Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 175 20. God should be a tool of mankind

The Grand Pope of the State Church was taken to a magical realm by the flames. Everything here was so unforgettable to him. All the physical laws of the real universe seemed to be ineffective here.

But that wasn't important - what was important was that he had an unprecedented experience here. His body was no longer old and heavy, his strength was no longer weak, and he felt that everything around him was swinging with his mind.

He is omnipotent!

Here, he can do anything he wants to do. In this dream-like space, there are millions of great entities who can answer any of his doubts at any time. The huge cold and ruthless sun exudes endless golden light here.

"This must be His Majesty's great power!"

Taking off his earthly and decaying body, the Great Pope runs and jumps here like a child. The spirits of all things dance with him, and the potential of the mysterious ether is controlled by him at will.

Life magnetic field technology, spiritual cultivation technology, spiritual force field. All kinds of unheard of great knowledge are like abundant fruits in the orchard, just waiting for him to pick at any time.

Here the Pope spent the most fulfilling and happiest day of his hundreds of years of life.

He had never felt so powerful and free like this.

But with his next jump, the mist gathering under his feet did not catch him again, and he fell into the mortal world, into the room from which he came.

"No, no! I don't want to come back here, and I don't want to wallow in the world again!"

When he felt the weight of his body, he felt the breath of old age and decay coming from his body.

He looked at everything around him. The utensils and works of art that he once loved were now abominable.

He shouted in panic, like a child who woke up from a sweet dream but still refused to accept the reality.

"Your Majesty, take me away, take me back to your heaven again, and let me serve you forever!"

Muddy tears flowed from the old man's dim eyes. The feeling of falling from heaven to earth made the great pope, who had been in charge of the state religion for more than a hundred years, so sad that he could not control himself.

But no matter how much he prayed next, his rotten and heavy body remained motionless in this empty room.

The Archpope gradually calmed down,

"Maybe sending me back is to ask me to complete some kind of mission." He guessed in his heart.

He began to recall the knowledge he had learned in the Kingdom of Heaven. Although everything that happened in the virtual realm, he now recalled it as if it were a dream, giving him an extremely unreal touch.

But this knowledge was the same as it was imprinted in his mind and he had not forgotten it at all.

Soon, the fire of the soul rose up, the life magnetic field began to push, the spiritual cultivation reached the first level, and the translucent spiritual force field enveloped his whole body. Although these single-body enhancement technologies are still in their most rudimentary stages, they have still brought him huge improvements.

More importantly, with the enhancement of spiritual cultivation technology, he has reestablished a link with the virtual realm.

The Great Pope can clearly feel that as long as he enters the meditative state, he can return to the virtual realm at any time.

Almost immediately, he had the urge to return to the virtual realm.

Having experienced the beauty of heaven, every minute and second he spent in the mortal world was so unbearable for him.

But he thought about the mission that the God Emperor might give him.

The will at the peak of mortal power restrained this impulse.

"In order for all people to bathe in His Majesty's glory, let me stay in this purgatory temporarily." He said to himself.

"Great Pope, are you back?" At this time, a waiter from the state church stood at the door and looked at the old man who had returned to the room. He exclaimed in disbelief,

"My lord, where have you been? We know nothing about your whereabouts, everyone is looking for you!"

"I'm going." Hearing the waiter's inquiry, the great pope's face once again showed a look of longing and longing. However, seeing the confusion on the waiter's face, he suddenly lost interest in telling him.

"Gather the believers." He ordered the waiter.

"My lord, now?"

"Yes, immediately, immediately!" the Great Pope said without any doubt,

"I will begin my mission immediately to spread the gospel to all people!"

After a brief exchange with the waiter, the Archpope hurriedly left the room.

His expression was anxious, and he could clearly feel that since he returned from heaven, every second he spent in the mortal world was not what he wanted.

What neither the Archpope nor his attendants noticed was that.

In the corner of the room, a tall and majestic figure was standing there silently, silently observing everything they were doing.

Then this giant, who was not noticed by anyone, quietly left and reported everything that happened here to a greater being.

"Father, all the reactions of the Great Pope after he returned to the material world are recorded here."

A Doom Slayer walked into Duker's office and placed a palm-sized instrument on the original body's desk.

At this time, similar instruments almost occupied the entire space on this desktop.

Duker looked through all the images quickly.

"As expected." He said in a deep voice,

"All individuals who returned from the virtual realm showed aversion to the real universe. Only 2.2% of individuals with strong will barely restrained the instinct to return to the virtual realm and chose to stay in the material universe temporarily."

In the deduction model before the start of the Virtual Realm project, Duker had already anticipated this result.

Compared to the omnipotence and freedom in the virtual realm. The dark galaxy in the material world is still a bit too difficult.

Isn’t the ultimate wish that mortals seek when praying to gods is that they hope that gods can redeem their souls and allow them to enjoy eternal peace in heaven?

