In the town,

Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin were walking around and eating.

They were having a great time.

Lin Feng also rarely saw Jiutang Linyin laughing so happily.

Everything was very peaceful.

Until one moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

A large number of tourists screamed and ran out of the town.

"Hurry up! There's an earthquake on the mountain!!!"

"Oh my god, why is there an earthquake at this time? I just got here!"

"What's wrong with just coming here? If you don't want to live, just stay here!"

"What bad luck!"


Listening to the crowds passing by saying something like an earthquake,

Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin were a little confused.

They clearly didn't feel anything unusual.

However, at this moment, an invisible air wave hit from the back of the town, and the walls of many shops in the town were pierced, leaving a huge hole!

For a moment, rubble flew everywhere, and the violent vibration was also transmitted to the feet of Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin!

"Brother! Could it be that there was an earthquake?"

Rinyin was a little confused.

"Otherwise, let's go too. If it's really an earthquake, it's quite dangerous."

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the hillside behind the town.

There was suddenly a thick cloud of dust rising from there.

It really looked like the thick smoke left after the earthquake caused the building to collapse, but Lin Feng's intuition made him feel something was wrong.

Finally, at this time, the system's broadcast suddenly sounded in his ears,

【Ding! Severe combat fluctuations detected, system tasks automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Gemn and Kamen Rider Geats!】

【Mission reward: Random Kamen Rider deck x1!】


Looking at the task panel in front of him,

Lin Feng had several question marks on his mind.

What was going on?

How did Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi bump into each other?

Although Lin Feng already knew that these two people existed in the world of Gochard, he didn't expect that they would really meet here.

What is this?

It can't be that these two people just started fighting to prove who is the stronger god?

Lin Feng felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

"It seems that I have to go over and take a look."

Hearing his mumbling,

Jiutang Linyin asked doubtfully,

"Brother? What are you talking about?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing."

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"I think this earthquake is not man-made."

Hearing this, Jiutang Linyin immediately frowned.

"Could it be that the three sisters of 767 Minghei are causing trouble again?" They had already ruined my date with Oni-sama yesterday.

If it happened again today,

Jiutang Linyin would definitely have a fight with them!

Lin Feng saw the displeasure on her face, and he spread his hands helplessly.

"Who knows? But looking at this scene, it doesn't seem like their work. And most importantly, didn't you notice that there is no malicious energy so far?"

Jiutang Linyin felt it for a while and nodded in affirmation. She really didn't feel any malicious energy.

If it was those three women, they would definitely create extremely strong malicious energy.

"Well, brother, you go over and check the situation carefully. If it is some powerful Kemi, report it to everyone in the Alchemy Academy first, and then we can capture it together when others come."

Lin Feng touched her head,

"I know, but it's a pity that today's holiday is wasted. I should have been able to enjoy a whole day of leisure."

Jiutang Linyin rubbed his palm greedily, squinting her eyes like a kitten.

"It’s okay! Anyway, I have a holiday from the next few days until Christmas. At most, I want you to accompany me to play every day!"

Lin Feng scratched her upturned nose and smiled dotingly:

""Okay, okay, as long as our Rinyin wants, I will definitely accompany you!"

Jiutang Rinyin took a step back and looked at the many shops that collapsed due to the earthquake.

"Then I will go to evacuate the crowd. If anyone needs help, I can also help."

"Okay, you have to be careful too."

"Don't worry!"

Jiutang Linyin ran to the injured who were asking for help.

The earthquake did not affect the outskirts of the town seriously.

In addition to the walls that collapsed due to the air wave, only some of the glass was shattered.

Lin Feng was still relieved that Jiutang was here to help others.


Lin Feng turned his head and looked into the distance with a gloomy face.

He took out the DarkDecade driver and put it on his waist. While picking up the driving card, he summoned the dimensional wall and walked into it.


【KamenRide! DarKDecade! 】

Next, we must teach those two guys who caused trouble for no reason a lesson.

"it turns out...Still okay?!!"

Tsumurai opened her mouth wide and blinked her eyes, thinking she had seen it wrong.

But the sword blade that pierced through her body was right in front of her.

