The highest-level meeting of the empire on Terra lasted for a month.

But the enemies of the Empire in the galaxy would not wait patiently for the meeting to end.

Abaddon, who was still unaware of Horus' return, was once again ready to make a move.

For several days, the Ministry of Military Affairs received a large number of calls for help.

After receiving these messages, Dukel simply released Doom and the Doom Slayers.

This is also a rare relaxation for these descendants of the Second Legion.

As long as he can get rid of those dark assembly lines, even if he fights endlessly with demons, for the Doom Slayer, it will be as relaxing and comfortable as a vacation——

"Holy Majesty, please have mercy on your people, and please help me one more time. No matter who it is, I only ask that the world of Decas does not fall. I am small and not afraid of death. I am only afraid that my failure will May the great Lord watch over and protect me."

When Moti prayed to the God-Emperor, he could always feel a surge of power to help him get rid of the influence of the warp. He regarded all this as His Majesty's great power and prayed devoutly for rescue.

Moti ordered his astropaths to send their distress signals to the stars at all times.

Terra's reforms have not yet spread to this poor world, which is so close to darkness, and it seems that all the glory cannot dispel the despair here.

The storm in the subspace became more and more intense, and Moti's heart continued to sink.

Although he knew very well that it was impossible for reinforcements to come to rescue them, he still did not want to give up that slim hope.

A few years ago, the world could still receive news from the outside world.

When he learned that the Primarchs were returning one after another and the Empire was ushering in countless victories, he was equally excited and sincerely hoped that the Empire could find a path to redemption under the leadership of the Primarchs.

At that time, he was full of hope and believed that everything would get better.

But as a few years have passed, the subspace storm has become more violent, and the world has almost completely lost contact with the outside world.

Every voyage has to face huge losses.

The astropaths can no longer send their messages to the stars. This desperate news declares that the world of Decas has been completely cut off from external signals, and they are isolated and helpless.

Under the influence of Chaos, it seems that corruption and death are their only way out.

After realizing this, even as a vice-admiral of the empire, Moti could not suppress the despair growing in his heart.

Their enemies are backed by the Eye of Terror, and there is an endless supply of troops and military supplies.

But they themselves are alone and helpless, with only their last courage and loyalty left.

The intention of Chaos Warmaster Abaddon is very clear. Once the world of Decas falls, the scope of the Eye of Terror will expand again.

This will bring great disaster to the empire.

"Lieutenant General, the third front in the west has been breached, please support us. The Astartes monks of the Lamenters Chapter have suffered more than 30% battle losses, and the soldiers of the Cadian 732nd Regiment have also lost their effective combat capabilities. Only There is one last fortress left for them to defend."

The herald's voice sounded on the communication channel.

This herald is a female soldier. Judging from her immature face, she has just grown up. The number of female soldiers in the empire's legions is not rare.

There are even female armed forces such as the Battle Sisters who are forged with bravery and faith.

In this desperate galaxy, there seems to be no distinction between genders. As long as they step into the cruel battlefield, both men and women, old and young, must bear the name of warriors.

"Did the auspicious device detect the signal from the Imperial support force?"

Moti rubbed his tired eyes. In a short period of time, he put away the despair and anxiety in his heart, and a confident look once again covered his face.

As the supreme commander of this world, he forced himself not to show any negative emotions.

If even his despair and anxiety were visible to the naked eye, it would greatly affect the morale of the legion.

"Sorry, sir." The herald shook his head, "We still haven't captured any fleet signals from the empire."

"My Emperor." Moti shrugged and said calmly, "This is not good news."

But the herald did not relax because of his actions. Instead, he continued with a solemn expression, "Sir, I have to remind you that there is much more bad news than this."

"The number of dark fleets is still increasing, and our defense lines in space are also being breached. The loss of air supremacy has brought about a chain reaction. Several of our fortresses have been subjected to orbital bombardment from space."

"The defenders of six cities surrendered to Chaos, and the living areas behind them were also corrupted by Chaos. The cultists drove a large number of Chaos zombies to attack the imperial defense line."


"Isn't there any better news?" Moti tried his best to maintain a calm appearance and asked the herald.

But he was destined to be disappointed. The herald lowered his head. The young girl's eyes lost their luster and she just shook her head slightly.

