Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 244 Zhaoyue Extra Story: Pearl (Part 2)

I'm here for you.

Situ Jiuyue was stunned, and looked at Xue Zhao. For a moment, the girl's face seemed to turn red, which was unbelievable. In the past many years, she didn't seem to have such an emotion. Those ignorant and shy girls who belonged to little girls were far away from her when their families were ruined.

She looked at Xue Zhao, the boy's eyes were clear, passing her, like a ray of sunshine, unobstructed, shooting directly into the heart of a person.

Situ Jiuyue paused and said, What do you mean?

You are my friend, and you have saved my life. When I was in the Duke's Mansion, if you hadn't healed my wounds, I might not have survived. Xue Zhao smiled and said: Now you Need help, how can I let you here alone? No matter what my role is, I will try my best to help, even if it is not worth mentioning in your eyes.

A burst of disappointment flashed across Situ Jiuyue's heart.

It turned out to be a friend, and it turned out that it was because of the grace of saving lives. That's right, this young man already has a clear distinction between likes and hates, and he must repay his kindness and hatred, so he should have the same thoughts about himself. He is a bright person, no matter what, he shouldn't yearn for a person like himself who lives in darkness.

There is a Jiang Li who can save Jiheng, but there is not necessarily a Xue Zhao who can save Situ Jiuyue. Besides, he can't save himself at all, and will only be dragged into the abyss by himself.

You really can't help me. Situ Jiuyue said coldly: So your coming is a mistake at all. Go back, I will find a way to send you out of Molan, and don't come here again in the future. You and me, Ben It’s just that the difference is clear, I am the princess of Molan, and you can be your knight.”

Her attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away immediately made Xue Zhao also paused. Xue Zhao was a little at a loss, but Situ Jiuyue didn't give him a chance to speak again. Instead, he ordered Haitang to take care of Xue Zhao, and left by himself.

Xue Zhao sat on the spot, watching Situ Jiuyue walking away quickly, feeling a sense of frustration welling up in his heart. He couldn't help but hammered the table, just like when he was a child, and said: Xue Zhao, you are so stupid...

Master. Haitang said cautiously, His Royal Highness seems to be angry.

I know. Xue Zhao said: I... He is not a stupid boy, on the contrary, he always got into trouble in Tongxiang when he was young, and his tongue is considered sharp. Although he is honest, he is not stupid. But for Situ Jiuyue, he was always at a loss. He always felt that there were some things that could be said easily, but he couldn't say them in front of Situ.

His embarrassing appearance fell into Haitang's eyes, and Haitang burst out laughing, Xue Zhao asked suspiciously, What are you laughing at?

The young master likes Her Highness the Princess very much. Haitang said.

Xue Zhao was startled, his face flushed immediately, and he stammered, You, what nonsense are you talking about...

Then the young master just doesn't like Her Highness the Princess? That's right, Her Highness Princess is always cold on weekdays.

No, Xue Zhao was anxious when he heard that, She's just cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so why don't I like her...

Then the young master just likes Her Highness the Princess. Haitang interrupted Xue Zhao, Isn't it?

Xue Zhao stopped talking, he couldn't deny it. Haitang has stayed in Xue's family for so many years, in a way, it is like watching his grown-up sister, what Haitang can see, shows that he has already behaved clearly. It's not enough to hide it.

I just like it, Xue Zhao wanted to admit aloud, but after talking about it, he felt a little guilty, Can't you?

It's not impossible, since the young master likes it, why don't you explain it to Her Royal Highness? Haitang asked with a smile.

I... Xue Zhao looked at his legs hesitantly.

If he wasn't such a cripple...

Could it be that the young master cares about his legs? Haitang asked.

The embarrassment on Xue Zhao's face gradually disappeared, his expression became serious, and he said, No.

Haitang was puzzled.

Although my legs can't stand up, it doesn't make me feel inferior. It was Princess Yongning's fault, not mine. I don't need to blame myself for this. On the contrary, what I can do when I stand up, Now I am trying to do it without standing up. For example, whipping, such as protecting the people around me. I think, no matter who is physically disabled or not, the feeling of liking someone is precious, and it will not be because of status. Belittled for reasons.”

Then why the young master... refuses to say.

Xue Zhao smiled wryly, Haitang, you have been with Jiuyue for so long, what do you think Jiuyue... thinks of me?

Haitang was taken aback.

Although I keep saying that I have a dream in the world, I haven't experienced much in the world. That's why I easily followed Princess Yongning's way, but Jiuyue really grew up in the world. She I have seen many more things than me, maybe in her eyes, I am just an ignorant young man who does not know the heights of the sky and the earth. If she does not like me, I will explain my feelings to her, and I am afraid that I will not be a friend in the future, but I don’t I would like to watch her from afar, at least not now. I hope I can stay by her side and explain to her after the Molan incident subsides. In this way, even if she wants to drive me away and doesn’t want to see me, at least I can leave with peace of mind.

Hearing this, Haitang did not speak for a long time. She looked at Xue Zhao with mixed feelings in her heart. The handsome and sunny young man in those days had finally grown up. His affection looks childish and innocent, but there is no doubt that it is sincere. Haitang thought for a long time before saying: Master, you are really not smart.

Ah? Xue Zhaoqi said, Why do you say that?

The young master himself has guessed what Her Highness the Princess is thinking, but the result of the guess is really the opposite.

