Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 74 Thrilling

The racecourse is large enough for six people to stand side by side at the entrance of the racecourse.

The entire racecourse is circular, and the starting point of the racecourse is the end point. A neat row of archery targets was erected at the end point, and some arrows had already been erected in disorder, and more arrows fell to the ground. The boy in charge of recording recorded every result in the book.

Each of the six female students who took the school exam has a horse. These horses were all transferred by Captain Kong Liu, the captain of Qingche. Every time the horses appear on the field are new, and their temperament is very docile. This is to ensure the safety of the noble ladies. It is no small matter that the students fell down.

Jiang Li's horse is a dark brown horse, which looks as ugly as it looks, and is gnawing on the turf on the ground with its head down. Jiang Li couldn't help reaching out and touching the horse's neck, which reminded her of when she and Xue Zhao were racing horses in Tongxiang.

Her action fell into the eyes of others, and she felt puzzled, and someone asked: What is Miss Jiang doing? She doesn't know how to ride a horse. Do you think this can get close to a horse?

What are you talking about, these horses are all from the light cavalry team. It's the same if they are close or not, but Second Miss Jiang may really be a layman. Look at her actions, she is very unfamiliar.

Jiang Li couldn't hear what the outsiders were talking about, so she just stroked the horse's head lightly, but the horse was stunned, and didn't get any closer to Jiang Li because of this.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Youyao felt disdainful in her heart, thinking that Jiang Li didn't know equestrian skills at all, so she put the quiver in place.

Jiang Yu'e also stared at Jiang Li, and was relieved to see that Jiang Li was no longer as proficient as she had been a few times before. If Jiang Li gets the limelight again in Yushe, Jiang Yu'e is afraid that she will be jealous and wish to destroy her immediately.

The big man with a copper hammer beat the big drum on the inspection field hard, and with a sound of clang--, everyone began to prepare and was about to get on their horses.

Meng Hongjin was the fastest to get on the horse. She put her foot on the stirrup and rolled over. Everyone felt red in front of their eyes. Seeing that she was already sitting on the horse, they couldn't help cheering, and they all applauded.

Most of the noble ladies in Yanjing City are weak and weak, and they are not very good at the art of imperial archery, and there are very few who can do it like Meng Hongjin. Therefore, everyone naturally praised Meng Hongjin's beautiful movements. Seeing the admiring gazes from outsiders, Meng Hongjin felt complacent, and even the haze caused by Jiang Li's victory over herself a few days ago dissipated a lot.

The second one to get on the horse was Jiang Yu'e. Her movements were not as crisp and sharp as Meng Hongjin's, and she was much more disciplined, but because of her small and pitiful appearance, even her movements on the horse made people feel pity.

Next was Nie Xiaoshuang. She and Zhu Xiner got on the horse at the same time. The two should have a good relationship on weekdays, and the way they got on the horse was similar. Although it wasn't unique, there was nothing wrong with it.

Then Jiang Youyao, Jiang Youyao raised a smile, and then got on the horse. Because she was too handsome, and her smile was like a flower, but no one paid attention to the movement of getting on the horse, but the young masters liked it very much, and they all looked straight at her.

Kong Liu looked down on this very much, and muttered to Zheng Huchen beside him: Embroidered pillow.

Zheng Huchen didn't make a sound, and Ji Heng leaned on the back of his chair, watching these noble ladies' actions absent-mindedly.

The last one is ginger pear.

Kong Liu regained his energy all of a sudden, and his sitting posture became much straighter. Ji Heng glanced at him, his eyes were extremely cold.

I don't know if Jiang Li will mount a horse. Is there a horse in the nunnery? Ye Shijie thought in his heart, and saw Jiang Li stepping on the stirrup unhurriedly, holding the rein, and lightly jumped onto the horse. back.

Very fluent and natural, she is not as enthusiastic and agile as Meng Hongjin, nor as delicate and pitiful as Jiang Yu'e, nor is she smiling like Jiang Youyao before getting on the horse. She just pulled up the rein calmly, and sat quietly on the horseback, very ordinary, just like eating and drinking.

Liu Xu was in a daze.

