Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 221 28, Saving the Space Wolves

Mortarion and Lorgar fled, which did not disappoint Dukel. The two demon primarchs came well prepared and would not be stupid enough to die here easily.

Humanity's counterattack has just begun, and the betrayers will eventually have no way to escape.

In the atmosphere of the alert star, when the gunship Doom was riding jumped into the void, he heard Dukel's own voice inside the empire's communication system.

The Imperial Warmaster defeated the two demon primarchs alone. This news was conveyed to all the legions in an instant. All the loyal warriors were cheering for this. The terrifying roars of the demons on the surface of the Vigilance Star also became these at this moment. The blasphemous thing will eventually cry out for destruction.

The human side accelerated the evacuation of the citizens of the empire. They won the victory, but they could not prevent Chaos from raging into a real hell. Even if they were moving forward in the poisonous fog and swamp, the hearts of all the soldiers were still full of hope at this moment.

This victory allowed everyone to vaguely see the bright future of the empire. One day they would defeat all traitors and demons.

"We have to speed up our actions." Underground in the vigilant star's hive, Shivala said with a smile after hearing the voice of the original body in the communication channel.

"Sisters, our master is urging us, we cannot let him wait too long."

An impact shook the passageway the nuns were in, and dust and debris rained down from above.

At the same time, blasphemous words echoed in the passage, and dense crowds of heretics emerged from the darkness, chasing the footsteps of the nuns.

"Ignore these stubborn scum, their fate has long belonged to the Lord of Destruction." Shivara's voice rose on the team channel, and then she threw a grenade to the rear.

The explosion of the grenade caused most of the entire passage to collapse, which was enough to delay the cultists for a long time.

"Keep going," Shivara continued.

The main purpose of their coming here is not to clean up the heretics.

In the previous melee on the Vigilance Star, the underground of the hive was like an open abyss. Any troops entering it would be quickly disconnected.

The Midnight Ghosts sent by Abaddon were all destroyed here, and no news was heard.

Not only did the Demon Legion suffer losses, but a Space Wolves team from the Empire also cut off contact with the outside world after entering the place.

Such anomalies are exactly why the Psychic Sisters, who are the bodyguards of the original body, came here to investigate and carry out rescue missions at a critical moment.

Shivara and her team of nuns moved forward quickly. Each of them was wearing gold, black and red armor. The same color armor as the Imperial Warmaster, representing their ability and glory.

In this low tunnel, even the nuns, who were much smaller than the Space Marines, had to bend down slightly to move forward.

Their armor and cloaks were covered in dust and mud, but the golden paint was still bright.

Their steps were vigorous, and Sister Shivala, the spiritual nun, was at the forefront of the team, confidently dealing with various emergencies.

Since the vents underground in the hive had long been destroyed in the war, there was no fresh air flowing in, and the smoke from the explosion floated quietly, making everything behind them blurry.

A large amount of dust was flying around in the air, like countless tiny flying insects under the illumination of the nuns' bolter light tubes.

The narrow tunnels are twisting and complex, and together they form a huge maze buried deep underground.

Since entering the tunnel, they have walked more than ten kilometers, and almost at the end of every deep darkness, they will fight with aliens or heretics.

It is unimaginable how many enemies of the empire are hidden underground in the vigil star hive. Even if the nuns kill quickly and efficiently, it seems that they will never be completely eliminated.


Suddenly, the nun at the back of the team sounded a warning.

The nuns turned around neatly, raised their weapons, and aimed at the monster leaping out of the dust behind them at an alarming speed.

It was a group of gene stealers, ugly monsters leaping forward like hounds, their sharp claws slicing through the air, eager to separate the flesh and bones of their prey.

The heretics of the Pauper Prince sect follow these monsters, brandishing their weapons with malevolent intent.

These heretics have been completely infected by the Genestealers.

Some people have mutated to such an extent that parts of them that were once human have become unrecognizable.

The narrow range of activities in the tunnel forced the nuns to adopt a multi-layered array.

The nuns in the front row must kneel on one knee to make room for the nuns in the back row to shoot.

