Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 160 5. Emperor: I am God Bang!

Chapter 160 5, Emperor: I am God... Bang!

The immeasurable Emperor's will stirred up a chaotic storm in this spiritual realm. Any psychic creature here will be extremely painful, even the Primarch is no exception.

Dukel did not have a deep understanding of psychic energy. In the past wars, he mostly regarded psychic energy as a useful weapon, and simply and crudely released psychic energy to destroy his enemies. He believed that for the use of psychic energy, whether it was refined or not was secondary, as long as it was strong, miracles would happen.

In the face of past enemies, he relied on the almost infinite energy in his body to support his theory. But here, in the face of many Emperor's wills, this theory obviously did not work.

Every Emperor's will, no matter which side of the Emperor they represent, their understanding of psychic energy is deeper than Dukel.

If he only relied on psychic energy, he would not be able to move forward in this world.

But fortunately, he also controlled another kind of energy-the power of the mind, the purest will he extracted from the human will. Although this is not psychic power, it is enough to support him to move forward firmly in this spiritual realm and face the will of the Emperor.

In the spiritual realm, Duker pushed down four golden thrones in a row. Each emperor on the throne also possessed a huge energy of 13 cards. These energies were transformed into the original source and integrated into his essence. In the efficient transformation, the power of the mind was also increasing at an unprecedented speed.

The surge in the power of the mind further increased his intuition. At this moment, he could even tell which thrones should be destroyed by intuition alone.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

In this idealistic universe, you can not believe in technology, plans, prophecies, or even your own brain, but it is best to believe in your intuition.

In the corner of the spiritual world, the Emperor's rationality sat on the throne. Seeing Duker knock down one throne after another, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. An idea emerged involuntarily in his mind, "If he continues to destroy at this speed, I am not a god, but Duker may become a god." For ordinary secondary gods in the Supreme Heaven, it is naturally extremely difficult to ascend to the throne of God. Even the birth of Slaanesh is the result of countless years of decadent pleasure nurturing by the Eldar. But for Duker, this is also difficult, but the Emperor suddenly felt a little flustered. "With his current progress, he shouldn't be surprised to do anything." The Emperor's rationality muttered to himself in his heart. This terrifying efficiency of destruction shocked Him. But He could do nothing. All the energy He could mobilize was gathered in the sword of mind, and merged with Duker's mental power into a divine weapon that could destroy the chaotic will. Even He was like this, and those weaker wills were even more trembling at this moment. Just when He thought that Dukel would continue to destroy like this, the development of things suddenly ushered in a turning point.

Dukel held the sword burning with golden flames and came to the next huge throne.

He pointed the sword at the other party, but the emperor did not waver at all, and his empty eyes showed disdain for the original body.

"The emperor's arrogance." Dukel discerned the will of the emperor.

Then he swung the sword without hesitation and slashed at the other party, and sentenced him to the other party,

"Legend has it that God has given humans seven original sins, and arrogance is the first of the seven sins. It can be seen that the evil of arrogance must be destroyed!"

The burning sword blade has the power to destroy everything.

But the arrogance that has been unmoved by this seems to have been greatly insulted at this moment,

"There is no true God in the world! And it has never given humans anything!"

The arrogant words were conveyed to the original body. At that time, the blade of the godslayer was less than a molecule away from his body. The high-temperature flames swept through his remains, but finally stopped.

The password is correct.

Dukel retained the Emperor's arrogance and pointed the blade at the next throne.

"There is no true God in the world, and neither am I!" The Emperor roared in anger.

The password was correct, and the blade pointed to the next one,

"I am not a God!" The Emperor's greed, His will was insatiable, "I want to promote the truth of the Empire!"

Correct, next one,

"The existence that claims to be a God will eventually be trampled under the feet of mortals!" The Emperor's jealousy conveyed a resentful will.

Right, next,

"I am not a God!" "I am not a God!" "I am not a God!".

This moment was like a spark falling into a gunpowder barrel, and thousands of magnificent wills were instantly detonated, and at this moment, they miraculously achieved coordination and unity.

