The shadows of the gods descended, and the endless negative energy of the warp poured out. The space in the material realm trembled under the heavy load. The touches of the supreme power wrapped around the entire Spirit of Vengeance, like thunders of death from hell.

The violent ether power surged out from the bizarre warp, and the waves of the spiritual realm hit the barrier of the real universe. Space and time were stirred up at this moment.

The endless primordial power formed an unstoppable storm, stirring in a way that all living beings and spirits could not grasp.

When Abaddon chose to accept the blessing of the gods.

The astropaths of the entire star field were wailing.

The power of the dark power was too strong, even if it was just the aftermath of the spill, it was far beyond the human ability to accept.

In order to avoid the corruption of unclean energy, the astropaths of the empire fled to the virtual realm.

The countless illusions they saw, the thousands of omens in madness, all pointed to the same terrifying scene.

The Chaos Warmaster finally accepted the crown given to him by the gods. An unprecedented disaster is about to sweep the entire universe.

On the Spirit of Vengeance, Doom became Abaddon's last obstacle.

He firmly believed that as long as he killed the warrior in front of him, he could hold the entire galaxy in his palm.

"Die, under my blade."

The three-color phantoms of red, purple and green enveloped him. Abaddon waved the magic sword and said, "You will be one of the billions of losers under my sword!"

The magic sword hissed and screamed, it swallowed and spit out evil light, like a venomous snake, and the overly powerful force caused the sword body of Drachanion to crack one after another like the vertical pupils of a cold-blooded animal.

Blood flowed down the brass armor, the abscesses burst and burst into green poisonous mist, and the purple tentacles licked the wounds. Under all these appearances, Abaddon's increasing power.

He swung a sword at the Destroyer, using all his strength.

The power of the gods was integrated into it. This sword blocked space and time, and it was an absolute hit and could not be stopped.

The arrogant warlord disdains to use any means other than primal violence to win this battle.

He wants to win this battle in an upright manner.

The Slayer of Destruction also did not evade, and the red flames ignited on the blade, welcoming the demon sword of the Chaos Warlord with a bloody and brave heart.

As the son of Dukel, he also disdains any means other than direct confrontation.

Azrael, who was seriously injured by the claws of Horus, witnessed the duel between the two warriors, and a strong sense of shock rose uncontrollably in the heart of the Dark Angel King.

All his senses were attracted by the cruel magic sword and the sword burning with fire, and the flames and black air waves raised during the confrontation made him fall into complete chaos.

At the same time, the blood-like brilliance bloomed on Abaddon's blade, and the Dark Angel King was knocked to the ground by the thunder-like sound waves generated by the collision of weapons before he could come to his senses.

And this was just the aftermath of the fight between the two warriors.

In the years when Azrael became the son of Lion and devoted his loyalty to the Empire, he had long been accustomed to bloodshed and killing, and few things could move him.

However, on this ship, the Vengeful Spirit, the duel between the Chaos Warmaster and the Doom Slayer, the power displayed overturned everything he knew.

He stared blankly at the confrontation between the two powerful warriors, and the horror and shock made him forget the pain in his body.

On the deck of the Vengeful Spirit, the power of the two warriors seemed to be inexhaustible, and the huge energy that overflowed catalyzed two bright stars, radiating magnificent power.

The red flame on Doom's sword rotated into a storm of flaming flames, and the dazzling light eclipsed everything. His whole body was also covered with flames, his eyes were pure white, and the mist of the soul escaped from his helmet. The magnetic field of life was pushed to the extreme, and every move seemed to carry the thunder of the magnetic field rotation.

Abaddon, who was shrouded by the phantoms of the gods, had blood-like lines flowing on his brass armor. His body became increasingly large and bloated, with dozens of tentacles entwined, plowing furrows in the attack of the Slayer of Destruction.

The aftermath of the battle between the two powerful warriors smashed the walls of the Soul of Vengeance, and rooms collapsed and burned in the flames of destruction.

But then, a loud noise came from the battlefield that made Azrael uneasy.

The Great Predator swung the magic sword in his hand with all his strength, and Drachanian screamed madly, hitting the burning sword.

The power of this attack was greater than thunder, and the unclean energy that was stirred up was mixed with the storm of fire, which razed several corridors of the Soul of Vengeance to the ground.

The King of Dark Angels struggled to support his body. He didn't even have time to shake off the gravel on his body, and hurriedly looked at the battlefield.

The storm of fire subsided, and he saw that the Slayer of Destruction's sword had traces of slight cracks at this moment.

Time was climbing so slowly at this moment.

So much so that he could clearly see that the crack on the sword was slowly expanding, and then-


This sword forged by the Second Legion, defeated by the magic sword Drachanion, exploded at this moment, and thousands of broken blades of the sword shot out like thousands of bright lightning.

