"I don't really understand. You obviously have the power to control the entire Teyvat, so why are you constantly helping some people grow?"

Fukaros sat on the ground, not feeling that the ground was too cool. She looked at Lin Mo with her puzzled eyes.

"The same goes for Funina, Chiori, and Linnet... After they become powerful with your help, I have no idea what you want to do?"

"Is it important what I want to do?"

Lin Mo also sat beside Fukalos, sitting under the giant sword with her, looking up at the prop she used to prepare for self-sacrifice.

"Just like no one knows that you and Funina have paid so much to save everyone in Fontaine, before the future you expect actually comes, who can say what you are planning?"

"You are always saying things that make no sense."

Fukaros chuckled.

"However, I still want to thank you for giving Furninna the power to protect herself."

"It's just some insignificant power. I like her very much and I know what happened in the past and what will happen in the future, so she deserves respect and all the good things in this world."

Fukaros supported his chin and looked at Lin Mo with a gentle look.

"It’s a pity that the child is not here now. If she heard these words, maybe she would fall in love with you, right?"

"Forget it."

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

"I helped her for some ulterior motive. I know who I am, so don't say such things, or I will feel guilty."


Fukaros looked at Lin Mo, with a smile in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you had lost this feeling."

"If I really lost my feelings, then I must be extremely disappointed with this world."

Lin Mo joked

"Well... that's right, I haven't seen you look disappointed yet."

Fukaros glanced at him and smiled.

"Mr. Stellius, can I borrow your shoulder?"


Lin Mo turned his head, saw the smile on her face, and turned back.

"It's up to you."

"Thank you, oh?"

Fukaros leaned his head on Lin Mo's shoulder without any hesitation.

"ah……"She was a little tired."Tell me, Mr. Stellius, Fontaine’s prophecy…is there any other way to avoid it?"

"You should have known the answer to this question a long time ago."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly.

"A prophecy is something that is destined to happen. No matter what form or reason, it will happen at the appointed time."

"How cunning, Mr. Stellius, isn't this the same as saying nothing?"

Fukaros's mouth curled up slightly.

It was precisely because she knew this that she sank to the bottom of the sea and thought for a long, long time, so long that even the clam shells began to spit bubbles, before she came to this conclusion and found a way to save Fontaine.

Only by gathering a powerful force and destroying the throne of the water god can the power of water be returned to Villette, the sins of the people of Fontaine be forgiven, and they can become real people and no longer be dissolved in the water of the original fetal sea.

Funina was outside, as a human being, she alone carried the responsibility of a god that did not belong to her for five hundred years, and in the oracle judgment cardinal, Fukaros also endured five hundred years of loneliness and solitude alone.

As long as one of them gives up halfway, Fontaine will usher in the end of destruction.

"Fukaros, are you really ready to face the end of being completely killed?"

Lin Mo asked her.

"Hmm?" Fukaros paused for a moment and smiled helplessly,"Even if I'm not ready, I will sacrifice myself, because I love the people of Fontaine, so I am willing to sacrifice my life for them."

"Even if they don’t know your efforts?"

"Even if they won't remember my efforts"

"Such great love, Fukaros"


Fukaros sighed and spoke a little embarrassedly.

"In fact, I still feel that I owe a lot to Funina... She is the most perfect human being in my opinion, but she is asked to bear the fate of everyone."

"Really, if I have the chance, I must thank her sincerely... If I have that chance"

"There will be that opportunity, Fukaros."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"I have made an agreement with others to save everything in Fontaine, including you and Funina."


Fukaros turned his head and looked at him meaningfully.

"Can you tell me who asked you to do this, or why, was it Furninna?"


Lin Mo smiled mysteriously.

"It's for myself."

Fukaros thought Lin Mo was deliberately hiding the answer.

"You aroused my interest, but you didn't tell me the conclusion, Stellius, you are really a sinful man."

"Um...is it because I'm too handsome?"

"How can someone be so narcissistic?" Fukaros chuckled,"But I have to admit that you are really handsome, right?"

"Well...if you really saved everything in Fontaine as you said, I want to ask, can I stay with you?"

Lin Mo looked at her unexpectedly.

"Why, you are attracted to me?"

"I guess so?" Fukaros said uncertainly,"It's a pity that I've been alone for five hundred years and I'm not sure what this feeling is."

"Then wait until you are sure what this feeling is."

Lin Mo stood up and stretched out his hand to Fukaros on the ground.

"I'm leaving"


Holding Lin Mo's hand, Fukaros stood up and nodded.

"Well... although it's a bit abrupt, Mr. Stellius, can you come and see me when you have time?"

She smiled like a flower, like the most beautiful treasure in the world.

"Even gods can feel lonely"

"You and Funina are exactly alike, Fukaros."

Lin Mo's mouth curled up slightly.

"Even the requirements are exactly the same."

"Is it not possible?"

"How could it be impossible?

He turned his back to her and waved his hand

"Well, see you next time, Fukaros."

After saying that, he left the Cardinal's Office.

Peace returned here again.

Fukaros watched him leave, but smiled and shook his head.

"A sinful man... Really, he is just a child who was born 500 years ago, but he suddenly broke into my life. How can I endure this loneliness in the future?"

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

She chuckled.

"I look forward to seeing you next time, Mr. Stellius."

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