Ever since she knew Jiang Li, she knew that Jiang Li was a calm and unhurried person. She had never seen her in a hurry, but she did not expect that even the act of getting on a horse could be done so gently. It wasn't as amazing as Meng Hongjin's, but it was extremely comfortable, but after thinking about it, I felt that it fit Jiang Li's temperament very well, and Jiang Li should be like this.

A layman watching the excitement naturally couldn't see anything. They only knew that the Second Miss of the Jiang family didn't know anything about riding horses, at least she knew how to mount a horse. An expert looked at the doorway, but Kong Liu saw something tricky, and whispered to Zheng Huchen, Second Miss Jiang is not bad.

Zheng Huchen frowned slightly.

Jiang Li had already got on the horse, with the heavy quiver behind her back, she pulled up the reins, and the summer wind blew on her face, which was very warm, just like Xue Huaiyuan's exhortation and Xue Zhao's smile.

Suddenly, there were tears in Jiang Li's eyes.

However, the tears disappeared quickly, because the drumbeat had already started, and with a whoosh, six horses galloped at the same time!

It's not like running wildly, Nie Xiaoshuang and Zhu Xin'er were almost trotting, they didn't even swing their whips very much, they just kept the running posture carefully. Kong Liu wiped his face, and said in a tone of hatred, It's a waste of my good horse.

Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e are better than these two, at least their whip swings are still very sassy, ​​but the equestrian skills they show on horseback are very simple, and they look more beautiful. Make people only notice the man on horseback, not the horse.

Zheng Huchen also shook his head secretly, obviously very dissatisfied with the nonsense of these ladies. But there is no way around this, Mingyitang's imperial archery has never been a strong point, or in other words, there are very few young ladies who are willing to endure hardships to learn this kind of skill that is hardly used in daily life.

In the entire inspection field, Meng Hongjin took the lead.

She is like a ball of fire, the fiery red riding clothes make her look proud and beautiful, and the slim figure outlined is clearly a heart-warming girl. With the bumps of the horse, the long hair undulates behind the head, more like a beautiful picture. Although Meng Hongjin's appearance is not as good as Jiang Youyao's, Meng Hongjin on horseback is indeed more eye-catching than Jiang Youyao.

Ms. Meng's family is very powerful, someone said, at least in imperial shooting, no one can compare to her.

What about Second Miss Jiang? The people around him joked, Didn't Second Miss Jiang strike back and turn defeat into victory in the previous four events?

Here, look, Second Miss Jiang is lagging behind now. The person who spoke first replied: Besides, Second Miss Jiang doesn't seem to have much drive. It should be impossible to be ahead of Miss Meng.

Jiang Li's black and brown horse was also running on the test field.

It seems unexpected, but when you think about it carefully, it seems to be expected. Jiang Li's horse racing is not as unfamiliar as imagined. It seems that she should have ridden before, but compared to her leader in the third door, there is a piece of piano music. The amazingness of Eighteen Pads of Hu Jia and her horse riding skills seem very mediocre.

She didn't show any skills on horseback, so it's hard to see how good Yuma's skills are, but one thing can roughly prove that she is indeed serious about horse racing. Because after Meng Hongjin, the second is Jiangli.

This is not difficult to understand, Nie Xiaoshuang and Zhu Xiner are a little afraid of horse racing, and they are very careful in their movements. Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e were more busy showing their beauty and cuteness. In contrast, only Jiang Li and Meng Hongjin were seriously competing.

The distance between Jiang Li and Meng Hongjin is not very far, probably Jiang Li should be able to overtake Meng Hongjin as long as he swung his horsewhip vigorously. But Jiang Li was stunned, as if she didn't intend to exert her strength, and she even ran a little leisurely.

Kong Liu scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously: What's the matter with Second Miss Jiang? As long as you put more effort, you can overtake the Meng family. Why doesn't she move? Hey, I'm so anxious.

Zheng Huchen: Calm down...

I can't calm down. If you say this is annoying, it can be surpassed...

With a snap, someone close to him closed his fan.

Kong Liu froze, and immediately fell silent, turned his head to look, but Ji Heng didn't look at him, and said in a cool tone, It's too noisy.

Kong Liu didn't speak anymore.