Now, heaven is close at hand, and only a few can withstand this temptation.

"But...Father." The Doom Slayer at the desk hesitated to speak.

"With the implementation of the virtual realm project, will it directly lead to the complete disappearance of our clan in the galaxy?"

"Are you saying that all humans have entered the virtual realm and are unwilling to return?" Dukel asked.

Seeing the Doom Slayer nodding silently.

He smiled and said, "I hope so. Perhaps this represents the collective sublimation of the human race. Unfortunately, there are always people who are unwilling to leave this dark galaxy for various reasons."

Duker's bright eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier between the real universe and the sea of ​​souls. He continued to speak,

"They believe that the Void Realm is the pure land given to them by the God Emperor. Unfortunately, what they don't know is that in this universe, even the Kingdom of God will be ignited by war."

"The war in the future will be a decisive battle between humans, the best race, as the overlords who rule the galaxy, and the gods of chaos. The Void Realm will become the main body of the war, engaging in the most brutal collision with the subspace."

"When they discover that the virtual realm is not the pure land given to them by God, the boundary between the virtual realm and the material world will be blurred again."

After hearing the answer from the Gene Father, the Destroyer thought carefully and nodded.

Every Destroyer is linked to the Heart Network. After the virtual realm is constructed, the members of the Heart Network have more powerful entities in the virtual realm. They can even exert power similar to that of a demigod in the virtual realm. But Even so, the virtual realm is not too attractive to them.

Because they know very well that the virtual realm is not a pure land where one can do whatever they want, but is just the front line of another battlefield.

In this universe, there is only war.

They followed in the footsteps of the Primarch and fought across the galaxy. It was not that important where the war was ignited.

At the same time, Duker was looking through the experimental parameters of the virtual realm, comparing the data and found that it did not exceed his expectations.

He uploaded the technology related to the virtual realm into his heart network,

——[Imperial Beacon]

This is a technology similar to the 'Star Torch', but unlike the Star Torch, it does not guide the passage in the subspace, but the space transition in the virtual realm passage.

The world where the Imperial Beacon is established will manifest nodes in the Void. There is almost no danger in the Imperial fleet sailing in the Void. Therefore, the Imperial Beacon does not need to use the souls of psykers as fuel like the Star Torch.

Duker ordered the members of the Heart Network to start establishing imperial beacons in the solar system. With the increase of souls in the virtual realm, one day imperial beacons will be spread throughout the galaxy.

The shipping lanes within the galactic territory will be re-established, and those worlds isolated by subspace storms will return to the control of the Empire.

Even in the future, Imperial beacons will eventually be all over the Sea of ​​Souls, and by then the Imperial Navy will have unimpeded access, whether in the physical universe or subspace.

This is Duker's ambition,

——The second great expedition of mankind planned by him!

Dukel is ambitious.

"Add some souls to the virtual realm again." He thought in his heart, "With the last experience, I can attract a little more this time."

Along with his thinking, the infinite and vast virtual realm breathed again, causing unpredictable waves.


the other side.

The action of the Grand Pontiff of the State Church in spreading the gospel does not seem to be going smoothly.

Shortly after he left the palace, he was taken to a secret room by the Imperial Guards and the Dark Angels.

Waldo, the commander of the Imperial Guard who temporarily took over the duties of the Inquisition, and the Lion who temporarily took over the Ministry of Justice, personally conducted a secret interrogation of the great pope.

"Great Pope, tell us what happened during the time you were missing."

The Lion King and Waldo looked at the old man opposite them with cold expressions. Even though the Archpope's status in Terra was not theoretically lower than theirs, they would undoubtedly appear more powerful in this interrogation room.

"It's not that I don't want to answer." The Great Pope said somewhat mysteriously. As the most sacred missionary on Terra today, his words and demeanor are full of inscrutable meanings.

"It's just that what I've experienced is too bizarre, and I'm afraid I'll frighten you if I tell you directly."

"You want me to be scared?"

The eldest son of the empire and the commander of the imperial army looked at each other and said, "To tell you the truth, there is nothing in the territory of the empire that can scare us and others."

"Not long ago," the Archbishop continued, "I accepted an invitation to enter the heavenly kingdom of the God-Emperor."

The face of this aging cleric was full of contentment at this moment - his faith had been responded to, which was something that would make any believer proud.

However, the Lion King and the Commander of the Forbidden Army did not appreciate his piety. Their eyes were heavy and dangerous.

"Are you sure that is the God Emperor's heaven?"

The Lion King and Waldo know the real Emperor better than the Archpope.

They all knew that the Emperor suffered greatly and was overwhelmed by his belief in the Ecclesiarchy.

If it was a real emperor, let alone inviting the Pope into his kingdom of heaven, it was more likely that a powerful psychic would slap this old man to death.

