Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 168 13. Guilliman and Sanguinius, amazing skills

"Dawn is coming." Duker looked at the darkness in Terra's sky and sighed from his heart.

"Brother, the preparations of the Ministry of Military Affairs have been completed." Guilliman said from the side.

"Okay." Dukel nodded, "I hope this will make the morning come earlier."

In the report of the psychic nun, the murderous ghost arrived at the Military Ministry fortress as scheduled.

When the eyes of Terra's powerful nobles caught the news, these nobles who had acted unscrupulously in the past felt only the coldness from their hearts at this moment.

The flames of destruction of the Inquisition and the Ministry of Justice have not yet been extinguished, and the Primarch, who has just arrived on Terra, throws red flames at the Ministry of Military Affairs.

This seemingly crude action is actually a far-reaching prairie fire, and it can be seen with the naked eye that this unbridled wildfire will burn every corner of the empire.

At this time, it was exactly three hours since Duker arrived in Terra.

As a god on earth, the original body theoretically does not need sleep at all. The long nights are long. Thinking of this, many Terran people have fallen into despair.

They knew very well that this night lit by fire would become extremely long for those with dark hearts.

However, Dukel was also a Primarch who was good at putting himself in others' shoes. He was very considerate of the nobles' mood, so he comforted them:

"Gentlemen, please rest assured. Although I am here with justice, to investigate the assassination of His Majesty, and to suppress Terra's horrific rebellion. But I am not a bloodthirsty murderer. It has just been confirmed that the Inquisition and the Ministry of Justice colluded to kill ghosts. There is no doubt that they are all worthy of death. But this time, I have reason to suspect that the murderous ghost is trying to frame the Ministry of Military Affairs. In view of this, I promise that I will never make any judgments about the Ministry of Military Affairs until the truth is found out."

But no one felt relieved by the Primarch's declaration.

The credibility of Dukel, Lord of Destruction, has been completely established in just three hours on Terra. Wherever he goes, rivers of blood flow. Wherever he found it, it was burned to the ground.

In this regard, the leader of the second legion was also very helpless.

"That's all, everything needs to be explained through actions. Soon everyone will know that what I said is true."

Twenty minutes later, Duker led the investigation team out of the aircraft and quickly surrounded the Ministry of Military Affairs fortress.

Having heard the original declaration before, many Terran people had already gathered here after hearing the news. It is human nature to watch the excitement, and even people in the 40th millennium are no exception.

However, they just stood and watched from a distance, and no one dared to point fingers. Those who can survive on Terra, even the lowest citizens, are very capable. Just watch the excitement between the original body and the Ministry of Military Affairs. If you dare to gossip, your next meal may be bolter bullets.

"Supreme Lord, go and ask the Ministry of Military Affairs to open the door." Dukel smiled and looked at the High Lord at the end of the team.

"As a loyal person who reported the Ministry of Military Affairs with your real name, you deserve this honor. Don't worry, with me, the regent and the commander of the imperial army, no one dares to kill you to silence you."

The high lord's face trembled, and he struggled to squeeze out a smile, "Your Highness Duker, your personality is more dazzling than the stars."

Duker nodded matter-of-factly, "Everyone says so. Maybe I am lacking in other abilities, but my character is comparable to that of Sanguinius. You have good eyesight, and you can indeed see that the relationship between the Ministry of Justice and The true face of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Tribunal.”

The high lord's already ugly smile now completely froze on his face.

Compared to the Primarch, he was still too young.

As the most powerful person on Terra in the past, the High Lord had seen him before, but this was his first time meeting someone as flexible as Dukel.

What's even more annoying is that he can only endure it.

The high lord took heavy steps and conveyed their intention to the soldiers on the military fortress.

"The Ministry of Military Affairs manages the supplies, weapons, recruit training, and wartime dispatch of the Astra Militarum. They ensure that the soldiers of the Empire can devote their loyalty to the Emperor without any scruples, which is the cornerstone of the Empire's survival. Gentlemen, I must I will find out the truth and clear the suspicion of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Those who are clean will be cleansed. I will never wrong any good person. "

Standing outside the gate of the Ministry of Military Affairs Fortress, Duker once again swore to the Imperial people around him.