It would have been fine if it had pierced other places, but it had pierced her heart and was still alive and kicking?!!

"Is this guy a human?!"

Tsumuri's complaints seemed to be heard by Danrito.

He raised his right leg and kicked Ukiyo Hidetoshi away.

He touched the wound on his chest that seemed to have never existed, and laughed crazily.

"I've said it before, I'm also a god, not an ordinary human being!"

As he said this, he turned his head and looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who was shocked.

"I am immortal. As long as we are in the game space of Xtreme Zombie X, no one can cause any damage to me! Even the so-called gods! What do you think? Are you scared? There is a solution, right?"

Ukiyo Hideto looked at Danrito, who was twisting his body and approaching him like a zombie, and he felt furious. He had never met an opponent that made him feel so disgusted. He was like a piece of gummy candy that he couldn't get rid of no matter how hard he tried!

""Don't be so arrogant! It was just a simple attack just now. I have many more methods than you think! The possibility of destroying you definitely exists!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi secretly swore in his heart that if he didn't break this sticky piece of gummy candy today, he would not go back to be a god!

Ukiyo Hidetoshi pressed the nine-tailed belt buckle on his waist hard, the thruster engine hummed, and a scalding heat stream burst out from the driver, and a steady stream of energy began to gather!

【BoostCharge! BoostTacticalVictory】

When the mechanical sound sounded, the blue-white energy waves around Ukiyo Hidetoshi kept surging, and then quickly condensed and wrapped around the blade of B9 in his hand, bursting out dazzling light one after another!

Then, he pressed his body down, poured all his strength into his right foot, and then suddenly exploded it, and the entire shrine ground suddenly collapsed, spreading a huge spider web-like crack!

The next second, he turned into blue-white lightning, flashed in front of Dan Lidou with a series of afterimages, and released all the power he had accumulated for a long time!

Sizzle! Boom!!!!!

The shining blade swung out a slender sword energy, and exploded the moment it hit Dan Lidou. In the huge mushroom cloud of fireworks that covered the sky, Dan Lidou shot straight into the sky, like a rocket that was launched, and in the blink of an eye, he reached a height of 100 meters!

On the ground, where Danrito was originally standing,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi threw the B9 in his hand aside casually, then bent his legs, accumulated strength, and endless blue flames climbed up and entangled, dazzling (to read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!) The nine-tailed cloak behind him raised an endless gust of wind, causing Ukiyo Hideto to soar into the sky and flash directly above Danrito!

At that moment, the sun's light was obscured, and

Danrito could not move. He could only watch Ukiyo Hidetoshi take the posture of a knight kick and kick down to his chest with a rolling heat wave!

Boom boom boom!!!! []

The deafening explosion sounded throughout the world. The moment Ukiyo Hidetoshi's knight kick hit, a dazzling white light burst out, and then a huge mushroom cloud enveloped the figures of the two, and thick smoke rushed straight into the sky, and the aftermath rolled!

Several consecutive loud noises affected the small town at the foot of the mountain.

Amid the people's terrified shouts, they saw two figures falling rapidly from the smoke and dust, and fell heavily back into the shrine!

Bang, bang, bang!!!

A series of falling sounds, the figures that fell to the ground smashed several large pits in succession.

Looking closely, the figure with thick smoke all over his body was Danrito.

The person who landed steadily was Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

This time,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi did not open the champagne in advance like before, but stared at Danrito who was lying on the ground like a corpse.

He was confident in his attack, but he also vaguely sensed something unusual, even if these unusual things were what he didn't want to see.

Tsumurai came closer through the smoke and dust, and subconsciously asked:

"You beat Mr. Dan Lidou to death?"

The next second,

Dan Lidou's voice sounded again.

"Little girl, I've already told you~"

In the big pit,

Tan Lidou turned over and lay there leisurely, as if he was enjoying the sun.

"I am not~destroyed~~"

"Oh My God...It's like this, and you're still okay???"

Tsumurai looked at the ruined shrine, she swallowed her saliva, her face full of disbelief.

At this moment, even Ukiyo Hidetoshi wanted to give up.

He felt uncomfortable that he couldn't hurt a being no matter what attack he used, but the problem now didn't seem to be here.