The wills like a tsunami gathered into an unstoppable ocean, and more and more Emperor's wills merged into it.

Dukel stood in this ocean, and at this time, this seemingly chaotic spiritual realm became clear.

He knew that among these shouting wills, there were many rotten fish and shrimps such as greed, jealousy, and arrogance.

But he also knew that these despicable qualities were also part of the Emperor's humanity.

The purpose of his trip was not to eradicate the despicable, but to eradicate the divinity, the deified part of the Emperor.

Therefore, no matter how despicable these qualities were, as long as they were still in the human camp, Dukel was not qualified to judge them.

Just as he needed to retain the evil in his heart to face the enemies of the empire.

Despicable characters are also part of human nature, and their existence needs to be preserved to ensure the integrity of the Emperor's own humanity.

Dukel can accept the noble Emperor or the inferior Emperor, but he is the only one who cannot accept the deified Emperor.

So he stepped out of the ocean of will, pointed the sword in his hand at those silent wills, and asked loudly,

"Why don't you say a word? I am the most reasonable person and never impose my will on the Emperor. You can speak freely."

"I am a god!" shouted an Emperor's Will.


The moment Duker conveyed this will, he directly made a jumping chop.

Another golden throne collapsed.


"What?! Duker brought the alien to assassinate His Majesty?!"

On the other side, Lion King and Guilliman received the news conveyed by the palace guards almost at the same time, and they both screamed in disbelief.

They set off immediately and, led by the Imperial Guards, passed through the secret passages beneath the palace.

Finally meeting outside the throne room.

At this moment, the throne hall was completely surrounded by the Imperial Guards.

The faces of these Emperor's most loyal guards were filled with guilt and anger.

They felt guilty for allowing the Second Primarch so easily, allowing the murderer to reach the Golden Throne.

They were angry, why did the emperor's heirs point the weapons in their hands at their biological father again and again.

But there was nothing they could do. At this time, the throne room was shrouded in the spiritual storm vented from the wound. This powerful energy could not be approached by any forbidden army.

If a powerful forbidden object is used, it is possible to break through the blockade of the psychic storm, but what should be done next? Blast the Second Primarch and the Emperor into the sky together?

They anxiously tried every possible way to save their common Majesty, but every method failed.

Just when they were on the verge of despair,

The arrival of the Lion King and Guilliman illuminated their desperate hearts like a ray of dawn.

The emperor's eldest son and thirteenth son arrived here as quickly as possible.

"I have met two adults." Waldo, the commander of the Imperial Army, bowed his head and saluted the two original bodies.

The lion nodded slightly.

Guilliman asked him eagerly, "How is the situation?"

Waldo was silent for a short time, and then said: "Please come with me."

Waldo's whole body trembled, and the lion smelled the smell of blood.

It was then that he and Guilliman discovered that the armor of the Custodes commander had multiple wounds, and blood was flowing from the gaps.

The commander of the Forbidden Army had already been seriously injured. He should have fallen down long ago, but he relied on his tenacious willpower to drive his body's movements.

He led the two primarchs toward the interior of the throne room.

However, this action was blocked by a large number of Custodes. The assassination of the Emperor's second son made these Custodes no longer believe in the loyalty of the Primarch.

"We must believe them." Waldo looked at the brothers who stopped him, a hoarse voice came from under his helmet,

"They are the emperor's heirs, holding His Majesty's sword and shield in their hands. At this moment when we are at our wits' end, if we don't believe them, who should we believe?"

Hearing his words, the Imperial Guards looked at the Emperor's Sword and Emperor's Shield held in the hands of the two original bodies respectively, and fell into silence.

"Let it go, Forbidden Forces." When they were silent, Waldo's voice sounded again, "Every second of delay now is irresponsible for His Majesty's safety."

Gradually the Custodes moved out of the way. They still could not fully trust the Primarch, but they chose to trust in the sword and shield of the Emperor.

"Guilliman, there is often a deeper truth hidden behind the truth." The Lion had long expected that something big would happen when Dukel returned. Therefore, he could still keep his composure at this time. In the passage to the throne hall, he continued,

"The more critical the crisis, the less we must lose our cool. The truth is often not what we see."

