On a wide marble promenade.

Levi and Rob and the others turned back.

I saw Selene, who exuded the breath of the Dragon Clan, striding up.

He rubbed Levi’s head with his big hand and smiled proudly

“This kind of little devil is just a few accidents and a few monsters.”

Can you become a candidate for the Holy Ten in this way?

I’m sorry, I don’t want to be juxtaposed with a child!

I hope you will think carefully! ”

Li Wei flattened his face and said coldly:

“Hey, double ponytail, let me go of your hand.”

Hearing this, the smile on Selene’s face twitched a few times:

“Double! Pair! Double ponytail!? Oh, you little devil with a single ponytail really dare to say ah, I am a bun! Get it? Bun! ”

He pointed to the wing-like bun on the top of his head and explained carefully.

Then he rubbed Levi’s head:

“Isn’t the head of a child meant to be touched?” Well? Isn’t it? Hahaha…”


Levi punched backhand.

Beat him up hundreds of meters away.

Smashing deep into the granite wall opposite the promenade.

Countless rubble was scattered, and cracks spread like cobwebs!

“Stinky little devil… How dare you!! ”

Gritting his teeth and scolding, Selene’s ‘boo’ disappeared into place.

The walls collapsed.

A humanoid cannonball invisible to the naked eye, smashing at high speed!

The golden eyes froze slightly, and Li Wei also grabbed his left fist and smashed it!

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, at the moment when the two fists were about to collide.

Makarov’s right hand, which became as huge as a prime-aged man, slammed down Li Wei’s fist, and the air waves flew up.

Another eight-character gentleman who appeared out of thin air.

He also raised his left hand, opened an invisible barrier, and calmly took Selene’s heavy punch, rippled.

The black cloak fell, and the red-eyed count with dark purple hair stared at Selene with a serious face.

He shook the milk in the cup with his right hand and exhorted in a deep voice:

“Selene, do you want to tear down the Senate?”

Falling to the ground, Selene withdrew his fist and skimmed his lips:

“Hey, this kid moved first!”

Suddenly, two icy golden eyes swept in:

“You rubbed my head first to find out who provoked me first!”


Selene was furious, and he took a big stride, a horse stride.

He raised his fist in front of Levi and looked down at him with a proud face


“Just a single ponytail little ghost, I really don’t know the height of the sky!” Want to have a fight? ”

Li Wei punched his right palm with his left fist, proudly raised his chin, stared at Selene, and disdainfully said:

“Serve to the end! Just a double ponytail holy ten, look at what you can endure! ”

Soon, the head of the Holy Ten, Selene, about the strongest newcomer to the Battle Demon Tail, Li Wei, received news.

In the entire jury, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, everyone knows it!

Half an hour later.

Levi and Selene.

With the help of teleportation magic.

Came to a desolate valley somewhere a hundred kilometers away.

On the roof of the House of Representatives, the crowd watched the battle through a huge crystal ball.

At this time, an old tree man planted with green grasslands above his head, with his emerald robes fluttering, walked up on crutches:

“Oh, now the young man with the demon tail is still as vigorous as ever.”

Makarov took a half-step back on his side, a look of shock on his face:

“Lord Volod!? Are you also in the House of Representatives? ”

As one of the four people who started the Demon Tail Guild.

Volod Sinken, the fourth of the Holy Tenth, is also an old antique in the wizarding world.

The connections and prestige it has accumulated should not be underestimated.

The Magic Council indulges in demon-tailed foolishness.

There is also a part of it, which means to give this holy ten faces.

“Well, the Four Heavenly Kings have just had a meeting after a long absence.”

Volod squinted and smiled, then looked at Levi on the crystal ball and touched his chin

“Is this the new man named Levi?” Ah, it’s good to be young…”

With his hands rubbed, Makarov squinted with a smiling face:

“Yeah, huh, this kid often gets me into trouble.

I don’t even know what to do with him for good, alas…”

At the end of the conversation, he let out a long breath, and his face was haggard for several minutes.

“Well, you didn’t cause us any trouble in the first place.”

Volod patted him on the shoulder and said in a serious and comforting tone:

“Give the young man a little more tolerance, this child is less than ten years old, right?” When he grows up, he will know the difficulty of understanding us! ”

Makarov’s old face turned red:

“Uh, this, huh, okay, I get it.”

He smiled awkwardly, then nodded in response.

After all, he was also a super thorn in the day…

Later, he introduced Rob to Volod, and the two sides had a long-lost reminiscence.

And here, Crawford is with a group of judges, watching the battlefield reflected in the crystal ball.

Suddenly, the female assistant leaned into his ear and whispered:

“Speaker, someone has opened, do you want to make a bet too?”

Immediately, Crawford’s eyebrows fluttered for a moment, and then he asked in a low voice:

“What about the odds now?”

“Pressure Selene won 26.8 million J, pressure Levi won only 30,000 J!”

“That’s it…”

Crawford’s face suddenly became bored, and he waved his hand casually:

“Then you can just squeeze a hundred thousand J of Selene.”


The female assistant then went to a hidden corner to place a bet.

A frogman acts as a dealer.

There was a large number of people around who were placing bets.

But they all pressed Selene to win, and the piles of banknotes were almost all high!

And on Li Wei’s side, there are only poor three piles of banknotes….

Obviously, everyone didn’t think that Levi, a small child, could win the battle against Selene, the head of the Holy Ten!

That’s the artificial Dragon King with eight dragon crystals in his body!

The only exceptions were a few old men.

“I’ll symbolically press 500,000 J, huh.”

Smiling kindly, Volod pulled a few wads of cash from his cuffs and leaned over Levi’s handicap.

“Since Lord Volod is so generous, then I will also suppress 500,000.”

Makarov also followed the senior, pressing 500,000 J.

Moreover, he did not think that Levi would lose.

When he remembered the battle a month ago, he still had palpitations!

“I’m not as rich as you are, so I’ll press 50,000 J.”

Speaking out was Senator Yajima.

He was an oriental man with a small plate under his nose to brush his beard.

“Then I’ll press 10 million J!”

With that, Levi put down an IOU.

In an instant, countless stunned eyes were focused around them.

“How did you end up here!?”

Makarov exclaimed.

Isn’t this boy supposed to be with Selene in the Duel Valley?

Levi shrugged his shoulders and said:

“Didn’t you smell that you opened the market and hurried over to place a bet?”

Crowd: “…”

This can all be smelled, are you a dog?

At this time, the opening frogman said:

“Sorry, Mr. Levy, we only accept cash at the opening, and we don’t accept IOUs!”

Levi rolled his eyes:

“Well, are you still afraid that I won’t be able to slip away?” How can I say that I am also an S-class magician with a demon tail, is this little money? ”

The frogman was speechless.

Because you are the magician of the demon tail, I am afraid that you will slip away!

Looking at his reluctant face, Li Wei threw out an IOU:

“There’s also a Selene IOU, twenty million J, can’t you take it?”

Just now he reminded the double ponytail.

Selene asked how much Levi had bet.

The latter casually reported 10 million.

Selene simply doubled!

“Uh… Pick up! Pick it up! ”

Stunned, the frogman focused on the head.

He could not believe in the tail of the goblin, but the prestige of the head of the Holy Ten was still trustworthy.

And, if you don’t believe it, wait for Selene to catch him and stew the soup!

“It was good.”

With a faint smile, Li Wei disappeared in a flash, and countless wind rolls exploded around him.


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets

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