Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 150: like a man 1!

Just got out of the tiger's mouth and killed the cub in the bud, but now it has entered the wolf's den again, less than 50 meters away, and everyone is holding an automatic rifle...

I'm playing with your winter melon skin...

Dialect broke the glass of the window, then jumped in quickly, and kept running behind him, until he entered the house near the road again, and then slowly stopped, ran to the bathroom on the first floor, from The window slowly stretched out the muzzle of the sniper rifle, constantly adjusting his breathing.

Although I thought that the current situation was not easy to deal with, the dialect still knew what to do. I definitely couldn't go back to the area where I came, because the gunshots over there were loud now, so I can only do it now. Through some favorable terrain, it slowly eroded the vitality of the five-man squad in front.

A wounded person must need someone to help, while a dead person does not need anyone's help, so for the dialect, injuring them is the most important thing, so as to create sufficient space for their escape. time.


A slight voice sounded, Fang Yan squinted his eyes, quickly put away his gun and ran out of the house, while the bathroom where he was staying was baptized by a wave of bullets in an instant.

However, the person on the other side didn't fall...

It is a very embarrassing thing, but it also happens to reflect the military literacy of the enemy on the opposite side. It is not as stupid as the previous group of people, or more appropriately, their understanding of the modern battlefield is beyond the dialect. After all Most of the knowledge learned in dialects comes from books.

"Ping, bang, piu!"

The bullets hit the wall railing continuously, and then made a clear sound. Dialect took out a grenade again and threw it in the direction of the gunshot. Then, taking advantage of this little pause, he got up quickly. Run to the next house.

The suppression formed by the firepower of the five people makes the dialect have no way to fight back at this moment. The previous actions can be called surprises, attacking them unprepared, using their concealment and sneak attacks to create opportunities to break them one by one, and now, the opposite is like a spear and a The combination of shields is both offensive and defensive, and does not give dialects any chance.

It seems that now he has only one choice left, and that is to run as fast as he can!

But this residential area is not peaceful. If nothing else, there is an exchange of fire within 400 meters in front of you. However, you can try to lead the way...

Thinking about it, Dialect took out the scope of his sniper rifle and quickly observed the area in front of the exchange of fire. Then he immediately retracted it and circled in a small circle. While avoiding the sight of the pursuers behind him, he went to the area in front of the exchange of fire. Run sideways.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of gunfire in front became clear, and the dialect shrunk behind the wall. Looking at the house that was less than 100 meters away from him and constantly making gunshots, he silently ran towards the direction of the NATO coalition forces next to him, and then quickly Lying on the ground, he looked at the pursuer behind him.

The figure appeared slightly in the night vision goggles, and the dialect looked at it, raised the muzzle of the rifle, shot a half-shuttle of bullets directly in the direction of Lao Maozi, and then threw a grenade at the person behind him. , then pulled back and quickly retreated, and ran to the side around the position where the NATO coalition forces were located.

"Boom! Da! Da! Da!"

The two sides started exchanging fire as quickly as Dialect thought. Dialect watched, took out his sniper rifle, and pulled the trigger directly at a burning spot in the pursuer's position behind him, and then he continued in the direction he set. He ran, but in an instant, he took back the steps he had stepped out of.

"Puff puff!"

A few bullets hit the edge of the wall, and pieces of small gravel **** popped out. Dialect swallowed, and looked at the next residential area 20 meters away from the open grass on the opposite side, but couldn't get out of it. own footsteps.


The window next to it was directly smashed by Dialect's rifle. He quickly got in, stretched out his head slightly, looked in the direction of the pursuer behind him, then slowly retracted, and walked to the other side of the house. On one side, he looked in the direction of the fierce exchange of fire just now.

Troubled Water has been successfully drawn from the east, but the effect is not as good as the dialect thought. Lao Maozi has shown a decline under the attack from both sides. The gunfire has been a little weaker until now, and it is still constant. Move toward the distance, hitting and retreating.

The gunshots from the pursuers behind him were also slowly and faintly, and it was estimated that they were moving in their own direction, but the dialect was tightly confined to this area, and could no longer move...

Why doesn't my special code have communication equipment, or you can still live to this day?

A viciousness flashed on the dialect's face, and he replaced the magazine of his rifle with a new one, then pulled the bolt, walked slowly to the door, and opened the door.

He didn't find the person who fired the gun just now, because this house happened to be the blind spot where the bullet shot just now. At the same time, Dialect also knew that his skin of the NATO coalition could not provide him with any cover and protection.

Because, judging from the fact that as long as a NATO soldier saw himself and shot without hesitation, they must have a mature battlefield identification system, and this key should be hidden in the intercom, or they are wearing dog tags.

I must not be confined to this small house, otherwise I will only be surrounded by people on the opposite side.

And after that, for me like a mercenary on the battlefield, the best result is a bullet death, otherwise, it can only be life rather than death, and then I don't know how to die...

On the battlefield there is no mercy, the Geneva Convention, for the battlefield, may be a joke...

A distance of 20 meters, a short sprint, 3 seconds, like a man, rush over, or die on the way to the charge!

His eyes never wavered. Fang Yan looked at the wooden door that he had pulled open in front of him, and the open grass that was 20 meters away from life. Rolled.

"Puff puff!"

The bullet, rubbing the scalp, flew past...

Dialect quickly stood up again with one hand on the ground, and rushed forward desperately. At the same time, the gun body of the micro-side rifle, without aiming, just based on his own feeling, continuously sent the gunshots to the side. Shoot in the direction from which you came.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

The fire of war, the smoke of gunpowder, the face full of mud and ashes, reflecting the slight flame from the muzzle, and the hideous face...

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