A few days later, the Demon Tail Guild.

In the wide lobby, hundreds of members are seated.

Miraj, carrying a large plate of cold beer, shuttled back and forth.

The crowd drank, quarreled, guessed boxing, gambled cards… A buzz and bustle!

Here, the task bulletin board.

Eyebrows furrowed slightly, Lucy pinched her smooth chin.

A pair of distressed eyes.

Wandering around on the bulletin board, undecided.

These few days.

At Lucy’s cheeky request.

Snow accompanies her on two more missions.

But start today.

Lucy had to do the task alone!

So I can’t help but feel embarrassed and wandering.

When choosing a task, she can’t look at it with less money, and she can’t do it with more money!

Can’t have been more of a headache…

“Well——, look for the magic bracelet and lift the curse of the cane…

Use astrology to divinate love, destroy the demons of volcanoes…”

Frowning and groaning, Lucy swept through one task after another.

In the end, she could only weakly shrug down her shoulders and said helplessly:

“Alas, if you do the task alone, choosing the right task is a big problem!”

Without Snow by her side, Lucy discovers:

I am a non-recyclable waste…

At this moment, a heartwarming greeting came from behind him:

“If that’s the case, why don’t you team up with me?”

Lucy turned her head back and was startled:


Loki, dressed in a green jacket, strolled up.

He very gentlemanly handed out his right hand, with a sentimental pulse:

“Lucy, form a team of love with me!” Just tonight, it’s just the two of us~~”

Lucy rolled her eyes and politely refused:

“Roll, thank you!”

After seeing such a good woman as Xuenai.

She really didn’t like a flirtatious man like Loki!

Nor was he interested in being slighted by him, or even handing over his virginity!

Hearing this, Loki helped the blue sunglasses and smiled awkwardly:

“Oh, are you shy?”

Lucy waved her hand coldly:

“No, no, you misunderstood, I’m really not interested in you!”

This man is not too many women to get hands on.

So it arises: no woman can resist the illusion of his hormones?

Just then, in a corner of the side.

Li Wei, who was drinking cold beer, coldly reminded:

“Hey, Loki, don’t blame me for not reminding you that the woman is a Star Magician!”

Suddenly, Loki was shocked:

“Eh!! Star Magician? Really fake!? ”

He stood up with cold hair and made a dodging posture.

Loki glanced down.

I really saw the four silver and three gold, and seven star spirit keys around Lucy’s waist!

Suddenly, he shouted in a long voice:

“Ah——, how can fate be so tricky!

I’m sorry, but the love between us is over…”

With tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, Loki turned and strode away.

Lucy, unable to hold her forehead, complained:

“So we ever had a love affair?”

Over here, Loki had just rushed out the door.

Suddenly, he was confronted by Yukino carrying a large bag of luggage.

In an instant, he was like a plague god, and his eyes were empty.

He staggered back two steps and stumbled over the threshold.

Loki fell to the ground, rolling backwards and rolling all the way…

In the end, the goods rolled to the corner and were fixed by Li Wei’s footsteps.

“Whew——, you’re really inferior!”

Taking a long sip of wine, Levi looked at him with contempt and pulled his foot away.

The head of the zodiac.

It actually decades into a waste that only spends a lot of time drinking.

I really don’t know, how will Elias feel when she sees Aries Palace!

For Li Wei’s contempt, the corners of Loki’s mouth were crooked, and he sighed with a frustrated face:

“Yeah, I think so too.”

He rolled over and patted the dust on his body.

At this time, Li Wei handed him a cold beer:

“Aren’t you dead yet?”

A few days after he returned, he was still talking to Loki for the first time.

Loki took it, took a big sip, and wiped his mouth:

“Soon, in fact, I also want to die early…”

Then he sat down next to Levi.

The two men sat next to each other, not saying a word.

The atmosphere of silence is somewhat eerie.

Lucy put her hand to her chest and worried:

“Hey, how does that sound dangerous, Loki, is he all right?”

At this time, Mirage had just finished delivering the cold beer.

She walked toward the front desk and smiled back:

“Oh, Loki seems to have had a bad relationship with a female star magician before, so he left a great psychological shadow.”

Lucy frowned:

“Is it?”

At this time, Xue Nai walked over and smiled slightly:

“You don’t have to worry about Loki, he’s always been so low in front of his master.”

When she saw her master coming, Lucy looked surprised:

“Snow sauce… Speaking of Loki’s relationship with Levi, it seems to be good, ah, it is really rare! ”

Supposedly, with Levi’s emotional intelligence.

Shouldn’t it be the male protagonist of “I have very few friends”?

His eyes narrowed into crescents, and Xue Nai nodded and smiled:

“Of course, because Loki was brought back to the guild by the master.”

Lucy exclaimed:


She then plans to dig deeper into Loki’s past.

However, Xue Nai was silent.

Signal Lucy not to gossip too much.

Especially if the person is still on the scene!

In desperation, Lucy could only withdraw her curiosity.

Then she put her eyes on the large bag of luggage on Xue’s shoulder and wondered:

“Are you going to go far away with Levi again?”

Yukino nodded and smiled:

“Well, go back to his hometown with your master.”


Suddenly, just then.

The door was slammed open by Marcus.

He gasped for breath and said urgently:

“No, no, Alyssa is back——!!”

Suddenly, the entire lobby was struck by lightning and exclaimed in unison:


Inside the guild, hundreds of members stopped their movements.

Their eyes were focused together on the gate.

Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch! ……

Listen to the heavy footsteps.

The crowd looked horrified:

“There can be no mistake with this breath!”

“It’s really Alyssa back!”

“Her steps are getting closer…”


Looking at the members of the Demon Tail, one by one, they looked scared.

Lucy couldn’t help but feel her heart beating faster.

You know, Elusa, the goblin queen.

Although he has been featured in the Weekly Magician.

But her picture was never published!

Combine this with the dull footsteps of an elephant running.

In Lucy’s mind, she couldn’t help but sketch a Godzilla-like dinosaur girl!

Soon, in her horrified gaze.

A huge shadow strides into the guild.

With a thud, a giant horn slammed into the wooden floor, making a crunching sound of wooden boards.

The silver armor shines brightly, and the dark color and waist-length hair flutter.

A heroic female magician.

Caught in Lucy’s eyes, she was a little stunned:

“Good, beautiful…”

The image of the dinosaur woman in my mind was shattered by reality.

Posture, heroic and extraordinary, proud of the frost…

Is this the queen of the goblins?

It’s really beautiful!


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