"Hope will not disappear." Moti patted the girl on the shoulder, and then gave the order,

"Mobilize the Catachan Corps to support the fortress, and request assistance from the Penitent Chapter to push the last three Rust tanks up, and ask them to hold on to the last line of defense."

Moti quickly adjusted his strategy, and the herald took out his notebook and carefully wrote down all the instructions.

"Go, for the Empire!"

"For the Empire!" A loud war cry was heard amidst the smoke of artillery fire, and a Catachan Legion rushed into the fighting battlefield.

The Catachan Legion has a mysterious color among the mortal armies of the Empire, so much so that many Imperial soldiers do not know much about them. They only know that each of the Legion is a muscular man, capable of carrying a six-barreled revolver. A tough guy.

These soldiers who came out of the jungle originally retreated from the battlefield of Cadia.

Now he is forced to return to the battlefield.

Accompanying them are three Leman Russ tanks. These war machines, named after the original bodies, can be said to be walking meat grinders on the battlefield.

But even so, their arrival still did not bring too many surprises to this battlefield. On this battlefield, the Demon Legion also sent a large number of Demon Engines. With only one Catachan Corps and three tanks, it still Unable to bring decisive changes to the war situation.

What the soldiers want to see most are those Space Marines armed to the teeth.

Those supermen wearing power armor can always turn the tide on the battlefield and bring the final word to the battle.

"May the Emperor protect his people." A battlefield priest prayed softly while raising his gun and firing.

But at this moment, a low neighing sound echoed through the entire battlefield almost instantly.

Several huge demon engines that the soldiers had never seen before, these behemoths rushed out in a mighty manner the moment the artillery position was breached.

These mechanical creations with demonic properties are a terrifying nightmare on the battlefield for every Imperial soldier.

The ferocious steel body imprisons the soul of a bloodthirsty demon.

They have an insatiable appetite for killing.

They were driven by the dark allies and crazily slaughtered the loyal soldiers stationed in the world of Decas on this battlefield.

Even with the support of the Catachan Corps, the fortress here inevitably fell.

Catachan's soldiers could not change the situation of the war. No matter how brave they fought, they still could not stop the demons' offensive.

The loss of air superiority left the Imperial soldiers completely exposed to the bombing range of the railguns, and the loyalists were suppressed by long-range strikes.

The legions of Chaos took this opportunity to launch a massive attack.

Terrifying demon engines rampage across the battlefield, harvesting the lives of countless human soldiers.

Chaos Space Marines swung their chainswords, mortals were slain without resistance, and despair spread across the planet.

Seeing that the last line of defense was breached, Moti in the headquarters looked up at the sky illuminated by the flames of war.

"Your Majesty, this will be my last prayer to you. Please forgive me for my incompetence. I failed to hold on here."

After praying, he picked up the weapon and led his escort into the battlefield.

He shrunk all the remaining loyalist forces in the world into the last fortress.

The Imperial Navy Vice Admiral knew very well that the war situation had reached this point and there was no way to prevent the fate of defeat.

But these loyalist soldiers no longer care about the situation of the war.

When defeat is doomed, then destroy the enemy as much as possible and offer your final loyalty to the empire.

The survivors hummed hymns praising the Empire and began to lay traps along the fortress.

The remaining heavy fire weapons were all brought out without hesitation. The mechanical priests applied sesame oil on these heavy fire weapons to communicate with the machine soul inside.

A group of tactical teams with a death wish walked out of the fortress. They spread out and lurked in the dilapidated ruins, waiting for the demon army to appear.

Moti had people carry out all the military supplies, including a large number of canned meats that they were usually reluctant to eat.

At this moment, they finally don't need to be stingy with themselves anymore. This will be their last battle.

The soldiers enjoyed the last supper, joking and joking with their battle brothers, and seriously enjoying the pleasure delivered to them by their taste buds when eating the food.

Under the ruins of those cities, a large number of hot-melt explosives had been deployed in advance.

All loyalists have the belief that they will die. They are unable to defeat the enemy, and they only hope to kill more enemies for the empire before they die.

"For the empire!" At such a moment, Moti did not make any inspiring speech.

Because the phrase ‘for the empire’ is a reflection of everyone’s heart.

All Loyalist soldiers understand what this means.

After the soldiers had eaten and drank enough, they returned to their positions. They held up the laser guns in their hands and quietly waited for the enemy to arrive.