"Praise be to the Primarch for your justice and that of His Holy Majesty!"

"Praise be to the Emperor, your son is so noble."

At the Primarch's words, the people burst into cheers. The people of Terra could not see the whole drama clearly. All they saw was that the Primarch upheld justice and worked hard to investigate the case. All they heard was that Duker was kind-hearted and did not kill good people.

But is this actually the case?

Amid the cheers of the people, the metal gate of the Ministry of Military Affairs Fortress slowly opened.

Unexpectedly, it was not the Chief of General Staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs who came out to greet them. It was an Astra Militarum military pickup truck. Three muscular men who took off their military uniforms and wore handcuffs and shackles stepped out of the military pickup truck.

With a "pop" sound, they knelt in front of Dukel.

"Sir, we are guilty!"

The three admirals of the Astra Militarum, with tough faces and weather-beaten faces, knelt directly at the feet of the Primarch. With tears in their eyes, they begged the Primarch for forgiveness.


In the eyes of the people of the empire, this majestic demigod also showed a rare look of being caught off guard. The kind primarch personally lifted them up and asked the sinner,

"Although I don't know what kind of mistakes you have committed, the Holy Empire will never refuse the salvation of any penitent."

The sinners burst into tears of gratitude. They wiped away the tears at the end of their eyes with their handcuffed arms, and their next words shocked all the Terrans,

"Great Lord of the Second Legion, as the General of the Imperial Guard, I report to the Chief of General Staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs with my real name - he has betrayed the ideals of the Emperor and the sacred mission entrusted to us by His Majesty. He formed cliques for personal gain, formed small groups, and violated Imperial law, accepting gifts that may affect justice, being greedy, abusing power, taking advantage of his position to benefit others, and embezzling the pensions of Astra Militarum soldiers, a particularly huge amount."

The admiral's real-name report, his righteous voice, exploded in the air of Terra like thunder, pulling everyone into shock.

Duker was not shocked.

He just sighed in his heart that Guilliman, a guy who seemed to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, also had a sinister side.

No wonder the Lion King was worried that Guilliman was stretching his feet behind his back to molest him.

When no one had recovered from the admiral's words, Guilliman took a step forward and said in a low tone, "General, you should never accuse the other party of a crime easily before you have proof. This is the rule for everyone. All Macraggeans should learn integrity."

The three admirals stiffened their necks and looked determined to fight to the death. They boldly contradicted each other, "Prince Regent, although we are Macraggeans, it is difficult for us to agree with your words this time. You want us to create perjury." Are you trying to protect the Chief of General Staff just for the sake of the empire’s apparent stability? Please forgive us, we will never give in this time!”


Guilliman seemed to be angry. He pointed at the three admirals and said nothing for a while.

Then he saw that the people of the empire around him were looking at him with strange eyes, and he swallowed the next words hard.

"How could I protect evil people?" Guilliman defended himself, "I was worried that you would falsely accuse your superiors and go astray for the sake of power!"

Seeing the performance of the Prince Regent, even Duker felt admired at this moment.

Guilliman seemed to be defending himself, but in fact, he blocked Terra's mouth with only two sentences - in the first sentence, he took the initiative to make it clear that although the three admirals were all Macura He was a qualified person, but the matter of reporting the Chief of General Staff had nothing to do with him; in the second sentence, he blocked the possibility that the generals falsely accused their superiors because of a power struggle.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, the generals felt as if they had been wronged.

"Lord Regent, the education we received in Macragge does not allow us to do that kind of dishonorable thing. What we are reporting now is that the Chief of Staff has betrayed the ideals of the Emperor. We are not fighting for ourselves, but for ourselves. We are fighting for the empire and eradicating evil for the empire.”

Guilliman looked at them with heavy eyes.

Others don't know what happened.

However, the people of the empire who were watching the excitement around them expressed their support for the three generals with their applause.