Although Jiang Li failed to surpass Meng Hongjin, Kong Liu was very anxious, but more people who were worried about Jiang Li were relieved. For example catkins, for example Ye Shijie, for example Jiang Jingrui. Jiang Li should be able to ride a horse, and it seems that she rides very steadily, so there will be no problems. Today is also the last two items. Once the imperial shot is passed, as long as Jiang Li keeps like this, the bet with Meng Hongjin is even if Meng Hongjin loses, and she doesn't have to be expelled from Mingyi Hall. I am happy to see the result.

Jiang Li didn't know what everyone was thinking about. The reason why she kept a distance from Meng Hongjin was just to see what Meng Hongjin was going to do. She may have died once, she has a particularly keen sense of conspiracy, and she discovered Meng Hongjin's anomaly early this morning. After much deliberation, Jiang Li didn't know what Meng Hongjin was going to do, or what she might have done. All she could do was stay as far away from Meng Hongjin as possible. If Meng Hongjin hadn't succeeded, she would definitely approach her on purpose.

Sure enough, after running for another stick of incense, Meng Hongjin gradually slowed down. Jiang Li was vigilant and slowed down, keeping the same distance from Meng Hongjin as before. This made the situation on the field a bit strange, even Jiang Youyao and the others who were lagging behind all caught up, almost keeping pace with them.

What's going on here? People outside couldn't understand: This is Captain Qingche's horse, what's wrong? Didn't you feed the food in the morning?

Fart! Hearing this, Kong Liu ignored his position as the examiner on the examination ground, turned around and cursed through the crowd: I added night grass a few times last night, how could I be hungry?

That's why you can't run because you are holding on? Everyone laughed.

Kong Liu was so angry that he couldn't speak. In a blink of an eye, he saw Ji Heng beside him raised his eyelids at some point, and was staring at the backs of several juxtaposed figures on the racecourse, thinking.

Kong Liu felt a thump in his heart, and faintly realized something.

Even if Jiang Li slowed down, she would gradually be close to Meng Hongjin. It seemed that Meng Hongjin was too aggressive at the beginning, but now she was a little tired, so she slowed down.

At this point, we have reached the second half of the racetrack. Almost close to the target.

Because of this, a section of the passageway of the racetrack became extremely narrow. Both Jiang Li and Meng Hongjin were about to pass through that entrance.

Jiang Li held the rein with one hand, reached back to the quiver with the other hand, pulled out an arrow from it, and prepared to shoot with a bow. Royal archery is the most difficult, and the most difficult thing is that when shooting an arrow on a horse, you have to support the bow and arrow with both hands, and you can't hold the rein at all, and it is even more difficult to control the horse under you. When many noble ladies are shooting arrows, they don't forget to hold the rein with one hand, so they can't aim at the head even more, and they shoot in a mess. Or they dare not throw away the reins and give up shooting directly. Even those who are more courageous grab the bow and arrow without grasping the rein with both hands, and the time is very short, and they grasp the rein after shooting the arrow quickly.

Originally, it took some time to aim, so how could I shoot if I was in such a hurry? So until now, no one has hit the bull's-eye.

Jiang Li lost the reins with both hands, holding a bow and arrow, aiming at the target.

You're so courageous. Zheng Huchen gave a rare compliment.

Surrounded by courage, they exclaimed: She is really not afraid. You can see how long she has lost the rein. She is the longest person right now.

That's right, look at how stable her horse is. She sits securely. I think Miss Jiang Er is also a master of horse riding. Don't panic.

Jiang Li's expression on horseback and archery did not show a trace of panic, and she could even be called unrestrained and calm. Such an urgent matter, she did it a lot slower, and the urgency in people's hearts was slowed down.

She rode the horse very steadily, her legs were firmly clamped in the stirrups, and her hand holding the bow and arrow was also very steady. Although Miss Jiang's body was not as healthy as she used to be, she worked hard to recuperate these days, and she was much better.

Staring at the bull's-eye, in Jiang Li's eyes, the archery target has become a jumping hare, a yellow fox, or a bird, just like she did countless times when she hunted with Xue Zhao .

Take aim and shoot the arrow!

With a whoosh, the arrow flew out of his hand, piercing the air with eagerness and making a whistling wind.

Then, I saw the red arrow stably hitting the red heart!

all hit!

