Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 304 111, Taotie Ring and Wandering Ring

"Charge, for the Emperor, for the Warmaster!" Dum shouted loudly, and then communicated remotely with the Eldar prophet,

"Have you sensed the location of that object? I once followed my father deep into the realm of the Plague God. That time, we couldn't find the way and wandered around the core of the Plague Garden for several months. It was not until Mortarion brought the Regent into the center of the garden and the golden sun rose in the garden that we got a glimpse of the path leading to the depths of the garden."

"Now my father is blocked outside the six-ring domain. We don't have the ability to wander in the evil god's kingdom for several months. If we can't find the location of the 'sword' as soon as possible, we will be drowned here by endless demons."

"As planned, we have sensed the location of the 'sword'." While responding to Dum's communication, Edrad smashed the head of a miser with a scepter,

"The sword is in the palace of Slaanesh in the core of the domain."

The imperial army and the Eldar allies cooperated with each other to slowly advance the offensive of the Slaanesh believers.

Not far from Doom, a cloaked Harlequin dancer wielded the Eldar's Destroyer Blade, like an elf leaping with lightning.

She and a Primaris Space Marine covered each other.

One was a warrior who had undergone surgery and was wearing heavy armor.

The other was a Harlequin who had honed his body and soul through the path of a dancer.

The two looked so different, with completely opposite fighting styles and very different speeds, one man and one woman, one white and one gray.

But in this savage and bloody scene, there was a strange harmony between them, a perfect combination of strength and speed.

Although they had never deliberately practiced cooperation, their cooperation in battle was natural.

The Space Marine's chainsaw sword completed a swing, and blood rained all around. Just as he put away the knife, the Harlequin Dancer's spearhead filled the gap just right, splitting the body of the demon who wanted to escape.

A succubus wanted to attack the harlequin dancer from behind, and at this moment, the Space Marine ran over like an armored vehicle, and even no weapons were needed. Just a collision killed the succubus on the spot.

Their cooperation was perfect.

Doom couldn't help but frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

As an ally, the Eldar are indeed a better choice for the Empire.

Whether it is the battle rhythm or the body size, they can complement human warriors.

Most importantly, their goddess of life is still in the hands of the Empire.

But even so, the aliens are aliens. I just hope that the Eldar can always stay awake and not be confused and become enemies of humans.

Doom suppressed the thoughts in his heart and encouraged the coalition to continue moving forward in the communication channel.

At this time, a huge roar attracted the attention of the Doom Slayer commander.

Doom's eyes looked at the distant distance and happened to see the huge body of an Emperor Titan falling to the ground.

The mechanical body of more than 100 meters collapsed like a mountain on the plain full of gold, and the violent sound was caused by this.

The driver roared in anger, and the six-barreled revolver on the Titan was still pouring out firepower, trying to take away the Slaanesh champion in front of him.

But in this circle of greed, the power of the rejected Desara expanded infinitely. The God Machine that was enough to trample her into meat paste in the material realm was nothing more than that in her eyes at this moment.

Desara destroyed this God Machine with almost no effort.

The Emperor Titan was overturned to the ground, and the power supply pipelines in its legs were cut by the scimitars inlaid with gems. A large amount of engine oil sprayed out like blood in the arteries.

The same disconnected lines emitted violently beating electric sparks.

What's more terrifying is that the fallen Emperor-class Titan began to grow crab claw-like growths.

The pink mist wrapped the body of the God Machine like a veil. The huge war machine roared low, but the laughter of the Slaanesh demon came from its engine.

The followers of Slaanesh are holding a temporary ceremony to try to corrupt the empire's divine weapons.

Seeing this scene, Doom's eyes burned with anger, and a gold chain saw sword popped out of his arm armor, and he ran over with a double-barreled shotgun.

After the upgrade of the Doom Slayer, his body and will are enough to fight against any twisted monster.

"Dear warrior, why do you have to endure the desire in your heart." Dishala also saw Doom's arrival. She licked her lips with her long tongue with barbs. What's strange is that this seemingly ugly action has a strange charm.

"This is the paradise that people dream of. It has all the bliss in the world. You just need to let go of your shyness and enjoy everything."

"This includes me. As long as you can satisfy me, I will let you do whatever you want." Dishala's low voice hides a provocative charm.

The Slaanesh champion spread out her six arms, revealing her silky skin and her curvy snake body, exuding an aphrodisiac scent.

But she soon realized that the warrior in front of her had no sense of romance.

Not only did Doom not feel any itchy emotions, he even felt like vomiting. His face hidden under the helmet couldn't help but reveal a disgusted emotion.