Soon, at the end of their field of vision, the legions covering the entire horizon were lapping toward them like a raging wave.

The tracks crushed sand and blood, the roar of the engines shook the whole world, and the huge demonic creations smashed into the remains of civilization.

This ominous legion exudes a hateful aura as a whole.

A large number of cultists spontaneously followed this legion. In order to gain the favor of their masters, these human traitors rushed towards the last fortress in the world one after another.

They unleash their desires to their heart's content and destroy everything they can see without restraint.

"For the Empire!" I don't know who made the first war cry.

Imperial soldiers ambushed around the fortress and attacked.

Fierce fighting broke out between loyalist soldiers and the enemy.

A large number of melta bombs were detonated, and the sound of explosions continued to sound.

The surviving Blood Angels of the Lamenters Chapter also rushed out, using the weapons in their hands to engage in the most dangerous battles with the Chaos Warbands.

These Blood Angels have almost reached their limit. In the war of this world, they have never gotten a rest.

With the blood of Sanguinius flowing through them, they are only mortals after all. In the continuous wars, their physical strength and will have reached their limits.

But they are still extremely brave and fight against the enemy with their faith. In order to protect the empire and the people of the empire behind them, they will shed their last drop of blood.

But loyalty and courage alone could not turn the tide of the war, and they were still slowly heading towards defeat.

The demonic legions piled up altars full of blasphemy on the land they occupied.

Moti looked at the piles of altars and his heart was filled with despair, knowing that everything was irreversible.

The Demon Legion will use the power of Chaos to once again expand the scope of the Eye of Terror, using the world of Decas as a node.

The Imperium of Man will be severely damaged again, and countless loyalists will die as a result.

Everything seems irreversible at this moment.

Even in space battles in outer orbit, humanity is inevitably heading towards failure.

The fleet of the Dark Legion is cleaning up the remaining Imperial Navy fleet.

The main force of the naval fleet has collapsed at this moment, but there are still several flexible moon-class fleets that tenaciously contain the enemy on the space battlefield.

Just as the Chaos fleet surrounded the remaining loyalist fleet.

Abnormal readings came from the void,

[The jump to the virtual realm has been completed, and the rescue mission coordinate point has been reached. This passage is being recorded. 】

[Alert, alert—enemy found. 】

No one expected that a huge fleet would suddenly jump to the center of this space battlefield.

A huge battleship and a large number of destroyers appeared here out of thin air. Everything was so unexpected.

No subspace fluctuations were detected, and the imperial fleet suddenly appeared in front of them like a space ghost.

Before the dark fleet could react, this fleet took the lead in launching an attack.

The flashes of macrocannons and light spears made the blasphemies on the Chaos ship feel uncomfortable.

Then the ships that were attacked turned into silent fireworks in space.

【Juanjing truth is ready】

Doom stood on the bow of the battleship, an abstract message from the void flooding into his mind, reporting to him that the weapons that would bring about ultimate destruction were ready.

"Execute." He gave the order without hesitation.

A golden ring of flames that was so huge that it almost enveloped the entire galaxy suddenly emerged in the void.

Then the cold and ruthless golden solar wind swept across the entire Chaos Fleet in an instant.

In this unreasonable solar storm, even if the Chaos Fleet activated the protective force field, it was only delayed for a few seconds before being completely destroyed and completely reduced to ashes in the golden flames.

Some enemies who responded quickly quickly turned their boats around and wanted to evacuate this place.

But it was too late. The Arbor Truth only released a solar wind, and nearly 70% of the Chaos Fleet in the Decas System turned into dust in space at the same time.

As the ultimate weapon in the virtual realm, the Waal Truth only released its aftermath into the real universe, and almost cleared away all obstacles in this galaxy.

"This is my father's great power." Even the initiator of this attack, Doom himself, watched all this happening in inexplicable horror.

Then he turned his head and looked at the battleship deck behind him, where countless armored soldiers were ready to go.

"Brothers, this place is being invaded by demons." He said, "Catch them alive, our factory needs their souls!"

Before the war, Doom didn't shout any war cries or other inspiring slogans.

Because there are only two types of people in this huge fleet of the Second Legion - Doom Slayers and Krieg soldiers.

When these warriors of pure destruction come together, they need no slogans, only simple and direct orders.

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