He remembered that when Danrito came, he seemed to want to get something from him, right? In this case, he should be the challenger, right?

Thinking of this,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi changed his previous mentality of being obsessed with killing Danrito, and also showed a leisurely look.

"I can't defeat you, but what about you? You can't hurt me either, so I don't think I lost this battle."

Hearing this,

Danrito slowly climbed out of the pit and stared at Ukiyo Hidetoshi gloomily.

"That's not necessarily true. Even gods can be killed. As long as I am immortal, even if I keep fighting you, I still have a chance of winning!"

Hearing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi suddenly felt a little strange.

"What on earth do you want from me that can make you pay such a high price, even if it takes time to exhaust me, if it takes time, I can probably help you fulfill it."Although Danrito is immortal, Ukiyo Hidetoshi is also a god after all. It is difficult to calculate the time required to exhaust Ukiyo Hidetoshi. But even so, Danrito still wants to do this. His purpose is naturally very curious. At this time, Tsumurai remembered the blessing ema she had seen before,

"Strangely enough, he wrote on the ema that he wanted a child."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was stunned for a moment, then he started laughing.

"Children? That's easy. Call your wife and I'll bless you. That evening, I guarantee that you two will have sex.

However, before he could finish, Danrito interrupted him angrily:

"How can you mortals understand my thoughts?! The child I want is not an ordinary life!"

He stretched out his finger and pointed hard at his temple, roaring:

"What I want is a perfect body that can carry my divine talent!!!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Tsukimushi looked at each other, obviously not understanding his idea, but Ukiyo Hideto probably understood what Danrito was going to do next.

"So, you still want to continue fighting until you achieve your goal?"

Upon hearing this, Tan Lidou immediately took up his stance.

"Before I came here, I didn't think I would fail.���"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi snorted coldly, summoned back his own special weapon B9, and also took a fighting stance.

"You are so stubborn. As a god, the concept of time is meaningless to me, so I don't care at all. But you are different. The body you are using now, I remember, is a robot called Shumagia? This kind of thing has a power limit after all. As long as the power is exhausted, even if you are not destroyed, you will automatically stop fighting, so your defeat is already determined!"

How could Dan Lidou not know this, but he had to give it a try, because once he succeeded, he would evolve to a life level that no one could match!

He took out the faulty driver, intending to do his best in the next battle.

"Who will win or lose, we will only know after the fight!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Dan Lidou immediately rushed out, attacking like a cannonball!

Seeing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi was also not slow, and he jumped up again and rushed forward!

However, just as they were about to collide again, a dimensional curtain appeared between the two of them, and a black figure just stepped out!

It was Lin Feng who had transformed into Kamen Rider Dark Decade!

Bang bang!!!!

The harsh sound of metal collision exploded, and the attacks of Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi fell on Lin Feng at the same time, and dazzling electric sparks splashed on his chest and back.

The ground under the feet of the three people cracked on the spot, and suddenly sank and collapsed!!!



Surprised voices came from Danrito and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Before they could figure out who they had hit, they felt a tsunami-like force rushing towards them.

Then, they felt the blood in their bodies churning, and they shot backwards uncontrollably, sliding to both sides with Lin Feng as the center, leaving long scratches on the ground and splashing gravel and dust all over the sky!

After the two of them stabilized their bodies with difficulty, they quickly looked up to the center, and angry voices of doubt also rang out.

"who is it?!"

"Who is blocking the way?!!"

The smoke and dust that blocked the view gradually dissipated, and

Lin Feng's figure with his head down and a gloomy aura around him slowly came into everyone's sight!

The moment Tan Lidou saw him, he immediately exclaimed,

"Kamen Rider Dark Decade?!! How come you are here?!!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Tsuki Murasaki frowned.

They had never seen this figure before, but there seemed to be a familiar wave on him.

At a certain moment, they suddenly remembered a few days ago when they sensed a power of creation without an owner.

At that time, there was not only the power of creation, but also some extremely violent waves mixed in it.

Because they were far away and appeared very briefly, they didn't pay attention to it.

But now, at this moment, that violent wave appeared again!

Could it be him?!!......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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