Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 54 54, Green Orcs

Although these days, the Primarch did not personally go out to comfort the surviving Imperial populace.

But when the tall and burly Space Marines and the energetic Battle Sisters walked through the world, most of the people of the Empire welcomed the arrival of the angels with tears in their eyes.

The Emperor's angels are at your side, and all suffering will be far away.

Devout faith converged on Dukel.

Be his everlasting source of strength.

in subspace.

When Nurgle learned of the failure of Lymphus and the Blighted Legion, and felt the loss of his own fragments.

The Lord of Life became unusually silent.

He expelled all the children in the garden and just sat in the swamp silently cooking soup. Not even the Eldar Goddess of Life saw Him during this period.

This was an unprecedented failure for this great being.

He was thereby made weak, though only a little.

But just like the beasts in the forest cannot expose any weakness to their opponents, neither can He.

But that doesn’t mean He gave up.

On the contrary, the loving father now pays more attention to the original body, like a beast hiding in a dark corner, licking its wounds and watching for its prey.

This is the moment when He is at his weakest and most dangerous.

In a lost world in the subspace, as one of the few people who knew the news of Lymph's complete demise, Mortarion let out a low, weird laugh. The demise of his kind seemed to make him quite happy.

The corrupted demon flies surrounding this world are flying everywhere happily.

The thick green plague miasma spread wantonly, and Nurglings jumped and played in the poisonous mist.

"My brother, you can always make people shine in silence." Mortarion's low tone was inaudible in the poisonous fog.

Since the end of the Great Rebellion, this demon-ascended Lord of Death has completely isolated himself from the things in the real universe. In his eyes, everything in the real universe is humble and boring.

On the contrary, it is the great game between the gods, which is much more interesting.

It wasn't until he learned that his original brothers had returned that he once again became interested in attacking the material universe, but before he could set out, something more interesting happened.

Number 2 really gave him a big surprise. Mortarion raised his head slightly, as if talking to himself or talking to someone,

"I'm different from you. I never let myself indulge in this corruption. I just use it and control it. I will let corruption become my loyal slave."

"My brother, win, keep winning; savor the joy of constant victory. Maybe until the end, you, the proud one, will be surprised to know who is the real winner."


Nurgle's silence was unexpected and reasonable for Dukel.

This evil god has never been known for his revenge.

Just like the god of the green-skinned orcs, Gorge once challenged Nurgle head-on. Brother Mao went around behind him and gave him a sap. After knocking him unconscious, he blocked the exit of the garden and beat him violently. Then he walked away. .

This incident has been going on for a long time, and it has even become a topic of conversation for the orcs to brag about, but until now, they have never heard of Nurgle taking any decent revenge on the two green-skinned gods.

In the days that followed, Duker met with the Great Sage of Casting, Gris, and discussed with him the feasibility of various technological breakthroughs.

Until the original body said that he wanted to capture the green skin for research, the poor great sage was so frightened that he turned pale.

Researching alien technology is a taboo among taboos for both the state religion and the mechanical doctrine.

Generally speaking, you have to survive the burning and shooting of the Inquisition, and then hold meetings for five or eight years and conduct countless votes before you can implement such a project.

However, when the original body explained in detail the feasibility of green-skin genetic technology for technological breakthroughs, Gris had to admit that this was an amazing idea.

Driven by his thirst for knowledge, the great sage finally decided to take a desperate risk and cooperate with Duker's technical research.

Half a month later, the chaotic forces in the Southern Reese Galaxy have been completely wiped out.

After a short rest, the expeditionary legion once again sailed in the subspace.

——Heading towards the coordinates provided by Political Commissar Kane.

Green-skinned orcs are a strange race. They are said to be plants and can run and jump. They are said to be animals, but they can photosynthesize. If you drop a piece of dandruff, a large swath of orcs will grow out of the ground.

So far, they are the only race that has achieved a numerical advantage in the war with the Zerg.

They are weapons of war created by the Old Ones.

In order for these green-skinned brats to be able to adapt to combat under various conditions, the Old Ones engraved their skills into the green-skinned orcs' genes.

This kind of genetic technology allows them to quickly leap from the simplest low-level civilization to a high-level civilization without any knowledge inheritance.

If war is catalyzed, this speed will be greatly accelerated.

And in their genes, there is a special force field, which is the product of the ancient saint's technology, a force field powerful enough to distort the laws of the real universe - the waaagh force field!

When thousands of green-skinned orcs gather together, this force field will become stronger and wider.

In the waaagh force field, green skins are called war warlords or leaders of battlefield bosses. They will become smarter and stronger, and can significantly change the physical rules of the real universe.

For example, the green boys believe that if a pile of scrap metal is piled together, as long as it has wheels, it will be a car. Then this pile of scrap metal can really drive like a car.

The green boys believe that the car doesn't run fast enough because it's not painted red. So as long as the car is painted red, the speed will really become faster.

As a war weapon created by the ancient saints.

This force field even allows them to piece together a pile of scrap metal into a space battleship that can sail in space, and a war fortress that can easily destroy the world - the Battle Moon.


Guided by the coordinates provided by Kane, the expeditionary legion came to an agricultural world called Euro.

The vast plains are covered with green-skinned orcs and military vehicles that don't know why they can be driven.

Countless off-road vehicles were moving forward in a mighty manner, surrounded by huge Ork war motorcycles.

There were a huge number of green-skinned boys that could not be seen beyond the horizon, holding guns and swords, and their tattered armor was painted with various colors.

The short dwarfs and psychic boys were running around like crazy in the orc army, making inarticulate screams.

Hundreds of war trucks raised dust all over the sky, and the muscular orc warriors stood proudly on the roofs of the trucks, making a waaagh roar.

Their weapons and armor appear crude and tattered, but any enemy who underestimates these equipment will pay a heavy price for it.

In the eyes of green-skinned orcs, humans are both food and toys.

They stare eagerly at the imperial towns, ready to plunder this agricultural world at any time.

Just as they were advancing mightily,


The impact of the outer railgun exploded in the torrent of the orc army, making the already chaotic green-skinned orcs even more chaotic.

The expeditionary legion came to the outer orbit of this world, and the first thing they did was to open fire!

Powerful weapons such as macro cannons, light spears, and rail guns were all exerting their power. Machine spirits roared with the roar of humans. A large number of orc fleets docked in the outer orbit were destroyed by the expedition fleet.

The ship was shattered into pieces, and its debris and corpses were floating in space.

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