Red holy flames erupted from the flamethrowers, and the harsh sound of bolters filled the cave.

Flames and bullets killed the incoming alien monsters, and at the same time, set off vortexes of gravel on the tunnel floor and walls.

The ugly corpses of the aliens are constantly stacking up, but they are still coming one after another.

The genestealers cut into the corpses of their kin with their claws, eager to get closer to their targeted prey.

The Sisters did not flinch, spraying flames across the monster's gleaming carapace, and the burning foe screamed in agony in the darkness.

A huge monster broke through the defense line. Its huge claws grabbed one of Shivara's legs and tried to drag her along the ground.

The power of Genestealers cannot be underestimated, and the sharp claws they grow are enough to rip apart the heavy armor of an Astral Warrior.

Shivara raised her other foot and kicked the monster's round bald head with her boot.

The kick made the alien's brains splatter, but it still refused to let go of its claws, opening its mouth wide to reveal rows of black and wet teeth.

"Be careful above, Sister Shivara!" a nun shouted, and as she spoke, she used the angry flames of the flamethrower to light the monster in the dark.

The Genestealer wrapped in flames let go of Shivara's claws while screaming in pain.

Shivara quickly adjusted her position and picked up the grenade launcher to join the sisters' volley.

The ignited monster rolled and struggled under the fierce firepower, and finally fell to the ground and died, and its charred body became another corpse piled on the ground.

"Give me another grenade!" Shivara said to the sister behind her.

Soon, a fragmentation grenade was handed to her.

The nuns protected their faces to avoid the impact of the explosion.

"Boom!" The kinetic energy generated by the explosion caused the entire tunnel to shake violently.

When the shock and the smoke gradually dissipated, the nuns saw the severely injured cultist trying to crawl out of the ruins.

The body of this heretic was riddled with holes from shrapnel, but he was still struggling to survive.

The nuns had no sympathy for them. They killed the enemies one by one and quickly advanced deep into the tunnel.

After a long battle.

The team stopped in a spacious room for a short rest.

In this complex underground, there are many such rooms for them to temporarily escape from the narrow tunnel.

"I guess this tunnel will soon reach the end." Shivara took out the strategic map and analyzed it to the sisters, "We have killed more than 10,000."

"Sister, I suggest clearing all the aliens along the way." A nun suggested, "There are too many of them. If the number is not reduced in time, it may become a dangerous disaster before the destruction comes."

"Reasonable suggestion, this is our duty." Shivara nodded, "Unless all the aliens in the galaxy are destroyed, our duty will never end."

"But there are too many of them, I am afraid we will delay the retreat." Another nun was a little worried, "They are spreading everywhere like an infection."

"Then let's disinfect this place before we leave." Shivara responded firmly. At this moment, her cunning temperament no longer existed, revealing the sacredness and solemnity that a sister should have.

"Let's go, sisters, let's keep moving forward."

Shivara led the nuns to the next tunnel.

The complex routes underground in the nest are hundreds of times more complex than the ant's nest.

In order to prevent getting lost, whenever the sisters came to an intersection in the vast underground network, Shivara would ask the sisters to leave a cross symbol shaped like a double-headed eagle on the stone and mark the direction they came from.

Moving in the complex passage, the more marks they encountered repeatedly, the clearer they understood the route, until finally, they finally drew a map of the entire tunnel.

It had been several hours since their last battle with the Genestealers, and it seemed that those vicious aliens had been hiding under their cleaning.

The current passage they were in was also in a much better condition, and they almost didn't need to spend time to clean up the debris on the road.

They were moving very fast, and the morale of the sisters became high.

Shivara unconsciously quickened her pace. She was tired of the darkness here and hoped to return to the side of the Primarch.

Once the threat here was eliminated, they could return to the side of the Warmaster and rush to a more glorious battlefield.

Suddenly, Shivara stopped and raised her fist in the air. The sisters held their breath and formed a column behind her.

With their extraordinary hearing, they could vaguely hear some movement in the darkness, and a being was moving in the shadows ahead.

"Be alert." Shivara whispered.

The nuns raised their grenade launchers, and the black muzzles moved in the direction of the sound.

