Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 132 132, for the Warmaster’s vision!

Father Rain Rotigus brought hundreds of millions of demons to surge in. This was a shameful invasion, in this place, on this land full of imperial flags.

Saint Efilar shook her dozens of meters long flaming wings, and the huge Eagle of Destiny was held high in the sky by her. Every loyal warrior bathed in the golden light had an extremely firm belief in their hearts. Where the imperial flag was flying, everything would be firmly grasped in their hands.

The loyal warriors guarded the imperial garden. Facing the hideous and ugly demon army, they never retreated.

For the empire, for the Lord of Destruction, and for themselves, every warrior tried his best to guard every inch of honor they had won here.

The densely packed warships in the sky were still shooting various destructive beams, and the flames were burning more and more in this ancient garden.

The battle had just started and it had entered a white-hot state. Both sides were fighting desperately, intending to completely destroy each other.

On the front line of the war, a plague lord as big as a hill was detonated by the flames of guns and cannons, and it exploded like a huge methane tank. A shower of broken limbs, broken flesh and foul-smelling blood fell on the battlefield.

Amid the gunfire and artillery fire, the shouts of the Nurgle demon army became more and more violent. Even the optimistic and cheerful Great Unclean Ones were angry that they could not stop the atrocities of the Imperial Legion.

The demons received continuous blessings in the garden, but the Imperial Legion was also invincible in the golden light of the Fate Eagle Banner.

Even the demons could not stop the Imperial Legion.

The domain of the Plague God is infinitely vast in concept, just as the expansion of decay has no end.

Therefore, no matter how the Imperial Legion advances, they cannot really reach the core of the Nurgle domain before opening up a special channel.

But these are all irrelevant, and they have nowhere to go.

The purpose of this war has always been only one, just as their master said at the beginning,

"Destruction! Destroy everything here!"

As time goes by, every step forward of the loyalist warriors is to wash away the shame of the human empire for thousands of years.

"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

Doom roared loudly. Even if the Primarch was not here, he could still lead the Doom Soldier to move forward.

They are constantly moving forward, no matter how terrifying the obstacles are. They stepped into the forest of the garden, and the souls imprisoned in the rotten giant trees were crying. They were all innocent people imprisoned by the plague, and their souls should have suffered eternal torture in the pain.

But at this moment, the Doom Soldier stepped into the forest, and they ruthlessly cut down the giant trees. In the wailing of the forest, these miserable souls, who had long been inseparable from the giant trees, were now destroyed with the forest and enjoyed eternal rest.

The forest floor was not covered with ordinary weeds, but fleshy plants with barbs like tongues. Through these barbs, they could easily inject the vicious plague into the bodies of intruders.

But now they were either uprooted or crushed into pulp by steel boots. The red flames from the double-barreled shotguns destroyed their unclean souls together, becoming the pure original source and returning to the eternal end.

No matter how twisted and rotten these abominations were, the Doom Soldier destroyed them all in a rigid manner like a cold and ruthless machine. They acted carefully to ensure that nothing was missed within their field of vision.

The green plants and flesh branches in the garden were all crushed by them, clearing a safe path for the subsequent comrades.

"For the Emperor! For the Warmaster! In the name of Sanguinius!"

Several blood-red dreadnoughts shouted on the battlefield through intercoms. Even though there was not much ups and downs in their voices, all the soldiers around them could feel their crazy and bloodthirsty fighting spirit.

They are veterans of thousands of battles, noble men who lie in coffins fighting for humanity, and the true holy objects of the Blood Angels.

"Brother, that is not the Warmaster. The Warmaster betrayed the Empire thousands of years ago." After hearing the battle cry of the dreadnoughts, Dante, the current commander-in-chief of the Blood Angels, said helplessly.

With his personality, he was originally reluctant to put these dreadnoughts into this war, but helplessly, when these veterans heard the news of this war, they took the initiative to ask for battle and even put pressure on him as the head of the chapter.

Although Dante has lived for a long time, he is just a junior in front of these veterans of thousands of battles. Faced with the stubborn requests of the veterans, he can only choose to obey.

"Brother, that is the Primarch of the Second Legion, His Highness Dukel, who has recently revived. He is the one who saved our Holy Father. It is reasonable that we should not call each other by the wrong name." Dante explained to the veteran soldier in the Fearless. Facing his ancestor, he had enough patience in his tone, but the veteran soldier in the Fearless sneered at this and taught him mercilessly, "What do you know, little brat? The Lord of the Second Legion is the Warmaster. Horus, who betrayed the Empire, was just a latecomer. He did not inherit the will of his predecessors, which led to the decline of the Empire today!" The veteran's tone was filled with memories,

"In the early days of the Great Crusade, we followed the Warmaster's footsteps and fought. The war back then was just like it is now. The Warmaster led us to those unfamiliar battlefields and planted the banner of the Empire in those places where we first arrived. place."