"What did you see in His Majesty's heaven?" the Lion King asked in a deep voice,

"Is it the fortress of crystal, the veil of desire, or the garden of joy?"

"None of them!" the Pope retorted loudly, "It was a beautiful dream. In the Kingdom of God, I shed my earthly body and bathed in the glory of the golden sun. There are still millions of saints there. entity"

The lion king and the commander of the imperial army frowned.

As beings close to demigods, they were certain that what the mortals in front of them said were not lies.

In the Archbishop's description, they captured some familiar descriptions that they were afraid to confirm.

This familiar information made them even more unable to grasp the true context.

"Bang bang——"

Suddenly, the narrow door of the interrogation room was knocked, and a dark angel walked in.

"Sir, a disappearance has occurred again."

The son's voice came to the lion king's ears.

"What happened to the state religion again?" he asked.

"That's not the case, my lord." Dark Angel replied, "During our investigation, their silence at this time is the biggest abnormality."

The lion was keenly aware of the meaning of the words, "How many people did they miss this time?"

The Dark Angel spoke a number into his ear.

"How much?!" the lion exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's just a rough estimate, sir." Dark Angel replied again,

"The number of missing state religion fanatics this time exceeds 200 million."

There was even a hint of uneasiness on this angel's face.

In Holy Terra, a bizarre case occurred in which 200 million people disappeared out of thin air. This is an unsolved case that has never happened before.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of energy the man behind the scenes that could cause such a result had.

Waldo, Lion King: "."

After their minds went blank for a brief moment, they once again turned their attention to the Pope sitting opposite them.

"Please explain in detail everything you saw in the realm of the God Emperor."

"You finally believe me." A smile that made people feel like spring breeze appeared on the old face of the Great Pope.

"This must be your Majesty's great power," he said.

at the same time,

Inside the throne room in the palace area.

Golden Throne Talker: "Wow——"

This speaker conveyed the emperor's positive will for the first time in a long time. Two hundred million fanatical believers were absorbed into the virtual realm. This may be only one trillionth of the total number of followers of the state religion.

But for the Emperor, who has been tortured at high intensity for thousands of years, this slight weakening is already a rare relaxation for him.

in the next few days.

There are 200 million fanatics of the state religion disappearing every day.

Most of them are unwilling to leave the virtual realm again. They are nostalgic in this paradise, and only a handful of them have returned to the real world.

Within the state church, the gospel about the God-Emperor’s Kingdom spread throughout the empire at an extremely fast rate.

All fanatical believers hope from the bottom of their hearts that one day the God Emperor will lead him to the eternal kingdom.

Duker's virtual realm project was proceeding extremely smoothly, and he thought it would continue to go smoothly like this.

But what he didn't expect was that just ten days later, the first situation that he had not expected occurred.

At this moment, in the virtual realm,

The golden sun hanging high in the sky had an undetectable distortion.

This golden sun is an entity manifested in the virtual realm by Dukel using part of the blessing given by the emperor.

It is only used as a sign to stabilize the fanatics of the state religion.

But what he didn't expect was that these fanatical believers were really good at praying.

After they entered the virtual realm, they faced the golden sun and prayed day and night.

More than two billion fanatical believers, in just a few days, gave this golden sun a touch of divine golden makeup.

And with the prayers of believers, the energy of this virtual entity is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I didn't expect that only part of the emperor's power also has the characteristics of the King of Darkness. If this continues, this ball of energy will not become a god in the virtual realm." Duker narrowed his eyes and looked at the virtual realm. Thinking in my heart.

"Just let him become a god and become the king of darkness in the virtual world?"

Duker was thinking, he didn't know what kind of impact a god-like entity would have on the virtual world.

It may bring benefits to the virtual world, but of course there may also be risks.

But after just a moment of thinking, his eyes hardened.

"No, there should be no gods. There is no true god. There is no entity worthy of being worshiped by humans."

Dukel's expression became more determined, and he decisively gave up the benefits that ascending to the gods might bring to the virtual realm.

“God should not be human beings’ belief, God should be human beings’ tool!”

The entire virtual realm was vibrating with his thoughts, and the endless spiritual power was squeezing towards the golden sun.

The Lord of the Psychic Realm used his nearly infinite spiritual power to change the lowest level of cognition of the Golden Sun.

Under the distortion of Dukel's will, the golden sun, which had just shown signs of becoming a god, was quickly reconstructed, like a total solar eclipse, and was hammered into a huge ring of thorns made of golden flames.

This is also the symbol of the Emperor, but the essence inside is completely different.

He can still absorb faith, and he will expand to a huge size. Maybe one day, he will have the power to rival the gods, but there is no possibility of becoming a god.

He will eventually become one of the supreme weapons in the virtual realm.

Duker named it - the wattle truth

"Maybe it's time to test the power of this weapon." He thought in his mind as he looked at the divine creation in front of him. . .

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