Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 129 129, Everyone is targeting Nurgle (big chapter)

After Duker's consciousness returned to the Mindfire, he returned to his office and considered the information Tzeentch had revealed to him.

He knew exactly what was going to happen next. Near Guilliman's hometown of Ultramar, the Plague War was about to begin.

On the surface, this is a war between Mortarion and the Regent.

In fact, it was Tzeentch's plan to weaken Nurgle.

Just like the previous hunt against him, it was actually Tzeentch's plan against Khorne.

"It's a game of the gods." Duker sighed in his heart.

Even the Primarch was a little too small compared to the great game of the gods.

In the eyes of the dark gods, the only real opponents are themselves.

Now that Tzeentch's plan has been launched, it is difficult to destroy it.

In fact, Duker had no intention of sabotaging this plan. On the contrary, the original body felt that this was also a rare opportunity for the Empire.

What he really wants to do is not to destroy Tzeentch's conspiracy.

But go with the flow,

Take advantage of this opportunity to stab Nurgle hard! ——

From the perspective of the empire, if there is no good thing among the Chaos Gods, they should be slashed twenty-two times. As for who the butcher's knife is hitting, it doesn't matter to Dukel at all.

The Primarch sat in his office, brooding. He thought about what he could do to take advantage of this opportunity to make Nurgle pay a more painful price.

"I wonder if this is also part of Tzeentch's plan." When the plan in his mind began to take shape, a strange smile appeared on Duker's face.

Then the Primarch called his nuns,

"Efilar, how many people have completed the surgical transformation and become my heirs now?"

"Including those who are about to be transformed, there are a total of 222 people, Your Highness." Efilar replied rigorously.

"Help me notify the mechanical priests and ask them to speed up the progress of surgical transformation. In the next war, I need the power of the descendants, and I need more Destroyers to fight for me."

"Your Highness, is another horrific battle going to break out?" After hearing these words, Efilar said with a worried look on his face, "What kind of war is it? Even as great as you are, you urgently need more power."

"No, you are wrong, this is different from previous wars, my girl." Dukel smiled,

"This time, it is no longer the people of the empire who are suffering. This time, we are the perpetrators."

After hearing this, Efilar also showed a smile on his face,

"As you wish, Your Highness."

After the standard courtesy, she left the primarch's office.

"Your Highness, don't you need the power of the nuns? We can also fight for you." After Efilar left, Shivara asked somewhat gloomily.

"Of course. In order to deal a fatal blow to our enemy, I need all the power." Duker said gently,

"Help me inform Dante and get ready for travel. We are about to set off."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The original body's words put a smile on Shivara's face again, and she left the original body's office briskly.

The soul of little Sanguinius still needs the help of Dukel, and his safety needs to be strictly protected before his power is fully restored - so in the next expedition, the Blood Angel fleet will work together with the expedition fleet. set sail.

Later, Yedukr also set off for the Glory of Macragge to say goodbye to Guilliman in person——

"Brother, I think it's time to say goodbye."

After seeing Guilliman, Dulquer spoke.

"Are we going to set sail again so soon?" Guilliman expressed surprise. The feeling of loneliness spread rapidly in his heart, making him a little reluctant to leave. However, his long life also made him accustomed to separation and reunion.

"I thought our reunion would take longer."

Guilliman opened his arms, and the two Primarchs embraced each other in farewell.

"Don't worry, we will meet again soon." Dukel smiled.

"That's right." Guilliman also smiled, "We will meet again under the throne soon."

"No, it's earlier than that." Dukel knocked on his armor, and the double-headed eagle logo on the shoulder of the Armor of Destiny ignited a weak spiritual fire.

"When was that?" Guilliman asked in surprise.

"You will know by then." Duker said mysteriously, "Brother, protect this armor before the truly terrifying dispute comes."

"Well, your words are starting to sound unpredictable." Guilliman thought for a moment and then added,

"Just like our father."

"I didn't mean to hide it." After all, no matter what the outcome of the war was, Guilliman would suffer.

