comprehensive and comprehensive), Dog Beating Stick Technique (beginner to learn and practice first), Baijia Martial Arts (with small successes), etc.


Murong Fu couldn't believe his eyes. One sip of wine increased his energy for a year. This was too exaggerated!

If he hadn't known that the system panel couldn't be deceiving, he would have thought he was hallucinating.

"Mr. Murong, how do you feel?" Huang Rong saw that Murong Fu had finished his work, so she dared to ask.

Murong Fu laughed and said: "It's exciting, it's so exciting, Mrs. Guo, want a bite?"


Huang Rong's face turned red and she secretly spat: "Why do you have the nerve to let me use something that a man like you has used at home?"

Only then did Murong Fu realize that he had been talking to each other while drinking. This was considered a personal item in ancient times, but it was against the rules for women to use it. He quickly changed his words: "I don't know what is in these brocade boxes. "

"You'll know when you open it and take a look." Huang Rong opened a brocade box and said happily: "It's a three-hundred-year-old ginseng! If you take it, it can increase your skill for at least ten years."

"There is something special about these monkeys." Murong Fu said in surprise. Fortunately, he was very wise yesterday and did not kill the monkey king.

Huang Rong opened another brocade box. Inside was a jade bottle with the words "Jade Green Alchemy" written on it.


Huang Rong suddenly took a breath of cold air and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this pill is specially designed for people to practice foreign martial arts. It can make people's bodies stronger. The key is that it has no side effects."

"It's a good treasure." Murong Fu was overjoyed, this elixir was suitable for him.

Huang Rong opened the brocade boxes one by one. Although the treasures inside were not as precious as the jade and green alchemy, they were all hard to find in the outside world.


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