You want to be an official?

Ye Shijie was dumb for a moment, Jiang Li stared at him so purely that it even gave him the illusion of cleanliness, Ye Shijie immediately avoided Jiang Li's gaze, and responded from his nose as a response.

In fact, this kind of thing should not be told to her, after all, Jiang Li once treated the Ye family as enemies. It's just a coincidence, but he actually felt that Jiang Li was someone he could trust.

The Guozijian's school exam is excellent, so you can be appointed as an official. Jiang Li said: But you came from Xiangyang to be an official. Could it be that grandma and the others will move here in the future?

Ye Shijie was very surprised that Jiang Li could think of this, he said: Maybe we will move here when it is stable here.

Moving here has both advantages and disadvantages, Jiang Li narrated what was in her heart: If you gain a firm foothold in the capital, the Ye family will be well-known in the future. One or two of the Ye family's children will be selected as officials, and the Ye family will be able to survive for a hundred years. Worry-free. However, once you move to the capital, there may be jealous people, and likewise, the Ye family will be more dangerous.

Ye Shijie stared at her strangely, and said, You think deeply. He knew that Jiang Li had just returned to Yanjing City not long ago. After all, Jiangli is too heartless.

It took eight years to return to the capital, and Jiang Li seemed to be able to speak clearly about the forces in Beijing, as if she understood it very well.

Jiang Li smiled and said, I'm from Yanjing after all.

Ye Shijie said disdainfully: Do people in Yanjing City have to be superior to others? It's ridiculous.

Knowing that this cousin's hostility towards him will not disintegrate for a while, Jiang Li is not angry. He just suddenly thought of something, and said: The Imperial College needs to be recommended, and there is no one in the Ye family who is an official in the court. How did you get in?

Ye Shijie said, Why are you asking this?

Jiang Li felt that Ye Shijie's attitude was a bit strange, so she said, Just curious.

It was the Second Young Master from the Right Prime Minister's Mansion who recommended me to come in. Ye Shijie finally answered Jiang Li's question.

Right Prime Minister? Jiang Li was puzzled, How did the Ye family and Right Prime Minister get involved?

Speaking of which, the chancellor to the right is Jiang Yuanbai's deadly enemy. Right Prime Minister Li Zhongnan's rise took place in the past few years. At the beginning, Li Zhongnan was promoted by Jiang Yuanbai, but later, for some reason, his power grew. It was almost to the point of fighting against Jiang Yuanbai, and it was too late for Jiang Yuanbai to regret, so he had to confront Li Zhongnan.

Therefore, Jiang Li was very surprised to hear that Ye Shijie mentioned Li Zhongnan.

Li Zhongnan's second son, Li Lian, once came to visit relatives near Xiangyang, and was counted into the lawsuit. I accidentally passed by and saved him. Later, he learned that I was from the Ye family and proposed to recommend me to study in the Imperial College.

Being able to enter the Imperial Academy is like a pie in the sky for the Ye family. If Ye Shijie could get a part-time job by studying in the Imperial College, the meaning to the Ye family would be quite different. Therefore, Ye Shijie readily agreed to Li Lian's proposal.

After Jiang Li heard Ye Shijie's words, she felt very strange. Not to mention other things, Li Lian is determined to recommend Ye Shijie because he is grateful for Ye Shijie's help? Is Li Lian really such a kind person?

Jiang Li knew that when Shen Yurong was the number one scholar in junior high school, she had put in a lot of effort in order to understand the nature of her colleagues in the court in the future. Right Prime Minister Li Zhongnan has two sons, the eldest son is a young talent that everyone talks about, but the second son Li Lian is clearly a villainous dude. Jiang Li instinctively felt that something was wrong when such a dude played the game of repaying favors.

It's probably because when you think something is wrong, you will think about it deeper. Jiang Li suddenly thought that Liu Zimin, who troubled Ye Shijie yesterday, was one of Li Lian's best friends, and he was very close to Li Lian.

Since Li Lian really wanted to repay Ye Shijie, he didn't even tell Liu Zimin Ye Shijie's name. Liu Zimin knew the relationship between Ye Shijie and Li Lian, so how dare he trouble Ye Shijie?

Unless, Li Lian knew about Liu Zimin's trouble with Ye Shijie, and even acquiesced, or even ordered him to do so.

But why did Li Lian do this?

In just a short moment, Jiang Li has already guessed all the possibilities that can be guessed.

Ye Shijie didn't know what Jiang Li was thinking, seeing Jiang Li lost in thought, he asked, What are you thinking?

Cousin, Jiang Li said sternly, Li Lian is a dishonest person and has a very bad reputation in Yanjing City. If you want to become an official, you'd better not get involved with him. Otherwise, you will be implicated in the future, and you will be alone. , the Ye family is not worth the loss.

Ye Shijie looked serious, and asked Jiang Li: Did you know something?

What a smart young man, Jiang Li admired in her heart, but right now she didn't know what Li Lian was trying to do, let alone make wild guesses. I had to remind him gently: I don't know yet, but I think that with Li Lian's temperament, he is definitely not such a kind person. Therefore, there may be other reasons why you were recommended to the Imperial College by him. Cousin Ye, you In the future, those who will carry the burden of the Ye family must be cautious in everything they say and do, and as for Li Lian and others, stay away if you can.


Before Ye Shijie could speak, Jiang Li said again: Liu Zimin and Li Lian are best friends. You have seen Liu Zimin's virtues yesterday. Things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups. Think for yourself.

Ye Shijie's eyes moved slightly, and Jiang Li knew that he had listened to what he meant.

What about you? Ye Shijie asked: What are your plans? Although you said yesterday that you did it unintentionally, our Ye family is the most important thing in doing business. You helped me, what price do you want me to pay? ? Want to reconcile with the Ye family?

Tong'er, who was standing aside and serving, almost couldn't help jumping up after hearing this, the young master Ye Jiabiao's words were really ugly, as if Jiang Li was a calculating businessman.

Why would I ask you to help me and the Ye family reconcile? Jiang Li smiled nonchalantly, and opened her hands to Ye Shijie.

Ye Shijie looked at the jade hands stretched out in front of him, his fingers were really white and tender like onion tips, but... Ye Shijie also saw the calluses between Jiang Li's fingers.

Ye Shijie was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Li had stayed in the nunnery for eight years. During the eight years, she was a little girl after all, and she did not know how much she had suffered. He has always been a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, no matter how fierce he said, when he saw this, his heart softened unconsciously.

But I heard Jiang Li's unhurried voice: Since Cousin Ye insists on saying that I have plans, if you keep asking for nothing, Cousin Ye will also feel uneasy, so please give it.

For what? Ye Shijie frowned.

Silver. Jiang Li said it as a matter of course: One hundred taels of silver, you Ye family should be familiar with a word when doing business, which is called two payments for silver and goods.

Hey, it's April, everyone, happy April Fool's Day!

Spring is so good n(*≧▽≦*)n

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