Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 39 39. Mr. Emperor, you are so powerful!

The moment Efilar was invited by the Heart Network, Dukel, the Lord of the Heart Network, had a sense of it.

"Efilar was actually invited by the Heart Network?"

Dukel's expression was very surprised.

As a high-ranking member of the Battle Sisters, the elder sister's faith is firm but not blind. She has a high degree of autonomy, and she should believe in the Emperor more than believing in herself.

Since the Primarch's resurrection, Efilar has been following Dukel, although he also thinks that the elder sister will be invited into the Heart Network sooner or later.

But it shouldn't be so soon!

More importantly, the elder sister also carries the blessing of the Emperor!

Who is the Emperor? The essence of the Emperor is the Dark Lord, the fifth evil god of the warp!

The elder sister's joining the Heart Network also means that the Emperor has joined the Heart Network in a sense. The power contained in the blessing is likely to pollute the purity of the Heart Network.

The Heart Network is the pure land built by Dukel in this world, and it is his real foundation.

Although the possibility of pollution is very small.

But no matter how small the possibility is, it is not something that Duker can tolerate.

"We can only strip off the Emperor's blessing before she officially joins the Heart Network."

"I just don't know how Afilar will react to this."

"Let's give her a chance to choose first"

Duker thought in his heart.

Although Afilar was able to accept the invitation from the Heart Network, it means that her faith is firm.

But this does not mean that she will definitely give up the Emperor's blessing.


Afilar recognized Duker's breath from the Heart Network panel.

Therefore, she chose to join almost without hesitation.

At the moment of confirmation, a sharp noise that pierced her heart resounded directly in her mind.

The noise that resounded when the Heart Network invited her could even reach her soul.

The unbearable degree of it is a nightmare that all members of the Heart Network do not want to recall.

But the elder sister seemed to be unaware of it.

The tenacity of will that mortals cannot understand was fully demonstrated at this moment.

The sharp noise did not make her show a painful expression, nor did she instinctively tense her muscles.

She was still in a relaxed state, and even her prayers were not interrupted.

She just maintained the previous posture and continued to pray devoutly, as if nothing had happened.

Five hours passed quickly -

During this period, Efilar's prayers did not even pause for a moment.

When the sound stopped.

"Ding! -"

A crisp and pleasant reminder sounded, and a translucent panel appeared in front of her.

Efilar found herself instantly moved to a huge dark space.

On the translucent holographic screen in front of her, countless messages were scrolling.

"The third fortress of Vanaro Star requests support, at least 50 teams are needed!"

"Cultists were found on Nalai Star, and we are applying for a deep cleanup mission. Damn this group of heretics, damn!"

"An unknown plague was discovered, and several teams are coming to escort the samples!"

"Biomagnetic field technology·50,000 horse training experience——"

"Your Highness Dukel, is this the secret of your power?"

"What an amazing feat"

Looking at the scrolling subtitles, Efelar vaguely understood something and showed an expression of great respect.

Just then.

A new prompt appeared in front of her.

[It is detected that you have the blessing of the emperor. Do you want to upload it to the heart network? After uploading, you can get rewards: Dukel's blessing]

[Please choose carefully, you will lose the blessing after uploading. ]

Efelar looked at this sudden reminder.

There was no hesitation and struggle as Dukel expected. After seeing the prompts above, he made a choice almost without hesitation,


At the moment of choosing to upload, the elder sister suddenly felt that her body was extremely heavy.

At this moment, she turned back into a mortal again.

Although her appearance did not change much, her body shrank and dried up at a very fast speed.

The vitality of a mortal could no longer support this body that had experienced a long time.

She began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dukel still underestimated the selection criteria of the Heart Network.

Or rather, he underestimated the fanatics in this world.

When the Heart Network issued an invitation, it meant that the elder sister had made up her mind to serve with this body for the rest of her life.

She didn't know why Dukel wanted the blessing of the Emperor.

But she didn't need to know, no matter what His Highness wanted, she would do her best to offer it with both hands.

At the end of the Heart Network.

Dukel was holding a golden ball of light in his hand, as dazzling as the sun.

At the same time, an extremely powerful spiritual energy was looking at him.

This was the blessing of the Emperor, and any changes would surely attract the Emperor's attention.

Dukel did not avoid this gaze, but took the initiative to meet it.

Using this blessing as a medium, he established a deep psychic communication with the Emperor.

Then the Primarch's vision changed rapidly, and finally came to an unfamiliar space.

Everything here is empty, except for the golden throne standing in the center, which is real.

Dukel's consciousness moved towards the throne. In his perception, the majestic figure sitting on the throne was like a cosmic-level computer that controlled unlimited information and had countless computing power, running precisely at all times. With extremely complicated procedures.

The Emperor, who was sitting on the throne, was also sensing his second son. In his perception, the second primarch at this time was like a huge server or a transfer station.

This was intuitively reflected in his vision. In the emperor's eyes, what was approaching him at this moment was a behemoth with wheels within wheels. Each of its wheels was burning with seemingly never-extinguishing flames. With countless eyes.

The surfaces of these wheels pull countless tentacle-like threads of faith, which are constantly rotating and performing extremely efficient work, constantly supplying nutrients to the huge eyeball in the center.

What Duker saw was a golden-armored giant emitting endless golden light. He had a hundred eyes and could see everything; he had a hundred ears and could hear everything; he had a thousand hearts and had one heart. With ten thousand arms, He is so fucking powerful that it is impossible for a mortal to be his enemy!

Compared to Him, I am as fragile as a paramecium!

But in the end, these strange scenes disappeared like phantoms in the eyes of the Emperor and Duker.

The extremely powerful giant disappeared and was replaced by an ordinary-looking middle-aged man sitting on the throne.

The behemoth of a wheel within a wheel also disappeared, and what appeared in the emperor's eyes was a handsome young man with a cold and stern expression who seemed a bit difficult to get along with.

"You came?"

"Well, I'm here."

"You seem to have changed a lot."

"You seem to be different from what I remember, old man."

"Old man?" The golden light around the emperor emitted a series of fluctuations, as if he was smiling.

He seemed to be very interested in talking, maybe it was because he had been lonely for thousands of years, and now he finally had someone he could talk to.

With the Emperor's power, even in the eyes of mortals, the Custodes are as powerful as gods. After a brief exchange with him, their brains will feel as if they have been blown by a sandstorm.

Even the Primarch found it difficult to communicate with him for long periods of time.

But the original body in front of him was an exception. Even if he established a deep spiritual communication with himself, he didn't seem to have any burden.

But Duker had no intention of chatting with him.

Coaxing children is already annoying enough, but when you add care to an empty nester, do you really think that his unsmiling Highness is a heart-warming little sun?

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