Guilliman nodded in agreement, "I believe that Dulquer is loyal. I advocate reason and will never be easily blinded by anger."

Waldo walked ahead.

He listened silently to the conversation between the two original bodies without speaking.

Under his leadership, the two primarchs came to the sacred hall and witnessed with their own eyes the atrocities that took place on the Golden Throne - Dukel held a sword burning with golden flames and pierced the Emperor's shriveled body, Nailed to the throne.

The Eldar alien clad in gauze beside him gently touched the emperor's sacred skin with his fingers, and the light of witchcraft was still exuding from his fingertips.

Although Waldo had seen this scene for the second time, he was still heartbroken. If this was just a terrible dream, then he hoped he could wake up immediately and not want to stay here for a moment.

And the Lion King and Guilliman——

"Dukele, how could you do this?!" The Imperial Regent immediately raised his head when he saw the sword that pierced the Emperor. All rationality was thrown away, and endless rage filled his heart.

The lion looked at the alien who was caressing the emperor with his fingertips. His beard and hair were spread out, and he roared like a real lion.

"Alien, remove your claws!!!"

The two primarchs roared angrily, their voices sounding like thunder that suddenly broke out in the daytime. They held the Emperor's sword and shield and plunged into the terrifying psychic storm without any hesitation.


The demigod's body roared in the storm, but the storm, which could easily seriously injure the imperial army, could not stop the two demigods.

They walked slowly but firmly towards the Golden Throne.

Elsa, who was keeping the Emperor alive, noticed the arrival of the two Primarchs. She quickly shook her head and persuaded the two demigods to stop walking towards the throne.

But how could the two original bodies listen to the alien's rhetoric?

They turned a deaf ear to Elsa's words, and together they stepped onto the last step to reach the Golden Throne, and together they stretched out their unarmed hands and grabbed Dukel's cloak.

"don't want!"

Just as they were about to use force to pull Dukel away, they heard the alien's anxious screams.

Immediately afterwards,

Buzz! ——

The huge spiritual power exploded, causing ripples visible to the naked eye in the void.

The Lion and Guilliman were instantly involved in these ripples, and their consciousness was blurred for an instant. When they came to their senses, they had already arrived in another world.

That piece of divine territory belonging to the eternal emperor.

"This is our father's domain." Guilliman said. He had been here once and had a deep memory of it.

The lion nodded slightly, and then asked his question, "Why are we here, will Dukel be here too?"

"Perhaps this is really a misunderstanding." Guilliman, who calmed down, said with some uncertainty after seeing the ashes here.

"I have a hunch that what is hidden in this is exactly what our father and brothers have been hiding." The lion is still angry,

"Then let us dig out the truth with our own hands!"

Guilliman nodded.

They walked together in this ashes filled with dreams, arduously moving forward in the vast ocean of the Emperor's will.

Suddenly, they heard a loud roar in the distance, and the entire spiritual realm was shaking.

Guilliman saw a fire rising into the sky in the distance, as if there was a great will wailing in the fire.

"What happened there?"

"I have noticed the existence of Dukel, and I have a hunch that it is the truth." The lion replied. The lion who awakened his essence was more sensitive than Guilliman, and therefore perceived more information.

They hit the ground running.

During this period, they saw tens of millions of huge golden thrones, standing like mountain peaks in this world, and on each throne sat a shriveled emperor.

Compared to the mountain-like throne, the two demigods were as inconspicuous as little beasts in the mountains.

The emperors were not even aware of their existence. All their attention was attracted by the soaring fire.

The Lion King and Guilliman walked for an unknown amount of time. In this realm, the concept of time became extremely blurred. Maybe it took a second, maybe ten thousand years had passed, and they finally arrived at the place where the roar sounded. .

The flames soaring into the sky had not yet dissipated. In the light of the flames, the scene they witnessed once again ignited the anger in their hearts.

They saw Dukur holding aloft his sword burning with golden flames.

Without any hesitation, the opponent struck an emperor hard, causing the huge golden throne to collapse, like a mountain collapsing. In the burning of the flames, the mummy on the Connected Throne instantly turned into ashes and dust on the ground.