Then Duker reminded again,

"Brother, I have to remind you before I leave." He lowered his voice, and the power of his mind surged to ensure that what he said next was only about himself, Guilliman and the Maggo hanging around his waist. Nus can hear it,

"Guilliman, have you ever considered what we are? A human? A demigod revered by mortals? But that's it. In fact, you and I know very well that no matter how much power we hold, , compared to the entire galaxy and even the universe, we are small.”

"The arrogant dark powers regard themselves as true gods, and they think so too. In their eyes, the eternal game is the most important, and the only opponents in their eyes are each other. But this is beneficial to us. , People who are in a dark and desperate situation must be good at using everything we can. "

"You may not truly realize it, but remember these words, Guilliman. Take care, my brother."

After hearing these words, Guilliman looked stunned and found it difficult to understand for a while.

He wanted to ask the other party, but saw that Duker had turned around and left.

Guilliman stood there, bowing his head and pondering the meaning of these words.

"Father, His Highness Duker has left, and it's time for us to go back." At this time, Ultramarine Calgar came behind Guilliman.

"And I just received news that Felix has returned. I think you should go see him."


"Make way for Decimus Felix! Make way for the lord who marches to the east, make way for the lord of Vespato!" cried the herald.

Felix moved quickly towards the palace where the regent was.

At this moment, Guilliman outlined a lonely figure against the backdrop of the sea of ​​stars. The Primarch was not looking at the scenery, but at a holographic projection.

It depicted a world that lay open before him, and to which all the Primarch's attention was drawn.

Not for the first time, Felix once again felt alone in his primarch.

"Felix, nice to meet you." Guilliman's voice echoed in the empty room.

"Would you still be happy if I disagreed with you?"

"Perhaps," Guilliman smiled. "You don't have to agree with everything I do, my son. As you can see, do your best, and whatever you want to do, I will be happy with it." ”

After hearing his words, Felix raised his head, with a hint of confusion on his expression. No matter how much he thought he knew the Primarch, he could not truly understand the Primarch's thoughts. If there is a trespasser like himself among his subordinates, he will definitely rebuke him mercilessly.

Felix felt that he had abandoned his humanity, but Guilliman had never been human, at least not truly human.

"Why don't you let me destroy the blasphemous demon host?" Felix asked. "You plan to interrogate him?"

Guilliman did not speak, but lowered his head and stared at him silently, paying full attention to him for the first time. Felix felt the Primarch's gaze weighing heavily on his soul.

"What is the current situation in the Eastern Sector? Can you put it under our control?" Suddenly, Guilliman asked.

"Can I tell the truth?"

"When have I ever asked you not to do this?"

"It's all a mess, father." Felix replied dully. He had already tasted the burden of the original body after resisting only one sector. "All worlds are in chaos, all of them."

"Although Mortarion's army is approaching, to be honest, they have not caused much direct damage to the east. But the Sotha Alliance has been hit hard by the Tyranid swarm, and has been attacked by Orcs. "

"The Necrons have also revived recently. These aliens have also attacked humans there, and pirates are also a problem. And the biggest problem is those corrupt nobles. Any assets, whether military or otherwise, have been eroded by years of decay. Empty, existing only on paper, the nobles there have no fear of the authority of the empire. "

Guilliman's face turned grim upon hearing his words, prompting Felix to apologize.

"I'm sorry, father, for letting you hear such bad news." Felix continued after a pause,

"Please forgive me for overstepping. I think you should ask for the assistance of the Lord of the Second Legion and go to the Eastern Star Sector together. We don't have time to use softer methods. With His Highness Dukel's style, we will definitely carry out attacks there. A thorough purge, killing one to serve as a warning to others.”

"No, no, this is exactly why I didn't keep my brother. It's not that bad." Guilliman shook his head quickly.

"Duker doesn't even care whether those powerful people have made mistakes. After he sees huge mistakes, he will drag all officials to the execution ground. But the logic of politics is not like this."

"Dukele has been fulfilling his responsibilities. Civil governance is not his responsibility, and this will not change in the future."

