Chapter 10 The Soul-Transferring Technique

Wuxiang Bodhisattva on the shore turned red and ordered loudly: "Hurry up and stop them downstream."

"Why does my junior brother seem to be dying?" Dalba said, holding Huo Du in his arms.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva glanced at Huo Du and said, "It doesn't matter. The Ming Dynasty has a sword manual to ward off evil spirits, which is just right for him to learn."

"This...I want to go back and tell Master." Dalba was about to return to Yuan Kingdom.

"No, our mission this time is to capture Huang Rong. If we don't get rid of Guo Jing, do you know how serious the consequences will be?"

Wuxiang Bodhisattva immediately denied Dalba, then looked at Huo Dou and said, "Let your disciple take him back and report this matter to the princess."

"What, you need to notify the princess!" Dalba was shocked.

Later, seeing Wuxiang Bodhisattva's serious face, he had no choice but to let the Five Ugly Sichuan Chou and Huo Du leave first.

He led his men to pursue Huang Rong and Murong Fu downstream.

Murong Fu and Huang Rong were both very strong in water, but the water in Jiujiang River was very fast.

The two of them were injured and fell into the water, and soon they were caught in the undercurrent.

We can only hold each other and be swept away along the undercurrent.

After an unknown amount of time, Murong Fu slowly woke up. The surroundings were dark and he couldn't see anything.

I felt a heavy feeling in my chest. I touched it a few times and found that it was Huang Rong. I quickly asked: "Mrs. Guo, how are you?"

However, the other party didn't react at all.

Murong Fu stood up quickly and put his ear near the opponent's nose and mouth. He was immediately shocked. The opponent had obviously outflowed more air than inflowed. If he delayed a few more breaths, he might lose his breath.

To save or not to save?

Of course we need to save him!

As a good young man, how could he ignore death?

Without thinking, Murong Fu opened Huang Rong's little cherry mouth and gave artificial respiration. After struggling for half a quarter of an hour, Huang Rong not only failed to save her life, but was one step closer to death.

"Could it be that I remember it wrong? The method of artificial respiration is wrong?"

Murong Fu tried his best to recall the knowledge from his previous life, but found that he had only seen this kind of plot on TV and had never practiced it at all.


After muttering a few words to himself, he slapped his forehead hard.

He scolded: "What's so special is that in ancient times, there was also a small formless skill. Why do you want to do artificial respiration? I have a supreme magic skill, okay?"

He quickly helped Huang Rong up and used the Small Phaseless Skill to treat her.

After a few breaths, Huang Rong's whole body trembled violently, and then a stream of hot water spurted out of her mouth.

Murong Fu asked happily: "Mrs. Guo, are you awake?"

"Huh? Where is this?" Huang Rong's body was limp and she leaned against Murong Fu's arms.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, "I don't know either. When I woke up, I found that we were here."

"This should be a dark cave at the bottom of the river, maybe it leads somewhere." Huang Rong guessed.

Murong Fu was about to agree when he suddenly asked out of curiosity: "Mrs. Guo, are you sick? Why are your whole body so hot?"


Huang Rong immediately realized something was wrong. The hidden weapon Huo Du had hurt her with was poisonous.

Moreover, it is still the kind of shameful poison.

He quickly said: "Mr. Murong, I have a bottle of elixir in my arms. Please feed it to me."

Murong Fu did not doubt her presence, so he apologized and helped Huang Rong take out the elixir.

Huang Rong was surprised and said: "Mr. Murong, can you see it?"

"It's so dark, naturally I can't see." Murong Fu didn't understand why Huang Rong asked such a strange question.

Huang Rong was even more surprised and asked: "Then how do you know that my elixir is on the left side, not the right side?"


Murong Fu blushed, and after feeding the elixir to Huang Rong, he did not dare to say another word.

"Mr. Murong, this elixir is the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill refined by my father. You were injured when you were hit by Dalba earlier. Why don't you take one?" Huang Rong adjusted her breath for a while, suppressing the poison in her body. After going down, he asked.

Murong Fu thanked him but did not ask for the Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills.

Because Dalba's palm did not hurt his muscles and bones at all, at most it just pushed him out, which was not much different from ordinary people.

He quickly understood in his heart that he had underestimated Long Yuan.

If Bodhisattva Wuxiang hadn't been here today, even ten Dalba would have died.

"Mrs. Guo, you are very resourceful. Do you have a way to get out?"

"It's too dark here. Even though I'm injured, I can't tell the direction." Huang Rong shook her head in confusion.

Murong Fu sighed and seemed to have no choice but to walk step by step.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Murong." Huang Rong saw that Murong Fu had nothing wrong and stopped him.

"Huh? Do you have any idea?" Murong Fu asked confused.

"Yes, I wonder if you have ever heard of the Nine Yin Manual?" Huang Rong thought about it in her mind for a long time before speaking out.

"Of course I know that back then, the Wu Jue was fighting for the Nine Yin Manual, which caused a lot of confusion in the martial arts world. In the end, it seems that you and your family got it." Murong Fu said jokingly. Although the Nine Yin Manual is powerful, he has the system. It's not uncommon.

Instead, I prefer dragon-elephant prajna skills and innate skills that can stimulate potential and have strong explosive power. .

"I didn't expect that Young Master Murong knew so much."

Huang Rong felt relieved when she saw Murong Fu being so frank: "It's pitch dark here, and you can't find a way out with your hands and eyes alone. I want to teach this soul-transferring technique to Mr. Murong. After you learn it, you can sense the surroundings through your mental power." "

"I understand, the weird trick Wuxiang Bodhisattva used to attack me earlier was mental power!" Murong Fu showed a clear look.

Huang Rong replied: "Exactly."

"Then thank you Madam Guo." Murong Fu replied.

Huang Rong knew that time was running out, so she quickly taught Murong Fu the soul-moving technique, hoping that he could successfully practice it within three days.


The Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills on her body will not be able to suppress the charm poison, and unimaginable scandals will definitely occur.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage. Therefore, the virtual overcomes the reality, and the deficiency overcomes the excess..."

"Keep your mind calm and focus on your Dantian. When the sun begins to move, place your hands together in front of your chest with your fingertips facing forward..."

The content of Soul Transferring Dafa is not too much. Apart from the fact that you need to memorize the general chapter in your mind first, it is less than 300 words.

This is not too simple for Murong Fu, who has learned Xiaowuxiang Kung Fu.

In less than an hour, Murong Fu could simply use his mental power to try to see clearly things within one meter around him.

With a gentle sweep, everything around you is clearer than what you can see with your eyes.

"Bang bang bang~"

When she saw Huang Rong, whose gauze was half-transparent and her pretty face was flushed.

The other party's graceful and petite figure and fine white teeth made his heart beat three times faster.

"Mr. Murong, what's wrong with you?" Huang Rong felt that Murong Fu was a little abnormal and worried that he was possessed.

Murong Fu quickly activated the Small Phaseless Skill, suppressed his inner desires, and said: "I'm fine, let's try to control my mental power."

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