"It was the most pioneering era of the Empire. We were opening up territories in the galaxy. It was the most beautiful era, and the territory of the Empire was growing day by day just like the hope in our hearts. It was countless times better than now, although This kind of beauty only lasted for a few decades, but this short memory lasted for a lifetime. How could I forget that this beautiful situation lasted until?"

After hearing the words of the veteran of ten thousand battles, Dante fell silent.

He was born in an era when the human empire was declining, so that his imagination could not imagine the beautiful picture painted by the veteran, let alone empathize with him.

Dante didn't believe what the other party said. After all, these veterans had been in Dauntless for too long, and their memories had long been confused. They relied entirely on their own unyielding will to drive their broken bodies. Their words were not trustworthy.

But he did not refute the other party's words. After all, it is never wise to refute an elder at any time. So he had to change the subject and said,

"Brother, you should not participate in this war. This is the realm of the evil god. Once caught, our souls will become like those poor people and suffer eternal torture. You have paid too much for the empire, Gao Jie No soul should be risked."

Dante spoke solemnly, fighting all the way. Everyone knew what would happen to them once they died in the Garden of Nurgle.

Unless the power of the God-Emperor can break through the domain of the Plague God, their souls will never be able to return to the throne and suffer eternal torture in this garden.

No matter how blindly they believe, they don't think the Emperor's power can break through to this point.

Every loyalist warrior fighting here does so with the belief of dedicating his soul.

For this supreme achievement, even if they died here, they all calmly chose to accept their fate.

Even if their souls are destined to be unable to return to the throne, they are willing to sacrifice their souls and offer their loyalty to the empire.

"We have nothing to fear!"

After hearing Dante's words, the fearless mecha not only did not flinch, but instead roared angrily.

As if he had been humiliated, the veteran of ten thousand battles was never afraid of any sacrifice.

"The Emperor's will is the direction of our blades, and the Warmaster's vision is the future we strive for with devotion! In the name of my father Sanguinius, we must live up to the holy blood in our bodies!"

The fearless mecha raised its mechanical arm high, as if it was stimulated. The six-barreled rotary cannon on his mechanical arm spit out flames, and the micro missile launcher behind him flew out missiles one after another.

"For the flag of the Empire to be planted in every world, for the Warmaster's beautiful vision to be realized!"

The hope of a race is never a gift from fate, but a spoil won by countless people after fighting for it.

"The Emperor, the Warmaster, the Holy Father. Every great being saw the endless darkness in the galaxy, but they still chose to face it!"

Dante looked at this scene in shock. He didn't understand why his ancestor suddenly fell into a state of madness.

But surprisingly, he did not stop it, but just watched this scene happen in a daze.

In a daze, he felt as if he had been taught a lesson, and what he had learned was heavy, with a weight that weighed heavily on his heart and made him breathless.

Until he saw the fearless mecha raising its mechanical arm and shouting, this veteran of ten thousand battles seemed to have exhausted every cell in his body, shouting at the top of his lungs,

"I will go to hell eventually! But before we win hope, I will never give in!!!"


In the fertile garden that was ignited by the flames of war, the human legions and the Nurgle demon army were fighting each other crazily.

In higher dimensions, Dukel is also fighting. At this moment, he and Rain Father Rotigs are fighting in a form that mortals cannot understand.

Their battle was drawing to a close.

In the aftermath of their battle, countless demons scrambled and fled in all directions in the rotten and stinky garden.

No matter how powerful these demons had been in the previous war, they were now screaming and trying to hide.

The red flames that ignited the sky and the unclean and vicious miasma consumed each other, emitting thick black smoke.

"I didn't expect that you could actually hurt me. This is the garden of the God of Plague." Rotigos whispered, his voice was very soft, but still like thunder. Its body reached the top of the mountains, and two huge wounds like rift valleys were torn open on its majestic body.

"When the Eagle flag was planted here, it was no longer there." Dukel's flame-covered body was equally majestic, enough to accommodate millions of giant eyeballs opening and closing on his body.

"Devil, compared to the evil deeds you have done, what I am asking for right now is just a trivial interest. From now on, I will continue to pursue it until the day of reckoning comes!"

Dukel's anger became even more intense, and his attacks became more ferocious, constantly defeating Rotigos' power.