There was a moment of silence on the test field, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Kong Liuyi slapped his thigh and shouted, Beautiful!

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Li quickly drew another arrow and aimed it at the bull's-eye again!

all hit!

Jiang Li didn't stop, and took another one out of the quiver.

Still a straight hit!

In just a short moment, Jiang Li fired three shots in a row, hitting all of them!

Silence turned to uproar, and uproar to applause.

Jiang Jingrui murmured: My God...

This is not qin music, this is imperial archery, and the Imperial Academy also needs to learn imperial archery. Jiang Jingrui has learned imperial archery and knows how difficult it is. Because of this, seeing Jiang Li hit all three arrows is incredible.

This is luck? This is by no means luck!

Kong Liu was stunned, and soon, he threw the table and kicked the bench and sighed.

Zheng Huchen asked him, What are you doing?

Damn, didn't you see? Kong Liu pointed at Jiang Li: Three arrows hit! There are not many such good accuracy in my cavalry team? Damn, why is she the lady of the Shoufu family? If it's a man, no, if she's a woman from an ordinary family, I'll fucking ask her to join the cavalry!

Zheng Huchen: shut up!

When Ji Shuran saw Jiang Li hitting three arrows, she barely covered her ugly face. She knew that with Jiang Li's three arrows, all of Meng Hongjin's previous glory would be covered up, not to mention Jiang Youyao, who was not good at archery. The rest of the group seemed to be Jiang Li's foil.

She frowned, and said to Jiang Yuanbai: Where did Li'er learn imperial archery? I think Jingrui and Jingyou in our house have special martial arts masters, and they are no better than Li'er. Then Could it be possible to learn a lot in the nunnery, Li'er seems to know everything when she comes back this time.

However, Jiang Yuanbai became suspicious again because he did not show any trace.

Sister-in-law, that's girl Li, who has been smart since she was a child. People say that orchid seeds grow in the mountains, and the flowers that bloom are also orchids... Erfang Lu was about to speak to Ji Shuran, when suddenly she screamed Oh.

Everyone looked towards the racetrack.

In a slightly narrow passage, Jiang Li was in front, Meng Hongjin was behind, Jiang Li shot three arrows, Meng Hongjin was about to shoot an arrow, but Meng Hongjin was about to touch the quiver behind her, when the horse under Jiang Li suddenly hissed, Raise your hooves!

Not good! Kong Liu stood up suddenly.

Something happened to the black and brown horse under Jiang Li, and he didn't know what happened, so he suddenly ran wildly.

Meng Hongjin was so frightened that she even stopped touching the arrow, and immediately reined in her horse.

The field suddenly boiled up.

In the past racetracks, there were also students who were not good at riding and fell off their horses, but they were all just scratches. The frightened horse had never happened before, because this horse was transferred from the other side of the light chariot team. It has a very docile temperament and is not a strong horse that is difficult to tame. If such a horse hadn't been in a situation, it would never have suddenly gone crazy, but the horse under Jiang Li did suddenly go crazy under everyone's noses, no one touched it, and there was no external influence.

How is this going?

Hurry up and save people! Zheng Huchen immediately ordered the surrounding soldiers.

Oh my god. Liu Xu covered her mouth all of a sudden, and threw herself to the front of the audience, tears were about to fall out. She couldn't enter the racetrack, so she had to worry about Jiang Li.

Ye Shijie didn't expect such a sudden change. They couldn't do anything outside the field. Seeing Jiang Li running wildly with the horses, their hearts were pounding. Then, they saw the black and brown horse suddenly With a shake of his head, Jiang Li fell off his body.

Ginger pear! Jiang Jingrui shouted.

The next moment, I saw Jiang Li holding the rein tightly with both hands, flying half of her body away from the horse, leaning against the horse, almost being dragged forward by the horse.

But she wasn't thrown off.

Everyone's eyes widened.

She knows equestrian skills? Kong Liu asked in surprise, subconsciously looking at Ji Heng.

Ji Heng rested his chin on his hand, staring at the frightening man and horse, noncommittal.

Meng Hongjin, who followed Jiang Li, thought she would see Jiang Li fall to the ground, but she didn't expect Jiang Li to pull the horse so dangerously that she flew sideways, without any danger.