"And we can't be so selfish, my son. The war in the galaxy is never over, we are all fighting for a brief peace. They have their own wars to fight, the Tyranids, the Necron, the Daemons, the Orks. There's an entire universe that needs to be saved, and we can't rely on them for everything."

Guilliman was a little uneasy when he said these words. He looked into space and seemed to have seen the scene of countless officials being lined up to be shot. Then he came back to his senses and

"You are right, there is still room for redemption in everything." Felix was thinking about the original body's words, and then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, it's time to interrogate the Emperor's servant who was parasitized by demons. Maybe this will save millions of human lives." Guilliman looked at the heir in front of him, "Since you are here, are you willing to participate in the interrogation? Maybe seeing the interrogation and execution will make you feel at ease and let go of your worries."

"After the interrogation, will you kill him?" Felix asked worriedly.

"Of course, I swear, don't be afraid, he will not cause any harm to me." Guilliman promised.

The Primarch and Felix arrived at the gate of the Hexagram.

The demon prisoner and his guards stood on the platform.

Inquisitor Remo, who was lodged by the demon, has been completely swallowed by the demon at this moment, and there is nothing left of him except pain.

"Remer, cheer up!" Guilliman ordered. "Your will is still within your body."

But what responded to the original body was only the mocking sound of the devil.

"Give up, he is gone, his soul has been swallowed by me, he is a part of me. A part of the Lord of Changes, just like what existed in the past, what exists now, and what will exist in the future." The demon smiled, " He is hopeless, and so are you, my little mortal."

"Demon of Tzeentch, your arrogance reminds me of Fateweaver." Guilliman drew out a giant sword burning with golden flames and pointed it at the opponent.

"And your end will not be much better either!"

The flames spread along the chains of the cage, burning the demon's flesh, causing it to howl in pain.

"Poor son of the damned, the great Tzeentch is rising, you are his pawn, and so are your brothers, don't you feel it? I won't tell you anything!"

"You will." Guilliman held the hilt of the Emperor's Sword. "You will do it now. This sword can destroy your essence. There is nothing you can do about it."

"Never!" the demon howled, his voice full of pain.

"Tell me, what are my brother Mortarion's plans?"

"I won't answer!"

"Say!" Guilliman roared furiously. The original body's rage caused the entire room to be shaken by his will. In reality, opposing tides were crashing, and everyone was being affected by him.


The demon writhed, black fire ignited around his hands and feet, and acrid smoke filled the room.

Guilliman became even more angry and wanted to make the Gray Knight recite the demon's true name in order to torture him even more severely.

But the moment he spoke, he thought of what Duker had said to him.

And that meaningful reminder before leaving.

At this moment, those words opened up a broader way of thinking for him. Every primarch is by no means stupid. Guided by these ideas, Guilliman has a clearer view of the situation in front of him.

"You said everything was within your master's plan." Guilliman said, "In that case, your appearance is definitely not an accident, right?"

"Of course, everything cannot escape the control of my Lord!" The devil's voice was crazy and chaotic, mixed with worship of the Lord of Destiny.

"So, you came with a mission. The purpose of your appearance is to tell me information about Mortarion and guide me to do something." Guilliman thought,

"Your master wants to target Mortarion? No, no, he is not worth spending so much time on. Is that because your master is targeting the person behind him?"

"If that's the case, and we have the same purpose, why do you resist answering my questions?"

After hearing the voice of the original body, the frantic and chaotic demon suddenly calmed down. Black blood flowed from his body and bird feathers grew.

"Son of the Cursed, there is no need to guess my master's intentions, they are beyond your reach in this lifetime."

"Can I understand that all my guesses are correct?"

"Ask, son of the damned. You have nine questions to be answered, like the number of Tzeentch."

After hearing the devil's words.

A smile appeared on Guilliman's face,

"It seems that you will only answer my questions about Mortarion, so tell me where he is first."

He started asking questions that he had prepared.


In Mortarion's House of Time, all the clocks here have stopped functioning. Through the dark wonders of the Mycelium of Despair, he is communicating with his estranged offspring, Typhonse.