Under such emotions, he put away the double-barreled shotgun in his hand.

After seeing this scene, Dishala's eyes lit up slightly, and her eyes were full of charming water - she naturally thought that the warrior put away his weapon because he listened to her good advice.

This is natural. She couldn't help but glance at her perfect body. Which soul in the universe could resist the charm of this body?

Just looking at the strong arms and chest of the Doom Slayer, Dishala couldn't help but feel a surge of spring in her heart. This strong man would definitely bring her incomparable happiness. If she could be torn to pieces by him in madness, it would definitely be the ultimate bliss in the universe.

Just as her thoughts glanced at the indescribable scene, she saw the Doom Slayer Doom suddenly took out a sword from behind.

The sword was like a raging fire, and the sword body was full of red light.

Countless runes of destruction lit up on the sword body. Just by looking at it, Dishala felt an indescribable fear in her heart.

Instinct urged her to escape from here immediately.

And she did so, but when her snake tail just swung, she suddenly found that the charging warrior disappeared in an instant.

No, it wasn't disappearance, but after picking up the sword, the warrior's speed suddenly increased to a point that she couldn't tell.

The next moment,


Like the sound of hot oil cutting through cheese, Disha suddenly felt dizzy. She didn't even understand what was happening, and saw a perfect, headless corpse with a human body and a snake tail standing in front of her.

That was herself.

After realizing this, Disha screamed in horror.

"Dregs." The iron giant foot of the Doom Slayer stepped on her head. Facing the dirty demon, Doom didn't even have the interest to say a word.

The Sword of Judgment in his hand was inserted into Disha's head, and it went in from the top of her head without any hindrance.

When the scorching blade touched the demon's brain, it made a sizzling sound, and Disha also screamed the most painful scream in her life.

The runes of destruction on the sword lit up one by one, and the painful scream lasted only for a moment before being sucked into the Sword of Judgment.

The demon's soul was forever incorporated into the sword, becoming the energy source for charging the blade.

Doom took back the Sword of Judgment, and the Imperial warriors who were still fighting around him cast awe-inspiring eyes at this moment.

The Chosen Champion, who several Primaris Space Marines could not defeat in the Ring of Greed, was easily killed.

Even some of the Doom Soldier cast envious eyes on their brother.

This sword is really as the Warmaster said, invincible.

Unfortunately, the production of the Second Legion's Sword of Judgment is not high now. Currently, only the Second Legion champions who have made contributions to the Empire can use it.

In the sky, dense warships are still pouring out beams of destruction, and flames are burning violently in this golden land.

The battle has only just begun for an hour, and both sides have already entered a white-hot stage.

Everyone is fighting hard, with the ultimate goal of destroying each other.

Not far away, a Rust tank exploded, and a shower of broken limbs and metal fragments fell on the battlefield. Amid the gunfire and artillery fire, the voices of the Slaanesh demons were full of resentment.

They couldn't believe that they couldn't stop the coalition's pace in this territory that belonged to them.

The evil god's domain is infinitely vast to a certain extent. Each ring of the six-ring domain can be regarded as an independent dimension.

If the path is not found, the coalition will never be able to enter the depths of the domain in their lifetime.

However, the Eldar prophet of the Death God Army, with the help of the connection between the old woman's sword, quickly located the position of the last sword.

They used the last old woman's sword as a beacon and followed the guidance to enter the next ring of the six-ring domain - the Taotie Ring.

Outside the narrow strip of land formed by trillions of golden teeth, there is a vast crimson wine lake.

This lake is dotted on the pale islands formed by the backs of giants, and each island is linked together by criss-crossing bridges.

Each giant's hands supported the table, groaning under the weight of the luxurious banquet.

Every island was dotted with gluttons who devoured the feast, their eyes wide open, no matter how much food they enjoyed, they were still hungry.

On the coastline, you can even see them trying to devour the grand scene of the giant lake.

The gluttons stuffed more and more delicacies and fine wine into their greasy mouths, and the swollen and fat people groaned in pain, but they could never fill the gluttonous emptiness in their stomachs.

Here, the only relief is death, swallowing so much, so fast, that they followed the footsteps of those horrible remains whose bodies burst.

Looking at these fat and greasy things, the imperial soldiers suppressed their nausea and used artillery shells to clean a path through the fat gluttons.

The gluttons, who were dozens of meters tall and were grabbing all kinds of food with their fat fingers, blocked the way forward for the coalition forces like a white wall made of solidified fat.

"Let the gunboats smash these filthy things." Dum ordered.

As the commander's order was issued, the Storm Gunship Battle Group roared in.