Meng Hongjin felt disappointed in her heart, she still had something like a small pen holder in her sleeve. It was a gadget her elder brother had found for her the year before last. There was a protruding mechanism at the bottom of the barrel as thin as a brush, and as long as it was pressed down, tiny silver needles would be shot out from it.

Meng Hongjin smeared medicine on the silver needle. In the narrow passage, just after Jiang Li shot three arrows, Meng Hongjin used her sleeve as a cover when she drew the arrow to see that she pressed the mechanism.

The silver needle in the mechanism shot hard into the horse's buttocks, and the horse was frightened, so it would naturally go crazy. In this way, Jiang Li would definitely be thrown off by the frightened horse, and who knows if it would be missing arms or legs. The silver needle is very small, and it is difficult to find out afterwards, even if it is really found out, who knows that she did it?

Meng Hongjin saw that Jiang Li didn't show any equestrian skills in the past, and thought that Jiang Li could only ride the most ordinary horse, but what she never expected was that when Jiang Li's horse went crazy, Jiang Li not only was not thrown off, but also Showing his hand in full view of the public, this kind of action is not for someone who doesn't know horsemanship!

She was cheated by Jiangli!

Meng Hongjin was shocked and angry.

The people who came to pick up Jiang Li also hurriedly followed. Jiang Yuanbai was even more nervous, but the mad horse was too scary. He could only cut off the horse's head with a knife, but Jiang Li would also be injured when the horse fell to the ground. Or just move around with ease and take Jiang Li away, but these are men, and Jiang Li being held in someone's arms will cause criticism to some extent.

While deliberating, the black and brown horse quickened its pace again, and everyone exclaimed, but Jiang Li didn't hold the rein with one hand, and the rein was gone, leaving only one hand holding the rein!

Meng Hongjin was overjoyed, Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e were also overjoyed, Jiang Li was over!

But before they could laugh out loud, Jiang Li suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the horse's mane!

The black-and-brown horse suffered pain in the neck, let out another long hiss, and raised half of its body. Jiang Li seized the opportunity, leaned back, turned over, took a step, and sat on the horse again!

Back in place!

This incomparably thrilling scene happened within a few breaths, and it made people feel as if their throats were strangled, and they were so nervous that they couldn't speak. It wasn't until Jiang Li sat on the horseback that she breathed a sigh of relief.

This girl... Zheng Huchen was speechless. Ordinary women, even the men they know, are rarely so courageous, not to mention that Jiang Li's imperial equestrian skills are more superb than imagined, and what is more important is her calmness in the face of danger. And the calmness that does not change color, this is the reason why she can do well no matter it is Yushe or others.

She really doesn't look like a lady from an official family, and she is only fifteen years old.

The general on the other side heaved a sigh of relief, and there were bursts of exclamations from around. Zheng Huchen took a closer look, and this time he really couldn't say anything.

I saw that after Jiang Li sat on the horse again, instead of trying to reconcile with the guide, she took advantage of the situation and grabbed the maddened black and brown horse and rushed towards the finish line.

She still wants to complete this competition, relying on this crazy dark horse!

What a nonsense! So impulsive! So...fucking exciting!

I saw Jiang Li prostrate on the horse's back, wearing a blue dress like a emerald green lightning in the wind, it is clearly a fresh and elegant gentle color, but it is as vibrant as green bamboo after the rain. It is hard to believe that such a weak body can contain such great courage, but the gentle stream can roll up the toughest stone.

Look, look quickly... Kong Liu pulled Ji Heng's sleeve excitedly.

Ji Heng stared at the corner of his sleeve and said calmly: I saw it.

Meng Hongjin, who was following behind, turned pale with shock. She didn't expect Jiang Li to be so lucky. The mad horse didn't throw her off, and Jiang Li rushed ahead of her. It's impossible to go on like this, Meng Hongjin panicked for a moment, seeing that everyone around her was cheering for Jiang Li, no one cared about her.

This is Yushe! It is her best Yushe, if she loses to Jiangli, she will be nothing!

Meng Hongjin exerted all her strength suddenly, raised her whip fiercely, and followed Jiang Li closely.