The Daemon Primarch didn't really wish to talk.

Every word of Typhonse's words was harsh to him.

As the genetic father, Mortarion hated the son who had betrayed him.

"You can't go to the Eastern Sector, Mortarion, I have a higher order." Typhons' voice sounded with suppressed pain. As the other person's heir, he didn't have the respect he deserved when facing his genetic father.

"You are injured, you are afraid." Mortarion saw the huge trauma on the other person's body, and his joy at the injury to his son was conveyed along with his words.

"Fear has nothing to do with this, my genetic father." Typhons ignored the joy. "The war of the gods has begun again. You must respond to our gods. You must go back."

"No, I won't give up. My great plan is about to succeed!" Mortarion said stubbornly. "My brother is coming. Guilliman will die in my hands. The trap has been set. I'll get him!"

"Listen, Mortarion. I am not here as your scion or as First Captain. I am here as your Father's messenger. The Lord of Change is disrupting the cycle of death and rebirth, bringing you Put aside your little fights, your God commands you to do so!”

The effect of Typhons's exhortation was to further anger the original body.

"How dare you?! How dare you talk to me like this, like I'm a child who needs to be taught a lesson!" Mortarion's face was twisted in anger, he questioned his offspring, "So, where are your orders? Typhons, did Nurgle himself come out of his dark house and tell you? Put down your lies, I haven't heard any news, and my father didn't order me! I refuse to be controlled by you again!" "This is not a lie, father, I feel the signs." Under the rage of the Primarch, Typhons' tone softened. "That's it? I don't accept your orders, First Captain!" Mortarion emphasized the four words "First Captain". He flapped his wings behind him angrily, and a disgusting smell emanated from the secret room.

"You are a venomous snake, Typhons, you always have been!"

"That's it." The first captain looked at his genetic father and said disappointedly, "You overestimated your own value, and your arrogance blinded you. You crossed the line, and the loving father will not be happy. The most powerful anger often comes from the most gentle people. Don't let our gods..."

Before Typhons finished speaking, Mortarion roared angrily. The primarch could no longer tolerate his offspring's rudeness to him.

The respirator fixed on his face emitted purple and green smoke. He waved the Silent Scythe and cut off Typhons' incarnation made of mycelium.

The primarch's power continued along the medium of mycelium to Typhons' entity.

Typhons twisted in pain and wailed.

"I am Mortarion, the Lord of Death! Plaguebringer! I am eternally powerful!"

Mortarion roared and declared.

In the central glass prison, the soul of his former alien adoptive father fled in fear.

"No one can command me!"

Mortarion's anger turned into spiritual energy and surged out of his body, sweeping everything around him.

Yes, Nurgle was not his first father.

His first father was the alien alien whose soul he now imprisoned. His second father was the emperor who sat on the throne and was betrayed by him.

And Nurgle was his third father.

"No one can command me!" Mortarion repeated angrily again, "Did you hear me? No one!"

Mortarion's rebellion was not ignored, and he vented his emotions angrily.

Then he quickly calmed down.

In Mortarion's mind, nothing could compare to his great plan -

"Thirteen. Thirteen thirteen"

Mortarion began to mutter to himself. In order to carry out his great plan, he used numerology to divine his brother.

But no matter how many times he did it, he got the same number.

"This is really an extraordinary number."

Mortarion muttered to himself.

He was obsessed with numerology and believed in it. In fact, this knowledge had played a vital role many times.

Ten thousand years ago, when everything in the warp was still a secret, Mortarion used numerology and even discovered the webway that the Emperor was building.

"What are you doing, Mortarion?" A voice suddenly came in.

After hearing this question, Mortarion looked up and found that it was Nurgle's favorite servant, the Great Unclean K'Gath.

"I am seeking the help of the great art of numerology, which will help us win the war."

"Oh, this is great." Although Kugath said this, his face did not show any joy, but was shrouded in great sadness.

"You chose to target Guilliman instead of Dukel, which is a wise decision. You know, another Great Unclean One was completely destroyed, and he didn't even have time to scream."

