Second Miss is the first name, the leader of the school exam this time, congratulations to the old lady!

Ji Shuran's smile froze on her face.

Jiang Youyao opened her mouth, but couldn't help blurting out: What did you say?

The voice was a bit panic-stricken.

Could it be that you heard it wrong? Jiang Yu'e was full of disbelief, shaking her head, as if she could convince herself in this way, she only said: You must have made a mistake...

It was Lu who was the first to react, immediately burst into laughter, and said: I heard correctly just now, Li'er has won the leader? She glanced at Ji Shuran's stiffly smiling face, and a gleam of happiness flashed in her heart.

She had long been critical of Ji Shuran, and Ji Shuran relied on the promotion of Ji Yanlin, the deputy imperial envoy, to become more and more famous in Jiang's mansion. Lu Shi was originally a proud and arrogant person, so he was used to looking down on Ji Shuran. What's more, the better Jiang Youyao's grades in the school exam every year, the more mediocre the two young masters of the second room will be. Now that a ginger pear came out of nowhere and severely suppressed Ji Shuran's prestige, Lu Shi was naturally happy to see it succeed.

I didn't expect Li'er to be such a capable person. Lu Shi stabbed Ji Shuran in the heart without hesitation, I just came to Mingyi Hall not long ago, and I don't seem to have learned this before. If you want me to say, you are worthy of the elder brother's The bloodlines are all so talented, born with aura...

Every time she said a game, Jiang Youyao felt more resentment in her heart. The anger of being surpassed by Jiang Yu'e has been transferred to Jiang Li at this moment. That's all for Jiang Yu'e, what is Jiangli? She can't even compare to a person who has just entered Mingyi Hall for a few days. Doesn't it mean that she is worse than trash?

Jiang Yu'e also tightened the veil in her hand at this moment, her nails almost digging into her palm. Just now she was waiting full of joy, but at this moment, it was as if a basin of icy water had been poured on her head. It was so cold to the bone marrow in the dog days that her fingertips felt chilly.

The only thing she was proud of, the only thing that could put Jiang Li under her feet, was gone now! Why? !

Mrs. Jiang only glanced vainly, and all the forms of all beings came into her eyes. She said lightly: You can see clearly, she really is the second girl at the top of the list?

Exactly, the young man said, Old Madam, please read the red list that was transcribed. The second young lady is the first in the three disciplines of calligraphy, mathematics, and etiquette. There is no doubt that she is at the top of the list!

Jiang Youyao's body softened, and she almost went limp.


In Fangfei Garden, Jiang Li is watching Li Er tending flowers and plants.

You really don't want to go? Jiang Jingrui sat on a chair, pouring tea into his mouth, and couldn't help persuading him: There is still time to escape. At most, if you escape, you will be laughed at and have no promise. If you really wait When you want to escape and have nowhere to escape, kneel down and apologize to Meng Hongjin, your life is really over. If you ask me, you are not a man, and a man has to choose the situation. If you stay with Qingshan, you are not afraid of losing your life. Firewood, why do you have to make trouble with yourself?

Don't look at Jiang Jingrui's playboy appearance, when he talked about these consoling principles, Jiang Li was almost moved by him. However, she just glanced at Jiang Jingrui and said, This tea is Junshan Silver Needle. I only brewed this pot today. You seem to be chewing peonies. Don't come here to drink tea in the future.

Jiang Jingrui slammed his teacup angrily: Listen to what you said, are you really a lady from our Jiang family? Why are you so frugal, our family of thousands of gold is going to spend a lot of time and money. You are so boring!

The gap between a poor family and a family of gold and jade is huge, and Jiang Li is too lazy to argue with him. Individuals have their own way of life, so there is no need to force it.

While talking, Qingfeng and Mingyue suddenly walked in from outside. The faces of both of them were flushed, with a little excitement, Qingfeng said as soon as he entered the door: Girl, Mingyitang's red list has been posted!

Before Jiang Li could speak, Jiang Jingrui put the teacup in his hand and said, How is it? Is your girl the bottom one?

Looking at his appearance, Jiang Li felt that it was probably a lie that he said that he hoped that he could win.

Mingyue glared at Jiang Jingrui, and said, What nonsense are you talking about, our girl is extremely smart, and she is born to be a good material for studying...

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Jingrui laughed loudly: You don't have to say that if you lie.

Jiang Li looked at him quietly.

Mingyue became anxious: Yeah, I didn't lie, now everyone in the house knows that our girl is the top of the list in the Mingyi Hall school examination this time, the ringleader!

She bit down the word leader hard.

Jiang Jingrui said: You girl, why don't you speak brains at all. Even to comfort your master, you shouldn't speak so nonsense.

Qingfeng said: It's true!

Jiang Jingrui still wanted to talk, but when he saw that the maidservants were really red-eyed, he realized something, and slowly stopped smiling. He looked at Jiang Li tentatively, and asked, Is it true?

Jiang Li didn't bother to talk to him, so she just asked, Where is the Imperial College? Who is the top candidate in the Imperial College Examination?

It seems to be an unfamiliar name, the surname is Ye... called Ye Shijie!

A stone fell to the ground in Jiang Li's heart.

Jiang Jingrui came to his senses and yelled loudly: What's going on? You became the top of Mingyi Hall's school examination, and your cousin became the top of the Guozijian school examination. He approached Jiang Li and said in a mysterious whisper : To be honest, didn't you guys bribe the examiner? You must know that your cousin's family is not short of money, but the Imperial College is so easy to be bribed now...

He muttered again.

Qingfeng said: Old Madam asked Second Miss to go to Wanfeng Hall quickly.

Okay. Jiang Li stood up: I'll go right away.

I'll go too! Jiang Jingrui stood up and said, This time you have earned some face for the Jiang family, and grandma will definitely reward you well.

Jiang Li was very excited to see him, she might think that Jiang Jingrui was the one who won the ring. After a pause, he said, Are you sure you want to go now?

Why don't I go? Jiang Jingrui was puzzled.

Jiang Li sighed: You are not afraid to talk about your grades.

I'm not afraid. Jiang Jingrui seemed to be proud instead of ashamed, and said nonchalantly, Everyone is used to it.

Jiang Li didn't bother to talk, and Jiang Jingrui didn't care, why should she be a gossip. Then he took Tong'er and Bai Xue to the Wanfeng Hall.

When they arrived at the Wanfeng Hall, the little maids standing outside all smiled kindly at her, and looked at her with some scrutiny, presumably because they were also very surprised that she won the first place.

Jiang Li turned a deaf ear to these, and walked in on her own. After entering, she found that Jiang Yuanbai was there.

Not only Jiang Yuanbai, but two brothers Jiang Yuanxing and Jiang Yuanping also came, and Mrs. Yang was talking to Mrs. Lu. The members of the three households of the Jiang family are all gathered together at this moment.

This is rare.

The second aunt is the leader of the knife slotting sect hahahahaha

The weekend flies by...

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