The heavy cannons under the wings began to cover indiscriminate firepower, and the turrets spit out flames, hitting the gluttons on the shooting path into minced meat.

Fat mixed with blood and bones splashed everywhere, and those bodies covered with grease exploded directly, splashing everywhere.

The soldiers advanced along the path cleared by the gunboats.

But everything was not smooth sailing. The empire's act of destruction soon attracted the attention of the overlord of the Taotie Ring.

A fat man as huge as a mountain sat on an extremely luxurious chariot. Several great demons lifted him up with great effort. While he was on his way, he did not forget to order his servants to put the food into his mouth.

Grutos, the Lord of Gluttony, indulged his primitive appetite while other servants of Slaanesh were busy showing the sexiness and fatal temptation of the Lord of Pleasure.

His waistline was equal to his height, and he looked like a huge sphere from a distance. Such a body made him lose the ability to walk, and he could only be carried forward by the great demons of Slaanesh.

Grutos was a beggar in his mortal period. He was weak and thin, and could only survive by stealing and begging.

One day, when he decided to sneak into a seemingly gloomy temple to steal things, his fate was completely changed.

Young Grutos stole a handful of golden grains in the temple, which were originally sacrifices to Slaanesh.

As punishment, the Lord of Pleasure cursed Grutos to be forever hungry and always crave unusual food.

In order to satisfy his own appetite, he entrenched in the Ring of Gluttony and became the most powerful guardian of this realm.

When human weapons brought up the smell of burnt smoke and countless precious foods were cooked by the fire, Grutos roared and ordered his servants to teach the coalition a lesson they would never forget.

Even his chariot, under his drive, charged towards the imperial army.

But his arrogance did not last long. Unlike the rejected Disara, Grutos's huge body attracted everyone's attention the moment he arrived on the battlefield.

A company of Doomsday Warriors happened to be not far from him, and these Doomsday Warriors rushed towards him at the first time.

So his huge body, which he was proud of, attracted the siege of 200 Doomsday Warriors.

With almost no resistance, his chariot was overturned by the Slayers, and his fat body, like a mountain, was also dismembered by the sharp blades.

The Slayers dug a narrow rift in Grutos's abdomen, took out his internal organs and intestines, and then tied them to his body.

After doing all this, the Slayers pushed him into the dark red lake and drowned him in the lake filled with wine.

The battle did not last too long. The coalition forces of the Empire and the Eldar did not linger on, but followed the instructions and invaded deeper into the realm of Slaanesh.

"Forward, forward, forward!" Doom's voice roared in the voice communication.

They jumped into the wine lake and walked towards the other side of the lakeshore.

On the other side of the dim lakeshore, there was a golden glow and soft straw.

There, handsome men and beautiful women of every race, gender and form revealed their most primitive physical appearance.

The only thing that can be called clothing is the soft and flowing translucent gauze.

——This is the Ring of Debauchery.

The dancing figure is indescribably and incredibly sexy. Every existence here is shaped into the most beautiful state of the witness's inner desire.

Unless it is a saint with a flawless heart, anyone here will linger here. The beauties who seek pleasure and play beside people are all their dream people.

With his tenacious will, Dum was not confused by this place. Smelling the psychedelic aroma in the air, the genes of the Doom Soldier emerged with memories that made them angry.

That was the memory of Duker.

More than a decade ago, the gods joined forces to encircle Duker and brought the Primarch, who had just revived, to the destined place.

At that time, the Lord of Pleasure prepared a grand ceremony for the Second Primarch. He sacrificed 666 lust demons and presented the incense he personally prepared.

The incense prepared by the gods themselves was so fascinating that even the Primarch's unbreakable mental barrier was penetrated by it.

At that time, Dukel also saw the illusion in the deepest part of his heart.

Unfortunately, all the seductive glances thrown by the Lord of Pleasure were chopped into pieces by the Primarch who had gone crazy.

The bloody altar of Khorne dragged Dukel into a state of mindless killing. This was the moment when his will was the weakest, but what the gods did not expect was that they could bewitch the Primarch's reason, but could not deceive the Primarch's instinct.

Even if he was completely unconscious, his unyielding body was still fighting instinctively.

And the incense released by Slaanesh at that time was the magic medicine He collected from various materials in the Ring of Debauchery.

"What a blasphemy."

Every Doom Soldier recalled the memory from Dukel's genes at this moment, and the scene at that time appeared in front of them in an extremely real way.

The anger of the Primarch who was fooled once ignited the hearts of every heir in an instant.

At this moment, the eyes of the Slayer's helmet lit up scarlet light at the same time.

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