The Doom Slayer quickly turned his head to dodge, but those small and sharp blades still cut his helmet into pieces.

Most of the helmet was broken, revealing half of Doom's marble-like face.

"Be careful!" Azrael shouted, warning the Doom Slayer.

Then he threw out a series of weapons that could interfere with the enemy's senses, such as flash bombs, stun bombs, and smoke bombs.

In the blinding light, fierce tremors, and thick smoke, he accurately found Doom in the smoke.

"Abaddon has accepted the power of the evil god, and his power has expanded too much."

He said to the Slayer hurriedly, "We will temporarily retreat and leave the Spirit of Vengeance."

But even after hearing his words, the Slayer still did not take any action.

Azriel heard Abaddon's footsteps in the smoke, and anxiety emerged in his heart.

He reached out and grabbed the Slayer, trying to take Doom away from here by force.

But no matter how hard he tried, he was shocked to find that the Slayer's body was motionless, like a statue connected to the ground.

And what's worse is that a huge shadow has enveloped the two of them.

Abaddon's senses were not disturbed by the weapons at all, and he quickly appeared in front of the two commanders--

"None of you can leave." The Chaos Warmaster looked down at the two people, his voice was at ease,

"Your end is doomed, and you will all become sacrifices to celebrate my rebirth." He spread his arms and dozens of twisted tentacles, which danced wildly.

The Warmaster enjoyed the joy before the victory. At this moment, this feeling was so clear that he was happy.

"Do you think you have won?" The Doom Slayer walked up fearlessly, even though his weapon was broken.

"Otherwise?" The Dark Warmaster grinned, "Warrior who lost his weapon, what else can you use to resist my blade?"

A warrior without a weapon is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. In his eyes, the only way out for the Doom Slayer now is to surrender or perish, and there is no other way to go.

Unfortunately, he could not think that the Doom Slayer's use of weapons is just a tool for them to enjoy the fun of fighting.

Just like people need wooden chopsticks or knives and forks when eating, they are just tools for enjoying delicious food.

If there are no wooden chopsticks, can people not eat food?

Maybe it will be easier.

"Being eager to declare your victory will only make people laugh." The warrior sneered, "Sure enough, the gods chose you just because they need a clown."

Doom's heart was not as fearful as Abaddon expected. On the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit and blood boiling at this moment.

The courage and strength inherited from Dukel made him enjoy great pleasure in the battle.

In the galaxy, demons are almost predators for any race.

These dark existences in the subspace taste the fear of all beings and swallow the souls of all spirits. The fear of mortals makes them linger, and the emotions contained in their souls become their powerful nourishment.

For them, the galaxy is a huge dining hall, a rich hunting ground, and delicious food everywhere.

The arrogant demons never thought that there would be a creature that could stand at a higher level of ecological niche and overlook them.

They would never think that one day they would become the food of mortal creatures.

Therefore, when they face the Slayer, the demons who are always in a state of madness and confusion will have fear from the depths of their souls.

Because these warriors are the real predators, the natural enemies of a higher level.

Fear of natural enemies is natural even for demons.

Doom can no longer remember how many demons he has eaten, just as creatures will not count how many meals they have eaten.

Every time he eats a demon, he will become stronger.

To this day, even he himself does not know what kind of power he will burst out when he goes all out.

For him, hunting demons in ordinary ways is like a tiger hunting a rabbit, without any challenge.

But when the sword of the mind was broken, the Chaos Warmaster in front of him completely aroused his interest.

At this time, even Abaddon, who was blessed by the gods, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The look in the eyes of the Slayer after the broken helmet made him almost crazy.

The gaze with cruelty and desire in the eyes is the greed of the predator.

Doom threw the hilt of the Sword of Mind aside casually. He pulled off his broken helmet, revealing a face somewhat similar to the Lord of Destruction.

He clenched his fists, and the powerful force of his fingertips forced the iron gloves to creak under the heavy load.

When the power was fully charged, Doom's heavy fists blasted up like a cannonball.

This speed was faster than before, as if there was no restraint. Abaddon only felt his eyes blurred for a moment, and then he felt unbearable pain in his chest.

The Doom Slayer pressed forward step by step, and the attack of his fists was impenetrable. Doom's fists shattered the air and left dents on the armor of the Chaos Warmaster one after another.

Doom's iron fists hit Abaddon's supernatural body again and again, and every loud sound of punches was accompanied by a heart-wrenching scream.

The Great Plunderer swung the magic sword hard to fight back, trying to break free from the fatal blow of the Slayer, but he seemed a little powerless - because his arm holding the sword was smashed, and his arm hung weakly at his side.

The chaotic energy on the surface of the magic sword began to shrink, and the surface of the sword was constantly trembling.

"Boom! ——"

In the loud noise, the deck under the feet of the two warriors finally collapsed under the heavy load.