Because of the tossing just now, Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e, who were left behind, also followed up. Seeing Meng Hongjin's sudden exertion, she was not to be outdone. Seeing that it was the last stretch of the road, they all raised their whips and urged their horses, each showing their magical powers.

This group of checks has come to this moment, it seems that there is really a bit of a life-and-death atmosphere. However, the most shocking thing is Jiang Li. The black and brown horse is an animal and not a human being. Under the pain, it will only become more violent to shake Jiang Li off. However, no matter how the black horse shakes, Jiang Li's hand holding the rein is Steadily, nothing seems to have changed from the beginning except for the mad horse.

Including her calmness.

When the last section of the road was about to pass, a row of archery targets appeared in front of him again. Jiang Li was lying on the horse's back, holding the rein tightly with one hand, and began to feel for the quiver with the other hand.

Look! She still wants to shoot the target!

My God, she's dying!

Jiang Li had scored three arrows before, which was already the only one on the test field today. There is really no need for her to continue shooting arrows here. What's more, the dark horse has already gone mad, shooting arrows with both hands is much more dangerous than before!

This girl has a lot of energy, Kong Liu admired, I appreciate her!

No one cares whether he likes Jiang Li or not. Seeing this scene, Meng Hongjin, who is following Jiang Li, suddenly shrinks her heart. She suddenly remembered that when she was shooting arrows at the midpoint, she was busy using tricks to calculate Jiang Li and did not shoot. . Before that, Jiang Li shot all three arrows. Up to now, Jiang Li has had three arrows all hit, and she has nothing.

If he didn't hit the bull's-eye with more than three arrows at the finish line, he would have lost to Jiang Li, and it was too late!

Meng Hongjin didn't think about it for a while, and immediately took out the arrow from the quiver, and shot it at the target at the end!

At this moment, Jiang Li suddenly hooked her lips into a smile, and followed closely with a bow and arrow, followed by an arrow in her hand!

Jiang Li's arrow was marked red, and Meng Hongjin's arrow was marked blue. It was a coincidence that both arrows hit a bull's-eye, one in front of the other, one blue and one red, and they pulled very slowly in the air.

Maybe it was because Jiang Li had more strength in drawing the bow, or maybe Meng Hongjin was too panicked. In short, the two arrows, Jiang Li's backward shot, caught up with Meng Hongjin's arrow in midair. Arrows, let Jiang Li's arrow and Meng Hongjin's arrow collide.

With a slight touch, it seemed as if they hadn't touched at all. Jiang Li's arrow quickly still pointed towards the bull's-eye, but Meng Hongjin's arrow was slightly changed by the touch, but was reinfused with strength due to the impact of the red arrow, and shot towards the bull's-eye. The other end--

His Royal Highness! Someone said in panic.

All of a sudden there was a huge uproar.

Meng Hongjin looked subconsciously, and saw that the direction closest to the end of the examination field, next to King Cheng, Princess Yongning was holding her shoulder, and blood was flowing out.

That's... Meng Hongjin was a little at a loss.

Bastard! Take her to Bengong! Princess Yongning screamed.

Is it me? Meng Hongjin thought dazedly, before she could figure out what was going on, Princess Yongning's guards suddenly stepped forward and took her down regardless of the fact that she was still competing.

At the same time, Jiang Li finally passed the finish line. She hugged the black and brown horse's mane with one hand, and opened the other hand. When she passed a locust tree nearby, she let go and jumped up!

Hanging on the locust tree.

Although the posture is not particularly elegant, it can be considered light and comfortable.

The crazy black and brown horse rushed out of the racecourse, and someone had already stopped it. The last arrow that Jiang Li and Meng Hongjin shot at the same time landed steadily on the red heart, and the arrow feathers were painted with red cinnabar.

She won.

Jiang Li was silent, then silently looked at the other side, Princess Yongning, who was being surrounded by people, a gleam of coldness flashed in her heart.

She was still escaped by Princess Yongning, if she was closer...Meng Hongjin's arrow was sharper, and the blue arrow would not hit Princess Yongning's shoulder, but Princess Yongning's chest.

Just a little bit.