Xue Zhao stared at Haitang in a daze. He was not stupid, and he also heard what Haitang said, but he still couldn't believe it, and said, You...what do you mean?

His Royal Highness treats you very special, and the young master is not as bad as I thought. If you like it, just say so. The young master's thoughts are precious. In fact... when the girl and the Duke left Yanjing City, there was I told the servant about something.

Sister? Xue Zhao was taken aback.

Jiang Li and Ji Heng have been traveling all over the place these days, and Xue Zhao still doesn't know what Jiang Li said.

Young lady guessed it long ago. When Her Royal Highness returns to Molan, the young master will definitely follow her. The young lady guessed it too... The young master will definitely hesitate to confide his heart to His highness the princess. Having said this, Haitang covered her mouth and smiled. .

Xue Zhao was a little embarrassed.

Miss wants this servant to tell you, young master, you can express your feelings to Her Royal Highness without any scruples. If Her Highness refuses to accept it and wants to drive you away, but you don't want to leave and want to stay here to help her, then Let's stay with your shameless face. Just take your shameless kung fu in Tongxiang, and Her Royal Highness is sure to be helpless against you. Haitang imitated Jiang Li's tone, Xue Zhao's face turned redder, but his eyes lit up.

It was the first time for him to like someone, and he seemed a little dull, but after provoking him, he suddenly became enlightened.

The girl said, if the young master wants to do something, he will definitely be able to do it. It depends on whether the young master is looking for the will or the result.

Mind? result? But the feeling of liking someone is not seeking results. The kind of worrying, missing, and being overwhelmed alone, and thinking about it in the end, is also pleasant.

I see, Xue Zhao said, I will do what I want.


For several days, Situ Jiuyue was nowhere to be seen.

I heard that Suo Jing has already prepared everything for the ceremony, and the next step is to announce the husband. Situ Jiuyue was walking alone in the garden, and the matter was about to settle down. She had prepared for everything, but when the moment came, she was a little unwilling, as if she was waiting for some miracle to happen. In order to curb her unrealistic thoughts, Situ Jiuyue deliberately avoided Xue Zhao. She was afraid that seeing Xue Zhao would shake her heart again. Sadly, it's still shamefully self-indulgent.

But the more she didn't want something, the more she wanted something. Before she reached the gazebo, she was blocked by a person halfway.

It was Xue Zhao who came.

Situ Jiuyue frowned slightly.

Jiuyue. This time, the boy didn't even call girl anymore, and Situ Jiuyue was stunned by the intimate address. Before Situ Jiuyue could speak, Xue Zhao said, I heard from Mr. Suo that your husband has already been selected.

Yes. Situ Jiuyue suppressed the turmoil in his heart and replied calmly.

You have only known him for more than a month, not to mention acquaintance, it is nothing more than to silence the minister, in this case, can you choose me to be your husband?

Situ Jiuyue looked at him in surprise.

The young man's face was a little red, but his eyes were very firm, and he said word by word: Even if it is used, I can accept it for five years, ten years or a lifetime. Although I am a cripple, I want to be better than that young man. It’s better to get along with you. And I’m not from Molan, so I won’t covet your status and wealth... The reason why I do this is that I don’t ask for anything, as long as you let me stay by your side.”

Situ Jiuyue's heart beat extremely fast, and she asked, Why did you do this?

Because I like Miss Jiuyue. Xue Zhao said.

This is what she has always hoped to hear, but at this moment, she suddenly dare not accept it, she said: Impossible.

I've been in love with Miss Jiuyue for a long time, from the first time I saw Miss Jiuyue. Xue Zhao seemed to be more determined and brave, and confessed his heart.

Since when did he like it, he really can't remember. That day, he escaped from the dungeon and was taken to the Duke's mansion by Ji Heng. He saw this girl. In his life, he had seen Xue Fangfei as warm and beautiful, and Qiongzhi as enchanting, so cold. This is the first time I've seen a girl. But she kept her face sullen and said nothing, but her hands were very gentle. She said she was a poisonous concubine, but she tried to save her again and again. Everyone thinks Poison Concubine is a smelly and hard stone on the river beach, but he only thinks that he is a pearl that he got by chance by digging three feet into the ground.

He could see the softness beneath her armor, even if she wouldn't admit it.

I know what you're worried about, and I know what you're doubting. It doesn't matter. If you can't come to my world, then it's not bad for me to come to your world. The young man looked softly, and he said: We have been together , until you get tired of me. He is willing to be used by others, besides, in the eyes of others, he is used, but in his eyes, is it not a satisfying thing to pay for the one he loves?

This girl, Your Royal Highness, he smiled warmly and brightly, Can you agree?

Situ Jiuyue didn't know how to answer, until she saw Xue Zhao's hand on his lap, clenched into a fist, seemed to be trembling slightly, and his ears were very red, revealing his nervousness. Like a gentle beast, it exposed its weakness and put its big furry head on the hunter's knee. Even the most ruthless hunter couldn't help being moved.

Teach people can't bear to refuse.

Besides, she didn't want to refuse.

This is not a very good idea, maybe there will be countless troubles in the future, but she suddenly wants to get back on her feet, after spending more than ten years cautiously, there is someone to bear it with, and she is still the one she likes.

She does not evade her own heart, nor does she live up to the sincerity of her sweetheart.

From now on, you must be loyal to me alone. She turned her head away, like a proud princess, but her tone softened, and the corners of her eyes could not restrain the smile.


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