"Dukele, what are you doing?!!!"

Watching the Emperor's throne crumble before their eyes, reduced to dust in the flames.

The anger of the two Loyalist Primarchs was reignited. They roared a war cry, their roars of rage blowing away large swaths of ash, before charging towards Dukel.

"Leon? Guilliman?" The roars of the two original bodies attracted Dukel's attention.

"Why are you here?"

There was some confusion on his face.

But then, he saw the two original bodies charging towards him, which instantly ignited his fighting spirit.

"It's so rare that you would come to me for a fight." His eyes were full of fighting spirit and he was eager to try.

boom! boom!

After a brief fight between the three primarchs, there was almost no suspense. Leon and Guilliman were knocked to the ground by his heavy punches.

The emperor's sword and shield were knocked out and lay lying on the side.

"It's a pity that your timing is not right."

Dukel sighed, obviously the battle with the two primarchs did not satisfy him to the fullest.

By this time he had destroyed the wills of twenty-two Emperors, and still had the power of the Emperor's reason in his hands.

In his current state, let alone the two originals - even if Khorne himself came, he would have to receive two slaps before leaving.

Although this state is only temporary.

But he still felt that he was terrifyingly strong.

The Emperor's will had been paying attention to Dulquer's actions, and at this time they also discovered the existence of Leon and Guilliman.

"eldest son."

"Thirteenth son."

"Keeper of Secrets."


Countless emperors' wills conveyed their thoughts at the same moment, and the messy information gathered into a storm that swept across the entire spiritual realm.

Duker ignored these. The appearance of the Lion King and Guilliman was just a small episode, and he would continue his actions.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Behind him, where the Emperor's Sword and Emperor's Shield fell——

"This is my shield." A big golden hand picked up the shield on the ground.

"This is my sword." A little girl's voice sounded, and the flaming giant sword was also held in her hand.

When Duker heard these strange noises, he immediately looked back.

He saw a man taller and stronger than him, raising a heavy shield. The one holding the Emperor's Sword was a thin girl.

Their bodies radiated infinite light, and even when Duker looked at them, he felt dazzling and couldn't help but squint his eyes.

They look full of flesh and blood and full of strength. There is no doubt that they are more powerful than the rest of the Emperor's will.

"They are sensibility and ideality."

The Emperor's reason spoke to him through the flaming sword.

"We will start the final battle."

The tall man raised his shield and said, "He represents the Emperor's sensibility and possesses the Emperor's love for all mankind." It was His existence that supported the Emperor to ascend the Golden Throne and endure ten thousand years of torture.

The Emperor has not truly ascended to godhood yet, which means that in this spiritual world, no will can overcome the power of emotion.

"For our common ideal!"

The little girl also raised the giant sword in her hand at this moment, golden flames burning on the blade.

Although the incarnation of the ideal looks thin and fragile, and it seems that any force can defeat her, she has the ability to unify other wills.

Under her call, nearly one-third of the Emperor's will contributed all its strength to the common ideal.

When these forces gathered together, the tall man raised the Emperor's Shield and charged without saying a word.

He only needs one impact to collapse a divine throne, which is twenty-two times more efficient than Dukel.

The rich golden light covered the spiritual world, and the man charged into the divinity like a bull.

The deified emperor's will gathered together and still could not stop the advance of this will.

The Emperor's humanity and divinity were at war with each other in ways that were beyond comprehension.

At this moment, even Duker became a spectator, no longer the protagonist of the battlefield war.

When Guilliman and the Lion wake up.

They saw Duker sitting not far in front of them, staring ahead, and cheering from time to time. The scarlet cloak was spread casually on the ground, and the flaming sword was stuck aside.

Guilliman and Leon looked along his line of sight, and saw countless Emperor's wills forming two distinct forces, fighting with each other.

"Dukele, what happened here?" Guilliman and Leon asked in shock.

"I am only a part of the emperor's plan and cannot see the whole picture." Duker spread his hands and said helplessly,

"As you can see, the Emperor and the Emperor are at war."

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