Kong Liu finally sat down and patted his chest. He was also sweating profusely at the moment, and Zheng Huchen beside him was not much better than him. After watching such a thrilling inspection, I just feel that it is more tiring than the usual practice. However, Kong Liu was still very happy, and he said to Ji Heng: Did you see how powerful Miss Jiang Er is, today is an eye-opener. This time she is in the limelight, I guess I am very happy.

I think she's a little disappointed. Ji Heng said calmly.

Disappointed? Kong Liu wondered, What's the disappointment? She's the leader. She's finished all the six goddamn arts. She's number one in every one of them. What's the point of being disappointed?

I can't kill people with a borrowed knife, of course I'm disappointed. Ji Heng smiled lightly and stood up, Today's show was not bad, but it didn't see any popularity, it was a bit simpler, let's see the day.

walk away.

What a pervert. Kong Liu muttered, remembering something, and said, You haven't judged yet!

Ji Heng just walked away swaggeringly, but today's Yushe was better judged than Qinyue, because the contrast was too sharp. It doesn't make much sense for Ji Heng not to participate. Everyone can see that Miss Jiang's imperial archery is perfect.

But Miss Meng's family was unlucky, she was not good at archery, she even shot Princess Yongning who was Liu Taifei's favorite. It is not a good thing for a woman to have scars on her body, not to mention Princess Yongning, even an ordinary official lady would not let her go. If you say it at a young age, it's a miss, and at an older age, it's murdering the royal relatives.

Meng Hongjin's face was ashen, and she was trembling with fright. Now she understood how serious the matter was, and she couldn't help struggling while saying, It's not me! I didn't mean to harm the princess, it was... Jiang Li! Jiang Li hurt me!

Some people in the crowd scorned: This Miss Meng is lying all the time. The arrow on Her Royal Highness's body is marked with blue. It's her arrow. It's ridiculous to want to grab Miss Jiang Er.

The arrows were all marked, and the arrow that hit Princess Yongning was blue, so it was naturally Meng Hongjin's arrow. However, Jiang Li's arrow collided with Meng Hongjin's arrow so quickly that no one could see clearly from such a distance. Even if Meng Hongjin said it himself, no one would believe it. Firstly, Jiang Li's archery skills are not so pure, and secondly, she is very good. Why did Jiang Li murder Princess Yongning?

Liu Xu trotted over, grabbed Jiang Li's hand with some fear, and said, You really scared me to death. You were so frightened just now, why did you keep running forward? It's just a competition, why is it worth your life?

Am I okay? Jiang Li comforted her with a smile, but felt very regretful in her heart. At the last moment, she deliberately missed Meng Hongjin's arrow, thinking that it would be better if she could hurt Princess Yongning, but it was a pity that she missed it.

Meng Hongjin is in big trouble this time... Liu Xu said in a low voice, Looking at Princess Yongning's situation, I'm afraid she won't be easy.

Jiang Li smiled in her heart, Princess Yongning has always been high above her, and does not regard people with lower status as human beings, even if Meng Youde is the envoy of Xuanxuan, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Princess Yongning. However, Jiang Li didn't sympathize with Meng Hongjin at all. Although she didn't know what Meng Hongjin had done, the black and brown horse she was riding went crazy, which must have something to do with Meng Hongjin. Jiang Li clearly remembered that the moment before the black horse went crazy, Meng Hongjin was behind her .

Wanting her own life for the sake of a competition, Meng Hongjin was considered cruel, and now she offended Princess Yongning, who was also cruel and merciless, it was her own fault.

Speaking of it, it's really cheap for her. Liu Xu didn't feel sympathetic to Meng Hongjin, but instead said, She's being embarrassed by Princess Yongning now, so the bet with you can only be done in this way.

Who said it's over? Jiang Li asked back: When she settles the lawsuit with Princess Yongning, she will naturally fulfill her bet with me. I'll wait.

Liu Xu was surprised. She had seen Jiang Li as a generous person who didn't like to care about others. She thought that Jiang Li was completely different from the rumors. It was the first time she saw Jiang Li's aggressive appearance. After being surprised, he couldn't help laughing, and said: It should be like this. I won the bet with hard work, so forget it? The owner of the gambling shop in Yanjing City will complain for you. No matter the result Anyway, Meng Hongjin still has to abide by the bet, and I will testify to you.

Jiang Li smiled and nodded.