Then, at the end of the tunnel in front of them, a huge monster appeared.

It was taller than all the gene stealers they had seen in the past.

"Everything is dedicated to our Lord." The nun whispered a vow she had made, and drew the dagger she carried with her from her side, her eyes sharp, like a female leopard on the hunt.

The life magnetic field was spinning rapidly, ready to attack at any time.

But to her surprise, the tall figure in the darkness suddenly moved quickly, but without the wild frenzy of the alien monster.

Then, she heard the turning of the gears of the power armor and the sound of the iron boots stepping on.

In the eyes of the sisters, a towering Primaris Space Wolf warrior emerged from the dark tunnel, his armor bearing many traces of battle.

"Put down your gun!" Shivara ordered the Space Wolf.

She did not let down her guard because of the other party's superficial identity - although rescuing the Space Wolves was one of the main purposes of their operation. But in such a severe environment, she would be ready to kill the other party until she confirmed his loyalty.

Shivara observed the opponent with sharp eyes, not giving the wolf any chance to rise up. It could be seen from the blood stains on the Space Marine's armor that the opponent had been staying underground for a long time.

"Sister Shivara, Supreme Spiritual Order of Ophelia No. 7." The nun first reported her name and where she came from.

Hearing this, the Space Marine slowly put down his weapon. He looked at the nuns up and down with the same vigilance, and then said,

"Sister of the Heart? I didn't expect you to set foot in this dirty place. It can be seen that you have been fighting here for a while."

After hearing the words of the wild wolf, the nuns realized that their golden armor was also stained with blood and mud, and they were almost as disgraced as the wild wolf in front of them.

Before they noticed it, the nuns didn't feel anything, but when they were awakened, the girls couldn't help but frown.

"It's been a while," Shivara replied.

"This is a filthy place. The noble girls around the War Commander should not set foot here." The wild wolf said with some sadness and anger.

"I've lost all my brothers fighting those disgusting alien monsters."

After finishing speaking, the rude wolf spat angrily on the ground.

"All?" Shivala didn't care about the rudeness of the wild wolf. After all, every legion in the empire had its own personality.

What happened to the wild wolf made her surprised beyond words.

She thought that the alien threat underground on the Vigilance Star was very serious, but she never thought that even the Primaris Astartes monks would be buried here.

Thinking of the hardships she and her sisters had gone through along the way, she was somewhat thankful that it was the spiritual nuns like them who took on this task. If it were other mortal teams, I am afraid that not many of them would have been sacrificed at this moment.

"After the wolves entered here, they completely lost contact with the headquarters. Investigating and rescuing your whereabouts is one of the important purposes of the Warmaster sending us here," Shivara said.

"It is our honor, Sister." The leader of the wolf pack replied, "But I really wish I could have met you earlier, when my brothers were still alive - I am not blaming, I also know that the battlefield is ruthless, just looking at myself It’s so painful to have my brothers die in front of me.”

"My name is Bronn Snowpettel." The Space Marine said solemnly.

Shivara nodded, accepting him.

"Currently, the empire's troops are taking citizens to evacuate the warning star. In principle, I should take you to evacuate here quickly now."

Speaking of this, Shivala showed a sly smile, "But you also understand that when performing tasks outside, we do not have to abide by the principles. Wild wolf, maybe we can work together to severely damage the aliens underground in the hive city. People cannot be resurrected after death. But the living can avenge the dead.”

"Are you willing to risk your life to help me avenge you?" The Space Wolf's tone rose, showing obvious gratitude, but then it quickly dropped.

"Forget it, if this delays the follow-up actions, Warmaster Duker will punish you."

"Punishment is another kind of reward." A smile appeared on Shivara's lips that the Space Wolves couldn't understand.

Although the smile is incomprehensible, it does not prevent the Wolf leader from seeing it as the nun's way of expressing her loyalty.

Suddenly, the two voices lowered at the same time.

They focused deeper into the passage and heard a familiar crawling sound rising from the darkness.

"Here we go again," the wolf growled, with a purring sound similar to that of a canine.

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