"Your Majesty, this is such loyalty."

"Three generals sacrificed themselves and tied their own hands to report with real names. How could it be for their own power?"

"We support the three generals!"

The three generals raised the aquila salute and spoke righteously, "The Chief of General Staff has said bluntly many times in private that the Empire is the empire of the nobles, and the Astra Militarum is just a guard dog to protect the nobles. We deeply believe that such beasts Shame. The empire will always be your Majesty’s empire and the empire’s citizens! Anyone who betrays your Majesty and the citizens of the empire is the sworn enemy of us Macragges!”


The people of the empire applauded and cheered.

A hint of invisible joy appeared in Guilliman's eyes.

He believed that after this incident, the Macragges would become synonymous with integrity and justice in the empire.

Don't underestimate the reputation of a region. This seemingly stereotyped impression often becomes the first business card of Macragge people.

The commander of the imperial army looked at the regent in confusion. At this time, he could see that all this seemed to be staged.

The think tank of the Imperial Fist looked at the three generals blankly, their eyes full of shock and admiration.

In the eyes of the sons of Dorne, these three admirals are undoubtedly true warriors.

Duker looked at Guilliman and saw that the other party had no intention of continuing to speak, so he said decisively, "We take the reports of the three generals very seriously. I have long been concerned about the integrity of the Macragge people." I heard, but the Second Army is the most reasonable, and I can’t convict the Chief of General Staff just based on your words.”

"Three generals, do you have any evidence to prove what you said?"


The three generals waved their hands, and several Astra Militarum troops unloaded an instrument from a military pickup truck.

"These are holographic projections of the Chief of Staff taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, embezzling Space Force supplies, and suppressing political opponents. Some were recorded by the Chief of Staff himself in order to blackmail others in the future, and some were secretly recorded by us. , because we need to get evidence before we can report the Chief of Staff. Otherwise, given the Chief of Staff’s position on Terra, no one will believe us without any evidence. There will be absolutely no trace of synthesis in these holographic projections.”

The accusation against the highest level of the Ministry of Military Affairs was made public in front of many people of Terra.

Some Imperial people came closer out of curiosity. Seeing that no one stopped them, they got closer again.

Anyway, with the two original bodies here, they can't be killed and silenced.

Their choice was right, Duker would never let their safety be in question, and they did see the wonderful performance of the chief of staff.

at the same time.

In the palace of the Blood Angels.

Young Sanguinius sat high on the throne, and under the steps of the throne, Dante reported to him what was happening on Terra—more precisely, what the three Primarchs were doing,

"Holy Father, the Inquisition is gone."

"Holy Father, the Ministry of Justice is gone."

"Holy Father, the Court of Assassins is gone."

"Holy Father, the Ministry of Military Affairs is almost gone."

"Holy Father, Guilliman is playing with three Macraggeans."

Little Sanguinius became more energetic as he listened, and his eyes shone with a light that seemed to have substance. He knew that Duker's return to Terra would cause big trouble, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

He knew that Duker was brave, but this was too brave.

And how come even Guilliman was led astray by him?

"Dante, are there four hours until we arrive on Terra?" Young Sanguinius asked.

Dante: "Probably not yet, but it will be soon, father."

Young Sanguinius, "My brother is worthy of being the vanguard general of the Empire!"

However, after a brief period of excitement, little Sanguinius's eyes became disappointed again.

"Unfortunately, I am too weak now to fight side by side with my brothers and contribute to our common ideals."

The archangel now looks to be only about ten years old. Although most of the time, he can show maturity far beyond his age, but at the same time, he can express his emotions unabashedly like a child.

"Holy Father, you don't have to be upset about this." Dante comforted him. "A noble person like you is not suitable for such an action."

In the eyes of the Blood Angels, Archangels are always the most holy and flawless existences.

"Dante, there is no need to use such words to trick me, I am not a real child." The archangel sighed,

"In war, the so-called nobility is nothing more than a strategy. No matter what kind of war strategy it is, as long as it can achieve the greatest victory at the smallest cost, it is good."