Even if it is in Nurgle's domain, even if it is the second one favored by a loving father, it is retreating continuously at this moment.

Its skin and flesh were torn open, its intestines were pulled out, and its proud strength was in vain in front of the opponent's god-like bravery.

"Why do you think you can defeat my lord? With the human empire destined to end the decay, or with the mummy on the throne?"

Rotigus's voice echoed through the garden, countless decaying plants resonating with its sound.

The sky writhed like a large intestine, pouring down unclean torrential rain, and the plague storm became more violent.

"Put away your contempt, disgusting thing. Go and humbly listen to the painful sounds you have given to those innocent people. Because you will fall into a situation even more miserable than them, and you will enter eternal death!"

Dukel's eyes burst out with the light of fire, and all the single-body enhancement technologies in his body were operating at maximum power.

Biomagnetic field·200,000 pieces, fourth level spiritual training, spiritual matrix

The power in his heart network was wildly mobilized by him, and at this moment, he was like a god.

The boundless domain of the God of Plague was shaken at this moment, shaking the gods with the body of a demigod!

Countless flame wheels were overlapping and flying together, the crimson flames were passing high in the sky, and the raging fire storm spread outwards until the end of sight.

At this moment, Duker used his own power to essentially completely change the composition of the garden. Although this was only an insignificant part of the garden, this scene still frightened countless demons.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye destroyed everything centered on him, but it accurately avoided every imperial soldier.

"Go to hell! Dirty bastard!" Duker roared.

The original mighty power of the Supreme Heaven poured into his body like the water of the Nine Heavens. His power was stretched to the extreme at this moment. All the unclean things in the garden that were affected were being decomposed into their most basic original origins.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry!"

Faced with this blow, Rainfather Rotigos let out a miserable cry, and then his body continued to fall until he fell into the plague swamp in the garden and disappeared completely.

He, Rotigus, the Rain Father, the god of life and harvest worshiped by all living beings in the mortal world - when faced with the attack of the Primarch, he fled shamefully.

This human madness frightened him. At this moment, he felt that his eternal life was threatened, and he was surrounded by eternal death and nothingness.

He will completely disappear into the universe, and even the power of a loving father cannot save him.

At this moment, he admitted his incompetence and failure, apologized to his loving father, and disappeared without a trace.


On the other side, in an eternally spacious house, Kugas, the father of plague, is stirring the cauldron in front of him.

Suddenly, he raised his head and saw clouds gathering above his head, with sickly thunder and lightning swirling within them.

"It's going to rain." Kugas said painfully.

He doesn't like the rain because it reminds him of his rival Rutgers.

"Damned noisy," he murmured, "and now the rain will dilute my soup! Oh, annoying, annoying!"

Suddenly, his eyeballs rolled out of their loose sockets and fell into his cauldron with a 'plop'.

Kugas quickly put his hand into the pot and searched for his eyes.

The cauldron was filled with soup, and the water inside was bright green. Its light illuminated Kugas' rotting face.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, a heavy rain is coming, and sickly thunder and lightning are shining.

"My eyes, where are you?" Kugas murmured to himself, "I can't see anymore, I need my eyes, I have to. Hey, what is this?"

His hand deep into the pot caught something hard, something spinning underneath. Kugas tried to pull hard, but it didn't work.

"What is this?" Kugas roared, he roared, "What is this?!"

"There's something else in my soup! There's something else in my pot! Out, out, foreign ingredients!"

Kugas pulled hard, but the thing remained motionless. He yanked hard, and then the thing finally moved. Because he moved so violently, he actually pushed the Plague Father to the ground.

The object rose and he emerged from the soup, first antlers, then a dirty hood, then evil eyes, a pustified hand slapping against the edge of the cauldron, Then the shoulders also emerged.

"Rainfather Rotigos, the second among Nurgle's favored ones." After seeing this thing, Kugas said angrily.

Rotigus rose from the soup, spilling the precious liquid in sullen waves over the rim of the pot.

"No, no, stop!" Kugas shouted quickly. He stood up hastily, tripping over his flabby belly. His claws tore through his guts and scratched his skin, but he was so angry at the moment that he didn't even notice.

"You" Kugas just wanted to reprimand the other party, but he stammered as if he had seen some incredible sight,

"You, what's wrong with you? Oh my God, Rotigs, you are like a ball of rotten flesh that was beaten and rotten. Who beat you like this?!"

"Brother, stop talking. This is too terrible. You can't even imagine what happened to me." Rotigs said dully, sitting in the soup covered with injuries.

As he opened his mouth, his foul-smelling loose teeth fell out of his mouth and fell into the thick soup of Kugas.

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