At this time, Jiang Youyao and the others also dismounted and walked back to the family. As soon as Jiang Youyao saw Ji Shuran, she called out Mother in shock.

Jiang Youyao didn't know what was going on, she was shocked when she saw Jiang Li's horse, but she secretly rejoiced, but she didn't expect Jiang Li to survive the fall for thousands of years, and she was still showing off on the racetrack with outstanding archery skills. Even Meng Hongjin, who was the best imperial archer in the past, couldn't compare to her, and Meng Hongjin shot and wounded Princess Yongning inexplicably. Seeing Meng Hongjin being detained by Princess Yongning's people, Jiang Youyao felt a burst of fear for no reason.

Mother— She stared at Ji Shuran with anger and panic. Meng Hongjin was the one who opposed Jiang Li, so Meng Hongjin was also imprisoned for no reason.

Ji Shuran was also very annoyed. Since yesterday, when she accidentally saw Meng Hongjin looking at Jiang Li, she had vaguely guessed that Meng Hongjin would attack Jiang Li. Needless to say, the sudden madness of Jiang Li's horse today must be the credit of Meng Hongjin, but in the end, Jiang Li was unscathed, but Meng Hongjin took herself down.

Although I don't know how Jiangli did it, what happened today made Ji Shuran reevaluate Jiangli. One by one, Jiang Li's drastically changed temperament after returning to Yanjing, as well as her sudden emergence of Qinyue Yushe, made Ji Shuran feel strange and dangerous.

If it was said that Ji Shuran planned to use other people's hands to get rid of the thorn in Jiang Li's side, now Jiang Li's threat to Ji Shuran has suddenly increased, making Ji Shuran think that even if she does it herself, she must make Jiang Li disappear before her eyes as soon as possible.

Can't wait any longer.

The list was being announced on the examination platform, but the crowd was already in chaos because of Princess Yongning's injury, but no one cared about the name that was read out of the mouth.

But even if they don't listen, probably everyone knows that Jiang Li is the leader today.

Jiang Li herself had no intention of checking the people who announced the list on the stage. Her eyes passed over the crowd, but she fell on Shen Yurong who was not far from King Cheng and kept a subtle distance from Princess Yongning.

Princess Yongning was being protected by the guards, and she was being served by the servant girl and left the examination field to heal her wounds. Jiang Li reckoned that although the arrow failed to kill Princess Yongning, it would not be so light that it was just a scratch. It's hard to say whether there will be scars or not after a few months. The reason why Princess Yongning was so furious was precisely because of this.

But at this moment, Princess Yongning, besides being furious, still lingers on Shen Yurong's body vaguely, she is quite pitiful and weak.

Jiang Li has never seen such a Princess Yongning. In her last memory, it is Princess Yongning with a proud smile and a ferocious and cruel face. So tender and charming, it seems to have become another person.

Jiang Li went to look at Shen Yurong again, and Shen Yurong slightly dodged Princess Yongning's eyes, but cast a concerned look at the right moment when Princess Yongning was about to lose her temper, so the anger of the arrogant princess died down immediately, and she immediately became the same as before. Generally tender.

Jiang Li was disgusted at the sight, and couldn't help sneering in her heart, Shen Yurong is so beautiful, and Princess Yongning was fascinated by him.

However, after being married to Shen Yurong for three years, she also understands that when Shen Yurong wants to love someone, no one will doubt his sincerity, and few people can resist.

Princess Yongning will fall, Jiang Li is not surprised at all. But seeing the pair of real adulterers flickering in front of her eyes, Jiang Li still felt angry and ugly.

She turned her head quickly, afraid that if she took another look, she would not be able to hide the deep hatred in her eyes.

Now is not the time, there is no absolute certainty, wait a little longer, wait a little longer...

In the alley outside the racetrack, two people were walking into the depths. The person in front is dressed in crimson red, and even the back view is full of flair.

Wen Ji. The person walking in front spoke, his voice was like a galaxy paved in the night, cool as a dream, he said: Princess Yongning and the Jiang family, do you have any enmity?

Wen Ji paused, and said, This subordinate doesn't know.

The people in front didn't stop, they still walked forward leisurely. After a long time, there was a voice.

I do not know either.

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