The two warriors fell from the broken gap to the next level of the Spirit of Vengeance.

Azrael quickly ran to the gap to check the situation.

When the smoke dissipated, the figures of the two warriors emerged again.

Abaddon's right shoulder collapsed completely, the magic sword swayed feebly in his hand, the Predator's heavy armor was badly damaged, and the fluorescence of the runes of the gods dimmed.

The Doom Slayer's fists were burning with flames. Facing the broken opponent, there was no trace of pity or sympathy on his face, and he just moved closer to Abaddon step by step.

But at this moment, the Chaos war gang who came to support from the lower level opened fire.

The Corrupted Warrior's bolter hit the Doom Slayer's, and a series of explosions made Doom's steps unsteady.

They pulled the trigger of the plasma rifle, and the blue beam hit Doom's armor, and was then bounced off by the black and green heavy armor.

More fallen space warriors rushed over from all directions like disturbed ants. They used all the firepower at hand to shoot wildly, and rockets and explosive bombs rained down on Doom.

Abaddon took advantage of the brief interval to use blood to outline a magic circle with the symbol of 'nine' on the deck.

On the twisted steel altar in the nave, the last nine crystal creations suddenly exploded.

An unnatural warp storm swept across the Vengeful Spirit.

The strange laughter of the Lord of Destiny echoes in every consciousness.

The next second, the huge Spirit of Vengeance, as well as all the Black Legion soldiers on it, disappeared into the real universe.

The Doom Slayer and the Dark Angels lost their footing and floated in the cold and deep space.

The next moment, the symbol of the imperial beacon appeared on the armor of every warrior, and then they were picked up and returned to their giant ships.

Returning to the Wrath of Destruction, Doom roared unwillingly, and the delicious food that was brought to his mouth slipped away, making him less angry.

Abaddon, who had just been arrogant and declared victory unilaterally, had now fled back to the subspace in embarrassment.

But the Chaos Warmaster was not secretly happy about his escape.

Tzeentch's divine power is the power he least wants to use.

He knows that the gifts of fate must come at a price.

But in order to survive, he must bear the price. He was not discouraged by the defeat of the war.

He was defeated many times, but every time, he returned with terror.

He believed that this time would be no exception.

It was just the gift from the Lord of Destiny that still made him feel grudge.

Dragging his seriously injured body, he staggered back to his throne, wanting to think about the upcoming dark crusade.

But at this moment, the whispers of the gods suddenly echoed in his ears, making him indulge in the beautiful experience of the original power.

Abaddon fled.

His sudden withdrawal was tantamount to leaving behind all his colleagues in the Black Crusade.

The war in the alert galaxy is still going on, but the demons who have lost their commander can no longer reverse the situation.

The Imperial fleet led by Calgar and Dante gradually advanced, and a large number of Chaos ships were destroyed, leaving only burning wreckage in space.

Light years away, in the empire's headquarters.

Dukel and Guilliman, the two originals, used the virtual realm to communicate and were always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

In this battle, the Ministry of Military Affairs was able to respond so quickly and mobilize reinforcements from various legions. These are all the credit of the General Command.

Seeing the withdrawal of the Vengeful Spirit, mankind has firmly occupied the space orbit of the warning star and achieved a staged victory.

The bureaucrats at the headquarters couldn't help but cheer together.

"We have won!" Even Guilliman couldn't suppress the joy on his face, and he said to Duker,

"This is a complete victory for the virtual system in actual combat!"

"Brother, I don't mean to spoil the fun." Duker, who was also observing the battlefield, said, "The war has just begun."

"But..." Guilliman was a little puzzled, "Abaddon has withdrawn, and the enemy can no longer reverse the situation."

"Abaddon is not important." Dukel shook his head slowly.

"Horus has returned, and Abaddon is destined to become the abandoned son of the gods." He adjusted the parameters in front of him and continued to the regent,

"Don't you think there are too many Chaos troops left on the ground battlefield on Vigilance Star?"

He pointed to the mark on the map, "The Plague Army, the Death Guard, the Iron Warriors, and those sneaky Word Bearers. These are the targets that need to be paid attention to, brother. There may be a bigger conspiracy behind them. I My intuition tells me that the brothers we have not seen for a long time will appear soon."

"You mean?" Guilliman looked shocked.

These legions were directed towards three Daemon Primarchs, each of whom had the power to destroy the stars.

"And Leon and Sanguinius." Duker looked at another fluorescent screen, "I hope they can successfully find clues about Horus. Each of us misses this brother very much."

He turned to look at Guilliman, his high-spirited fighting spirit almost overflowing his eyes, "Everything has been foreshadowed, the real war has not yet begun, hasn't it?"

Guilliman observed those parameters, and the joy on his face gradually faded. His eyes were solemn, and he nodded slowly, agreeing with Duker's judgment.

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