"You're right," Dante replied.

But when he raised his head, he saw that little Sanguinius still had an expression of great interest on his face.

Dante suddenly had a bold guess in his mind.

Is there a possibility? He meant possibility - that the Archangel showed such interest not just because he wanted to fight for the ideals shared by the Primarchs, but also because he thought acting was fun?

Dante shook his head and quickly got this blasphemous thought out of his mind.

Although the archangel now looks like a child and occasionally behaves like a child, this does not mean that his holy father is really a playful child.

That must be it.

Dante comforted himself.

But suddenly, Mephiston, the chief think tank of the Blood Angels, walked into the hall and knelt down on one knee to report to the Archangels.

"Holy Father, the great master of Xingyuting, I am asking you to see me late at night."

The Astragalus is the empire's institution responsible for recruiting psykers and training them. These trained psykers are called legal psykers.

The Star Language Court, the Star Torch Court, and the Navigator Family are also a force that cannot be ignored within the empire.

Their rights cover almost all psykers in the empire except the Think Tank. And there are rumors that there are many Alpha-level psykers within these three institutions.

At the same time, the Star Language Court also controls a unit of Silent Sisters that can specifically restrain psykers.

"Holy Father, when Grand Master Xingyuting comes to see you now, he must be interceding for the nobles on Terra. You'd better refuse his request."

Dante persuaded from the side.

Little Sanguinius nodded, "Then please invite the Grand Master to come in."


Dante raised his head in surprise, and met the Archangel's playful eyes, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

After receiving the Archangel's orders, Mephiston left the palace.

After a while, he brought the Grand Master under the throne.

"Praise you, great archangel." The great master of Xingyuting saluted humbly.

"Great Master, why are you here late at night?"

"Sir, I want to chat with you alone."


Before the Grand Master finished speaking, Dante on the side yelled angrily.

A psyker attempted to gain the privilege of communicating alone with an archangel.

From the Blood Angel's point of view, this is completely unreasonable.

Even Mephiston cast a dangerous look at the Grand Master at this time.

"It doesn't matter." Little Sanguinius waved his hand.

"Holy Father, but"

Dante wanted to say something, but little Sanguinius drove him away again,

"Go ahead, Dante."

"Okay, Father."

Dante reluctantly accepted the order and left the palace with Mephiston.

After the Blood Angels left,

The Grand Master was about to say something, but then, he saw with helpless eyes - Sanguinius, the most holy of the primarchs. The primarch made a gesture on his own chest with his hand. Then he punched it,


The archangel spurted out thick blood mist from his mouth, and his pure white wings stained with blood hung weakly on the throne, and then roared,

"Grand Master, even if I die, I will not deviate from His Majesty's ideals, let alone fight against my brothers for the sake of those maggots corrupted by power!"


The great mentor of Xing Yuting’s mind was completely blank at the moment.

How could he abandon the Emperor's ideals without even saying a word?

What are the current methods of the original body?

The great mentor had no time to react.

But little Sanguinius had perfectly shown his serious injury, leaning on the throne helplessly.

"Grand Master, even if you threaten my life, I will never give in. The emperor's son will never make a deal with any evil person, ever!"

He plagiarized this line from Duker.

Duker had said the same thing to the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of Justice not long ago, and little Sanguinius immediately followed suit.

The Great Master finally understood at this moment.

Then it was like falling into an ice cellar.

"I did not do that"

The cold murderous aura submerged him like a vast ocean, and he explained tremblingly.

But no Blood Angel listened to him.

One by one, the original cast Blood Angels, who were more than three meters tall, walked into the palace.

They saw their Holy Father, covered in blood, lying on the throne.

In just an instant, their eyes turned rich scarlet, and sharp fangs appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Just ten minutes later, news of the assassination of the Primarch Sanguinius by the Grand Master of the Astropath spread throughout Terra.

More than 10,000 heavily armored Blood Angels, like blood-red evil spirits in the night of Terra, rushed towards the Star Language Court in a mighty manner.

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