As he spoke, a turbid, greasy tear slid down from the corner of Kugath's eye, and he cried and said, "Dukel's family This guy is so cruel, everyone should stay away from him. "

"Is that so." After hearing this, Mortarion looked at the number in front of him and showed a strange smile,

"I am not soft and afraid of hard, Kugath. On the contrary, in my eyes, number 13 is the real tough guy."

He said so, but while speaking, he still used the power of numerology to perform a divination on Dukel,

"Twenty-two? !"

After the divination, Mortarion exclaimed, as if this simple number contained unimaginable power.

"What? What are you talking about?"

After hearing his exclamation, Kugath asked in surprise.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Mortarion said nothing, then asked, "How is the loving father now? What is he doing? Is he letting those beloved children be completely destroyed?"

"Oh, yes, you reminded me, that's why I came here." Kugath said belatedly,

"The loving father was very sad after sensing the news. He once again trapped himself in the house and didn't see anyone, just like when Lymph was destroyed. This is so tragic, Mortarion, we can't just watch it." Kugath cried, tears running down his fat face, flowing through the skin with pus, flowing through the exposed intestines, and finally accumulating into a pool in Mortarion's room.

The nauseating liquid gathered and the water level continued to rise, soon covering the lower half of the primarch's body.

"We really can't just watch, we have to take action." Mortarion nodded in agreement, but then, he seemed to have discovered something and asked hurriedly,

“Are you saying that my loving father ‘can’t see anyone’ now?”

"That's right, what's wrong?" Kugas asked while crying.

"Nothing." Mortarion opened the door of the hut, and muddy tears flowed out like a river.

"Sorry, excuse me, I suddenly remembered that I still have something very important to do."

Mortarion said without looking back.

He spread his fly-like wings behind him and flew through Nurgle's gardens and swamps. In the process, he avoided the sight of all demons and finally came to the secret place of the garden.

Unlike other places, this place does not spread the terrible plague and vicious quagmire, but the breath of life is deposited, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

A beautiful woman draped in gauze sat here, a beautiful thing that should never appear in Nurgle's Garden.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she could still feel her breathtaking beauty.

That is not beauty in the secular physical sense, but beauty in a conceptual sense. All words of praise for life are not inappropriate when used on women.

Everyone will love her involuntarily the moment they see her, just like they love their own lives.

"Mortarion, what are you doing here? Aren't you afraid that your master will blame you?"

After seeing the original body, the woman frowned and scolded mercilessly.

"Honorable goddess, I came here to make a transaction." After Mortarion was scolded, he was not angry at all. He elegantly made a perfect courtesy. As a great demigod, he showed that at this moment own humility,

"I want to exchange a secret for a bottle of antidote."

"Antide?" The woman seemed to have heard something incredible and chuckled, "Nurgle's son actually asked me for an antidote? Your body is soaked in poison, but none of this can cause you any harm. What harm."

"The most important thing you should get rid of is the poison in your heart. Your mind has long been distorted and has spread into terrible abscesses, but there is no cure for these."

"Go back, son of Nurgle." The woman was driving him away, "I don't have what you want here."

"Don't worry, noble goddess, don't you want to know what I can give? This may be just what you dream of."

"What I want is beyond your reach." The woman stroked her forehead and looked like she had a headache. However, in order to make the other party leave as soon as possible, she still said,

"Tell me, what can you come up with?"

"Twenty-two, the owner of this number." Mortarion said confidently, "I believe you also know the meaning of this number. I don't need to say more."

"Really?" The woman stood up instantly, her eyes fixed on Mortarion, everything around her was boiling, and the weight of life pressed heavily on the original body in her eyes.

Under such heavy pressure, the Lord of Death still stood upright, and no one noticed that there was a smile on his face hidden behind the respirator.

"what do you want?"

Finally, after hearing these words, Mortarion felt joy all over his body,

"The poison I want to undo is what I serve. It is imprinted in my soul, bound to my essence, and forces me to submit."

"Chains of decay."

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