Temple Square was bustling with activity.

The clergy sat cross-legged on the anti-gravity preachers, composing sacred verses and gorgeous chapters, and spared no effort to sing songs in praise of the Emperor and the Primarch.

Holding a long whip with sharp barbs, the atoning nun kept beating herself. She knelt on her knees and punished herself devoutly to show her loyalty.

In this square, the loudest voices were those of the state religious groups. They prayed and sang together, making extremely loud noises.

The bishop of the state religion arrived surrounded by monks, with a large number of assistants and servitors accompanying them like stars over the moon, and came to the position closest to the high platform.

Their status is noble enough to allow them to admire the glory of the Primarch at close range.

Battle Sisters man the high ground armed with bolters.

The loyal Daughters of the Emperor scanned everything in the square with vigilant eyes, always ready to eliminate enemies.

This is a rare moment of revelry since the world was traumatized by Chaos.

In the lively square, everyone vented their long-standing emotions in this carnival.

At a certain moment, the entire square fell silent.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, looking up at the majestic figure walking out of the high platform.

The tall body of nearly five meters is covered with thick power armor.

He has a handsome and resolute face under his medium-long black hair, and his bright eyes embody an everlasting fighting spirit.

With such obvious features, coupled with an aura that cannot be ignored, even a person with little knowledge can easily recognize the majesty of this emperor's son.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, and countless eyes were on him.

Duker looked at the crowd.

In his eyes, everyone in the square is connected to him by a solid bridge of faith.

These bridges of faith intertwined with each other like countless tentacles, and together they laid out a giant network with him as the center.

Pure faith is transmitted to him all the time, and under the transformation of the system, his strength is slowly but surely enhanced.

At this moment, he was in the underground secret room of the square.

Thousands of people on the list who were arrested by members of the Heart Network are imprisoned there at the moment.

They have all been accused by intelligence agencies of corruption, improper organ trading, withholding subsidies, tax evasion, and supporting militias.

Ironically, Duker could still see their loyalty to the Empire in these sinners.

The boundary between the warriors who fight for the empire and the moths that corrupt the empire seems unclear.

But no matter what, these people will die here today.

Duker was bound to borrow their heads.

"It is a pity that today, when the war has just ended and the devastation has not yet recovered, I have to personally order the execution of my compatriots. But I must emphasize that the laws of the empire are sacred and inviolable."

After Duker's voice fell.

Dozens of law enforcement officers came forward together.

They held long scrolls in their hands, announcing the names and crimes of each sinner.

The numerous crimes committed by these prisoners and the brutality of their evil deeds astonished the people present.

Many civilians who had been oppressed could not help but cry softly at this moment. The suffering they suffered in the past now became the crime of killing the prisoners.

Whenever a prisoner's report was read out, the executioner would pull the prisoner out and hang him.

"I refuse to accept it, Your Highness the Primarch!

I have personally killed three demons!

I have followed your footsteps in the battle against Chaos!

The scars of the battle will not heal on my body for a long time, but whenever war comes, I will still choose to take up arms and fight for the empire!

Now you want to execute me and I refuse to accept it! "

A strong man who had obviously been transformed, knocked away the guard at this moment, looked up at Dukel and roared loudly.

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.


At the commanding heights, smoke rose from the bolter in the Battle Sister's hand, and a bolt blast directly exploded any criminal who dared to roar at the original body.

Broken flesh mixed with blood exploded into blood-red flowers on the square.

This scene immediately made other people in the square couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Someone recognized the identity of this strong man. He was a powerful lord whose territory covered three rich worlds.

He can take whatever he wants from the three worlds, has the right to dominate the lives of tens of billions of people, and controls the wealth that is incalculable.

But such a powerful man was reduced to pieces of flesh and blood in front of everyone.

The death of a noble lord so easily made everyone feel unreal.

But this is not the end of this execution, just the beginning.

Corpses were hung from the gallows.

Duker looked at all this with cold eyes.

He now knew what kind of power these people held, and that was why he wanted to execute these people to death in public.

The huge and complex forces behind these people are intertwined like roots.

It can be said that it is deeply rooted and difficult to completely remove.

They ensured that the empire would run smoothly, but they also pushed the empire into the abyss bit by bit.

Dukel was not good at politics, not even the Second Primarch himself.

But it doesn't matter, his goal is not to engage in politics.

Today's human empire is surrounded by enemies. Chaos demons and countless alien minions are always ready to tear all humans into pieces.

From beginning to end, Duker's only goal was to fight against these human threats.

He clearly knew that all he needed were the elite members of the Heart Network and the general public who provided troops.

As for these upper-middle-class borers affecting his plans.

Oppress the people and kill! Illegal organ trade, kill! Shake your faith and kill! .

In Duke's eyes, these are all useless people, so he can kill as many as he wants.

In front of the absolutely loyal members of the Heart Network, the power of these people cannot protect their lives at all.

Kill them all and put someone loyal enough to take their place.

Dukel's ultimate goal is to unite all human forces into one and jointly fight against chaos and aliens.

As powerful nobles were hanged one after another, noisy discussions arose in the square.

Everyone was talking among themselves, some were happy, and some were worried.

Until the last lord was hanged.

Duker stood in front of the stage again.

All the voices subsided again, and there were unconcealable complexities in countless eyes.

The cruelty of the Emperor's second son was an eye-opener for everyone.

“When I woke up from ten thousand years of sleep, countless people’s eyes were watching me all the time.

Behold, this is the Emperor's Son, the hope of the Empire, the savior of all, and omnipotent!

He will smash the minions of Chaos and defeat all enemies of mankind. He is a hero and he can save everyone. "

Duker's bright eyes scanned the crowd, and his spiritual energy at a certain level surged, making his words full of extraordinary appeal.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I am not a hero, and mankind has never needed a savior!"

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